~ chicken-core (chicken-5) efa7df16b2896d9686089a1117d429392a538cd2

commit efa7df16b2896d9686089a1117d429392a538cd2
Author:     felix <felix@z.(none)>
AuthorDate: Mon Feb 28 23:04:28 2011 +0100
Commit:     felix <felix@z.(none)>
CommitDate: Mon Feb 28 23:04:28 2011 +0100

    added platform specific annotations to filelist in README

diff --git a/README b/README
index 34ac6d5b..bfa11a94 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -175,8 +175,9 @@
 	  If you build CHICKEN often, passing all those make variables
 	  can get annoying. An alternative is to create a configuration
-	  file defining the required variables and passing "CONFIG=<configfile>"
-	  to make(1). Even simpler is editing the included "config.make"
+	  file defining the required variables and passing 
+          "CONFIG=<configfile>" to make(1).
+          Even simpler is editing the included "config.make"
 	  and just invoke make(1) without any extra parameters.
@@ -211,6 +212,7 @@
 	|   |-- chicken-profile
 	|   |-- chicken-status
 	|   |-- chicken-uninstall
+ 	|   |-- libchicken.dll                        (Windows)
 	|   |-- csc
 	|   `-- csi
 	|-- include
@@ -246,13 +248,16 @@
 	|   |       |-- types.db
 	|   |       `-- utils.import.so
 	|   |-- libchicken.a
-	|   |-- libchicken.so -> libchicken.so.6
-	|   `-- libchicken.so.6
+	|   |-- libchicken.dll.a                      (Windows)
+	|   |-- libchicken.so -> libchicken.so.6      (Unix)
+	|   `-- libchicken.so.6			      (Unix)
 	`-- share
 	    |-- chicken
 	    |   |-- doc
+	    |   |   |-- CHICKEN.icns                  (Macintosh)
 	    |   |   |-- LICENSE
 	    |   |   |-- README
+	    |   |   |-- mac.r			      (Macintosh)
 	    |   |   |-- manual-html
 	    |   |   `-- *.html
 	    |   `-- setup.defaults