~ chicken-core (chicken-5) ff5ec0968e287aa3d8ae65378fbc806a26cc2523

commit ff5ec0968e287aa3d8ae65378fbc806a26cc2523
Merge: 2d9ddc53 c9a081e9
Author:     felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>
AuthorDate: Mon Mar 28 09:59:46 2011 -0400
Commit:     felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>
CommitDate: Mon Mar 28 09:59:46 2011 -0400

    resolved conflicts

diff --cc compiler.scm
index efae5b99,34031b56..4d958fa6
--- a/compiler.scm
+++ b/compiler.scm
@@@ -1472,20 -1463,31 +1463,47 @@@
  	 (lambda (spec)
- 	   (cond ((and (list? spec) (symbol? (car spec)) (= 2 (length spec)))
- 		  (##sys#put! (car spec) '##compiler#type (cadr spec))
- 		  (##sys#put! (car spec) '##compiler#declared-type #t))
- 		 (else
- 		  (warning "illegal `type' declaration item" spec))))
- 	 (globalize-all (cdr spec))))
+ 	   (if (not (and (list? spec)
+ 			 (>= (length spec) 2)
+ 			 (symbol? (car spec))))
+ 	       (warning "illegal type declaration" (##sys#strip-syntax spec))
+ 	       (let ((name (##sys#globalize (car spec) se))
+ 		     (type (##sys#strip-syntax (cadr spec))))
 -		 (cond ((validate-type type name)
 -			;; HACK: since `:' doesn't have access to the SE, we
 -			;; fixup the procedure name if type is a named procedure type
 -			;; (We only have access to the SE for ##sys#globalize in here).
 -			;; Quote terrible.
 -			(when (and (pair? type) (eq? 'procedure (car type)) (symbol? (cadr type)))
 -			  (set-car! (cdr type) name))
 -			(print "mark: " name " -> " type)
 -			(mark-variable name '##core#type type)
 -			(mark-variable name '##core#declared-type)
 -			(when (pair? (cddr spec))
 -			  (mark-variable
 -			   name '##core#specializations
 -			   (##sys#strip-syntax (cddr spec)))))
 -		       (else
 -			(warning 
 -			 "illegal type declaration"
 -			 (##sys#strip-syntax spec)))))))
++		 (cond ((validate-type type name) =>
++			(lambda (type)
++			  ;; HACK: since `:' doesn't have access to the SE, we
++			  ;; fixup the procedure name if type is a named procedure type
++			  ;; (We only have access to the SE for ##sys#globalize in here).
++			  ;; Quite terrible.
++			  (when (and (pair? type) 
++				     (eq? 'procedure (car type)) 
++				     (symbol? (cadr type)))
++			    (set-car! (cdr type) name))
++			  (mark-variable name '##core#type type)
++			  (mark-variable name '##core#declared-type)
++			  (when (pair? (cddr spec))
++			    (mark-variable
++			     name '##compiler#specializations
++			     (##sys#strip-syntax (cddr spec)))))
++			(else
++			 (warning 
++			  "illegal `type' declaration"
++			  (##sys#strip-syntax spec))))))))
++	 (cdr spec)))
 +       ((predicate)
 +	(for-each
 +	 (lambda (spec)
 +	   (cond ((and (list? spec) (symbol? (car spec)) (= 2 (length spec)))
- 		  (##sys#put! (car spec) '##compiler#predicate (cadr spec)))
++		  (let ((name (##sys#globalize (car spec) se))
++			(type (##sys#strip-syntax (cadr spec))))
++		    (cond ((validate-type type name) =>
++			   (lambda (type)
++			     (##sys#put! name '##compiler#predicate type)))
++			  (else
++			   (warning "illegal `predicate' declaration" spec)))))
 +		 (else
- 		  (warning "illegal `predicate' declaration item" spec))))
- 	 (globalize-all (cdr spec))))
++		  (warning "illegal `predicate' declaration" spec))))
+ 	 (cdr spec)))
  	(set! unchecked-specialized-arithmetic #t))
         (else (warning "illegal declaration specifier" spec)) )
diff --cc csc.scm
index f414a02f,b4dda098..16643dd2
--- a/csc.scm
+++ b/csc.scm
@@@ -138,8 -138,7 +138,9 @@@
      -no-symbol-escape -no-parentheses-synonyms -r5rs-syntax
      -no-argc-checks -no-bound-checks -no-procedure-checks -no-compiler-syntax
      -emit-all-import-libraries -setup-mode -unboxing -no-elevation -no-module-registration
 -    -no-procedure-checks-for-usual-bindings -module -specialize
 +    -no-procedure-checks-for-usual-bindings -module
++    -specialize
 +    -lambda-lift			; OBSOLETE
  (define-constant complex-options
diff --cc scrutinizer.scm
index df018c19,e70cd013..70015bac
--- a/scrutinizer.scm
+++ b/scrutinizer.scm
@@@ -54,65 -56,73 +56,126 @@@
  ;           pointer-vector
  ;   RESULTS = * 
  ;           | (VAL1 ...)
