Note: This is taken from the Chicken Wiki, where a more recent version could be available.
Facilities for parsing RFC 1739 Uniform Resource Locators & RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifiers.
(require-extension uri)
<procedure>(uri STRING [DEFAULT-URI])</procedure>
Parses the Uniform Resource Identifier (RFC 3986) STRING and returns a Uniform Resource Identifier object. Returns the DEFAULT-URI, if provided, when the parse fails, otherwise signals an error.
<procedure>(make-uri #!key SCHEME SPECIFIC FRAGMENT ...)</procedure>
Returns a Uniform Resource Identifier object from unencoded component arguments.
SCHEME maybe a symbol or string, in which case it is converted to a symbol.
SPECIFIC is scheme specific. The default is (AUTHORITY PATH QUERY).
FRAGMENT is a string.
... is scheme specific. The default scheme handler also accepts the keyword arguments #:AUTHORITY, #:PATH, and #:QUERY.
AUTHORITY is a list of (USERINFO HOST PORT) where USERINFO is a string "<username>:<password>", HOST is a string, and PORT is an integer. Any can be #f, indicating a missing item. Authority can also be a string, in which case it is parsed into a list form.
PATH maybe a list of ([DIRECTORY ...] BASENAME) where DIRECTORY and BASENAME are strings, or a string, in which case it is parsed into a path-list (also known as a "split path").
QUERY is an association list where the key is a string and the value is any object. Query can also be a string, in which case it is parsed into an association list.
<procedure>(*make-uri SCHEME SPECIFIC FRAGMENT ...)</procedure>
Returns a Uniform Resource Identifier object from unencoded component arguments.
SCHEME is a symbol.
SPECIFIC is scheme specific.
FRAGMENT is a string.
... is scheme specific.
<procedure>(uri-scheme URI)</procedure>
SCHEME is a symbol.
<procedure>(uri-specific URI)</procedure>
SPECIFIC is scheme specific. Default is a list - ((uri-authority uri) (uri-path uri) (uri-query uri)).
<procedure>(uri-fragment URI)</procedure>
FRAGMENT is a string.
<procedure>(uri-authority URI)</procedure>
AUTHORITY is a list of (USERINFO HOST PORT) where USERINFO is a string "<username>:<password>", HOST is a string, and PORT is an integer.
<procedure>(uri-userinfo URI)</procedure>
USERINFO is a two value return of USERNAME and PASSWORD.
<procedure>(uri-username URI)</procedure>
USERNAME is a string.
<procedure>(uri-password URI)</procedure>
PASSWORD is a string.
<procedure>(uri-host URI)</procedure>
HOST is a string.
<procedure>(uri-port URI)</procedure>
PORT is an integer.
<procedure>(uri-path URI)</procedure>
PATH is a list of ([directory ...] basename) where directory and basename are strings.
<procedure>(uri-query URI)</procedure>
QUERY is an association list where the key is a string and the value is any object. Any can be #f, indicating a missing item.
A null string, "", indicates a root element.
An AUTHORITY of (#f "" #f) means missing USERINFO, missing PORT, and the "root" HOST or "localhost". In this case the actual host was missing from the source URI string, as in "file:///usr/local/share/chicken/doc/chicken.html#Index".
<procedure>(uri? X)</procedure>
Returns #t if X is an URI object, or #f otherwise.
<parameter>(uri-missing-query-value [X])</parameter>
Gets or sets the object used for a query value when none is supplied. Default is #t.
<parameter>(uri-rfc3986-strict [X])</parameter>
Gets or sets the strict standard parsing flag. Default is #t.
Currently this only effects the precedence of authority over path with an ambiguous uri. When #t the path component has precedence.
<procedure>(uri-scheme-symbol STRING [PARSE?])</procedure>
Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (RFC 3986) scheme component from STRING as a symbol with a lower-case printname, or #f if none present.
PARSE? is a flag indicating whether the STRING is an encoded URI, #t, or should be treated monolithically, #f. The default is #f.
<procedure>(uri-path-null? URI)</procedure>
Is the path component of the URI "null"?
Null here is defined as a PATH-LIST equal to either #f, '(), or '("").
<procedure>(uri->string URI)</procedure>
Returns the URI encoded string form of the URI object.
