~ chicken-core (chicken-5) 35367c581c590eb9021234babf74428027287478

commit 35367c581c590eb9021234babf74428027287478
Author:     Evan Hanson <evhan@foldling.org>
AuthorDate: Sat Jun 1 16:18:30 2013 +1200
Commit:     Christian Kellermann <ckeen@pestilenz.org>
CommitDate: Sat Jun 29 19:59:24 2013 +0200

    Strip all trailing slashes from directory pathname parts
    This causes decompose-pathname (and its derivatives pathname-directory,
    pathname-replace-file, etc.) to strip all trailing slashes from the
    directory parts of pathnames, rather than just the last one.
    Signed-off-by: Peter Bex <peter.bex@xs4all.nl>
    Signed-off-by: Christian Kellermann <ckeen@pestilenz.org>

diff --git a/files.scm b/files.scm
index 73983509..8c8f1fa3 100644
--- a/files.scm
+++ b/files.scm
@@ -161,11 +161,13 @@ EOF
 (define (chop-pds str)
   (and str
-       (let ((len (##sys#size str)))
-	 (if (and (fx>= len 1)
-		  (*char-pds? (##core#inline "C_subchar" str (fx- len 1)) ) )
-	     (##sys#substring str 0 (fx- len 1))
-	     str) ) ) )
+       (let lp ((len (##sys#size str)))
+	 (cond ((and (fx>= len 1)
+		     (*char-pds? (##core#inline "C_subchar" str (fx- len 1))))
+		(lp (fx- len 1)))
+	       ((fx< len (##sys#size str))
+		(##sys#substring str 0 len))
+	       (else str)))))
 (define make-pathname)
 (define make-absolute-pathname)
@@ -231,9 +233,10 @@ EOF
 	  (lambda (dir)
 	    (and dir
-		 (if (member dir '("/" "\\"))
-		     dir
-		     (chop-pds dir) ) ) )] )
+	         (let ((chopped (chop-pds dir)))
+		   (if (fx> (##sys#size chopped) 0)
+		       chopped
+		       (##sys#substring dir 0 1) ) ) ) )] )
     (lambda (pn)
       (##sys#check-string pn 'decompose-pathname)
       (if (fx= 0 (##sys#size pn))
diff --git a/tests/path-tests.scm b/tests/path-tests.scm
index 6b9fc458..b40ea893 100644
--- a/tests/path-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/path-tests.scm
@@ -71,6 +71,47 @@
 (test '(#f #f (" " "foo" "bar")) (receive (decompose-directory " //foo//bar")))
 (test '(#f #f ("foo" "bar")) (receive (decompose-directory "foo//bar/")))
+(test '(#f #f #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "")))
+(test '("/" #f #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "/")))
+(test '("\\" #f #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "\\")))
+(test '("/" "a" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "/a")))
+(test '("\\" "a" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "\\a")))
+(test '("/" #f #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "///")))
+(test '("\\" #f #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "\\\\\\")))
+(test '("/" "a" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "///a")))
+(test '("\\" "a" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "\\\\\\a")))
+(test '("/a" "b" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "/a/b")))
+(test '("\\a" "b" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "\\a\\b")))
+(test '("/a" "b" "c") (receive (decompose-pathname "/a/b.c")))
+(test '("\\a" "b" "c") (receive (decompose-pathname "\\a\\b.c")))
+(test '("." "a" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "./a")))
+(test '("." "a" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname ".\\a")))
+(test '("." "a" "b") (receive (decompose-pathname "./a.b")))
+(test '("." "a" "b") (receive (decompose-pathname ".\\a.b")))
+(test '("./a" "b" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "./a/b")))
+(test '(".\\a" "b" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname ".\\a\\b")))
+(test '(#f "a" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a")))
+(test '(#f "a." #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a.")))
+(test '(#f ".a" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname ".a")))
+(test '("a" "b" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a/b")))
+(test '("a" "b" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a\\b")))
+(test '("a" "b" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a///b")))
+(test '("a" "b" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a\\\\\\b")))
+(test '("a/b" "c" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a/b/c")))
+(test '("a\\b" "c" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a\\b\\c")))
+(test '("a/b/c" #f #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a/b/c/")))
+(test '("a\\b\\c" #f #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a\\b\\c\\")))
+(test '("a/b/c" #f #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a/b/c///")))
+(test '("a\\b\\c" #f #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a\\b\\c\\\\\\")))
+(test '(#f "a" "b") (receive (decompose-pathname "a.b")))
+(test '("a.b" #f #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a.b/")))
+(test '("a.b" #f #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a.b\\")))
+(test '(#f "a.b" "c") (receive (decompose-pathname "a.b.c")))
+(test '(#f "a." "b") (receive (decompose-pathname "a..b")))
+(test '(#f "a.." "b") (receive (decompose-pathname "a...b")))
+(test '("a." ".b" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a./.b")))
+(test '("a." ".b" #f) (receive (decompose-pathname "a.\\.b")))
 (test "x/y/z.q" (make-pathname "x/y" "z" "q"))
 (test "x/y/z.q" (make-pathname "x/y" "z.q"))
 (test "x/y/z.q" (make-pathname "x/y/" "z.q"))
@@ -80,4 +121,9 @@
 (test "x\\y/z.q" (make-pathname "x\\y" "z.q"))
 (test 'error (handle-exceptions _ 'error (make-pathname '(#f) "foo")))
 (test "/x/y/z" (make-pathname #f "/x/y/z"))
+(test "/x/y/z" (make-pathname "/" "x/y/z"))
 (test "/x/y/z" (make-pathname "/x" "/y/z"))
+(test "/x/y/z" (make-pathname '("/") "x/y/z"))
+(test "/x/y/z" (make-pathname '("/" "x") "y/z"))
+(test "/x/y/z" (make-pathname '("/x" "y") "z"))
+(test "/x/y/z/" (make-pathname '("/x" "y" "z") #f))