Note: This is taken from the Chicken Wiki, where a more recent version could be available.
Web-scheme is a Chicken Scheme extension which implements a web programming language based on Scheme. It can be used with the spiffy web server to generate programmable dynamic web pages.
Web-scheme basically implements all HTML tags as Scheme procedures (see note below), so you can format your pages just like you'd do with HTML, but using the Scheme syntax and having the possibility of using the Chicken Scheme's features for programming. Additionaly, it provides some (hopefuly) useful procedures and macros to ease the formatting of web pages. A special case regarding to HTML tags as Scheme procedures is HTML attributes which don't take a value, e.g., the multiple attribute, which can be used, for exemple, in the <select> tag. In this special case, web-scheme requires a boolean (usually #t) as a value to the attribute.
The procedures defined by web-scheme to generate HTML tags are named according to tag names. So, the procedure which generates the blockquote tag is called blockquote. There are exceptions, however: ws:select and ws:map not to clash with common Scheme names.
You can either use web-scheme as a programming language for generating dynamic web pages with spiffy or for generating static HTML pages which can be used with any other web server.
From version 1.50, spiffy interprets files with .ws suffix as web-scheme files. So, to make dynamic web pages with web-scheme, just use it as if you were making a regular Scheme program. From version 3.0, spiffy uses web-scheme as a special handler (see for further details).
The Emacs-Lisp file web-scheme.el provides a few helpful commands to simplify escaping quotes and slashes (i.e., inside pre tags).
Besides providing HTML tags as procedures, web-scheme provides the procedures, macros, variables and parameters you can see on the next section.
Creates an HTML page containing CONTENTS (a string). Keywords arguments may be used to customize the page.
ADDITIONAL-HEADERS is a string containg additional headers to be inserted in the (header ...) tag (default = "").
PAGE-TITLE is the title of the generated page (to be used in the (title ...)) tag (default = "").
CSS-FILE may be either a path to a Cascading Style Sheet file, to be linked fom the generated page (the default value is #f, so no CSS is used) or a list of paths to CSS files. If a list of paths is used, the elements which are also lists are read and inlined into the generated page. Example: css-file: '("css1.css" ("css2.css")). In the example, css1.css would be linked from the generated page (using the link tag) and css2.css would be inlined into the generated page (e.g., web-scheme would read the css2.css file and inline its contents in the HTML code).
DOCTYPE specifies the document type of the generated page. The default value is doctype:html-4.01-strict. The possible values are the ones available from the doctype egg.
CHARSET specifies the default charset to be used in the corresponding meta tag of the document. The default value is iso-8859-1.
BODY-ATTRIBS is a list of attributes and their values to be used in the body tag.
procedure: (ws:make-table TABLE . ARGS)
Creates an HTML table. TABLE is a list of lists. Each sub-list element from TABLE is representative of a table row, with the requirement that each row element have a string representation when ->string is automatically applied to it. ARGS are keyword arguments. ws:make-table understands the following arguments:
procedure: (ws:table-colorizer ID-EVEN ID-ODD)
Returns a procedure to colorize table lines. To be used by the line-format keyword argument of ws:make-table. ID-EVEN and ID-ODD are values for the id attribute of div tags used to format the lines.
procedure: (ws:itemize ITEMS . ARGS)
Creates an unordered list of ITEMS. ITEMS is a list of items having a string representation (->string is applied). ARGS are keyword arguments. ws:itemize understands the following arguments:
procedure: (ws:enumerate ITEMS . ARGS)
Creates an ordered list of ITEMS. ITEMS is a list of items having a string representation (->string is applied). ARGS are keyword arguments. ws:enumerate understands the following arguments:
procedure: (ws:mailto ADDRESS #!optional OBFUSCATION-FUNCTION)
Creates a link to an e-mail address ADDRESS. The optional parameter OBFUSCATION-FUNCTION is a one-argument procedure which formats the e-mail address in order to obfuscate it (against spam).
The following obfuscation functions are available:
variable: ws:blank
Produces an HTML whitespace.
procedure: (ws:vspace #!optional UNITS)
Generates an HTML vertical space by creating empty paragraphs. UNITS determines the length of the space.
procedure: (ws:hspace #!optional UNITS)
Generates an HTML horizontal space by inserting whitespaces. UNITS determines the length of the space.
procedure: (ws:load FILE)
Loads FILE. FILE can be a path relative to the current working directory (uses spiffy's (current-workdir and load).
procedure: (ws:text-only-made-with)
Generates a text only made with web-scheme logo.
procedure: (ws:made-with #!optional logo)
Generates a graphical made with web-scheme logo. if LOGO (an image file) is not provided, the one at is used.
parameter: ws:check-html-syntax
If set to #t web-scheme checks if the attributes used for HTML tags are ok and generates a commented warning on the HTML page. Default is #f.
parameter: ws:human-readable-html
If set to #t, web-scheme produces HTML code which is (hopefully) readable by humans. If #f, no effort is made to generate human-readable HTML. Default is #t.
parameter: ws:use-entities-translation
Translate special symbols into HTML entities (e.g., รก becomes á). If no argument is provided, no translation is performed. Currently translation is only available for iso-8859-1 symbols (e.g., (ws:use-entities-translation 'iso-8859-1)).
procedure: (ws:iso-8859-1->html-entities text)
Converts iso-8859-1 text TEXT to HTML entities.
macro: (ws:with-get-vars VARLIST BODY)
Binds all the HTTP GET method's variables listed in VARLIST to Scheme variables. If a listed variable is not available from the GET method, it's bound to #f in Scheme.
(define (beavis&butthead) (ws:with-get-vars (beavis butthead) (ws:itemize (list (or beavis "no beavis") (or butthead "no butthead")))))
macro: (ws:with-post-vars VARLIST BODY)
The same as ws:with-get-vars, but for HTTP POST method variables.
macro: (ws:with-post/get-vars VARLIST BODY)
The same as ws:with-get-vars and ws:with-get-vars, but first try to bind HTTP POST method variables, then GET.
variable: ws:http-vars
Variable which is bound to the list of the variables names (as strings) from the latest invocation of ws:with-post-vars or ws:with-get-vars. It's convenient to use with post-var and get-var from the spiffy-utils extension.
(ws:with-post-vars (name address city) (ws:make-table (map (lambda (var) (list var (post-var var))) ws:http-vars)))
parameter: ws:debug-file
A parameter which indicates the file where debugging messages are written. #f (default) means no debugging.
procedure: (ws:debug . msgs)
Write debugging information (MSGS) to the file configured by the ws:debug-file parameter.
This software is licensed under the BSD license.
Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007 Mario Domenech Goulart. All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.