~ chicken-core (chicken-5) 7a22bcfe35edd6d841ba9eed7594cc5818f7084e

commit 7a22bcfe35edd6d841ba9eed7594cc5818f7084e
Author:     felix <felix@y.(none)>
AuthorDate: Tue Aug 24 00:52:45 2010 +0200
Commit:     felix <felix@y.(none)>
CommitDate: Tue Aug 24 00:52:45 2010 +0200

    removed more shadowing bindings and did some cleanups

diff --git a/data-structures.scm b/data-structures.scm
index acdf47b8..3b54967f 100644
--- a/data-structures.scm
+++ b/data-structures.scm
@@ -180,20 +180,19 @@ EOF
 		 (cons head (loop tail rest)) ) ) ] ) ) )
 (define chop
-  (let ([reverse reverse])
-    (lambda (lst n)
-      (##sys#check-exact n 'chop)
-      (when (fx<= n 0) (##sys#error 'chop "invalid numeric argument" n))
-      (let ([len (length lst)])
-	(let loop ([lst lst] [i len])
-	  (cond [(null? lst) '()]
-		[(fx< i n) (list lst)]
-		[else
-		 (do ([hd '() (cons (##sys#slot tl 0) hd)]
-		      [tl lst (##sys#slot tl 1)] 
-		      [c n (fx- c 1)] )
-		     ((fx= c 0)
-		      (cons (reverse hd) (loop tl (fx- i n))) ) ) ] ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (lst n)
+    (##sys#check-exact n 'chop)
+    (when (fx<= n 0) (##sys#error 'chop "invalid numeric argument" n))
+    (let ([len (length lst)])
+      (let loop ([lst lst] [i len])
+	(cond [(null? lst) '()]
+	      [(fx< i n) (list lst)]
+	      [else
+	       (do ([hd '() (cons (##sys#slot tl 0) hd)]
+		    [tl lst (##sys#slot tl 1)] 
+		    [c n (fx- c 1)] )
+		   ((fx= c 0)
+		    (cons (reverse hd) (loop tl (fx- i n))) ) ) ] ) ) ) ) )
 (define (join lsts . lst)
   (let ([lst (if (pair? lst) (car lst) '())])
@@ -304,22 +303,19 @@ EOF
 ;;; Anything->string conversion:
 (define ->string 
-  (let ([display display]
-	[string string])
-    (lambda (x)
-      (cond [(string? x) x]
-	    [(symbol? x) (symbol->string x)]
-	    [(char? x) (string x)]
-	    [(number? x) (##sys#number->string x)]
-	    [else 
-	     (let ([o (open-output-string)])
-	       (display x o)
-	       (get-output-string o) ) ] ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (x)
+    (cond [(string? x) x]
+	  [(symbol? x) (symbol->string x)]
+	  [(char? x) (string x)]
+	  [(number? x) (##sys#number->string x)]
+	  [else 
+	   (let ([o (open-output-string)])
+	     (display x o)
+	     (get-output-string o) ) ] ) ) )
 (define conc
-  (let ([string-append string-append])
-    (lambda args
-      (apply string-append (map ->string args)) ) ) )
+  (lambda args
+    (apply string-append (map ->string args)) ) )
 ;;; Search one string inside another:
@@ -478,55 +474,53 @@ EOF
 ;;; Translate elements of a string:
 (define string-translate 
-  (let ([make-string make-string]
-	[list->string list->string] )
-    (lambda (str from . to)
-      (define (instring s)
-	(let ([len (##sys#size s)])
-	  (lambda (c)
-	    (let loop ([i 0])
-	      (cond [(fx>= i len) #f]
-		    [(eq? c (##core#inline "C_subchar" s i)) i]
-		    [else (loop (fx+ i 1))] ) ) ) ) )
-      (let* ([from
-	      (cond [(char? from) (lambda (c) (eq? c from))]
-		    [(pair? from) (instring (list->string from))]
-		    [else
-		     (##sys#check-string from 'string-translate)
-		     (instring from) ] ) ]
-	     [to
-	      (and (pair? to)
-		   (let ([tx (##sys#slot to 0)])
-		     (cond [(char? tx) tx]
-			   [(pair? tx) (list->string tx)]
-			   [else
-			    (##sys#check-string tx 'string-translate)
-			    tx] ) ) ) ] 
-	     [tlen (and (string? to) (##sys#size to))] )
-	(##sys#check-string str 'string-translate)
-	(let* ([slen (##sys#size str)]
-	       [str2 (make-string slen)] )
-	  (let loop ([i 0] [j 0])
-	    (if (fx>= i slen)
-		(if (fx< j i)
-		    (##sys#substring str2 0 j)
-		    str2)
-		(let* ([ci (##core#inline "C_subchar" str i)]
-		       [found (from ci)] )
-		  (cond [(not found)
-			 (##core#inline "C_setsubchar" str2 j ci)
