~ chicken-core (chicken-5) f1c620c8fd9432bcad57156151890b2138f9c6f8

commit f1c620c8fd9432bcad57156151890b2138f9c6f8
Author:     megane <meganeka@gmail.com>
AuthorDate: Sun Jan 5 09:03:14 2020 +0200
Commit:     Mario Domenech Goulart <mario@parenteses.org>
CommitDate: Fri Jan 8 20:10:52 2021 +0100

    Prevent excessive major gcs by having decent amount of unused heap
    Signed-off-by: Mario Domenech Goulart <mario@parenteses.org>

diff --git a/manual/Using the compiler b/manual/Using the compiler
index fd656362..7e8ff6de 100644
--- a/manual/Using the compiler	
+++ b/manual/Using the compiler	
@@ -223,6 +223,8 @@ by the startup code and will not be contained in the result of
 ; {{-:hmNUMBER}} : Specifies a maximal heap size (including both semispaces). The default is (2GB - 15).
+; {{-:hfNUMBER}} : If the free heap space is less than this number (8M by default), then the heap is grown. This is approximately the amount of generated heap garbage in bytes after which a major garbage collection will happen.
 ; {{-:hsPERCENTAGE}} : Sets the shrink rate of the heap in percent. The heap is shrunk to {{PERCENTAGE}} when the watermark is reached. The default is 50.  Note: If you want to make sure that the heap never shrinks, specify a value of {{0}}.  (this can be useful in situations where an optimal heap-size is known in advance). 
 ; {{-:huPERCENTAGE}} : Sets the memory usage watermark below which heap shrinking is triggered. The default is 25.
diff --git a/runtime.c b/runtime.c
index a0b77bba..664e7a26 100644
--- a/runtime.c
+++ b/runtime.c
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ static C_TLS int timezone;
 #define DEFAULT_HEAP_GROWTH            200
 #define DEFAULT_HEAP_SHRINKAGE         50
+#define DEFAULT_HEAP_MIN_FREE          (4 * 1024 * 1024)
@@ -360,6 +361,7 @@ C_TLS C_uword
   C_heap_growth = DEFAULT_HEAP_GROWTH,
   C_heap_shrinkage = DEFAULT_HEAP_SHRINKAGE,
   C_heap_shrinkage_used = DEFAULT_HEAP_SHRINKAGE_USED,
+  C_heap_half_min_free = DEFAULT_HEAP_MIN_FREE,
   C_maximal_heap_size = DEFAULT_MAXIMAL_HEAP_SIZE;
 C_TLS time_t
@@ -1368,6 +1370,7 @@ void CHICKEN_parse_command_line(int argc, char *argv[], C_word *heap, C_word *st
 		 " -:o              disable stack overflow checks\n"
 		 " -:hiSIZE         set initial heap size\n"
 		 " -:hmSIZE         set maximal heap size\n"
+                 " -:hfSIZE         set minimum unused heap size\n"
 		 " -:hgPERCENTAGE   set heap growth percentage\n"
 		 " -:hsPERCENTAGE   set heap shrink percentage\n"
 		 " -:huPERCENTAGE   set percentage of memory used at which heap will be shrunk\n"
@@ -1396,6 +1399,9 @@ void CHICKEN_parse_command_line(int argc, char *argv[], C_word *heap, C_word *st
 	    *heap = arg_val(ptr + 1); 
 	    heap_size_changed = 1;
 	    goto next;
+          case 'f':
+	    C_heap_half_min_free = arg_val(ptr + 1);
+	    goto next;
 	  case 'g':
 	    C_heap_growth = arg_val(ptr + 1);
 	    goto next;
@@ -3565,23 +3571,40 @@ C_regparm void C_fcall C_reclaim(void *trampoline, C_word c)
-    count = (C_uword)tospace_top - (C_uword)tospace_start;
-    /*** isn't gc_mode always GC_MAJOR here? */
-    /* NOTE: count is actual usage, heap_size is both halves */
-    if(gc_mode == GC_MAJOR && 
-       count < percentage(heap_size/2, C_heap_shrinkage_used) &&
-       C_heap_shrinkage > 0 && 
-       heap_size > MINIMAL_HEAP_SIZE && !C_heap_size_is_fixed)
-      C_rereclaim2(percentage(heap_size, C_heap_shrinkage), 0);
-    else {
-      C_fromspace_top = tospace_top;
-      tmp = fromspace_start;
-      fromspace_start = tospace_start;
-      tospace_start = tospace_top = tmp;
-      tmp = C_fromspace_limit;
-      C_fromspace_limit = tospace_limit;
-      tospace_limit = tmp;
+    count = (C_uword)tospace_top - (C_uword)tospace_start; // Actual used, < heap_size/2
+    {
+      C_uword min_half = count + C_heap_half_min_free;
+      C_uword low_half = percentage(heap_size/2, C_heap_shrinkage_used);
+      C_uword grown    = percentage(heap_size, C_heap_growth);
+      C_uword shrunk   = percentage(heap_size, C_heap_shrinkage);
+      /*** isn't gc_mode always GC_MAJOR here? */
+      if(gc_mode == GC_MAJOR && !C_heap_size_is_fixed &&
+         C_heap_shrinkage > 0 &&
+         count < low_half &&
+         (min_half * 2) <= shrunk && // Min. size trumps shrinkage
+         heap_size > MINIMAL_HEAP_SIZE) {
+        if(gc_report_flag) {
+          C_dbg(C_text("GC"), C_text("Heap low water mark hit (%d%%), shrinking...\n"),
+                C_heap_shrinkage_used);
+        }
+        C_rereclaim2(shrunk, 0);
+      } else if (gc_mode == GC_MAJOR && !C_heap_size_is_fixed &&
+                 (heap_size / 2) < min_half) {
+        if(gc_report_flag) {
+          C_dbg(C_text("GC"), C_text("Heap high water mark hit, growing...\n"));
+        }
+        C_rereclaim2(grown, 0);
+      } else {
+        C_fromspace_top = tospace_top;
+        tmp = fromspace_start;
+        fromspace_start = tospace_start;
+        tospace_start = tospace_top = tmp;
+        tmp = C_fromspace_limit;
+        C_fromspace_limit = tospace_limit;
+        tospace_limit = tmp;
+      }