  ; global symbol properties:
- ;   ##compiler#type           ->  <typespec>
- ;   ##compiler#declared-type  ->  <bool>
- ;   ##compiler#predicate      ->  <typespec>
 -;   ##core#type           ->  TYPESPEC
 -;   ##core#declared-type  ->  BOOL
 -;   ##core#specializations -> (SPECIALIZATION ...)
++;   ##compiler#type            ->  TYPESPEC
++;   ##compiler#declared-type   ->  BOOL
++;   ##compiler#predicate       ->  TYPESPEC
++;   ##compiler#specializations -> (SPECIALIZATION ...)
+ ;
+ ; specialization specifiers:
+ ;
+ ;   MVAL = VAL | (not VAL) | (or VAL ...) | (and VAL ...)
+ ;   TEMPLATE = #(INDEX [...])
+ ;            | INTEGER | SYMBOL | STRING
+ ;            | (quote CONSTANT)
+ ;            | (TEMPLATE . TEMPLATE)
+ ;
+ ;   - (not number) succeeds for fixnum and flonum
+ ;   - (not list) succeeds for pair and null
  (define-constant +fragment-max-length+ 5)
  (define-constant +fragment-max-depth+ 3)
 +(define (scrutinize node db)
 +  (let ((blist '()))
 +    (define (constant-result lit)
 +      (cond ((string? lit) 'string)
 +	    ((symbol? lit) 'symbol)
 +	    ((fixnum? lit) 'fixnum)
 +	    ((flonum? lit) 'float)
 +	    ((number? lit) 'number)	; in case...
 +	    ((boolean? lit) 'boolean)
 +	    ((list? lit) 'list)
 +	    ((pair? lit) 'pair)
 +	    ((eof-object? lit) 'eof)
 +	    ((vector? lit) 'vector)
 +	    ((and (not (##sys#immediate? lit)) ##sys#generic-structure? lit)
 +	     `(struct ,(##sys#slot lit 0)))
 +	    ((null? lit) 'null)
 +	    ((char? lit) 'char)
 +	    (else '*)))
 +    (define (global-result id loc)
 +      (cond ((##sys#get id '##compiler#type) =>
 +	     (lambda (a) 
 +	       (cond
 +		#;((and (get db id 'assigned)      ; remove assigned global from type db
 +		(not (##sys#get id '##core#declared-type)))
 +		(##sys#put! id '##compiler#type #f)
 +		'*)
 +	       ((eq? a 'deprecated)
 +		(report
 +		 loc
 +		 (sprintf "use of deprecated library procedure `~a'" id) )
 +		'(*))
 +	       ((and (pair? a) (eq? (car a) 'deprecated))
 +		(report 
 +		 loc
 +		 (sprintf 
 +		     "use of deprecated library procedure `~a' - consider using `~a' instead"
 +		   id (cadr a)))
 +		'(*))
 +	       (else (list a)))))
 +      (else '(*))))
 +  (define (variable-result id e loc flow)
 +    (cond ((find (lambda (b) 
 +		   (and (eq? id (caar b))
 +			(memq (cdar b) flow)) )
 +		 blist)
 +	   => (o list cdr))
 +	  ((and (get db id 'assigned) 
 +		(not (##sys#get id '##core#declared-type)) )
 +	   '(*))
+ (define specialization-statistics '())
+ (define (scrutinize node db complain specialize)
+   (define (constant-result lit)
+     (cond ((string? lit) 'string)
+ 	  ((symbol? lit) 'symbol)
+ 	  ((fixnum? lit) 'fixnum)
+ 	  ((flonum? lit) 'float)
+ 	  ((number? lit) 
+ 	   (case number-type 
+ 	     ((fixnum) 'fixnum)
+ 	     ((flonum) 'flonum)
+ 	     (else 'number)))	; in case...
