~ chicken-core (chicken-5) /README

  4     _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/    _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/_/  _/      _/   
  5  _/        _/    _/    _/    _/        _/  _/    _/        _/_/    _/    
  6 _/        _/_/_/_/    _/    _/        _/_/      _/_/_/    _/  _/  _/     
  7_/        _/    _/    _/    _/        _/  _/    _/        _/    _/_/      
  8 _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/    _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/_/  _/      _/       
 12  README file for the CHICKEN Scheme system
 13  =========================================
 16  (c) 2008-2022, The CHICKEN Team
 17  (c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann
 19  version 5.4.1
 22 1. Introduction
 24        CHICKEN is a Scheme-to-C compiler supporting the language
 25        features as defined in the 'Revised^5 Report on
 26        Scheme'. Separate compilation is supported and full
 27        tail-recursion and efficient first-class continuations are
 28        available.
 30        Some things that CHICKEN has to offer:
 32        1. CHICKEN generates quite portable C code and compiled files
 33           generated by it (including itself) should work without any
 34           changes on Windows, most UNIX-like platforms, and with
 35           minor changes on other systems.
 37        2. The whole package is distributed under a BSD style license
 38           and as such is free to use and modify as long as you agree
 39           to its terms.
 41        3. Linkage to C modules and C library functions is
 42           straightforward. Compiled programs can easily be embedded
 43           into existing C code.
 45        4. Loads of extra libraries.
 47        Note: Should you have any trouble in setting up and using
 48        CHICKEN, please ask questions on the CHICKEN users mailing
 49        list.  Check http://wiki.call-cc.org/discussion-groups for
 50        information on how to subscribe to CHICKEN mailing lists.
 53 2. Installation
 55        Building CHICKEN requires GNU Make. Other "make" derivates are
 56        not supported. If you are using a Windows system and do not
 57        have GNU Make, download
 58        http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/tarballs/UnxUtils.zip.
 59        It contains a precompiled set of UNIX utilities, which among
 60        other useful tools contains "make".
 62        Configuration and customization of the build process is done by 
 63        either setting makefile variables on the "make" command line or 
 64        by editing the platform-specific makefile.
 66    2.1. Building from a release tarball
 68        To build CHICKEN, first extract the archive ("tar xzf
 69        chicken-<version>.tar.gz" on UNIX or use your favorite
 70        extraction program on Windows), then change to the
 71        chicken-<version> directory and invoke "make" like this:
 73            make PLATFORM=<platform> PREFIX=<destination>
 75        where "PLATFORM" specifies on what kind of system CHICKEN
 76        shall be built and "PREFIX" specifies where the executables
 77        and libraries shall be installed. Out-of-directory builds are
 78        currently not supported, so you must be in the toplevel source
 79        directory to invoke "make".
 81        If you enter "make" without the PLATFORM option, CHICKEN will
 82        attempt to figure out what platform you are using. If it cannot
 83        do so, you will see a list of supported platforms. If you are
 84        cross-building, you must specify PLATFORM; for example,
 85        PLATFORM=cross-linux-mingw will build CHICKEN on Linux to
 86        deploy on Windows.
 88        If CHICKEN somehow detects the wrong platform, type
 90            make PLATFORM=""
 92        to get a list of available platforms, and re-run "make" using
 93        the correct platform.
 95	Note that parallel builds (using the "-j" make(1) option) are
 96	*not* supported.
 98        If you invoke "make" later with different configuration parameters,
 99        it is advisable to run:
101            make confclean
103        to remove old configuration files.
105    2.2. Building from Git
107        If you build CHICKEN directly from the development sources out
108        of the git repository, you will need a "chicken" executable to
109        generate the compiled C files from the Scheme library sources.
110        See section 2.1 for platform detection issues.
112        If you are building in a checkout where you have built other
113        versions of chicken, you need to make sure that all traces of
114        the previous build are removed. "make clean" is insufficient,
115        and you should do the following:
117            make spotless
119        You will need to have a "chicken" binary installed, ideally
120        from the development snapshot tarball that is closest to the
121        git version you are trying to build (significantly older or
122        newer ones are unlikely to work), and then use that chicken
123        to build from your git sources.  Installing this CHICKEN is
124        recommended, if necessary you can install it to a temporary
125        location in your homedir for example.