-			 (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1)) ]
-			[(not to) (loop (fx+ i 1) j)]
-			[(char? to)
-			 (##core#inline "C_setsubchar" str2 j to)
-			 (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1)) ]
-			[(fx>= found tlen)
-			 (##sys#error 'string-translate "invalid translation destination" i to) ]
-			[else 
-			 (##core#inline "C_setsubchar" str2 j (##core#inline "C_subchar" to found))
-			 (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1)) ] ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (str from . to)
+    (define (instring s)
+      (let ([len (##sys#size s)])
+	(lambda (c)
+	  (let loop ([i 0])
+	    (cond [(fx>= i len) #f]
+		  [(eq? c (##core#inline "C_subchar" s i)) i]
+		  [else (loop (fx+ i 1))] ) ) ) ) )
+    (let* ([from
+	    (cond [(char? from) (lambda (c) (eq? c from))]
+		  [(pair? from) (instring (list->string from))]
+		  [else
+		   (##sys#check-string from 'string-translate)
+		   (instring from) ] ) ]
+	   [to
+	    (and (pair? to)
+		 (let ([tx (##sys#slot to 0)])
+		   (cond [(char? tx) tx]
+			 [(pair? tx) (list->string tx)]
+			 [else
+			  (##sys#check-string tx 'string-translate)
+			  tx] ) ) ) ] 
+	   [tlen (and (string? to) (##sys#size to))] )
+      (##sys#check-string str 'string-translate)
+      (let* ([slen (##sys#size str)]
+	     [str2 (make-string slen)] )
+	(let loop ([i 0] [j 0])
+	  (if (fx>= i slen)
+	      (if (fx< j i)
+		  (##sys#substring str2 0 j)
+		  str2)
+	      (let* ([ci (##core#inline "C_subchar" str i)]
+		     [found (from ci)] )
+		(cond [(not found)
+		       (##core#inline "C_setsubchar" str2 j ci)
+		       (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1)) ]
+		      [(not to) (loop (fx+ i 1) j)]
+		      [(char? to)
+		       (##core#inline "C_setsubchar" str2 j to)
+		       (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1)) ]
+		      [(fx>= found tlen)
+		       (##sys#error 'string-translate "invalid translation destination" i to) ]
+		      [else 
+		       (##core#inline "C_setsubchar" str2 j (##core#inline "C_subchar" to found))
+		       (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1)) ] ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
 (define (string-translate* str smap)
   (##sys#check-string str 'string-translate*)
@@ -788,21 +782,20 @@ EOF
 ;;; Binary search:
 (define binary-search
-  (let ([list->vector list->vector])
-    (lambda (vec proc)
-      (if (pair? vec)
-	  (set! vec (list->vector vec))
-	  (##sys#check-vector vec 'binary-search) )
-      (let ([len (##sys#size vec)])
-	(and (fx> len 0)
-	     (let loop ([ps 0]
-			[pe len] )
-	       (let ([p (fx+ ps (##core#inline "C_fixnum_shift_right" (fx- pe ps) 1))])
-		 (let* ([x (##sys#slot vec p)]
-			[r (proc x)] )
-		   (cond [(fx= r 0) p]
-			 [(fx< r 0) (and (not (fx= pe p)) (loop ps p))]
-			 [else (and (not (fx= ps p)) (loop p pe))] ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (vec proc)
+    (if (pair? vec)
+	(set! vec (list->vector vec))
+	(##sys#check-vector vec 'binary-search) )
+    (let ([len (##sys#size vec)])
+      (and (fx> len 0)
+	   (let loop ([ps 0]
+		      [pe len] )
+	     (let ([p (fx+ ps (##core#inline "C_fixnum_shift_right" (fx- pe ps) 1))])
+	       (let* ([x (##sys#slot vec p)]
+		      [r (proc x)] )
+		 (cond [(fx= r 0) p]
+		       [(fx< r 0) (and (not (fx= pe p)) (loop ps p))]
+		       [else (and (not (fx= ps p)) (loop p pe))] ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
diff --git a/expand.scm b/expand.scm
index 625ad701..56319d8e 100644
--- a/expand.scm
+++ b/expand.scm
@@ -434,127 +434,126 @@
 ; This code is disgustingly complex.
 (define ##sys#canonicalize-body
-  (let ([reverse reverse])
-    (lambda (body #!optional (se (##sys#current-environment)) cs?)