+ 	  ((boolean? lit) 'boolean)
+ 	  ((null? lit) 'null)
+ 	  ((pair? lit) 'pair)
+ 	  ((list? lit) 'list)
+ 	  ((eof-object? lit) 'eof)
+ 	  ((vector? lit) 'vector)
+ 	  ((and (not (##sys#immediate? lit)) ##sys#generic-structure? lit)
+ 	   `(struct ,(##sys#slot lit 0)))
+ 	  ((char? lit) 'char)
+ 	  (else '*)))
+   (define (global-result id loc)
+     (cond ((##sys#get id '##core#type) =>
+ 	   (lambda (a) 
+ 	     (cond ((eq? a 'deprecated)
+ 		    (report
+ 		     loc
+ 		     (sprintf "use of deprecated library procedure `~a'" id) )
+ 		    '*)
+ 		   ((and (pair? a) (eq? (car a) 'deprecated))
+ 		    (report 
+ 		     loc
+ 		     (sprintf 
+ 			 "use of deprecated library procedure `~a' - consider using `~a' instead"
+ 		       id (cadr a)))
+ 		     '*)
+ 		   (else (list a)))))
+ 	  (else '*)))
+   (define (variable-result id e loc)
+     (cond ((and (get db id 'assigned) 
+ 		(not (##sys#get id '##core#declared-type)))
+ 	   '*)
++>>>>>>> specialization
  	  ((assq id e) =>
  	   (lambda (a)
  	     (cond ((eq? 'undefined (cdr a))
@@@ -399,11 -409,12 +462,12 @@@
  		  (sprintf "expected ~a a single result, but were given ~a result~a"
 -			   what n (multiples n)))
 +		    what n (multiples n)))
  		 (first tv))))))
    (define (report loc desc)
-     (warning
-      (conc (location-name loc) desc)))
+     (when complain
+       (warning
+        (conc (location-name loc) desc))))
    (define (location-name loc)
      (define (lname loc1)
        (if loc1
@@@ -431,17 -442,17 +495,17 @@@
         (lambda ()
  	 (pp (fragment x))))))
-   (define (call-result args e loc x params)
+   (define (call-result node args e loc params)
      (define (pname)
        (sprintf "~ain procedure call to `~s', " 
- 	(if (and (pair? params) (pair? (cdr params)))
- 	    (let ((n (source-info->line (cadr params))))
- 	      (if n
- 		  (sprintf "~a: " n)
- 		  ""))
- 	    "")
- 	(fragment x)))
-     (d "call-result: ~a" args)
+ 	  (if (and (pair? params) (pair? (cdr params)))
+ 	      (let ((n (source-info->line (cadr params))))
+ 		(if n
+ 		    (sprintf "~a: " n)
+ 		    ""))
+ 	      "")
+ 	(fragment (first (node-subexpressions node)))))
 -    (d "call-result: ~a (~a)" args loc)
++    (d "call-result: ~a " args)
      (let* ((ptype (car args))
  	   (nargs (length (cdr args)))
  	   (xptype `(procedure ,(make-list nargs '*) *)))
@@@ -471,10 -483,25 +536,25 @@@
- 		 "~aexpected argument #~a of type `~a', but where given an argument of type `~a'"
- 	       (pname) i (car atypes) (car args)))))
+ 	      "~aexpected argument #~a of type `~a', but was given an argument of type `~a'"
+ 	      (pname) i (car atypes) (car args)))))
  	(let ((r (procedure-result-types ptype values-rest (cdr args))))
  	  (d  "  result-types: ~a" r)
+ 	  (when specialize
+ 	    ;;XXX we should check whether this is a standard- or extended bindng
+ 	    (and-let* ((pn (procedure-name ptype))
 -		       (specs (##sys#get pn '##core#specializations)))
++		       (specs (##sys#get pn '##compiler#specializations)))
