~ chicken-core (chicken-5) 8fad80cf0fc99b2718575b3b4445119c253c2324

commit 8fad80cf0fc99b2718575b3b4445119c253c2324
Author:     felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>
AuthorDate: Mon Feb 15 17:18:35 2010 +0100
Commit:     felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>
CommitDate: Mon Feb 15 17:18:35 2010 +0100

    deprecated glob\?, added scan-lines

diff --git a/manual/Unit regex b/manual/Unit regex
index 5872fe49..e68cfc33 100644
--- a/manual/Unit regex	
+++ b/manual/Unit regex	
@@ -57,16 +57,6 @@ Converts the file-pattern {{PATTERN}} into a regular expression.
-=== glob?
-<procedure>(glob? STRING)</procedure>
-Does the {{STRING}} have any "glob" wildcards?
-A string without any "glob" wildcards does not meet the criteria,
-even though it technically is a valid "glob" file-pattern.
 === regexp
 <procedure>(regexp STRING [IGNORECASE [IGNORESPACE [UTF8]]])</procedure>
diff --git a/manual/Unit utils b/manual/Unit utils
index 20d581bb..e2b693b5 100644
--- a/manual/Unit utils	
+++ b/manual/Unit utils	
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ A parameter that holds a list of default options that should be given
 to {{csc}} after invocation of the {{compile-file}} procedure. 
 The initial default options are {{-scrutinize -O2 -d2}}.
 === Shell argument quoting
 ==== qs
@@ -94,6 +95,18 @@ is simply enclosed in double-quote ({{"}}) characters, on UNIXish systems,
 characters that would have a special meaning to the shell are escaped
 using backslash ({{\}}).
+=== Scanning through an input port
+==== scan-lines
+<procedure>(scan-lines REGEXP [PORT])</procedure>
+Reads lines from {{PORT}} (defaults to the result of {{(current-input-port)}})
+using {{read-line}} and returns the result of {{(string-search REGEXP LINE)}},
+if the match succeeds. If no match could be found, {{#f}} is returned.
 Previous: [[Unit posix]]
 Next: [[Unit tcp]]
diff --git a/regex.scm b/regex.scm
index 95151252..88f703f9 100644
--- a/regex.scm
+++ b/regex.scm
@@ -245,8 +245,7 @@
 ;;; Glob support:
-;FIXME is it worthwhile making this accurate?
-(define (glob? str)
+(define (glob? str)			; DEPRECATED
   (##sys#check-string str 'glob?)
   (let loop ([idx (fx- (string-length str) 1)])
     (and (fx<= 0 idx)
@@ -295,17 +294,19 @@
 ;;; Grep-like function on list:
 (define grep
-  (let ((string-search string-search))
+  (let ((string-search string-search)
+	(regexp regexp))
     (lambda (rx lst #!optional (acc (lambda (x) x)))
       (##sys#check-list lst 'grep)
-      (let loop ((lst lst))
-	(if (null? lst)
-	    '()
-	    (let ((x (##sys#slot lst 0))
-		  (r (##sys#slot lst 1)) )
-	      (if (string-search rx (acc x))
-		  (cons x (loop r))
-		  (loop r) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+      (let ((rx (regexp rx)))
+	(let loop ((lst lst))
+	  (if (null? lst)
+	      '()
+	      (let ((x (##sys#slot lst 0))
+		    (r (##sys#slot lst 1)) )
+		(if (string-search rx (acc x))
+		    (cons x (loop r))
+		    (loop r) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
 ;;; Escape regular expression (suggested by Peter Bex):
diff --git a/types.db b/types.db
index 7974c6bf..5c05723f 100644
--- a/types.db
+++ b/types.db
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@
 ;; regex
 (glob->regexp (procedure glob->regexp (string) string))
-(glob? (procedure glob? (string) boolean))
+(glob? deprecated)
 (grep (procedure grep (* list #!optional (procedure (*) *)) list))
 (regexp (procedure regexp (* #!optional * * *) (struct regexp)))
 (regexp-escape (procedure regexp-escape (string) string))
@@ -1391,5 +1391,6 @@
 (qs (procedure qs (string) string))
 (compile-file (procedure compile-file (string #!rest) string))
 (compile-file-options (procedure compile-file-options (#!optional list) list))
+(scan-lines (procedure scan-lines (* #!optional port) *))
 ;; missing: setup-api, setup-download
diff --git a/utils.scm b/utils.scm
index 3b299f70..dd13914a 100644
--- a/utils.scm
+++ b/utils.scm
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
   (unit utils)
-  (uses extras srfi-13 posix files)
+  (uses extras srfi-13 posix files regex)
   (hide chop-pds)
@@ -125,3 +125,18 @@
 		  (abort ex))
 	      (load-file f)
+;;; Scan lines until regex matches
+(define scan-lines
+  (let ((regexp regexp)
+	(read-line read-line)
+	(string-search string-search))
+    (lambda (rx #!optional (port ##sys#standard-input))
+      (let ((rx (regexp rx)))
+	(let loop ()
+	  (let ((ln (read-line port)))
+	    (and (not (eof-object? ln))
+		 (let ((m (string-search rx ln)))
+		   (or m (loop))))))))))