~ chicken-core (chicken-5) 292eb591d80b3e73dabe13904fefeed89206e5d0

commit 292eb591d80b3e73dabe13904fefeed89206e5d0
Author:     Peter Bex <peter@more-magic.net>
AuthorDate: Tue Jun 27 08:13:59 2023 +0200
Commit:     felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>
CommitDate: Wed Jun 28 13:01:22 2023 +0200

    Replace locative table with simpler "weak chain" solution
    Instead of keeping track of every locative in a table, we instead use
    the same approach as for tracking weak pairs: during GC, as we
    encounter live locatives, build up a chain which we traverse when the
    GC has completed.  We "recycle" the first slot of the locative when it
    is turned into a forwarding pointer for storing the chain pointer.
    Unlike weak pairs, we have to traverse both strong *and* weak
    locatives, because their pointer slots need to be fixed up.  This
    could be improved if we change the representation of locatives to be
    object+offset instead of pointer+offset(+object), and have the
    C_SPECIALBLOCK_BIT set depending on whether it is weak/strong.  This
    would be a fundamental representational change, so this would be
    better left for CHICKEN 6.
    Signed-off-by: felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>

diff --git a/runtime.c b/runtime.c
index 2a556e2d..8eceb235 100644
--- a/runtime.c
+++ b/runtime.c
@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ static C_TLS int timezone;
 #define DEFAULT_HEAP_MIN_FREE          (4 * 1024 * 1024)
 #define HEAP_SHRINK_COUNTS             10
 #define MIN_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE          3
@@ -404,8 +403,8 @@ static C_TLS C_word
-  *locative_table,
+  locative_chain,
@@ -470,8 +469,6 @@ static C_TLS double
 static C_TLS LF_LIST *lf_list;
 static C_TLS int signal_mapping_table[ NSIG ];
 static C_TLS int
-  locative_table_size,
-  locative_table_count,
@@ -546,8 +543,8 @@ static void C_fcall mark_nested_objects(C_byte *heap_scan_top, C_byte *tgt_space
 static void C_fcall mark_live_objects(C_byte *tgt_space_start, C_byte **tgt_space_top, C_byte *tgt_space_limit) C_regparm;
 static void C_fcall mark_live_heap_only_objects(C_byte *tgt_space_start, C_byte **tgt_space_top, C_byte *tgt_space_limit) C_regparm;
 static C_word C_fcall intern0(C_char *name) C_regparm;
-static void C_fcall update_locative_table(int mode) C_regparm;
 static void C_fcall update_weak_pairs(int mode) C_regparm;
+static void C_fcall update_locatives(int mode) C_regparm;
 static LF_LIST *find_module_handle(C_char *name);
 static void set_profile_timer(C_uword freq);
 static void take_profile_sample();
@@ -761,14 +758,6 @@ int CHICKEN_initialize(int heap, int stack, int symbols, void *toplevel)
   *forwarding_table = 0;
   forwarding_table_size = DEFAULT_FORWARDING_TABLE_SIZE;
-  /* Initialize locative table: */
-  locative_table = (C_word *)C_malloc(DEFAULT_LOCATIVE_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(C_word));
-  if(locative_table == NULL) return 0;
-  locative_table_size = DEFAULT_LOCATIVE_TABLE_SIZE;
-  locative_table_count = 0;
   /* Setup collectibles: */
   collectibles = (C_word **)C_malloc(sizeof(C_word *) * DEFAULT_COLLECTIBLES_SIZE);
@@ -834,6 +823,7 @@ int CHICKEN_initialize(int heap, int stack, int symbols, void *toplevel)
   current_module_handle = NULL;
   callback_continuation_level = 0;
   weak_pair_chain = (C_word)NULL;
+  locative_chain = (C_word)NULL;
   gc_ms = 0;
   if (!random_state_initialized) {
@@ -3443,6 +3433,7 @@ C_regparm void C_fcall C_reclaim(void *trampoline, C_word c)