+ 	      (for-each
+ 	       (lambda (spec)
+ 		 (when (match-specialization (car spec) (cdr args))
+ 		   (let ((op (cons pn (car spec))))
+ 		     (cond ((assoc op specialization-statistics) =>
+ 			    (lambda (a) (set-cdr! a (add1 (cdr a)))))
+ 			   (else
+ 			    (set! specialization-statistics
+ 			      (cons (cons op 1) specialization-statistics)))))
+ 		   (specialize-node! node (cadr spec))))
+ 	       specs)))
    (define (procedure-type? t)
      (or (eq? 'procedure t)
@@@ -683,7 -669,14 +765,14 @@@
  	(d "  -> ~a" results)
-   (walk (first (node-subexpressions node)) '() '() #f #f (list (tag)) #f)))
 -  (let ((rn (walk (first (node-subexpressions node)) '() '() #f #f)))
++  (let ((rn (walk (first (node-subexpressions node)) '() '() #f #f (list (tag)) #f)))
+     (when (and (pair? specialization-statistics)
+ 	       (debugging 'x "specializations:"))
+       (for-each 
+        (lambda (ss)
+ 	 (printf "  ~a ~s~%" (cdr ss) (car ss)))
+        specialization-statistics))
+     rn))
  (define (load-type-database name #!optional (path (repository-path)))
    (and-let* ((dbfile (file-exists? (make-pathname path name))))
@@@ -691,16 -684,129 +780,132 @@@
        (printf "loading type database ~a ...~%" dbfile))
       (lambda (e)
 -       (let* ((name (car e))
 -	      (old (##sys#get name '##core#type))
 -	      (new (cadr e))
 -	      (specs (and (pair? (cddr e)) (cddr e))))
 -	 (when (and old (not (equal? old new)))
 -	   (##sys#notice
 -	    (sprintf
 -		"type-definition `~a' for toplevel binding `~a' conflicts with previously loaded type `~a'"
 -		name new old)))
 -	 (##sys#put! name '##core#type new)
 -	 (when specs
 -	   (##sys#put! name '##core#specializations specs))))
 +       (cond ((eq? 'predicate (car e))
 +	      (##sys#put! (cadr e) '##compiler#predicate (caddr e)))
 +	     (else
 +	      (let* ((name (car e))
 +		     (old (##sys#get name '##compiler#type))
- 		     (new (cadr e)))
++		     (new (cadr e))
++		     (specs (and (pair? (cddr e)) (cddr e))))
 +		(when (and old (not (equal? old new)))
 +		  (##sys#notice
 +		   (sprintf
 +		       "type-definition `~a' for toplevel binding `~a' conflicts with previously loaded type `~a'"
 +		     name new old)))
- 		(##sys#put! name '##compiler#type new)))))
++		(##sys#put! name '##compiler#type new)
++		(when specs
++		  (##sys#put! name '##compiler#specializations specs))))))
       (read-file dbfile))))
+ (define (match-specialization typelist atypes)
+   (define (match st t)
+     (cond ((pair? st)
+ 	   (case (car st)
+ 	     ((not) 
+ 	      (cond ((and (pair? t) (eq? 'or (car t)))
+ 		     (not (any (cute match (cadr st) <>) (cdr t))))
+ 		    ((eq? '* t) #f)
+ 		    (else (not (match (cadr st) t)))))
+ 	     ((or) (any (cut match <> t) (cdr st)))
+ 	     ((and) (every (cut match <> t) (cdr st)))
+ 	     (else (equal? st t))))
+ 	  ((eq? st '*))
+ 	  ((eq? st 'procedure)
+ 	   (or (eq? t 'procedure)
+ 	       (and (pair? t) (eq? 'procedure (car t)))))
+ 	  ;;XXX match number with fixnum and float?