127        Then, to build you can run:
129            make CHICKEN=<install-dir>/bin/chicken
131        In some cases, the sources may have diverged enough to
132        become unbuildable even with the snapshot.  Then you'll need
133        to first build a bootstrapping compiler with the installed
134        CHICKEN and then use that to build the version from git.
135        See the "Bootstrapping" section below.
137    2.3. Finishing the installation
139        If CHICKEN is built successfully, you can install it on your
140        system by entering
142            make PREFIX=<destination> install
144        "PREFIX" defaults to "/usr/local". Note that the PREFIX is
145        compiled into several CHICKEN tools and must be the same
146        while building the system and during installation.
148        To install CHICKEN for a particular PREFIX on a different
149        location, set the "DESTDIR" variable in addition to "PREFIX":
150        It designates the directory where the files are installed
151        into.
153    2.4. Verifying your installation is correct
155        You can check whether CHICKEN is functioning correctly by
156        running
158            make <vars> check
160        where <vars> are all the variables you used while building
161        CHICKEN.
163        This will run the test scripts, which show a lot of output.
164        The only thing that matters is the exit status at the end.
165        If it exits with status 0, everything is fine, if it exits
166        with a nonzero status, the failing test's output should be
167        the final lines before Make's "error; exit" output.  If the
168        check fails on unmodified sources, please file a bugreport.
170    2.5. Optional features
172        You can further enable various optional features by adding
173        one or more of the following variables to the "make"
174        invocation:
176        DEBUGBUILD=1
177          Disable optimizations in compiled C code and enable
178          debug information.
180        STATICBUILD=1
181          Build only static versions of the runtime library, compiler
182          and interpreter.
185          Additional options that should be passed to `chicken' when
186          building the system.
189          Override built-in C compiler optimization options. Available
190          for debug or release build.
192        PROGRAM_PREFIX= 
193          A prefix to prepend to the names of all generated executables. 
194          This allows having multiple CHICKEN versions in your PATH 
195          (but note that they have to be installed at different locations).
197        PROGRAM_SUFFIX=
198          A suffix to be appended to the names of all generated executables.
200        HOSTSYSTEM=
201          A "<machine>-<platform>" name prefix to use for the C compiler to
202          use to compile the runtime system and executables. Set this variable
203          if you want to compile CHICKEN for a different architecture than
204          the one on which you are building it.
206        TARGETSYSTEM= 
207          Similar to "HOSTSYSTEM", but specifies the name
208          prefix to use for compiling code with the "csc" compiler
209          driver. This is required for creating a "cross chicken", a
210          specially built CHICKEN that invokes a cross C compiler to
211          build the final binaries. You will need a cross compiled
212          runtime system by building a version of CHICKEN with the
213          "HOST" option mentioned above. More information about this
214          process and the variables that you should set are provided
215          in the manual (see the "Cross development" chapter).
217        SRCDIR= 
218          Specifies that CHICKEN should be built outside of its source
219          tree. The SRCDIR variable indicates the location of the
220          CHICKEN source tree. The executables and object files will
221          be generated in the current directory.
224	  If set, this directory overrides the location where
225	  extensions along with their metadata are stored. Normally
226	  this will be equivalent to "<PREFIX>/lib/chicken/<BINARYVERSION>".
227	  When VARDIR is specified, extensions will be stored in
228	  "<VARDIR>/chicken/<BINARYVERSION>", conforming to the FHS.
231	  If you build CHICKEN often, passing all those make variables
232	  can get annoying. An alternative is to create a configuration
233	  file defining the required variables and passing 
234          "CONFIG=<configfile>" to make(1).
235          Even simpler is editing the included "config.make"
236	  and just invoke make(1) without any extra parameters.
238        C_COMPILER=
239	  You can select an alternative compiler by setting this variable.
240	  The default compiler is "gcc". CHICKEN can be built with the
241	  LLVM version of gcc and with "clang", the LLVM-based C compiler,
242	  just set C_COMPILER to "llvm-gcc" or "clang".