   tgt_space_top = &C_fromspace_top;
   tgt_space_limit = C_fromspace_limit;
   weak_pair_chain = (C_word)NULL;
+  locative_chain = (C_word)NULL;
   start = C_fromspace_top;
@@ -3479,6 +3470,7 @@ C_regparm void C_fcall C_reclaim(void *trampoline, C_word c)
     tgt_space_top = &tospace_top;
     tgt_space_limit= tospace_limit;
     weak_pair_chain = (C_word)NULL; /* only chain up weak pairs forwarded into tospace */
+    locative_chain = (C_word)NULL;  /* same for locatives */
     cell.val = "GC_MAJOR";
     C_debugger(&cell, 0, NULL);
@@ -3505,7 +3497,7 @@ C_regparm void C_fcall C_reclaim(void *trampoline, C_word c)
     count = (C_uword)C_fromspace_top - (C_uword)start;
-    update_locative_table(GC_MINOR);
+    update_locatives(GC_MINOR);
   else {
@@ -3593,7 +3585,7 @@ C_regparm void C_fcall C_reclaim(void *trampoline, C_word c)
-    update_locative_table(gc_mode);
+    update_locatives(gc_mode);
     count = (C_uword)tospace_top - (C_uword)tospace_start; // Actual used, < heap_size/2
@@ -3680,8 +3672,6 @@ C_regparm void C_fcall C_reclaim(void *trampoline, C_word c)
     C_dbg("GC", C_text("   to\t" UWORD_FORMAT_STRING "\t" UWORD_FORMAT_STRING "\t" UWORD_FORMAT_STRING" \n"), 
 	  (C_uword)tospace_start, (C_uword)tospace_top, 
-    C_dbg("GC", C_text("%d locatives (from %d)\n"), locative_table_count, locative_table_size);
   /* GC will have copied any live objects out of scratch space: clear it */
@@ -3911,6 +3901,9 @@ static C_regparm void C_fcall really_mark(C_word *x, C_byte *tgt_space_start, C_
   if (h == C_WEAK_PAIR_TAG && !C_immediatep(p2->data[0])) {
     p->data[0] = weak_pair_chain; /* "Recycle" the weak pair's CAR to point to prev head */
     weak_pair_chain = (C_word)p;  /* Make this fwd ptr the new head of the weak pair chain */
+  } else if (h == C_LOCATIVE_TAG) {
+    p->data[0] = locative_chain; /* "Recycle" the locative pointer field to point to prev head */
+    locative_chain = (C_word)p;  /* Make this fwd ptr the new head of the locative chain */
@@ -3996,6 +3989,7 @@ C_regparm void C_fcall C_rereclaim2(C_uword size, int relative_resize)
   new_tospace_limit = new_tospace_start + size;
   start = new_tospace_top;
   weak_pair_chain = (C_word)NULL; /* only chain up weak pairs forwarded into new heap */
+  locative_chain = (C_word)NULL;  /* same for locatives */
   /* Mark standard live objects in nursery and heap */
   mark_live_objects(new_tospace_start, &new_tospace_top, new_tospace_limit);
@@ -4012,14 +4006,9 @@ C_regparm void C_fcall C_rereclaim2(C_uword size, int relative_resize)
-  /* Mark locative table (like finalizers, all objects are kept alive in GC_REALLOC): */
-  for(i = 0; i < locative_table_count; ++i)
-    remark(&locative_table[ i ]);
-  update_locative_table(GC_REALLOC);
   /* Mark nested values in already moved (marked) blocks in breadth-first manner: */
   mark_nested_objects(start, new_tospace_start, &new_tospace_top, new_tospace_limit);
+  update_locatives(GC_REALLOC);
   heap_free (heapspace1, heapspace1_size);
@@ -4051,106 +4040,6 @@ C_regparm void C_fcall C_rereclaim2(C_uword size, int relative_resize)
-C_regparm void C_fcall update_locative_table(int mode)
-  int i, hi = 0, invalidated = 0;
-  C_header h;
-  C_word loc, obj, obj2, offset, loc2, ptr;
-  C_uword ptr2;
-  for(i = 0; i < locative_table_count; ++i) {
-    loc = locative_table[ i ];
-    if(loc != C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED) {
-      h = C_block_header(loc);
-      switch(mode) {
