~ chicken-core (chicken-5) /tests/r5rs_pitfalls.scm
Trap1;; r5rs_pitfalls.scm
3;; This program attempts to test a Scheme implementation's conformance
4;; to various subtle edge-cases and consequences of the R5RS Scheme standard.
5;; Code was collected from public forums, and is hereby placed in the public domain.
8(define-syntax should-be
9 (syntax-rules ()
10 ((_ test-id value expression)
11 (let ((return-value expression))
12 (if (not (equal? return-value value))
13 (for-each (lambda (v) (display v))
14 `("Failure: " test-id ", expected '"
15 value "', got '" ,return-value "'." #\newline))
16 (for-each (lambda (v) (display v))
17 '("Passed: " test-id #\newline)))))))
19(define call/cc call-with-current-continuation)
21;; Section 1: Proper letrec implementation
23;;Credits to Al Petrofsky
24;; In thread:
25;; defines in letrec body
26;; http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=87bsoq0wfk.fsf%40app.dial.idiom.com
27(should-be 1.1 0
28 (let ((cont #f))
29 (letrec ((x (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (c) (set! cont c) 0)))
30 (y (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (c) (set! cont c) 0))))
31 (if cont
32 (let ((c cont))
33 (set! cont #f)
34 (set! x 1)
35 (set! y 1)
36 (c 0))
37 (+ x y)))))
39;;Credits to Al Petrofsky
40;; In thread:
41;; Widespread bug (arguably) in letrec when an initializer returns twice
42;; http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=87d793aacz.fsf_-_%40app.dial.idiom.com
43(should-be 1.2 #t
44 (letrec ((x (call/cc list)) (y (call/cc list)))
45 (cond ((procedure? x) (x (pair? y)))
46 ((procedure? y) (y (pair? x))))
47 (let ((x (car x)) (y (car y)))
48 (and (call/cc x) (call/cc y) (call/cc x)))))
50;;Credits to Alan Bawden
51;; In thread:
52;; LETREC + CALL/CC = SET! even in a limited setting
53;; http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=19890302162742.4.ALAN%40PIGPEN.AI.MIT.EDU
54(should-be 1.3 #t
55 (letrec ((x (call-with-current-continuation
56 (lambda (c)
57 (list #T c)))))
58 (if (car x)
59 ((cadr x) (list #F (lambda () x)))
60 (eq? x ((cadr x))))))
62;; Section 2: Proper call/cc and procedure application
64;;Credits to Al Petrofsky, (and a wink to Matthias Blume)
65;; In thread:
66;; Widespread bug in handling (call/cc (lambda (c) (0 (c 1)))) => 1
67;; http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=87g00y4b6l.fsf%40radish.petrofsky.org
68(should-be 2.1 1
69 (call/cc (lambda (c) (0 (c 1)))))
71;; Section 3: Hygienic macros
73;; Eli Barzilay
74;; In thread:
75;; R5RS macros...
76;; http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=skitsdqjq3.fsf%40tulare.cs.cornell.edu
77(should-be 3.1 4
78 (let-syntax ((foo
79 (syntax-rules ()
80 ((_ expr) (+ expr 1)))))
81 (let ((+ *))
82 (foo 3))))
85;; Al Petrofsky again
86;; In thread:
87;; Buggy use of begin in r5rs cond and case macros.
88;; http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=87bse3bznr.fsf%40radish.petrofsky.org
89(should-be 3.2 2
90 (let-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules ()
91 ((_ var) (define var 1)))))
92 (let ((x 2))
93 (begin (define foo +))
94 (cond (else (foo x)))
95 x)))
97;;Al Petrofsky
98;; In thread:
99;; An Advanced syntax-rules Primer for the Mildly Insane
100;; http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=87it8db0um.fsf@radish.petrofsky.org
102(should-be 3.3 1
103 (let ((x 1))
104 (let-syntax
105 ((foo (syntax-rules ()
106 ((_ y) (let-syntax
107 ((bar (syntax-rules ()
108 ((_) (let ((x 2)) y)))))
109 (bar))))))
110 (foo x))))
112;; Al Petrofsky
113;; Contributed directly
114(should-be 3.4 1
115 (let-syntax ((x (syntax-rules ()))) 1))
117;; Setion 4: No identifiers are reserved
119;;(Brian M. Moore)
120;; In thread:
121;; shadowing syntatic keywords, bug in MIT Scheme?
122;; http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=6e6n88%248qf%241%40news.cc.ukans.edu
123(should-be 4.1 '(x)
124 ((lambda lambda lambda) 'x))
126(should-be 4.2 '(1 2 3)
127 ((lambda (begin) (begin 1 2 3)) (lambda lambda lambda)))
129(should-be 4.3 #f
130 (let ((quote -)) (eqv? '1 1)))
131;; Section 5: #f/() distinctness
133;; Scott Miller
134(should-be 5.1 #f
135 (eq? #f '()))
136(should-be 5.2 #f
137 (eqv? #f '()))
138(should-be 5.3 #f
139 (equal? #f '()))
141;; Section 6: string->symbol case sensitivity
143;; Jens Axel S?gaard
144;; In thread:
145;; Symbols in DrScheme - bug?
146;; http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=3be55b4f%240%24358%24edfadb0f%40dspool01.news.tele.dk
147(should-be 6.1 #f
148 (eq? (string->symbol "f") (string->symbol "F")))
150;; Section 7: First class continuations
152;; Scott Miller
153;; No newsgroup posting associated. The gist of this test and 7.2
154;; is that once captured, a continuation should be unmodified by the
155;; invocation of other continuations. This test determines that this is
156;; the case by capturing a continuation and setting it aside in a temporary
157;; variable while it invokes that and another continuation, trying to
158;; side effect the first continuation. This test case was developed when
159;; testing SISC 1.7's lazy CallFrame unzipping code.
