~ chicken-core (chicken-5) 0425b20986a049217c599870f7eed70c45cb3071

commit 0425b20986a049217c599870f7eed70c45cb3071
Author:     Peter Bex <peter.bex@xs4all.nl>
AuthorDate: Wed Nov 28 23:57:10 2012 +0100
Commit:     Christian Kellermann <ckeen@pestilenz.org>
CommitDate: Sat Dec 1 18:33:17 2012 +0100

    Irregex: Fixing folds on conditional begin patterns which aren't treated as searchers. This is the final fix for #686 and synchronizes with upstream version 0.9.2 (upstream changesets 01058fc79a16 and fad713187dbb)
    Signed-off-by: Christian Kellermann <ckeen@pestilenz.org>

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 4ff324f1..719b96d2 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 - Core libraries
   - Fixed EINTR handling in process-wait and when reading from file ports.
-  - Irregex is updated to 0.9.1, which includes bugfixes and faster submatches.
+  - Irregex is updated to 0.9.2, which includes bugfixes and faster submatches.
diff --git a/irregex-core.scm b/irregex-core.scm
index c83f8906..c0886655 100644
--- a/irregex-core.scm
+++ b/irregex-core.scm
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 ;;;; History
+;; 0.9.2: 2012/11/29 - fixed a bug in -fold on conditional bos patterns
 ;; 0.9.1: 2012/11/27 - various accumulated bugfixes
 ;; 0.9.0: 2012/06/03 - Using tags for match extraction from Peter Bex.
 ;; 0.8.3: 2011/12/18 - various accumulated bugfixes
@@ -1954,11 +1955,11 @@
          (i (if (pair? o) (car o) ((chunker-get-start cnk) src))))
     (if (not (integer? i)) (%irregex-error 'irregex-search "not an integer" i))
     (irregex-match-chunker-set! matches cnk)
-    (irregex-search/matches irx cnk src i matches)))
+    (irregex-search/matches irx cnk (cons src i) src i matches)))
 ;; internal routine, can be used in loops to avoid reallocating the
 ;; match vector
-(define (irregex-search/matches irx cnk src i matches)
+(define (irregex-search/matches irx cnk init src i matches)
    ((irregex-dfa irx)
@@ -1992,16 +1993,15 @@
-    (let ((res (irregex-search/backtrack irx cnk src i matches)))
+    (let ((res (irregex-search/backtrack irx cnk init src i matches)))
       (if res (%irregex-match-fail-set! res #f))
-(define (irregex-search/backtrack irx cnk src i matches)
+(define (irregex-search/backtrack irx cnk init src i matches)
   (let ((matcher (irregex-nfa irx))
         (str ((chunker-get-str cnk) src))
         (end ((chunker-get-end cnk) src))
-        (get-next (chunker-get-next cnk))
-        (init (cons src i)))
+        (get-next (chunker-get-next cnk)))
     (if (flag-set? (irregex-flags irx) ~searcher?)
         (matcher cnk init src str i end matches (lambda () #f))
         (let lp ((src2 src)
@@ -3811,35 +3811,38 @@
          (start (if (and (pair? o) (pair? (cdr o))) (cadr o) 0))
          (end (if (and (pair? o) (pair? (cdr o)) (pair? (cddr o)))
                   (caddr o)
-                  (string-length str))))
+                  (string-length str)))
+         (init-src (list str start end))
+         (init (cons init-src start)))
     (if (not (and (integer? start) (exact? start)))
         (%irregex-error 'irregex-fold "not an exact integer" start))
     (if (not (and (integer? end) (exact? end)))
         (%irregex-error 'irregex-fold "not an exact integer" end))
     (irregex-match-chunker-set! matches irregex-basic-string-chunker)
-    (let lp ((i start) (acc knil))
+    (let lp ((src init-src) (i start) (acc knil))
       (if (>= i end)
           (finish i acc)
           (let ((m (irregex-search/matches
-                    (list str i end)
+                    init
+                    src
             (if (not m)
                 (finish i acc)
-                (let ((end (%irregex-match-end-index m 0)))
-                  (if (= end i)
+                (let ((j (%irregex-match-end-index m 0)))
+                  (if (= j i)
                       ;; skip one char forward if we match the empty string
-                      (lp (+ end 1) acc)
+                      (lp (list str (+ j 1) end) (+ j 1) acc)
                       (let ((acc (kons i m acc)))
                         (irregex-reset-matches! matches)
                         ;; no need to continue looping if this is a
                         ;; searcher - it's already consumed the only
                         ;; available match
                         (if (flag-set? (irregex-flags irx) ~searcher?)
-                            (finish end acc)
-                            (lp end acc)))))))))))
+                            (finish j acc)
+                            (lp (list str j end) j acc)))))))))))
 (define (irregex-fold irx kons . args)
   (if (not (procedure? kons)) (%irregex-error 'irregex-fold "not a procedure" kons))
@@ -3852,13 +3855,14 @@
          (finish (or (and (pair? o) (car o)) (lambda (src i acc) acc)))
          (i (if (and (pair? o) (pair? (cdr o)))
                 (cadr o)
-                ((chunker-get-start cnk) start))))
+                ((chunker-get-start cnk) start)))
+         (init (cons start i)))
     (if (not (integer? i)) (%irregex-error 'irregex-fold/chunked "not an integer" i))
     (irregex-match-chunker-set! matches cnk)
     (let lp ((start start) (i i) (acc knil))
       (if (not start)
           (finish start i acc)
-          (let ((m (irregex-search/matches irx cnk start i matches)))
+          (let ((m (irregex-search/matches irx cnk init start i matches)))
             (if (not m)
                 (finish start i acc)
                 (let ((end-src (%irregex-match-end-chunk m 0))
diff --git a/tests/test-irregex.scm b/tests/test-irregex.scm
index 7440e186..d2754218 100644
--- a/tests/test-irregex.scm
+++ b/tests/test-irregex.scm
@@ -375,6 +375,18 @@
   (test-equal "***x***"
        (irregex '(: #\space) 'dfa) "   x   " "*"))
+  (test-equal "xaac"
+      (irregex-replace/all
+       (irregex '(or (seq bos "a") (seq bos "b")) 'backtrack) "aaac" "x"))
+  (test-equal "xaac"
+      (irregex-replace/all
+       (irregex '(or (seq bos "a") (seq bos "b")) 'dfa) "aaac" "x"))
+  (test-equal "xaac"
+      (irregex-replace/all (irregex '(or (seq bos "a") "b") 'backtrack)
+                           "aaac" "x"))
+  (test-equal "xaac"
+      (irregex-replace/all (irregex '(or (seq bos "a") "b") 'dfa)
+                           "aaac" "x"))
diff --git a/types.db b/types.db
index da45786e..ede5fa3d 100644
--- a/types.db
+++ b/types.db
@@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@
 (irregex-replace/all (#(procedure #:enforce) irregex-replace/all (* string #!rest) string))
 (irregex-reset-matches! (procedure irregex-reset-matches! (*) *))
 (irregex-search (#(procedure #:enforce) irregex-search (* string #!optional fixnum fixnum) *))
-(irregex-search/matches (#(procedure #:enforce) irregex-search/matches (* string fixnum fixnum *) *))
+(irregex-search/matches (#(procedure #:enforce) irregex-search/matches (* string * fixnum fixnum *) *))
 (irregex-split (#(procedure #:enforce) irregex-split (* string #!optional fixnum fixnum) list))
 (irregex-search/chunked (#(procedure #:enforce) irregex-search/chunked (* procedure * #!optional fixnum fixnum *) *))