~ chicken-core (chicken-5) c8165a2dc0f8f6ec26afc5f0ad3bbaa0a54a662c

commit c8165a2dc0f8f6ec26afc5f0ad3bbaa0a54a662c
Author:     felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>
AuthorDate: Thu Aug 11 11:45:33 2011 +0200
Commit:     felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>
CommitDate: Thu Aug 11 11:45:33 2011 +0200

    type-handling bugfixes; disable debug output during loading of type dbs

diff --git a/compiler-namespace.scm b/compiler-namespace.scm
index 6d4d6ff1..90963b00 100644
--- a/compiler-namespace.scm
+++ b/compiler-namespace.scm
@@ -255,6 +255,7 @@
+ scrutiny-debug
diff --git a/scrutinizer.scm b/scrutinizer.scm
index 970504f2..e5460cdd 100755
--- a/scrutinizer.scm
+++ b/scrutinizer.scm
@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@
 (define d-depth 0)
+(define scrutiny-debug #t)
 (define (d fstr . args)
-  (when (##sys#fudge 13)
+  (when (and scrutiny-debug (##sys#fudge 13))
     (printf "[debug|~a] ~a~?~%" d-depth (make-string d-depth #\space) fstr args)) )
 (define dd d)
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@
 	    ((eof-object? lit) 'eof)
 	    ((vector? lit) 
-	      `(vector (or ,@(map constant-result lit)))))
+	      `(vector (or ,@(map constant-result (vector->list lit))))))
 	    ((and (not (##sys#immediate? lit)) (##sys#generic-structure? lit))
 	     `(struct ,(##sys#slot lit 0)))
 	    ((char? lit) 'char)
@@ -876,6 +877,7 @@
 			       (merge-result-types rtypes1 rtypes2))))
 			  (cdr t))))
+		    ((lset= eq? '(fixnum float) (cdr t)) 'number)
 		     (let* ((ts (append-map
 				 (lambda (t)
@@ -911,7 +913,7 @@
 			    (else `(pair ,tcar ,tcdr)))))))
 	     ((vector list)
 	      (let ((t2 (simplify (second t))))
-		(if (eq? ts '*)
+		(if (eq? t2 '*)
 		    (car t)
 		    `(,(car t) ,t2))))
@@ -973,83 +975,88 @@
   (cond ((eq? t1 t2))
 	((memq t2 '(* undefined)))
 	((eq? 'pair t1) (type<=? '(pair * *) t2))
-	((memq t1 '(vector list)) (type<=? `(,(car t1) *) t2))
+	((memq t1 '(vector list)) (type<=? `(,t1 *) t2))
 	((and (eq? 'null t1)
 	      (pair? t2) 
-	      (memq (car t1) '(pair list))))
+	      (memq (car t2) '(pair list))))
 	 (case t2
 	   ((procedure) (and (pair? t1) (eq? 'procedure (car t1))))
 	   ((number) (memq t1 '(fixnum float)))
-	   ((vector list) (type<=? t1 `(,(car t2) *)))
+	   ((vector list) (type<=? t1 `(,t2 *)))
 	   ((pair) (type<=? t1 '(pair * *)))
-	    (and (pair? t1) (pair? t2)
-		 (case (car t1)
-		   ((or) (every (cut type<=? <> t2) (cdr t1)))
-		   ((vector) (type<=? (second t1) (second t2)))
-		   ((list) 
-		    (case (car t2)
-		      ((list) (type<=? (second t1) (second t2)))
-		      ((pair) 
-		       (and (type<=? (second t1) (second t2))
-			    (type<=? t1 (third t2))))
-		      (else #f)))
-		   ((pair) (every type<=? (cdr t1) (cdr t2)))
-		   ((procedure)
-		    (let ((args1 (if (named? t1) (caddr t1) (cadr t1)))
-			  (args2 (if (named? t2) (caddr t2) (cadr t2)))
-			  (res1 (if (named? t1) (cdddr t1) (cddr t1)))
-			  (res2 (if (named? t2) (cdddr t2) (cddr t2))) )
-		      (let loop1 ((args1 args1)
-				  (args2 args2)
-				  (rtype1 #f)
-				  (rtype2 #f)
-				  (m1 0) 
-				  (m2 0))
-			(cond ((null? args1)
-			       (and (cond ((null? args2)
-					   (if rtype1
-					       (if rtype2
-						   (type<=? rtype1 rtype2)
-						   #f)
-					       #t))
-					  ((eq? '#!optional (car args2))
-					   (not rtype1))
-					  ((eq? '#!rest (car args2))