244        LINKER=
245	  Selects the linker to be used for creating executables and 
246	  dynamic libraries from compiled C code. This should normally
247	  be the same as C_COMPILER.
250	  This variable allows you to profile (parts of) CHICKEN itself.
251	  Just pass in a whitespace-separated list of objects, without
252	  the .scm-extension.  (An "object" here is an individual
253	  .scm-file which gets compiled to a .c-file)
254	  To build with profiling support, run "make spotless" first.
255	  Be warned that this is a highly experimental option and
256	  profiling doesn't work for every component of CHICKEN.
258    2.6. Uninstalling CHICKEN
260        To remove CHICKEN from your file-system, enter (probably as
261        root):
263            make PREFIX=<destination> uninstall
265        (If you gave DESTDIR during installation, you have to pass
266        the same setting to "make" when uninstalling)
268    2.7. What gets installed
270	These files will be installed under the prefix given during
271	build and installation:
273        <PREFIX>
274	|-- bin
275	|   |-- chicken
276	|   |-- chicken-install
277	|   |-- chicken-profile
278	|   |-- chicken-status
279	|   |-- chicken-uninstall
280 	|   |-- libchicken.dll                        (Windows)
281	|   |-- csc
282	|   |-- csi
283	|   |-- feathers.bat                          (Windows)
284	|   `-- feathers                              (Unix)
285	|-- include
286	|   `-- chicken
287	|       |-- chicken-config.h
288	|       `-- chicken.h
289	|-- lib
290	|   |-- chicken
291	|   |   `-- 9
292	|   |       |-- chicken.base.import.so
293	|   |       |-- chicken.bitwise.import.so
294	|   |       |-- chicken.blob.import.so
295	|   |       |-- chicken.compiler.user-pass.import.so
296	|   |       |-- chicken.condition.import.so
297	|   |       |-- chicken.continuation.import.so
298	|   |       |-- chicken.csi.import.so
299	|   |       |-- chicken.errno.import.so
300	|   |       |-- chicken.eval.import.so
301	|   |       |-- chicken.file.import.so
302	|   |       |-- chicken.file.posix.import.so
303	|   |       |-- chicken.fixnum.import.so
304	|   |       |-- chicken.flonum.import.so
305	|   |       |-- chicken.foreign.import.so
306	|   |       |-- chicken.format.import.so
307	|   |       |-- chicken.gc.import.so
308	|   |       |-- chicken.internal.import.so
309	|   |       |-- chicken.io.import.so
310	|   |       |-- chicken.irregex.import.so
311	|   |       |-- chicken.keyword.import.so
312	|   |       |-- chicken.load.import.so
313	|   |       |-- chicken.locative.import.so
314	|   |       |-- chicken.memory.import.so
315	|   |       |-- chicken.memory.representation.import.so
316	|   |       |-- chicken.pathname.import.so
317	|   |       |-- chicken.platform.import.so
318	|   |       |-- chicken.plist.import.so
319	|   |       |-- chicken.port.import.so
320	|   |       |-- chicken.pretty-print.import.so
321	|   |       |-- chicken.process.import.so
322	|   |       |-- chicken.process.signal.import.so
323	|   |       |-- chicken.process-context.import.so
324	|   |       |-- chicken.process-context.posix.import.so
325	|   |       |-- chicken.random.import.so
326	|   |       |-- chicken.repl.import.so
327	|   |       |-- chicken.sort.import.so
328	|   |       |-- chicken.string.import.so
329	|   |       |-- chicken.read-syntax.import.so
330	|   |       |-- chicken.syntax.import.so
331	|   |       |-- chicken.tcp.import.so
332	|   |       |-- chicken.time.import.so
333	|   |       |-- chicken.time.posix.import.so
334	|   |       |-- modules.db
335	|   |       |-- srfi-4.import.so
336	|   |       `-- types.db
337	|   |-- libchicken.a
338	|   |-- libchicken.dll.a                      (Windows)
339	|   |-- libchicken.dylib                      (Macintosh)
340	|   |-- libchicken.so -> libchicken.so.11     (Unix)
341	|   `-- libchicken.so.11                      (Unix)
342	`-- share
343	    |-- chicken
344	    |   |-- doc
345	    |   |   |-- LICENSE
346	    |   |   |-- README
347	    |   |   |-- DEPRECATED
348	    |   |   |-- manual-html
349	    |   |   |-- chicken.png
350	    |   |   `-- *.html
351	    |   |-- chicken.rc.o                      (Windows)
352	    |   |-- feathers.tcl
353	    |   `-- setup.defaults
354	    `-- man
355		`-- man1
356		    |-- chicken-install.1
357		    |-- chicken-profile.1
358		    |-- chicken-status.1
359		    |-- chicken-uninstall.1
360		    |-- chicken.1
361		    |-- csc.1
362		    |-- csi.1
363		    `-- feathers.1
366 3. Usage
368        Documentation can be found in the directory
369        PREFIX/share/chicken/doc in HTML format. The manual is
370        maintained in a wiki at http://wiki.call-cc.org. Go there to
371        read the most up to date documentation.