Any query component values are converted to a string before the query component string form is built.
<procedure>(uri->list STRING [BASIS])</procedure>
Returns a decoded list form - (scheme specific fragment ...).
STRING is a Uniform Resource Identifier (RFC 3986).
BASIS is either a decoded list form, as above, or a Uniform Resource Identifier string. A URI is converted to a decoded list form.
<procedure>(list->uri LIST)</procedure>
Returns a uri object for the decoded list form.
LIST - unencoded (scheme specific fragment ...).
<procedure>(uri-split-path PATH)</procedure>
Returns the "rooted" list form of the string form PATH.
<procedure>(uri-split-path-null? PATH-LIST)</procedure>
Is the PATH-LIST "null"?
Null here is defined as a PATH-LIST equal to either #f, '(), or '("").
<procedure>(uri-encode-split-path PATH-LIST)</procedure>
Returns a URI string combining the components of PATH-LIST.
<procedure>(uri-decode-split-path PATH-LIST [BASE-PATH-LIST])</procedure>
Returns a path-list from the encoded PATH-LIST, with optional BASE-PATH-LIST.
The optional BASE-PATH-LIST is used as the base address for relative paths.
<procedure>(uri-decode-path PATH [BASE-PATH-LIST])</procedure>
Returns a list path from the string PATH, with optional BASE-PATH-LIST.
The optional BASE-PATH-LIST is used as the base address for relative paths.
<procedure>(uri-encode-query QUERY-ALIST [MISSING])</procedure>
Converts a QUERY-ALIST to a URI encoded query-string.
MISSING is the value for a "valueless" key. Default is (uri-missing-query-value). When the value for a key in the QUERY-ALIST is eqv? MISSING then only the key is appended to the result string.
<procedure>(uri-decode-query QUERY-STRING [MISSING])</procedure>
Converts a URI encoded QUERY-STRING to a query-alist.
MISSING is the value for a "valueless" key. Default is (uri-missing-query-value).
<procedure>(uri-encode URI-COMPONENT [ALLOWED ...])</procedure>
Returns a copy of the string URI-COMPONENT in which all unsafe octets (as defined in RFC 3986) have been `%' escaped.
uri-decode decodes strings encoded by uri-encode.
ALLOWED is either a procedure of one character parameter, a string, or a character. A match means the character is not encoded.
ALPHA | DIGIT | "-" | "." | "_" | "~" are always allowed.
Line break (CRLF | LFCR) is mapped to "%0D%0A".
<procedure>(uri-decode URI-COMPONENT)</procedure>
Returns a copy of the string URI-COMPONENT in which each `%' escaped characters in URI-component is replaced with the character it encodes. This routine is useful for showing URI contents on error pages.
<procedure>(absolute-uri? STRING)</procedure>
Returns #t if STRING is an absolute URI as indicated by a syntactically valid (per RFC 3986) scheme; otherwise returns #f.
<procedure>(pathname->uri PATHNAME)</procedure>
Returns a URI-string for PATHNAME on the local host.
<procedure>(uri-new-scheme-specific SCHEME #!key FIELDER PARSER MAKER ENCODER DECODER DATA ASSOCIATIONS)</procedure>
Sets the scheme specific handler (class) for SCHEME.
SCHEME is a Uniform Resource Identifier (RFC 3986) scheme component represented as a symbol.
FIELDER value is a procedure: (SYMBOL #!rest -> OBJECT). Taking a uri field component key and optional arguments. Returns the field component value or (void) when no such field. The field keys scheme, specific, and fragment are builtin. Corresponding to the same named fields of the uri record object.
MAKER value is a procedure: (URI SYMBOL OBJECT OBJECT [#!rest ...] -> URI). Taking a URI record object, constructed from the next 3 arguments, the <SCHEME>, <SPECIFIC>, and <FRAGMENT> components of a URI, plus optional arguments. Returns a URI record object. The default is a procedure that just returns its' first argument.
PARSER value is a procedure: (#:SCHEME #:SPECIFIC #:FRAGMENT [#!key ...] -> LIST). Taking keyword arguments. Returns a list of the parsed components - (<scheme> <specific> <fragment> ...).