-      case GC_MINOR:
-        if(is_fptr(h))		/* forwarded? update l-table entry */
-          loc = locative_table[ i ] = fptr_to_ptr(h);
-        /* otherwise it must have been GC'd (since this is a minor one) */
-        else if(C_in_stackp(loc)) {
-          locative_table[ i ] = C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED;
-          C_set_block_item(loc, 0, 0);
-	  ++invalidated;
-          break;
-        }
-        /* forwarded. fix up ptr and check pointed-at object for being forwarded... */
-        ptr = C_block_item(loc, 0);
-        offset = C_unfix(C_block_item(loc, 1));
-        obj = ptr - offset;
-        h = C_block_header(obj);
-        if(is_fptr(h)) {	/* pointed-at object forwarded? update */
-          C_set_block_item(loc, 0, (C_uword)fptr_to_ptr(h) + offset);
-	  hi = i + 1;
-	}
-        else if(C_in_stackp(obj)) { /* pointed-at object GC'd, locative is invalid */
-          locative_table[ i ] = C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED;
-          C_set_block_item(loc, 0, 0);
-        }
-	else hi = i + 1;
-        break;
-      case GC_MAJOR:
-        if(is_fptr(h))		/* forwarded? update l-table entry */
-          loc = locative_table[ i ] = fptr_to_ptr(h);
-        else {			/* otherwise, throw away */
-          locative_table[ i ] = C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED;
-          C_set_block_item(loc, 0, 0);
-	  ++invalidated;
-          break;
-        }
-        h = C_block_header(loc);
-        if(is_fptr(h))		/* new instance is forwarded itself? update again */
-          loc = locative_table[ i ] = fptr_to_ptr(h);
-        ptr = C_block_item(loc, 0); /* fix up ptr */
-        offset = C_unfix(C_block_item(loc, 1));
-        obj = ptr - offset;
-        h = C_block_header(obj);
-        if(is_fptr(h)) {	/* pointed-at object has been forwarded? */
-	  ptr2 = (C_uword)fptr_to_ptr(h);
-	  h = C_block_header(ptr2);
-	  if(is_fptr(h)) {	/* secondary forwarding check for pointed-at object */
-	    ptr2 = (C_uword)fptr_to_ptr(h) + offset;
-	    C_set_block_item(loc, 0, ptr2);
-	  }
-	  else C_set_block_item(loc, 0, ptr2 + offset); /* everything's fine, fixup pointer */
-	  hi = i + 1;
-        }
-        else {
-          locative_table[ i ] = C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED; /* pointed-at object is dead */
-          C_set_block_item(loc, 0, 0);
-	  ++invalidated;
-        }
-        break;
-      case GC_REALLOC:
-        ptr = C_block_item(loc, 0); /* just update ptr's pointed-at objects */
-        offset = C_unfix(C_block_item(loc, 1));
-        obj = ptr - offset;
-        remark(&obj);
-        C_set_block_item(loc, 0, obj + offset);        
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(gc_report_flag && invalidated > 0)
-    C_dbg(C_text("GC"), C_text("locative-table entries reclaimed: %d\n"), invalidated);
-  if(mode != GC_REALLOC) locative_table_count = hi;
 /* When a weak pair is encountered by GC, it turns it into a
  * forwarding reference as usual, but then it re-uses the now-defunct
  * pair's CAR field.  It clobbers that field with a plain C pointer to
@@ -4216,6 +4105,56 @@ static C_regparm void C_fcall update_weak_pairs(int mode)
     C_dbg("GC", C_text("%d recoverable weak pairs found\n"), weakn);
+/* Same as weak pairs (see above), but for locatives.  Note that this
+ * also includes non-weak locatives, as these point *into* an object,
+ * so the updating of that pointer is not handled by the GC proper
+ * (which only deals with full objects).