-      (define (fini vars vals mvars mvals body)
-	(if (and (null? vars) (null? mvars))
-	    (let loop ([body2 body] [exps '()])
-	      (if (not (pair? body2)) 
-		  (cons 
-		   '##core#begin
-		   body) ; no more defines, otherwise we would have called `expand'
-		  (let ([x (car body2)])
-		    (if (and (pair? x) 
-			     (let ((d (car x)))
-			       (and (symbol? d)
-				    (or (eq? (or (lookup d se) d) 'define)
-					(eq? (or (lookup d se) d) 'define-values)))) )
-			(cons
-			 '##core#begin
-			 (##sys#append (reverse exps) (list (expand body2))))
-			(loop (cdr body2) (cons x exps)) ) ) ) )
-	    (let* ((vars (reverse vars))
-		   (result 
-		    `(##core#let
-		      ,(##sys#map
-			(lambda (v) (##sys#list v (##sys#list '##core#undefined))) 
-			(apply ##sys#append vars mvars) )
-		      ,@(map (lambda (v x) `(##core#set! ,v ,x)) vars (reverse vals))
-		      ,@(map (lambda (vs x)
-			       (let ([tmps (##sys#map gensym vs)])
-				 `(##sys#call-with-values
-				   (##core#lambda () ,x)
-				   (##core#lambda 
-				    ,tmps 
-				    ,@(map (lambda (v t)
-					     `(##core#set! ,v ,t)) 
-					   vs tmps) ) ) ) ) 
-			     (reverse mvars)
-			     (reverse mvals) )
-		      ,@body) ) )
-	      (dd `(BODY: ,result))
-	      result)))
-      (define (fini/syntax vars vals mvars mvals body)
-	(fini
-	 vars vals mvars mvals
-	 (let loop ((body body) (defs '()) (done #f))
-	   (cond (done `((##core#letrec-syntax
-			  ,(map cdr (reverse defs)) ,@body) ))
-		 ((not (pair? body)) (loop body defs #t))
-		 ((and (list? (car body))
-		       (>= 3 (length (car body))) 
-		       (symbol? (caar body))
-		       (eq? 'define-syntax (or (lookup (caar body) se) (caar body))))
-		  (let ((def (car body)))
-		    (loop 
-		     (cdr body) 
-		     (cons (cond ((pair? (cadr def))
-				  `(define-syntax ; (the first element is actually ignored)
-				     ,(caadr def)
-				     (##core#lambda ,(cdadr def) ,@(cddr def))))
-				 ;; insufficient, if introduced by different expansions, but
-				 ;; better than nothing:
-				 ((eq? (car def) (cadr def))
-				  (##sys#defjam-error def))
-				 (else def))
-			   defs) 
-		     #f)))
-		 (else (loop body defs #t))))))		       
-      (define (expand body)
-	(let loop ([body body] [vars '()] [vals '()] [mvars '()] [mvals '()])
-	  (if (not (pair? body))
-	      (fini vars vals mvars mvals body)
-	      (let* ((x (car body))
-		     (rest (cdr body))
-		     (exp1 (and (pair? x) (car x)))
-		     (head (and exp1
-				(symbol? exp1)
-				(or (lookup exp1 se) exp1))))
-		(cond [(not (symbol? head)) (fini vars vals mvars mvals body)]
-		      [(eq? 'define (or (lookup head se) head))
-		       (##sys#check-syntax 'define x '(_ _ . #(_ 0)) #f se)
-		       (let loop2 ([x x])
-			 (let ([head (cadr x)])
-			   (cond [(not (pair? head))
-				  (##sys#check-syntax 'define x '(_ variable . #(_ 0)) #f se)
-				  (when (eq? (car x) head) ; see above
-				    (##sys#defjam-error x))
-				  (loop rest (cons head vars)
-					(cons (if (pair? (cddr x))
-						  (caddr x)
-						  '(##core#undefined) )
-					      vals)
-					mvars mvals) ]
-				 [(pair? (car head))
-				  (##sys#check-syntax
-				   'define x '(_ (_ . lambda-list) . #(_ 1)) #f se)
-				  (loop2
-				   (##sys#expand-curried-define head (cddr x) se)) ]
-				 [else
-				  (##sys#check-syntax
-				   'define x
-				   '(_ (variable . lambda-list) . #(_ 1)) #f se)
-				  (loop rest
-					(cons (car head) vars)
-					(cons `(##core#lambda ,(cdr head) ,@(cddr x)) vals)
-					mvars mvals) ] ) ) ) ]
-		      ((eq? 'define-syntax (or (lookup head se) head))
-		       (##sys#check-syntax 'define-syntax x '(_ _ . #(_ 1)) se)
-		       (fini/syntax vars vals mvars mvals body) )
-		      [(eq? 'define-values (or (lookup head se) head))
-		       ;;XXX check for any of the variables being `define-values' (?)
