~ chicken-core (chicken-5) d2d195ac1757b86caaf503535da97b1afc604b85

commit d2d195ac1757b86caaf503535da97b1afc604b85
Author:     Evan Hanson <evhan@foldling.org>
AuthorDate: Fri Oct 9 20:36:33 2015 +1300
Commit:     Peter Bex <peter@more-magic.net>
CommitDate: Mon Nov 2 21:29:01 2015 +0100

    Add support for library lists in functors and functor arguments
    Also removes the syntax for creating module aliases to avoid ambiguity
    between that and instantiation of a functor with a list-style name.

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 19b69369..eba4c910 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
     program's (macro) namespace anymore.
   - The core units have been converted to modules under the "chicken"
+  - Added support for list-style library names.
diff --git a/chicken-syntax.scm b/chicken-syntax.scm
index a739cb51..6464808c 100644
--- a/chicken-syntax.scm
+++ b/chicken-syntax.scm
@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@
  'functor '()
   (lambda (x r c)
-    (##sys#check-syntax 'functor x '(_ (symbol . #((_ _) 0)) _ . _))
+    (##sys#check-syntax 'functor x '(_ (_ . #((_ _) 0)) _ . _))
     (let* ((x (chicken.expand#strip-syntax x))
 	   (head (cadr x))
 	   (name (car head))
@@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@
 	   (body (cdddr x))
-	      ',name
+	      ',(chicken.internal#library-id name)
 	      ',(map (lambda (arg)
 		       (let ((argname (car arg))
 			     (exps (##sys#validate-exports (cadr arg) 'functor)))
@@ -1155,14 +1155,17 @@
 				     (and (list? argname)
 					  (= 2 (length argname))
 					  (symbol? (car argname))
-					  (symbol? (cadr argname))))
+					  (let ((param (cadr argname)))
+					    (or (symbol? param)
+						(and (list? param)
+						     (every symbol? param))))))
 			   (##sys#syntax-error-hook "invalid functor argument" name arg))
 			 (cons argname exps)))
 	      ',(##sys#validate-exports exps 'functor)
-	,name
+	,(chicken.internal#library-id name)
 	(import scheme chicken)
 	(begin-for-syntax ,registration))))))
diff --git a/expand.scm b/expand.scm
index e7ad3a13..257214d9 100644
--- a/expand.scm
+++ b/expand.scm
@@ -1448,38 +1448,34 @@
       (cond ((and (fx>= len 4) (c (r '=) (caddr x)))
 	     (let* ((x (chicken.expand#strip-syntax x))
 		    (app (cadddr x)))
-	       (cond ((symbol? app)
-		      (cond ((fx> len 4)
-			     ;; feature suggested by syn:
-			     ;;
-			     ;; (module NAME = FUNCTORNAME BODY ...)
-			     ;; ~>
-			     ;; (begin
-			     ;;   (module _NAME * BODY ...)
-			     ;;   (module NAME = (FUNCTORNAME _NAME)))
-			     ;;
-			     ;; - the use of "_NAME" is a bit stupid, but it must be
-			     ;;   externally visible to generate an import library from
-			     ;;   and compiling "NAME" separately may need an import-lib
-			     ;;   for stuff in "BODY" (say, syntax needed by syntax exported
-			     ;;   from the functor, or something like this...)
-			     (let ((mtmp (string->symbol 
-					  (##sys#string-append 
-					   "_"
-					   (symbol->string name))))
-				   (%module (r 'module)))
-			       `(##core#begin
-				 (,%module ,mtmp * ,@(cddddr x))
-				 (,%module ,name = (,app ,mtmp)))))
-			    (else
-			     (##sys#register-module-alias name app)
-			     '(##core#undefined))))
+	       (cond ((fx> len 4)
+		      ;; feature suggested by syn:
+		      ;;
+		      ;; (module NAME = FUNCTORNAME BODY ...)
+		      ;; ~>
+		      ;; (begin
+		      ;;   (module _NAME * BODY ...)
+		      ;;   (module NAME = (FUNCTORNAME _NAME)))
+		      ;;
+		      ;; - the use of "_NAME" is a bit stupid, but it must be
+		      ;;   externally visible to generate an import library from
+		      ;;   and compiling "NAME" separately may need an import-lib
+		      ;;   for stuff in "BODY" (say, syntax needed by syntax exported
+		      ;;   from the functor, or something like this...)
+		      (let ((mtmp (string->symbol
+				   (##sys#string-append
+				    "_"
+				    (symbol->string name))))
+			    (%module (r 'module)))
+			`(##core#begin
+			  (,%module ,mtmp * ,@(cddddr x))
+			  (,%module ,name = (,app ,mtmp)))))
-		       'module x '(_ symbol _ (symbol . #(_ 0))))
+		       'module x '(_ _ _ (_ . #(_ 0))))
-		       (car app)	; functor name
+		       (chicken.internal#library-id (car app))
 		       (cdr app))))))	; functor arguments
 	     ;;XXX use module name in "loc" argument?
diff --git a/manual/Modules b/manual/Modules
index 34da3bbd..57a0c9d8 100644
--- a/manual/Modules
+++ b/manual/Modules
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ CHICKEN's module system has the following features:
 <macro>(module NAME (EXPORT ...) BODY ...)</macro>
 <macro>(module NAME (EXPORT ...) FILENAME)</macro>
 <macro>(module NAME * BODY ...)</macro>
-<macro>(module NAME1 = NAME2 [BODY ...])</macro>
 <macro>(module NAME = (FUNCTORNAME MODULENAME1 ...))</macro>
+<macro>(module NAME = FUNCTORNAME BODY ...)</macro>
 Defines a module with the name {{NAME}}, a set of exported bindings
 and a contained sequence of toplevel expressions that are evaluated in