+ */
+static C_regparm void C_fcall update_locatives(int mode)
+  int weakn = 0;
+  C_word p, loc, ptr, obj, h, offset;
+  for (p = locative_chain; p != (C_word)NULL; p = *((C_word *)C_data_pointer(p))) {
+    h = C_block_header(p);
+    assert(is_fptr(h));
+    loc = fptr_to_ptr(h);
+    assert(!is_fptr(C_block_header(loc)));
+    /* The locative object itself should be live */
+    assert((mode == GC_MINOR && !C_in_stackp(loc)) ||
+           (mode == GC_MAJOR && !C_in_stackp(loc) && !C_in_fromspacep(loc)) ||
+           (mode == GC_REALLOC && !C_in_stackp(loc) && !C_in_heapp(loc))); /* NB: *old* heap! */
+    ptr = C_block_item(loc, 0); /* fix up ptr */
+    offset = C_unfix(C_block_item(loc, 1));
+    obj = ptr - offset;
+    h = C_block_header(obj);
+    while (is_fptr(h)) {
+      obj = fptr_to_ptr(h);
+      h = C_block_header(obj);
+    }
+    /* If the object is unreferenced by anyone else, it wasn't moved by GC.  So drop it: */
+    if((mode == GC_MINOR && C_in_stackp(obj)) ||
+       (mode == GC_MAJOR && (C_in_stackp(obj) || C_in_fromspacep(obj))) ||
+       (mode == GC_REALLOC && (C_in_stackp(obj) || C_in_heapp(obj)))) { /* NB: *old* heap! */
+      /* NOTE: This does *not* use BROKEN_WEAK_POINTER.  This slot
+       * holds an unaligned raw C pointer, not a Scheme object */
+      C_set_block_item(loc, 0, 0);
+      ++weakn;
+    } else {
+      /* Might have moved, re-set the object to the target value */
+      C_set_block_item(loc, 0, obj + offset);
+    }
+  }
+  locative_chain = (C_word)NULL;
+  if(gc_report_flag && weakn)
+    C_dbg("GC", C_text("%d recoverable weak locatives found\n"), weakn);
 void handle_interrupt(void *trampoline)
@@ -12067,26 +12006,6 @@ C_regparm C_word C_fcall C_a_i_make_locative(C_word **a, int c, C_word type, C_w
   loc[ 3 ] = type;
   loc[ 4 ] = C_truep(weak) ? C_SCHEME_FALSE : object;
-  for(i = 0; i < locative_table_count; ++i)
-    if(locative_table[ i ] == C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED) {
-      locative_table[ i ] = (C_word)loc;
-      return (C_word)loc;
-    }
-  if(locative_table_count >= locative_table_size) {
-    if(debug_mode == 2)
-      C_dbg(C_text("debug"), C_text("resizing locative table from %d to %d (count is %d)\n"), 
-	    locative_table_size, locative_table_size * 2, locative_table_count);
-    locative_table = (C_word *)C_realloc(locative_table, locative_table_size * 2 * sizeof(C_word));
-    if(locative_table == NULL) 
-      panic(C_text("out of memory - cannot resize locative table"));
-    locative_table_size *= 2;
-  }
-  locative_table[ locative_table_count++ ] = (C_word)loc;
   return (C_word)loc;
diff --git a/tests/weak-pointer-test.scm b/tests/weak-pointer-test.scm
index e53f2ade..d13ccfe2 100644
--- a/tests/weak-pointer-test.scm
+++ b/tests/weak-pointer-test.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; weak-pointer-test.scm
-(import (chicken gc) (chicken port))
+(import (chicken gc) (chicken port) (chicken locative))
 (include "test.scm")
@@ -131,4 +131,77 @@
     (test-assert "car of third weak cons is not a broken weak pair" (not (bwp-object? (car ref-c))))