-		       (##sys#check-syntax 'define-values x '(_ #(_ 0) _) #f se)
-		       (loop rest vars vals (cons (cadr x) mvars) (cons (caddr x) mvals)) ]
-		      [(eq? '##core#begin head)
-		       (loop (##sys#append (cdr x) rest) vars vals mvars mvals) ]
-		      ((or (memq head vars) (memq head mvars))
-		       (fini vars vals mvars mvals body))
-		      [else
-		       (let ([x2 (##sys#expand-0 x se cs?)])
-			 (if (eq? x x2)
-			     (fini vars vals mvars mvals body)
-			     (loop (cons x2 rest) vars vals mvars mvals) ) ) ] ) ) ) ) )
-      (expand body) ) ) )
+  (lambda (body #!optional (se (##sys#current-environment)) cs?)
+    (define (fini vars vals mvars mvals body)
+      (if (and (null? vars) (null? mvars))
+	  (let loop ([body2 body] [exps '()])
+	    (if (not (pair? body2)) 
+		(cons 
+		 '##core#begin
+		 body) ; no more defines, otherwise we would have called `expand'
+		(let ([x (car body2)])
+		  (if (and (pair? x) 
+			   (let ((d (car x)))
+			     (and (symbol? d)
+				  (or (eq? (or (lookup d se) d) 'define)
+				      (eq? (or (lookup d se) d) 'define-values)))) )
+		      (cons
+		       '##core#begin
+		       (##sys#append (reverse exps) (list (expand body2))))
+		      (loop (cdr body2) (cons x exps)) ) ) ) )
+	  (let* ((vars (reverse vars))
+		 (result 
+		  `(##core#let
+		    ,(##sys#map
+		      (lambda (v) (##sys#list v (##sys#list '##core#undefined))) 
+		      (apply ##sys#append vars mvars) )
+		    ,@(map (lambda (v x) `(##core#set! ,v ,x)) vars (reverse vals))
+		    ,@(map (lambda (vs x)
+			     (let ([tmps (##sys#map gensym vs)])
+			       `(##sys#call-with-values
+				 (##core#lambda () ,x)
+				 (##core#lambda 
+				  ,tmps 
+				  ,@(map (lambda (v t)
+					   `(##core#set! ,v ,t)) 
+					 vs tmps) ) ) ) ) 
+			   (reverse mvars)
+			   (reverse mvals) )
+		    ,@body) ) )
+	    (dd `(BODY: ,result))
+	    result)))
+    (define (fini/syntax vars vals mvars mvals body)
+      (fini
+       vars vals mvars mvals
+       (let loop ((body body) (defs '()) (done #f))
+	 (cond (done `((##core#letrec-syntax
+			,(map cdr (reverse defs)) ,@body) ))
+	       ((not (pair? body)) (loop body defs #t))
+	       ((and (list? (car body))
+		     (>= 3 (length (car body))) 
+		     (symbol? (caar body))
+		     (eq? 'define-syntax (or (lookup (caar body) se) (caar body))))
+		(let ((def (car body)))
+		  (loop 
+		   (cdr body) 
+		   (cons (cond ((pair? (cadr def))
+				`(define-syntax ; (the first element is actually ignored)
+				   ,(caadr def)
+				   (##core#lambda ,(cdadr def) ,@(cddr def))))
+			       ;; insufficient, if introduced by different expansions, but
+			       ;; better than nothing:
+			       ((eq? (car def) (cadr def))
+				(##sys#defjam-error def))
+			       (else def))
+			 defs) 
+		   #f)))
+	       (else (loop body defs #t))))))		       
+    (define (expand body)
+      (let loop ([body body] [vars '()] [vals '()] [mvars '()] [mvals '()])
+	(if (not (pair? body))
+	    (fini vars vals mvars mvals body)
+	    (let* ((x (car body))
+		   (rest (cdr body))
+		   (exp1 (and (pair? x) (car x)))
+		   (head (and exp1
+			      (symbol? exp1)
+			      (or (lookup exp1 se) exp1))))
+	      (cond [(not (symbol? head)) (fini vars vals mvars mvals body)]
+		    [(eq? 'define (or (lookup head se) head))
+		     (##sys#check-syntax 'define x '(_ _ . #(_ 0)) #f se)
+		     (let loop2 ([x x])
+		       (let ([head (cadr x)])
+			 (cond [(not (pair? head))
