Note: This is taken from the Chicken Wiki, where a more recent version could be available.
The svn-client egg is a wrapper around Subversion's libsvn_client library.
Right now we're working in cleaning up the API it exports to more closely ressemble the one in libsvn_client. We will document it as we progress (little point in documenting an interface we expect to change).
Using apr-1.2.7 in a Fedora Core 5 installation the compilation failed due to an error in this line.
/usr/local/www/include/apr-1/apr.h: typedef off64_t apr_off_t;
off64_t was replaced with long long and the egg compilation succeeded. There should be a better way to solve this. Adding -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE to the compilation line didn't work (the symbol off64_t didn't get defined).