-					   (or (null? (cdr args2))
-					       rtype1
-					       (type<=? rtype1 (cadr args2))))
-					  (else (>= m2 m1)))
-				    (let loop2 ((res1 res1) (res2 res2))
-				      (cond ((eq? '* res2) #t)
-					    ((null? res2) (null? res1))
-					    ((eq? '* res1) #f)
-					    ((type<=? (car res1) (car res2))
-					     (loop2 (cdr res1) (cdr res2)))
-					    (else #f)))))
-			      ((eq? (car args1) '#!optional)
-			       (loop1 (cdr args1) args2 #f rtype2 1 m2))
-			      ((eq? (car args1) '#!rest)
-			       (if (null? (cdr args1))
-				   (loop1 '() args2 '* rtype2 2 m2)
-				   (loop1 '() args2 (cadr args1) rtype2 2 m2)))
-			      ((null? args2) 
-			       (and rtype2
-				    (type<=? (car args1) rtype2)
-				    (loop1 (cdr args1) '() rtype1 rtype2 m1 m2)))
-			      ((eq? (car args2) '#!optional)
-			       (loop1 args1 (cdr args2) rtype1 #f m1 1))
-			      ((eq? (car args2) '#!rest)
-			       (if (null? (cdr args2))
-				   (loop1 args1 '() rtype1 '* m1 2)
-				   (loop1 args1 '() rtype1 (cadr args2) m1 2)))
-			      ((type<=?
-				(or rtype1 (car args1))
-				(or rtype2 (car args2)))
-			       (loop1 (cdr args1) (cdr args2) rtype1 rtype2 m1 m2))
-			      (else #f)))))
-		   (else #f))))))))
+	    (cond ((not (pair? t1)) #f)
+		  ((not (pair? t2)) #f)
+		  ((eq? 'or (car t2))
+		   (every (cut type<=? t1 <>) (cdr t2)))
+		  ((not (eq? (car t1) (car t2))) #f)
+		  (else
+		   (case (car t1)
+		     ((or) (every (cut type<=? <> t2) (cdr t1)))
+		     ((vector) (type<=? (second t1) (second t2)))
+		     ((list) 
+		      (case (car t2)
+			((list) (type<=? (second t1) (second t2)))
+			((pair) 
+			 (and (type<=? (second t1) (second t2))
+			      (type<=? t1 (third t2))))
+			(else #f)))
+		     ((pair) (every type<=? (cdr t1) (cdr t2)))
+		     ((procedure)
+		      (let ((args1 (if (named? t1) (caddr t1) (cadr t1)))
+			    (args2 (if (named? t2) (caddr t2) (cadr t2)))
+			    (res1 (if (named? t1) (cdddr t1) (cddr t1)))
+			    (res2 (if (named? t2) (cdddr t2) (cddr t2))) )
+			(let loop1 ((args1 args1)
+				    (args2 args2)
+				    (rtype1 #f)
+				    (rtype2 #f)
+				    (m1 0) 
+				    (m2 0))
+			  (cond ((null? args1)
+				 (and (cond ((null? args2)
+					     (if rtype1
+						 (if rtype2
+						     (type<=? rtype1 rtype2)
+						     #f)
+						 #t))
+					    ((eq? '#!optional (car args2))
+					     (not rtype1))
+					    ((eq? '#!rest (car args2))
+					     (or (null? (cdr args2))
+						 rtype1
+						 (type<=? rtype1 (cadr args2))))
+					    (else (>= m2 m1)))
+				      (let loop2 ((res1 res1) (res2 res2))
+					(cond ((eq? '* res2) #t)
+					      ((null? res2) (null? res1))
+					      ((eq? '* res1) #f)
+					      ((type<=? (car res1) (car res2))
+					       (loop2 (cdr res1) (cdr res2)))
+					      (else #f)))))
+				((eq? (car args1) '#!optional)
+				 (loop1 (cdr args1) args2 #f rtype2 1 m2))
+				((eq? (car args1) '#!rest)
+				 (if (null? (cdr args1))
+				     (loop1 '() args2 '* rtype2 2 m2)
+				     (loop1 '() args2 (cadr args1) rtype2 2 m2)))
+				((null? args2) 
+				 (and rtype2
+				      (type<=? (car args1) rtype2)
+				      (loop1 (cdr args1) '() rtype1 rtype2 m1 m2)))
+				((eq? (car args2) '#!optional)
+				 (loop1 args1 (cdr args2) rtype1 #f m1 1))
+				((eq? (car args2) '#!rest)
+				 (if (null? (cdr args2))
+				     (loop1 args1 '() rtype1 '* m1 2)
+				     (loop1 args1 '() rtype1 (cadr args2) m1 2)))
+				((type<=?