374 4. Extensions
376        A large number of extension libraries for CHICKEN are
377        available at http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggs. You can
378        automatically download, compile and install extensions with
379        the "chicken-install" program. See the CHICKEN User's Manual
380        for more information.
382        A selection of 3rd party libraries, together with source and
383        binary packages for tools helpful for development with CHICKEN
384        are also available at:
385        <http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/tarballs/>.
388 5. Platform issues
390        Android:
392	  - The Android SDK and NDK are required. Make sure you have
393	    set up a project and have a suitable NDK toolchain
394	    available. You will have to override the make(1) variable
395	    C_COMPILER to contain the correct compiler; see
396	    docs/STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html in your NDK root for notes
397	    on how to call the correct compiler. You will also need to
398	    override the ARCH variable to match the device you're
399	    targeting.  The build will produce a libchicken.so that
400	    can then be integrated into your project as a prebuilt
401	    shared library.  See the android section on
402	    http://wiki.call-cc.org/embedding for a complete example.
404	  - It is possible to use eggs, by copying them into the right
405	    place and probably renaming the files. This is somewhat
406	    awkward and requires various hacks to make the
407	    loading/linking of eggs work. It may be easier to build
408	    the eggs you need manually and linking them statically to
409	    your executable.
411	  - By default debug-logging is enabled and written to the
412	    Android log.
414    	FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD:
416          - *BSD system users *must* use GNU make ("gmake") - the makefiles
417            can not be processed by BSD make.
419	  - On NetBSD it might be possible that compilation fails with a
420	    "virtual memory exhausted error".  Try the following:
422	    % unlimit datasize
424	  - When using -deploy on NetBSD, currently the kernel only
425	    supports running the program through its absolute path,
426	    otherwise you will get an error message stating:
428	      execname not specified in AUX vector: No such file or directory
430	    Deployed binaries can also be run without an explicit path,
431	    through $PATH; only relative pathnames do not work.
433	  - Using external libraries on NetBSD may also be easier, if
434	    you add the following definitions to `Makefile.bsd':
436	      C_COMPILER_OPTIONS += -I/usr/pkg/lib
437	      LINKER_OPTIONS += -L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-rpath=/usr/pkg/lib
439	    Note that this may cause build-problems, if you already have
440	    an existing CHICKEN installation in the /usr/pkg prefix.
442        Linux:
444	  - If you want to build Linux binaries which use the "X32 ABI",
445	    you can pass ARCH=x32 on the Make command line.
447          - There have been reports where the library directory
448	    "/usr/lib64" could not be found at build-time on a Fedora
449	    12 system. If you build a 64-bit version of CHICKEN and
450	    the library directory is set incorrectly, you can override
451	    it by passing "LIBDIR=/usr/lib64" as an additional
452	    argument when you invoke "make".
454        Solaris:
456	  - By default, CHICKEN is build with the GNU C compiler (`gcc').
457	    To use the SunPro C compiler (`cc') instead, pass
459	      C_COMPILER=cc
461	    to the "make" invocation.
463	  - Older versions of Solaris have a bug in ld.so that causes
464	    trouble with dynamic loading.  Patching Solaris fixes the
465	    problem. Solaris 7 needs patch 106950-18. Solaris 8 has an
466	    equivalent patch, 109147-16.
