~ chicken-core (chicken-5) 0cc55fe1d91af124b64644ea7fd9a82cd4712e52

commit 0cc55fe1d91af124b64644ea7fd9a82cd4712e52
Author:     felix <felix@y.(none)>
AuthorDate: Sat Jul 10 11:44:12 2010 +0200
Commit:     felix <felix@y.(none)>
CommitDate: Sat Jul 10 11:44:12 2010 +0200

    file-type got new additional arg; file-type predicates return #f if file does not exist (thanks to zbigniew)

diff --git a/manual/Unit posix b/manual/Unit posix
index 63fb5add..8e26668a 100644
--- a/manual/Unit posix	
+++ b/manual/Unit posix	
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ return an inexact integer.
 <procedure>(regular-file? FILENAME)</procedure>
-Returns true, if {{FILENAME}} names a regular file (not a directory or symbolic link).
+Returns true, if {{FILENAME}} names a regular file.
 ==== file-owner
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ write or execute permissions on the file named {{FILENAME}}.
 ==== file-type
-<procedure>(file-type FILE [LINK])</procedure>
+<procedure>(file-type FILE [LINK [ERROR]])</procedure>
 Returns the file-type for {{FILE}}, which should be a filename or
 file-descriptor. If {{LINK}} is given and true, symbolic-links are
@@ -467,7 +467,9 @@ not followed:
-Note that not all types are supported on every platform.
+Note that not all types are supported on every platform. 
+If {{ERROR}} is given and false, {{file-type}} signals an
+error if the file does not exist.
 ==== character-device?
@@ -480,6 +482,8 @@ Note that not all types are supported on every platform.
 These procedures return {{#t}} if {{FILE}} given is of the 
 appropriate type. {{FILE}} may be a filename or a file-descriptor.
+Note that these operations follow symbolic links. If the file does
+not exist, {{#f}} is returned.
 === Changing file attributes
@@ -654,7 +658,8 @@ the session ID.
 <procedure>(symbolic-link? FILENAME)</procedure>
-Returns true, if {{FILENAME}} names a symbolic link.
+Returns true, if {{FILENAME}} names a symbolic link. If no such file exists, {{#f}}
+is returned.
 ==== create-symbolic-link
diff --git a/posix-common.scm b/posix-common.scm
index b415879d..55f9f488 100644
--- a/posix-common.scm
+++ b/posix-common.scm
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ EOF
 (stat-mode S_IFSOCK)
 (stat-mode S_IFIFO)
-(define (##sys#stat file link loc)
+(define (##sys#stat file link err loc)
   (let ((r (cond ((fixnum? file) (##core#inline "C_fstat" file))
                  ((string? file)
                   (let ((path (##sys#make-c-string
@@ -110,11 +110,14 @@ EOF
 		   #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a fixnum or string" file)) ) ) )
-    (when (fx< r 0)
-      (posix-error #:file-error loc "cannot access file" file) ) ) )
+    (if (fx< r 0)
+	(if err
+	    (posix-error #:file-error loc "cannot access file" file) 
+	    #f)
+	#t)))
 (define (file-stat f #!optional link)
-  (##sys#stat f link 'file-stat)
+  (##sys#stat f link #t 'file-stat)
   (vector _stat_st_ino _stat_st_mode _stat_st_nlink
           _stat_st_uid _stat_st_gid _stat_st_size
           _stat_st_atime _stat_st_ctime _stat_st_mtime
@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ EOF
 (define file-modification-time
    (lambda (f)
-     (##sys#stat f #f 'file-modification-time) _stat_st_mtime)
+     (##sys#stat f #f #t 'file-modification-time) _stat_st_mtime)
    (lambda (f t)
      (##sys#check-number t 'set-file-modification-time)
      (let ((r ((foreign-lambda int "set_file_mtime" c-string scheme-object)
@@ -135,43 +138,43 @@ EOF
 	  "cannot set file modification-time" f t))))
    "(file-modification-time f)"))
-(define (file-access-time f) (##sys#stat f #f 'file-access-time) _stat_st_atime)
-(define (file-change-time f) (##sys#stat f #f 'file-change-time) _stat_st_ctime)
-(define (file-owner f) (##sys#stat f #f 'file-owner) _stat_st_uid)
-(define (file-permissions f) (##sys#stat f #f 'file-permissions) _stat_st_mode)
-(define (file-size f) (##sys#stat f #f 'file-size) _stat_st_size)
-(define (file-type file #!optional link)
-  (##sys#stat file link 'file-type)
-  (select (foreign-value "C_stat_type" unsigned-int)
-    ((S_IFLNK) 'symbolic-link)
-    ((S_IFDIR) 'directory)
-    ((S_IFCHR) 'character-device)
-    ((S_IFBLK) 'block-device)
-    ((S_IFIFO) 'fifo)
-    ((S_IFSOCK) 'socket)
-    (else 'regular-file)))
+(define (file-access-time f) (##sys#stat f #f #t 'file-access-time) _stat_st_atime)
+(define (file-change-time f) (##sys#stat f #f #t 'file-change-time) _stat_st_ctime)
+(define (file-owner f) (##sys#stat f #f #t 'file-owner) _stat_st_uid)
+(define (file-permissions f) (##sys#stat f #f #t 'file-permissions) _stat_st_mode)
+(define (file-size f) (##sys#stat f #f #t 'file-size) _stat_st_size)
+(define (file-type file #!optional link (err #t))
+  (and (##sys#stat file link err 'file-type)
+       (select (foreign-value "C_stat_type" unsigned-int)
+	 ((S_IFLNK) 'symbolic-link)
+	 ((S_IFDIR) 'directory)
+	 ((S_IFCHR) 'character-device)
+	 ((S_IFBLK) 'block-device)
+	 ((S_IFIFO) 'fifo)
+	 ((S_IFSOCK) 'socket)
+	 (else 'regular-file))))
 (define (regular-file? file)
-  (eq? 'regular-file (file-type file)))
+  (eq? 'regular-file (file-type file #f #f)))
 (define (symbolic-link? file)
-  (eq? 'symbolic-link (file-type file)))
+  (eq? 'symbolic-link (file-type file #t #f)))
 (define (block-device? file)
-  (eq? 'block-device (file-type file)))
+  (eq? 'block-device (file-type file #f #f)))
 (define (character-device? file)
-  (eq? 'character-device (file-type file)))
+  (eq? 'character-device (file-type file #f #f)))
 (define (fifo? file)
-  (eq? 'fifo (file-type file)))
+  (eq? 'fifo (file-type file #f #f)))
 (define (socket? file)
-  (eq? 'socket (file-type file)))
+  (eq? 'socket (file-type file #f #f)))
 (define (directory? file)
-  (eq? 'directory (file-type file)))
+  (eq? 'directory (file-type file #f #f)))
 ;;; Set or get current directory:
diff --git a/types.db b/types.db
index 9d912072..b1a5cb19 100644
--- a/types.db
+++ b/types.db
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@
 (file-stat (procedure file-stat ((or string fixnum) #!optional *) vector))
 (file-test-lock (procedure file-test-lock (port fixnum #!optional *) boolean))
 (file-truncate (procedure file-truncate ((or string fixnum) fixnum) undefined))
-(file-type (procedure ((or string fixnum) #!optional *) symbol))
+(file-type (procedure ((or string fixnum) #!optional * *) symbol))
 (file-unlock (procedure file-unlock ((struct lock)) undefined))
 (file-write (procedure file-write (fixnum * #!optional fixnum) fixnum))
 (file-write-access? (procedure file-write-access? (string) boolean))