+				  (or rtype1 (car args1))
+				  (or rtype2 (car args2)))
+				 (loop1 (cdr args1) (cdr args2) rtype1 rtype2 m1 m2))
+				(else #f)))))
+		     (else #f)))))))))
 (define (procedure-type? t)
@@ -1132,40 +1139,41 @@
 (define (load-type-database name #!optional (path (repository-path)))
   (and-let* ((dbfile (file-exists? (make-pathname path name))))
     (debugging 'p (sprintf "loading type database ~a ...~%" dbfile))
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (e)
-       (let* ((name (car e))
-	      (old (variable-mark name '##compiler#type))
-	      (new (cadr e))
-	      (specs (and (pair? (cddr e)) (cddr e))))
-	 (when (pair? new)
-	   (case (car new)
-	     ((procedure!)
-	      (mark-variable name '##compiler#enforce #t)
-	      (set-car! new 'procedure))
-	     ((procedure!? procedure?!)
-	      (mark-variable name '##compiler#enforce #t)
-	      (mark-variable name '##compiler#predicate (cadr new))
-	      (set! new (cons 'procedure (cddr new))))
-	     ((procedure?)
-	      (mark-variable name '##compiler#predicate (cadr new))
-	      (set! new (cons 'procedure (cddr new))))))
-	 (cond-expand
-	   (debugbuild
-	    (let-values (((t _) (validate-type new name)))
-	      (unless t
-		(warning "invalid type specification" name new))))
-	   (else))
-	 (when (and old (not (compatible-types? old new)))
-	   (warning
-	    (sprintf
-		"type-definition `~a' for toplevel binding `~a' conflicts with previously loaded type `~a'"
-	      name new old)))
-	 (mark-variable name '##compiler#type new)
-	 (when specs
-	   ;;XXX validate types in specs
-	   (mark-variable name '##compiler#specializations specs))))
-     (read-file dbfile))))
+    (fluid-let ((scrutiny-debug #f))
+      (for-each
+       (lambda (e)
+	 (let* ((name (car e))
+		(old (variable-mark name '##compiler#type))
+		(new (cadr e))
+		(specs (and (pair? (cddr e)) (cddr e))))
+	   (when (pair? new)
+	     (case (car new)
+	       ((procedure!)
+		(mark-variable name '##compiler#enforce #t)
+		(set-car! new 'procedure))
+	       ((procedure!? procedure?!)
+		(mark-variable name '##compiler#enforce #t)
+		(mark-variable name '##compiler#predicate (cadr new))
+		(set! new (cons 'procedure (cddr new))))
+	       ((procedure?)
+		(mark-variable name '##compiler#predicate (cadr new))
+		(set! new (cons 'procedure (cddr new))))))
+	   (cond-expand
+	    (debugbuild
+	     (let-values (((t _) (validate-type new name)))
+	       (unless t
+		 (warning "invalid type specification" name new))))
+	    (else))
+	   (when (and old (not (compatible-types? old new)))
+	     (warning
+	      (sprintf
+		  "type-definition `~a' for toplevel binding `~a' conflicts with previously loaded type `~a'"
+		name new old)))
+	   (mark-variable name '##compiler#type new)
+	   (when specs
+	     ;;XXX validate types in specs
+	     (mark-variable name '##compiler#specializations specs))))
+       (read-file dbfile)))))
 (define (emit-type-file filename db)
   (with-output-to-file filename