160(define r #f)
161(define a #f)
162(define b #f)
163(define c #f)
164(define i 0)
165(should-be 7.1 28
166 (let ()
167 (set! r (+ 1 (+ 2 (+ 3 (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! a k) 4))))
168 (+ 5 (+ 6 (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! b k) 7))))))
169 (if (not c)
170 (set! c a))
171 (set! i (+ i 1))
172 (case i
173 ((1) (a 5))
174 ((2) (b 8))
175 ((3) (a 6))
176 ((4) (c 4)))
177 r))
179;; Same test, but in reverse order
180(define r #f)
181(define a #f)
182(define b #f)
183(define c #f)
184(define i 0)
185(should-be 7.2 28
186 (let ()
187 (set! r (+ 1 (+ 2 (+ 3 (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! a k) 4))))
188 (+ 5 (+ 6 (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! b k) 7))))))
189 (if (not c)
190 (set! c a))
191 (set! i (+ i 1))
192 (case i
193 ((1) (b 8))
194 ((2) (a 5))
195 ((3) (b 7))
196 ((4) (c 4)))
197 r))
199;; Credits to Matthias Radestock
200;; Another test case used to test SISC's lazy CallFrame routines.
201(should-be 7.3 '((-1 4 5 3)
202 (4 -1 5 3)
203 (-1 5 4 3)
204 (5 -1 4 3)
205 (4 5 -1 3)
206 (5 4 -1 3))
207 (let ((k1 #f)
208 (k2 #f)
209 (k3 #f)
210 (state 0))
211 (define (identity x) x)
212 (define (fn)
213 ((identity (if (= state 0)
214 (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! k1 k) +))
215 +))
216 (identity (if (= state 0)
217 (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! k2 k) 1))
218 1))
219 (identity (if (= state 0)
220 (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! k3 k) 2))
221 2))))
222 (define (check states)
223 (set! state 0)
224 (let* ((res '())
225 (r (fn)))
226 (set! res (cons r res))
227 (if (null? states)
228 res
229 (begin (set! state (car states))
230 (set! states (cdr states))
231 (case state
232 ((1) (k3 4))
233 ((2) (k2 2))
234 ((3) (k1 -)))))))
235 (map check '((1 2 3) (1 3 2) (2 1 3) (2 3 1) (3 1 2) (3 2 1)))))
237;; Modification of the yin-yang puzzle so that it terminates and produces
238;; a value as a result. (Scott G. Miller)
239(should-be 7.4 '(10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
240 (let ((x '())
241 (y 0))
242 (call/cc
243 (lambda (escape)
244 (let* ((yin ((lambda (foo)
245 (set! x (cons y x))
246 (if (= y 10)
247 (escape x)
248 (begin
249 (set! y 0)
250 foo)))
251 (call/cc (lambda (bar) bar))))
252 (yang ((lambda (foo)
253 (set! y (+ y 1))
254 foo)
255 (call/cc (lambda (baz) baz)))))
256 (yin yang))))))
258;; Miscellaneous
260;;Al Petrofsky
261;; In thread:
262;; R5RS Implementors Pitfalls
263;; http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=871zemtmd4.fsf@app.dial.idiom.com
264(should-be 8.1 -1
265 (let - ((n (- 1))) n))
267(should-be 8.2 '(1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5)
268 (let ((ls (list 1 2 3 4)))
269 (append ls ls '(5))))
271;; This example actually illustrates a bug in R5RS. If a Scheme system
272;; follows the letter of the standard, 1 should be returned, but
273;; the general agreement is that 2 should instead be returned.
274;; The reason is that in R5RS, let-syntax always introduces new scope, thus
275;; in the following test, the let-syntax breaks the definition section
276;; and begins the expression section of the let.
278;; The general agreement by the implementors in 1998 was that the following
279;; should be possible, but isn't:
281;; (define ---)
282;; (let-syntax (---)
283;; (define ---)
284;; (define ---))
285;; (define ---)
287;; Scheme systems based on the Portable syntax-case expander by Dybvig
288;; and Waddell do allow the above, and thus often violate the letter of
289;; R5RS. In such systems, the following will produce a local scope:
291;; (define ---)
292;; (let-syntax ((a ---))
293;; (let ()
294;; (define ---)
295;; (define ---)))
296;; (define ---)
298;; Credits to Matthias Radestock and thanks to R. Kent Dybvig for the
299;; explanation and background
300(should-be 8.3 1
301 (let ((x 1))
302 (let-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules () ((_) 2))))
303 (define x (foo))
304 3)
305 x))
307;;Not really an error to fail this (Matthias Radestock)
308;;If this returns (0 1 0), your map isn't call/cc safe, but is probably
309;;tail-recursive. If its (0 0 0), the opposite is true.
310(let ((result
311 (let ()
312 (define executed-k #f)
313 (define cont #f)
314 (define res1 #f)
315 (define res2 #f)
316 (set! res1 (map (lambda (x)
317 (if (= x 0)
318 (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! cont k) 0))
319 0))
320 '(1 0 2)))
321 (if (not executed-k)
322 (begin (set! executed-k #t)
323 (set! res2 res1)
324 (cont 1)))
325 res2)))
326 (if (equal? result '(0 0 0))
327 (display "Map is call/cc safe, but probably not tail recursive or inefficient.")
328 (display "Map is not call/cc safe, but probably tail recursive and efficient."))
329 (newline))