     (test-assert "cdr of third weak cons is not a broken weak pair" (not (bwp-object? (cdr ref-c))))))
+(test-group "Testing that strong locatives get their object updated"
+  (gc #t) ; Improve chances we don't get a minor GC in between
+  (let* ((not-held-onto-value (vector 42))
+	 (held-onto-vector (vector 'this-one-stays))
+	 (vec-0 (vector 0))
+	 (vec-1 (vector 1))
+	 (vec-2 (vector 2))
+	 (nested-not-held-onto-value (vector vec-0 vec-1 vec-2))
+	 (nested-held-onto-value (vector (vector 'x) (vector 'y) (vector 'z)))
+	 (vec-ohai (vector 'ohai))
+	 (vec-fubar (vector 'fubar))
+	 (loc1 (make-locative not-held-onto-value 0))
+	 (loc2 (make-locative (vector 'ohai 'fubar) 1))
+	 (loc3 (make-locative held-onto-vector 0))
+	 (loc4 (make-locative nested-not-held-onto-value 1))
+	 (loc5 (make-locative (vector vec-ohai vec-fubar) 1))
+	 (loc6 (make-locative nested-held-onto-value 1)))
+    ;; break other references to the values
+    (set! not-held-onto-value #f)
+    (set! nested-not-held-onto-value #f)
+    (gc)
+    (test-equal "First locative is updated" (locative-ref loc1) 42)
+    (test-equal "Second locative is updated" (locative-ref loc2) 'fubar)
+    (test-equal "Third locative is updated" (locative-ref loc3) 'this-one-stays)
+    (test-equal "Fourth locative is updated" (locative-ref loc4) vec-1)
+    (test-equal "Fifth locative is updated" (locative-ref loc5) vec-fubar)
+    (test-equal "Sixth locative is updated" (locative-ref loc6) (vector-ref nested-held-onto-value 1))))
+(test-group "Testing that weak locatives get their object reclaimed"
+  (gc #t) ; Improve chances we don't get a minor GC in between
+  (let* ((not-held-onto-value (vector 42))
+	 (held-onto-vector (vector 'this-one-stays))
+	 (vec-0 (vector 0))
+	 (vec-1 (vector 1))
+	 (vec-2 (vector 2))
+	 (nested-not-held-onto-value (vector vec-0 vec-1 vec-2))
+	 (nested-held-onto-value (vector (vector 'x) (vector 'y) (vector 'z)))
+	 (vec-ohai (vector 'ohai))
+	 (vec-fubar (vector 'fubar))
+	 (loc1 (make-weak-locative not-held-onto-value 0))
+	 (loc2 (make-weak-locative (vector 'ohai 'fubar) 1))
+	 (loc3 (make-weak-locative held-onto-vector 0))
+	 (loc4 (make-weak-locative nested-not-held-onto-value 1))
+	 (loc5 (make-weak-locative (vector vec-ohai vec-fubar) 1))
+	 (loc6 (make-weak-locative nested-held-onto-value 1)))
+    ;; break other references to the values
+    (set! not-held-onto-value #f)
+    (set! nested-not-held-onto-value #f)
+    (gc)
+    (test-error "First locative is reclaimed" (locative-ref loc1))
+    (test-error "Second locative is reclaimed" (locative-ref loc2))
+    ;; NOTE: It seems we have to go "through" the original vector to ensure reference is kept
+    (test-equal "Third locative is NOT reclaimed" (locative-ref loc3) (vector-ref held-onto-vector 0))
+    (test-error "Fourth locative is reclaimed" (locative-ref loc4))
+    (test-error "Fifth locative is reclaimed" (locative-ref loc5))
+    (test-equal "Sixth locative is NOT reclaimed" (locative-ref loc6) (vector-ref nested-held-onto-value 1))))