@@ -79,15 +79,12 @@ like {{(include FILENAME)}}.
 {{(module NAME = (FUNCTORNAME MODULENAME1 ...))}} instantiates
 a ''functor'' (see below for information about functors).
-The syntax {{(module NAME1 = NAME2)}} defines an alias {{NAME1}} for
-the module {{NAME2}}, so {{NAME1}} can be used in place of {{NAME2}}
-in all forms that accept module names. Module aliases defined inside a
-module are local to that module. If followed by a module body, then
-this is a special form of ''functor instantiation''.
+{{(module NAME = FUNCTORNAME BODY ...)}} is a special form of
+''functor instantiation'' where the {{BODY}} implements a module
+satisfying a single functor argument to {{FUNCTORNAME}}.
 Nested modules, modules not at toplevel (i.e. local modules) or
-mutually recursive modules are not supported. As an exception
-module alias definitions are allowed inside a module definition.
+mutually recursive modules are not supported.
 When compiled, the module information, including exported macros
 is stored in the generated binary and available when loading
@@ -265,7 +262,7 @@ available:
  [module] r4rs
  [module] r5rs
-Exports the definitions given in R4RS or R5RS. {{r5rs}} is a module alias
+Exports the definitions given in R4RS or R5RS. {{r5rs}} is an alias
 for {{scheme}}.
  [module] chicken
diff --git a/modules.scm b/modules.scm
index 5afdbbf4..ae4452ae 100644
--- a/modules.scm
+++ b/modules.scm
@@ -840,9 +840,9 @@
 			(let ((p (car fas)))
 			  (if (pair? (car p)) ; has default argument?
-			      (let ((alias (caar p))
-				    (mname (cadar p))
-				    (exps (cdr p)))
+			      (let ((exps (cdr p))
+				    (alias (caar p))
+				    (mname (chicken.internal#library-id (cadar p))))
 				(##sys#match-functor-argument alias name mname exps fname)
 				(cons (list alias mname) (loop2 (cdr fas))))
 			      ;; no default argument, we have too few argument modules
@@ -853,10 +853,10 @@
 		  ;; otherwise match provided argument to functor argument
 		  (let* ((p (car fas))
 			 (p1 (car p))
+			 (exps (cdr p))
 			 (def? (pair? p1))
 			 (alias (if def? (car p1) p1))
-			 (mname (car as))
-			 (exps (cdr p)))
+			 (mname (chicken.internal#library-id (car as))))
 		    (##sys#match-functor-argument alias name mname exps fname)
 		    (cons (list alias mname)
 			  (loop (cdr as) (cdr fas)))))))
diff --git a/tests/functor-tests.scm b/tests/functor-tests.scm
index 1c71ddf2..5db07414 100644
--- a/tests/functor-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/functor-tests.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;;;; functor-tests.scm
-(use data-structures extras)
+(use data-structures extras ports)
 (include "test.scm")
@@ -101,6 +101,35 @@
 ;;XXX shows (""), which looks wrong:
 (pp (show 8 (search next-char '())))	;XXX assert
+;; list-style library names
+(functor ((double printer) ((P (chicken)) (print))) (print-twice)
+  (import (scheme) P)
+  (define (print-twice x) (print x) (print x)))
+(module (noop printer) *
+  (import (only (scheme) define) (only (chicken) void))
+  (define print void))
+(module (2x print) = ((double printer)))
+(module (2x noop) = ((double printer) (noop printer)))
+(module (2x write) = (double printer)
+  (reexport (rename (scheme) (write print))))
+(define output
+  (with-output-to-string
+   (lambda ()
+     (import (2x print))
+     (print-twice #\a)
+     (import (2x noop))
+     (print-twice #\a)
+     (import (2x write))
+     (print-twice #\a))))
+(test-equal "double printer" output "a\na\n#\\a#\\a")
 ;; Test for errors
diff --git a/tests/module-tests.scm b/tests/module-tests.scm
index df782a98..421560e6 100644
--- a/tests/module-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/module-tests.scm
@@ -197,7 +197,8 @@
  'abc (abc))
 (module m17 (a) (import scheme) (define a 1))
-(module m18 = m17)
+(begin-for-syntax ; XXX workaround for missing module alias functionality
+  (##sys#register-module-alias 'm18 'm17))
 (module m19 (a) (import scheme) (define a 2))
@@ -212,7 +213,8 @@
  "local module alias scope"
  (module m21 ()
    (import scheme)
-   (module m18 = m19)
+   (begin-for-syntax ; XXX s.a.
+     (##sys#register-module-alias 'm18 'm19))
    (import m18)
@@ -298,6 +300,22 @@
+;; list-style library names
+ (module (m33 a) *
+   (import (scheme))
+   (define (foo) 'ok)))
+ (module (m33 b) ()
+   (import (scheme) (m33 a))
+   (eq? (foo) 'ok)))
+(test-assert (import (prefix (m33 a) m33/a/)))
+(test-assert (eq? (m33/a/foo) 'ok))
+(test-assert (module-environment '(m33 a)))
 ;; Ensure that the modules system is simply an aliasing mechanism:
 ;; Module instantion does not create multiple variable copies.
diff --git a/tests/simple-functors-test.scm b/tests/simple-functors-test.scm
index f72e9662..3e69a3db 100644
--- a/tests/simple-functors-test.scm
+++ b/tests/simple-functors-test.scm
@@ -8,14 +8,12 @@
 (define a 1)
 (define b 2))
-(module f = foo)
  (do-things (arg STUFF)) (do-it)
  (import scheme arg)
  (define (do-it) (list a b)))
-(module bar = (do-things f))
+(module bar = (do-things foo))
 (import bar)
 (assert (equal? '(1 2) (do-it)))