+ 	  (else (eq? st t))))
+   (let loop ((tl typelist) (atypes atypes))
+     (cond ((null? tl) (null? atypes))
+ 	  ((null? atypes) #f)
+ 	  ((eq? (car tl) '#!rest)
+ 	   (every (cute match (cadr tl) <>) atypes))
+ 	  ((match (car tl) (car atypes)) (loop (cdr tl) (cdr atypes)))
+ 	  (else #f))))
+ (define (specialize-node! node template)
+   (let ((args (cdr (node-subexpressions node))))
+     (define (subst x)
+       (cond ((and (vector? x)
+ 		  (= 1 (vector-length x)) 
+ 		  (integer? (vector-ref x 0)))
+ 	     (list-ref args (sub1 (vector-ref x 0))))
+ 	    ((and (vector? x)
+ 		  (= 2 (vector-length x))
+ 		  (integer? (vector-ref x 0))
+ 		  (eq? '... (vector-ref x 1)))
+ 	     (list-tail args (sub1 (vector-ref x 0))))
+ 	    ((not (pair? x)) x)
+ 	    ((eq? 'quote (car x)) x)	; to handle numeric constants
+ 	    (else (cons (subst (car x)) (subst (cdr x))))))
+     (let ((spec (subst template)))
+       (copy-node! (build-node-graph spec) node))))
+ (define (validate-type type name)
+   ;; - returns converted type or #f
+   ;; - also converts "(... -> ...)" types
+   ;; - drops "#!key ..." args by converting to #!rest
+   (define (upto lst p)
+     (let loop ((lst lst))
+       (cond ((eq? lst p) '())
+ 	    (else (cons (car lst) (loop (cdr lst)))))))
+   (define (validate-llist llist)
+     (cond ((null? llist) '())
+ 	  ((symbol? llist) '(#!rest *))
+ 	  ((not (pair? llist)) #f)
+ 	  ((eq? '#!optional (car llist))
+ 	   (cons '#!optional (validate-llist (cdr llist))))
+ 	  ((eq? '#!rest (car llist))
+ 	   (cond ((null? (cdr llist)) '(#!rest *))
+ 		 ((not (pair? (cdr llist))) #f)
+ 		 ((and (pair? (cddr llist))
+ 		       (eq? '#!key (caddr llist)))
+ 		  `(#!rest ,(validate (cadr llist))))
+ 		 (else #f)))
+ 	  ((eq? '#!key (car llist)) '(#!rest *))
+ 	  (else (cons (validate (car llist)) (validate-llist (cdr llist))))))
+   (define (validate t)
+     (cond ((memq t '(* string symbol char number boolean list pair
+ 		       procedure vector null eof undefined port blob
+ 		       pointer locative fixnum float pointer-vector
+ 		       deprecated))
+ 	   t)
+ 	  ((not (pair? t)) t)
+ 	  ((eq? 'or (car t)) 
+ 	   (and (list? t)
+ 		(let ((ts (map validate (cdr t))))
+ 		  (and (every identity ts)
+ 		       `(or ,@ts)))))
+ 	  ((eq? 'struct (car t))
+ 	   (and (= 2 (length t))
+ 		(symbol? (cadr t))
+ 		t))
+ 	  ((eq? 'procedure (car t))
+ 	   (and (pair? (cdr t))
+ 		(let* ((name (if (symbol? (cadr t))
+ 				 (cadr t)
+ 				 name))
+ 		       (t2 (if (symbol? (cadr t)) (cddr t) (cdr t))))
+ 		  (and (pair? t2)
+ 		       (list? (car t2))
+ 		       (let ((ts (validate-llist (car t2))))
+ 			 (and ts
+ 			      (every identity ts)
+ 			      (let* ((rt2 (cdr t2))
+ 				     (rt (if (eq? '* rt2) 
+ 					     rt2
+ 					     (and (list? rt2)
+ 						  (let ((rts (map validate rt2)))
+ 						    (and (every identity rts)
+ 							 rts))))))
+ 				(and rt
+ 				     `(procedure 
+ 				       ,@(if name (list name) '())
+ 				       ,ts
+ 				       ,@rt)))))))))
+ 	  ((and (pair? (cdr t)) (memq '-> (cdr t))) =>
+ 	   (lambda (p)
+ 	     (validate
+ 	      `(procedure ,(upto t p) ,@(cdr p)))))
+ 	  (else #f)))
+   (validate type))
diff --cc support.scm
index d2fde7af,a56dd850..61d10df9
--- a/support.scm
+++ b/support.scm
@@@ -731,6 -736,24 +736,24 @@@
+ ;;; write declared types to file
+ (define (emit-type-file filename db)
+   (with-output-to-file filename
+     (lambda ()
+       (print "; GENERATED BY CHICKEN " (chicken-version) " FROM "
+ 	     source-filename "\n")
+       (##sys#hash-table-for-each
+        (lambda (sym plist)
+ 	 (when (variable-visible? sym)
+ 	   (when (variable-mark sym '##core#declared-type)
+ 	     (let ((specs
 -		    (or (variable-mark sym '##core#specializations) '())))
++		    (or (variable-mark sym '##compiler#specializations) '())))
+ 	       (pp (cons* sym (variable-mark sym '##core#type) specs))))))
+        db)
+       (print "; END OF FILE"))))
  ;;; Match node-structure with pattern:
  (define (match-node node pat vars)