468	    You can find out if you have these patches installed by
469	    running:
471	    % showrev -p | grep 106950    # solaris 7
472	    % showrev -p | grep 109147    # solaris 8
474	Mac OS X:
476          - The build currently assumes the C toolchain is in the path,
477            use the "xcode-select(1)" tool to make them available on the
478            command line if you haven't already done so.
480	  - CHICKEN will normally select a 32-bit or 64-bit build
481	    automatically when you use the normal build step:
483	      make
485	    Specifically, the defaults are:
487	      10.4: 32-bit
488	      10.5: 32-bit
489	      10.6: 64-bit (32-bit on original Core Duo, circa early 2006)
490	      10.7: 64-bit
492	    On 10.5, you can optionally build in 64-bit mode on machines
493	    released in late 2006 or later (i.e. with a Core 2 Duo or Xeon
494	    CPU), by specifying ARCH=x86-64:
496	      make ARCH=x86-64
498	  - Universal binaries: On 10.4 and 10.5 only, CHICKEN and its eggs
499	    can be built as universal binaries which will work on either
500	    Intel or PowerPC.  Most users will not want to do this.
502	    For 10.4 universal build:
503	      make ARCH=universal
505	    For 10.5 universal build:
506	      export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.4
507	      make C_COMPILER=gcc-4.0 ARCH=universal
509	    For 10.6 and later, universal builds are not supported.
511	  - On 10.3 and earlier, you must first install `dlcompat'
512	    which can be found at http://distfiles.macports.org/dlcompat/.
515        iOS:
517          - Make sure the "XCODE_PATH" setting is correct (see
518            Makefile.ios), it defaults to "/Applications/Xcode.app".
520          - The paths for the various build tools changed between
521            Xcode 4 and 5. The makefile used for iOS builds of CHICKEN
522            assume Xcode 5 is used. If you are using Xcode 4, override
523            the XCODE_TOOLPATH and C_COMPILER make-variables providing
524            the correct paths, see Makefile.ios for suggestions.
526          - The iOS build is static (iOS doesn't support dynamic
527            loading of executable code). Only the runtime library
528            (libchicken.a) is of interest. To use it, integrate
529            libchicken.a in your Xcode project and use a normal MacOS
530            build to compile your Scheme sources into C files, adding
531            them to you project.
533          - Core library units must by accessed via "(declare (uses
534            ...))" and "(import ...)", "require", "require-library",
535            "require-extension" and "use" will not work, due to the
536            reasons mentioned above.
538          - As dynamic loading is not supported, eggs can not be used
539            as usual, you will have to compile them manually and
540            integrate what you need into your project.
542          - If you want to build for the iPhone Simulator, override
543            the ARCH and XCODE_SDK variables accordingly, see also in
544            Makefile.ios for suggestions.
546   	Windows:
548	  - On Windows, mingw32, <http://mingw.sourceforge.net/> and
549	    Cygwin are supported (Microsoft Visual Studio is *NOT*).
550	    Makefiles for mingw under MSYS and the Windows shell are
551	    provided (`Makefile.mingw-msys' and `Makefile.mingw'). 
552	    Please also read the notes below.
554	  - When installing under the mingw-msys platform, PREFIX must be an
555	    absolute path name (i.e. it must include the drive letter) and
556	    must use forward slashes (no backward slashes), for example
557            "PREFIX=C:/chicken/".
559	  - When installing under mingw, with a windows shell
560	    ("cmd.exe"), pass an absolute pathname (including the
561	    drive letter) as PREFIX and use forward slashes. If you
562	    are building the sources from git, use backslashes to
563	    specify the path to `chicken' (the "CHICKEN" variable).
565	  - When installing under mingw without MSYS, make sure that the
566	    MSYS tools (in case you have some of them, in particular the
567	    sh.exe UNIX shell) are *NOT* visible in your PATH.
569	  - 64-bit Windows is supported, invoke mingw32-make with the
570	    "ARCH=x86-64" argument (this is currently not detected
571	    automatically). The build has been tested on Windows 7
572	    with the SJLJ binary package from "MinGW-builds", which
573	    can be found here:
575	    http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingwbuilds/
577	  - Cygwin will not be able to find the chicken shared libraries
578	    until Windows is rebooted.
