~ chicken-core (chicken-5) af40e01b20b4949c8da325843d0651c49e618389

commit af40e01b20b4949c8da325843d0651c49e618389
Author:     felix <bunny351@gmail.com>
AuthorDate: Tue May 4 08:52:32 2010 +0200
Commit:     felix <bunny351@gmail.com>
CommitDate: Tue May 4 08:52:32 2010 +0200

    time macro writes to stdout, moved ##sys#display-times into library unit, compresses output of time macro a little

diff --git a/chicken-syntax.scm b/chicken-syntax.scm
index 3ee16eea..56fc6563 100644
--- a/chicken-syntax.scm
+++ b/chicken-syntax.scm
@@ -128,9 +128,10 @@
 	(##core#lambda () ,@(cdr form))
-	(##core#lambda ,rvar
-		  (##sys#display-times (##sys#stop-timer))
-		  (##sys#apply ##sys#values ,rvar) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+	(##core#lambda 
+	 ,rvar
+	 (##sys#display-times (##sys#stop-timer))
+	 (##sys#apply ##sys#values ,rvar) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
  'declare '()
diff --git a/eval.scm b/eval.scm
index 1a901601..f1e1ebc3 100644
--- a/eval.scm
+++ b/eval.scm
@@ -1498,34 +1498,6 @@
 		  (else (loop (##sys#slot paths 1))) ) ) ) ) ) )
-;;; Print timing information (support for "time" macro):
-(define ##sys#display-times
-  (let* ((display display)
-	 (spaces 
-	  (lambda (n)
-	    (do ((i n (fx- i 1)))
-		((fx<= i 0))
-	      (display #\space) ) ) )
-	 (display-rj 
-	  (lambda (x w)
-	    (let* ((xs (if (zero? x) "0" (number->string x)))
-		   (xslen (##core#inline "C_block_size" xs)) )
-	      (spaces (fx- w xslen))
-	      (display xs) ) ) ) )
-    (lambda (info)
-      (display-rj (##sys#slot info 0) 8)
-      (display " seconds elapsed\n") 
-      (display-rj (##sys#slot info 1) 8)
-      (display " seconds in (major) GC\n")
-      (display-rj (##sys#slot info 2) 8)
-      (display " mutations\n")
-      (display-rj (##sys#slot info 3) 8)
-      (display " minor GCs\n")
-      (display-rj (##sys#slot info 4) 8)
-      (display " major GCs\n") ) ) )
 ;;; SRFI-0 support code:
 (set! ##sys#features
diff --git a/library.scm b/library.scm
index c2137a8e..40879434 100644
--- a/library.scm
+++ b/library.scm
@@ -246,7 +246,11 @@ EOF
 (define ##sys#decode-seconds (##core#primitive "C_decode_seconds"))
 (define get-environment-variable (##core#primitive "C_get_environment_variable"))
 (define getenv get-environment-variable) ; DEPRECATED
-(define (##sys#start-timer) (##core#inline "C_start_timer"))
+(define (##sys#start-timer)
+  (##sys#gc #t)
+  (##core#inline "C_start_timer"))
 (define ##sys#stop-timer (##core#primitive "C_stop_timer"))
 (define (##sys#immediate? x) (not (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)))
 (define (##sys#message str) (##core#inline "C_message" str))
@@ -4624,3 +4628,22 @@ EOF
 	  (if (memq prop props)
 	      (values prop (##sys#slot tl 0) nxt)
 	      (loop nxt) ) ) ) ) )
+;;; Print timing information (support for "time" macro):
+(define (##sys#display-times info)
+  (define (pstr str) (##sys#print str #f ##sys#standard-error))
+  (define (pnum num)
+    (##sys#print (if (zero? num) "0" (##sys#number->string num)) #f ##sys#standard-error))
+  (##sys#flush-output ##sys#standard-output)
+  (pnum (##sys#slot info 0))
+  (pstr "s elapsed, ")
+  (pnum (##sys#slot info 1))
+  (pstr "s (major) GC, ")
+  (pnum (##sys#slot info 2))
+  (pstr " mutations, GCs: ")
+  (pnum (##sys#slot info 3))
+  (pstr " minor, ")
+  (pnum (##sys#slot info 4))
+  (pstr " major\n") )