~ chicken-core (chicken-5) 15d7c84f68a53b6ff968d3a226ecf65d40496eb4

commit 15d7c84f68a53b6ff968d3a226ecf65d40496eb4
Author:     Peter Bex <peter@more-magic.net>
AuthorDate: Sun Mar 29 19:55:04 2015 +0200
Commit:     Peter Bex <peter@more-magic.net>
CommitDate: Sun May 31 14:55:24 2015 +0200

    Restore Lehmer's gcd, which *really* improves bignum performance in some cases.

diff --git a/library.scm b/library.scm
index cd827125..c23e7739 100644
--- a/library.scm
+++ b/library.scm
@@ -1111,6 +1111,9 @@ EOF
 ;;; Basic arithmetic:
+(define-inline (%integer-gcd a b)
+  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_u_i_integer_gcd" 6) a b))
 (define (abs x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_i_abs" 10) x))
 (define (/ arg1 . args)
@@ -1127,7 +1130,7 @@ EOF
   (when (eq? y 0)
     (##sys#error-hook (foreign-value "C_DIVISION_BY_ZERO_ERROR" int) '/ x y))
   (cond ((and (exact-integer? x) (exact-integer? y))
-         (let ((g (##sys#integer-gcd x y)))
+         (let ((g (%integer-gcd x y)))
            (ratnum (##sys#integer-quotient x g) (##sys#integer-quotient y g))))
         ;; Compnum *must* be checked first
         ((or (cplxnum? x) (cplxnum? y))
@@ -1147,8 +1150,8 @@ EOF
              ;; With   g1 = gcd(a, c)   and    g2 = gcd(b, d) [Knuth, 4.5.1 ex. 4]
              (let* ((a (%ratnum-numerator x)) (b (%ratnum-denominator x))
                     (c (%ratnum-numerator y)) (d (%ratnum-denominator y))
-                    (g1 (##sys#integer-gcd a c))
-                    (g2 (##sys#integer-gcd b d)))
+                    (g1 (%integer-gcd a c))
+                    (g2 (%integer-gcd b d)))
                (ratnum (* (quotient a g1) (quotient d g2))
                        (* (quotient b g2) (quotient c g1))))
              ;; a/b / c/d = a*d / b*c  [with d = 1]
@@ -1629,24 +1632,20 @@ EOF
                   (exact->inexact (##sys#integer-power a (inexact->exact b)))
                   (##sys#integer-power a b)))) )
-;; OBSOLETE: Remove this (or change to define-inline)
-(define (##sys#integer-gcd a b)
-  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_u_i_integer_gcd" 6) a b))
 ;; Useful for sane error messages
 (define (##sys#internal-gcd loc a b)
   (cond ((exact-integer? a)
-         (cond ((exact-integer? b) (##sys#integer-gcd a b))
+         (cond ((exact-integer? b) (%integer-gcd a b))
                ((and (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" b)
                      (##core#inline "C_u_i_fpintegerp" b))
-                (exact->inexact (##sys#integer-gcd a (inexact->exact b))))
+                (exact->inexact (%integer-gcd a (inexact->exact b))))
                (else (##sys#error-bad-integer b loc))))
         ((and (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" a)
               (##core#inline "C_u_i_fpintegerp" a))
          (cond ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" b)
                 (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_gcd" 4) a b))
                ((exact-integer? b)
-                (exact->inexact (##sys#integer-gcd (inexact->exact a) b)))
+                (exact->inexact (%integer-gcd (inexact->exact a) b)))
                (else (##sys#error-bad-integer b loc))))
         (else (##sys#error-bad-integer a loc))))
 ;; For compat reasons, we define this
diff --git a/runtime.c b/runtime.c
index ede32de8..2074468f 100644
--- a/runtime.c
+++ b/runtime.c
@@ -10534,6 +10534,69 @@ C_a_i_flonum_gcd(C_word **p, C_word n, C_word x, C_word y)
    return C_flonum(p, xub);
+/* This is Lehmer's GCD algorithm with Jebelean's quotient test, as
+ * it is presented in the paper "An Analysis of Lehmer’s Euclidean
+ * GCD Algorithm", by J. Sorenson.  Fuck the ACM and their goddamn
+ * paywall; you can currently find the paper here:
+ * http://www.csie.nuk.edu.tw/~cychen/gcd/An%20analysis%20of%20Lehmer%27s%20Euclidean%20GCD%20algorithm.pdf
+ * If that URI fails, it's also explained in [MpNT, 5.2]