DECODER value is a procedure: (STRING LIST -> LIST). Taking a encoded string from of a uri, and a parsed components list, known as the BASIS (which maybe #f). Returns the parsed components - (<scheme> <specific> <fragment> ...).
ENCODER value is a procedure: (URI -> STRING). Taking a uri record object. Returns the encoded form of the uri as a string.
DATA value is scheme specific initial data. Default is unspecified.
ASSOCIATIONS value is an association-list of scheme specific operation procedures. Default is (). The alist must be composed of pairs of the form (<symbol> . <procedure>). Any arguments are passed to the procedure.
Note that the argument list for the make procedure has the same components and order as the list of parsed components returned by the parse and decode procedures. This is not a coincidence.
The uri record object accessors uri$scheme-set!, uri$specific-set!, uri$fragment-set!, uri$scheme-class, uri$scheme-class-set!, uri$scheme-data, and uri$scheme-data-set! are available for unrestricted access. Use at your own risk.
There is a default scheme handler used when a scheme specific handler cannot be found. Please see the source code file "uri.scm" for more information.
A scheme specific class is implemented as a dispatcher on its' first argument, which is a symbol. The symbols field, make, parse, decode, encode, data, and name are reserved.
<procedure>(uri->tree URI-STR [BASE-TREE]) DEPRECATED</procedure>
(let ([lst (uri->list uri-str (and base-tree `(,(first base-tree) (,(second base-tree) ,(third base-tree) ,(fourth base-tree)) ,(fifth base-tree))))]) `(,(first lst) ,@(second lst) ,(third lst)) )
Returns a list of 5 elements corresponding to the parts (scheme authority path query fragment) of string URI-STR. Elements corresponding to absent parts are #f.
The path is a list of strings. If the first string is empty, then the path is absolute; otherwise relative. The optional BASE-TREE is a tree as returned by uri->tree; and is used as the base address for relative URIs.
If the authority component is a Server-based Naming Authority, then it is a list of the userinfo, host, and port strings (or #f). For other types of authority components the authority will be a string.
(uri->tree "") => (http (#f "" 80) ("" "pub" "ietf" "uri" "") #f #f "Related")
<procedure>(uri-scheme-specific URI) DEPRECATED</procedure>
Use (uri-specific URI).
<procedure>(uri-make-path PATH-LIST) DEPRECATED</procedure>
Use uri-encode-split-path.
Returns a URI string combining the components of PATH-LIST.
<procedure>(uri-split-fields STR CHR) DEPRECATED</procedure>
Use unit extras string-split.
Returns a list of STR split at each occurrence of CHR. CHR does not appear in the returned list of strings.
<procedure>(uri-path->keys PATH-LIST PTYPES) DEPRECATED</procedure>
Use uri-decode-split-path and coerce egg coerce-all.
PATH-LIST is a path-list as returned by uri-split-fields. uri-path->keys returns a list of items coerced to types PTYPES.
<procedure>(path->uri PATH) DEPRECATED</procedure>
Use pathname->uri.
Returns a URI-string for PATH on the local host.
<procedure>(absolute-path? FILE-NAME) DEPRECATED</procedure>
Use utils unit absolute-pathname?.
Returns #t if FILE-NAME is a fully specified pathname (does not depend on the current working directory); otherwise returns #f.
<procedure>(null-directory? STRING) DEPRECATED</procedure>
Use utils unit directory-null?.
Returns #t if changing directory to STRING would leave the current directory unchanged; otherwise returns #f.
<procedure>(glob-pattern? STRING) DEPRECATED</procedure>
Use regex unit glob?.
Returns #t if the string STRING contains characters used for specifying glob patterns, namely #\*, #\?, and #\[.
(require-extension ftp-parse)
Before RFC 2396, the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) served a purpose similar to a URL.
<procedure>(parse-ftp-address URI)</procedure>
Returns a list of the decoded FTP URI; or #f if indecipherable. FTP Uniform Resource Locator, ange-ftp, and getit formats are handled. The returned list has four elements which are strings or #f:
Fails a number of URI parsing tests.
Portions Copyright 2007 Kon Lovett All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
Portions Copyright 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001 Aubrey Jaffer Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it, to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings. 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice in full. 2. I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. 3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in each case.