580	  - During "make check" you may see these intermittent errors:
582	      ld.exe: cannot open output file a.out: Permission denied
584	    When this happens, the virusscanner is holding open
585	    the file of the previous test while the compiler is
586	    preparing the next test.
587	    To work around this in Windows Defender (the default),
588	    disable "realtime protection" under tools->options.
590	AIX:
592	  - CHICKEN is built with the GNU C compiler (`gcc').  IBM's XL
593	    C compiler is not supported at this time.
595	  - AIX users *must* use GNU make ("gmake") - the makefiles can not be
596	    processed with IBM's version of make.
598	  - Deployment doesn't work.  See manual/Deployment for more details.
600	  - The AIX linker may occasionally show warnings of the form:
602	      ld: 0711-783 WARNING: TOC overflow. TOC size: 66656
603	      Maximum size: 65536
604	      Extra instructions are being generated for each reference to a TOC
605	      symbol if the symbol is in the TOC overflow area.
607	    Such messages indicate that lookups for some symbols in the
608	    effected library/executable may be somewhat slower at runtime as an
609	    auxiliary symbol table is needed to accommodate all of the symbols.
611	  - The AIX assembler may show warnings of the form:
613	      /tmp//ccycPGzK.s: line 527244: 1252-171 The displacement must be
614	      greater than or equal to -32768 and less than or equal to 32767.
616	    This is a known issue between the GNU toolchain and IBM's assembler:
618	    http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=4587
620	    The problem arises because the PPC architecture cannot perform jumps
621	    to addresses that differ more than what a 16-bit integer can
622	    represent.  Adding support for IBM's XL C compiler may resolve this
623	    issue.
625	    Instructing gcc to optimize the size of generated code (-Os)
626	    mitigates this to some degree, but very large C files may still be
627	    uncompilable.  This is known to affect the html-tags egg.
629	Haiku:
631	  - The default GCC compiler is too old to support the -fwrapv
632	    option.  You can either remove the flag from Makefile.haiku,
633	    use a newer GCC, or supply your own C_COMPILER_OPTIONS on
634	    the Make command line.
636	  - The default Haiku BFS file system only supports timestamps
637	    with a granularity of one second.  This may cause trouble
638	    with pregenerated release or development snapshot tarballs
639	    due to the way files are pre-translated to C.  You'll either
640	    need to have CHICKEN installed, or touch the
641	    build-version.c file before building.
644 6. Bootstrapping
646        To build a bootstrapping compiler yourself, get the most
647        recent development snapshot tarball from
648        http://code.call-cc.org, unpack it, build and install it.
649        Then change to the directory containing the git code and run:
651            make CHICKEN=<path-to-existing-chicken> \
652              boot-chicken
654        This will produce a statically linked binary with the name
655        "chicken-boot[.exe]" that can be given as the value of the
656        "CHICKEN" argument when invoking make(1). Note that the path
657        to an existing `chicken' binary must be given to use it for
658        compiling the Scheme code of the runtime-system and compiler.
660        "scripts/bootstrap.sh" automates this process; use this script
661        if you are unsure how to build from the repository sources. It
662        downloads the necessary development snapshot with wget(1) and
663        builds the boot-chicken that you can use to compile the
664        development sources. The invocation is:
666            scripts/bootstrap.sh ...
668        You can add additional parameters if you like to customize the
669        build, but this should not be necessary. Note that your current
670        working directory must be the root directory of the CHICKEN
671        git(1) repository. Once the boot-chicken is built, proceed by
672        invoking make(1) as described above (in 2.2, Building from Git),
673        with the additional parameter:
675            make CHICKEN=./chicken-boot ...
678 7. Emacs support
680        See http://wiki.call-cc.org/emacs for tips and links to emacs
681	extensions for Scheme and CHICKEN programming.
684 8. What's next?
686        If you find any bugs, or want to report a problem, please send
687        a detailed bug report.
689        If you have any more questions or problems (even the slightest
690        problems, or the most stupid questions), then please subscribe
691        to the "chicken-users"
692        (http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/chicken-users)
693        mailing list and ask for help. It will be answered.