+ *
+ * The basic idea is to avoid divisions which yield only small
+ * quotients, in which the remainder won't reduce the numbers by
+ * much.  This can be detected by dividing only the leading k bits.
+ * In our case, k = C_WORD_SIZE - 2.
+ */
+C_inline void lehmer_gcd(C_word **ptr, C_word u, C_word v, C_word *x, C_word *y)
+  int i_even = 1, done = 0;
+  C_word shift_amount = integer_length_abs(u) - (C_WORD_SIZE - 2),
+         uhat, vhat, qhat, ab[C_SIZEOF_FIX_BIGNUM*6], *a = ab, xnext, ynext,
+         xprev = 1, yprev = 0, xcurr = 0, ycurr = 1;
+  uhat = C_s_a_i_arithmetic_shift(&a, 2, u, C_fix(-shift_amount));
+  vhat = C_s_a_i_arithmetic_shift(&a, 2, v, C_fix(-shift_amount));
+  assert(uhat & C_FIXNUM_BIT); uhat = C_unfix(uhat);
+  assert(vhat & C_FIXNUM_BIT); vhat = C_unfix(vhat);
+  do {
+    qhat = uhat / vhat;         /* Estimated quotient for this step */
+    xnext = xprev - qhat * xcurr;
+    ynext = yprev - qhat * ycurr;
+    /* Euclidean GCD swap on uhat and vhat (shift_amount is not needed): */
+    shift_amount = vhat;
+    vhat = uhat - qhat * vhat;
+    uhat = shift_amount;
+    i_even = !i_even;
+    if (i_even)
+      done = (vhat < -xnext) || ((uhat - vhat) < (ynext - ycurr));
+    else
+      done = (vhat < -ynext) || ((uhat - vhat) < (xnext - xcurr));
+    if (!done) {
+      xprev = xcurr; yprev = ycurr;
+      xcurr = xnext; ycurr = ynext;
+    }
+  } while (!done);
+  /* x = xprev * u + yprev * v */
+  uhat = C_s_a_u_i_integer_times(&a, 2, C_fix(xprev), u);
+  vhat = C_s_a_u_i_integer_times(&a, 2, C_fix(yprev), v);
+  *x = C_s_a_u_i_integer_plus(ptr, 2, uhat, vhat);
+  *x = move_buffer_object(ptr, ab, *x);
+  clear_buffer_object(ab, uhat);
+  clear_buffer_object(ab, vhat);
+  /* y = xcurr * u + ycurr * v */
+  uhat = C_s_a_u_i_integer_times(&a, 2, C_fix(xcurr), u);
+  vhat = C_s_a_u_i_integer_times(&a, 2, C_fix(ycurr), v);
+  *y = C_s_a_u_i_integer_plus(ptr, 2, uhat, vhat);
+  *y = move_buffer_object(ptr, ab, *y);
+  clear_buffer_object(ab, uhat);
+  clear_buffer_object(ab, vhat);
 /* Because this must be inlineable (due to + and - using this for
  * ratnums), we can't use burnikel-ziegler division here, until we
  * have a C implementation that doesn't consume stack.  However,
@@ -10569,8 +10632,12 @@ C_s_a_u_i_integer_gcd(C_word **ptr, C_word n, C_word x, C_word y)
+   a = ab[i++];
+   x = C_s_a_u_i_integer_abs(&a, 1, x);
+   y = C_s_a_u_i_integer_abs(&a, 1, y);
    while(y != C_fix(0)) {
+     assert(integer_length_abs(x) >= integer_length_abs(y));
      /* x and y are stored in the same buffer, as well as a result */
      a = ab[i++];
      if (i == 2) i = 0;
@@ -10600,13 +10667,27 @@ C_s_a_u_i_integer_gcd(C_word **ptr, C_word n, C_word x, C_word y)
          x = y;
          y = C_bignum_simplify(res);
-     } else { /* Both x and y are bignums */
-       /* TODO: re-implement Lehmer's GCD algorithm in C? */
+     } else {
+       /* First, see if we should run a Lehmer step */
+       if ((integer_length_abs(x) - integer_length_abs(y)) < C_HALF_WORD_SIZE) {
+         C_word newx, newy;
+         lehmer_gcd(&a, x, y, &newx, &newy);
+         clear_buffer_object(ab[i], x);
+         clear_buffer_object(ab[i], y);
+         x = newx;
+         y = newy;
+         if (x & C_FIXNUM_BIT) x = C_a_u_i_fix_to_big(&a, x);
+         if (y & C_FIXNUM_BIT) y = C_a_u_i_fix_to_big(&a, y);
+         a = ab[i++]; /* Ensure x and y get cleared correctly below */
+         if (i == 2) i = 0;
+       }
        size = C_fix(C_bignum_size(x) + 1);
        res = C_allocate_scratch_bignum(&a, size, C_SCHEME_FALSE, C_SCHEME_FALSE);
        bignum_destructive_divide_full(x, y, C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED, res,
-       y = move_buffer_object(&a, ab[i], y);
+       y = move_buffer_object(&a, ab[i], C_bignum_simplify(y));
        clear_buffer_object(ab[i], x);
        x = y;
        y = C_bignum_simplify(res);