+				(##sys#check-syntax 'define x '(_ variable . #(_ 0)) #f se)
+				(when (eq? (car x) head) ; see above
+				  (##sys#defjam-error x))
+				(loop rest (cons head vars)
+				      (cons (if (pair? (cddr x))
+						(caddr x)
+						'(##core#undefined) )
+					    vals)
+				      mvars mvals) ]
+			       [(pair? (car head))
+				(##sys#check-syntax
+				 'define x '(_ (_ . lambda-list) . #(_ 1)) #f se)
+				(loop2
+				 (##sys#expand-curried-define head (cddr x) se)) ]
+			       [else
+				(##sys#check-syntax
+				 'define x
+				 '(_ (variable . lambda-list) . #(_ 1)) #f se)
+				(loop rest
+				      (cons (car head) vars)
+				      (cons `(##core#lambda ,(cdr head) ,@(cddr x)) vals)
+				      mvars mvals) ] ) ) ) ]
+		    ((eq? 'define-syntax (or (lookup head se) head))
+		     (##sys#check-syntax 'define-syntax x '(_ _ . #(_ 1)) se)
+		     (fini/syntax vars vals mvars mvals body) )
+		    [(eq? 'define-values (or (lookup head se) head))
+		     ;;XXX check for any of the variables being `define-values' (?)
+		     (##sys#check-syntax 'define-values x '(_ #(_ 0) _) #f se)
+		     (loop rest vars vals (cons (cadr x) mvars) (cons (caddr x) mvals)) ]
+		    [(eq? '##core#begin head)
+		     (loop (##sys#append (cdr x) rest) vars vals mvars mvals) ]
+		    ((or (memq head vars) (memq head mvars))
+		     (fini vars vals mvars mvals body))
+		    [else
+		     (let ([x2 (##sys#expand-0 x se cs?)])
+		       (if (eq? x x2)
+			   (fini vars vals mvars mvals body)
+			   (loop (cons x2 rest) vars vals mvars mvals) ) ) ] ) ) ) ) )
+    (expand body) ) )
 ;;; A simple expression matcher
@@ -668,85 +667,83 @@
 (define-constant +default-argument-count-limit+ 99999)
 (define ##sys#check-syntax
-  (let ([string-append string-append]
-	[symbol->string symbol->string] )
-    (lambda (id exp pat #!optional culprit (se (##sys#current-environment)))
-      (define (test x pred msg)
-	(unless (pred x) (err msg)) )
-      (define (err msg)
-	(let* ([sexp ##sys#syntax-error-culprit]
-	       [ln (get-line-number sexp)] )
-	  (##sys#syntax-error-hook
-	   (if ln 
-	       (string-append "(" ln ") in `" (symbol->string id) "' - " msg)
-	       (string-append "in `" (symbol->string id) "' - " msg) )
-	   exp) ) )
-      (define (lambda-list? x)
-	(or (##sys#extended-lambda-list? x)
-	    (let loop ((x x))
-	      (cond ((null? x))
-		    ((symbol? x) (not (keyword? x)))
-		    ((pair? x)
-		     (let ((s (car x)))
-		       (and (symbol? s) (not (keyword? s))
-			    (loop (cdr x)) ) ) )
-		    (else #f) ) ) ) )
-      (define (proper-list? x)
-	(let loop ((x x))
-	  (cond ((eq? x '()))
-		((pair? x) (loop (cdr x)))
-		(else #f) ) ) )
-      (when culprit (set! ##sys#syntax-error-culprit culprit))
-      (let walk ((x exp) (p pat))
-	(cond ((vector? p)
-	       (let* ((p2 (vector-ref p 0))
-		      (vlen (##sys#size p))
-		      (min (if (fx> vlen 1) 
-			       (vector-ref p 1)
-			       0) )
-		      (max (cond ((eq? vlen 1) 1)
-				 ((fx> vlen 2) (vector-ref p 2))
-				 (else +default-argument-count-limit+) ) ) )
-		 (do ((x x (cdr x))
-		      (n 0 (fx+ n 1)) )
-		     ((eq? x '())
-		      (if (fx< n min)
-			  (err "not enough arguments") ) )
-		   (cond ((fx>= n max) 
-			  (err "too many arguments") )
-			 ((not (pair? x))
-			  (err "not a proper list") )
-			 (else (walk (car x) p2) ) ) ) ) )
-	      ((##sys#immediate? p)
-	       (if (not (eq? p x)) (err "unexpected object")) )
-	      ((symbol? p)
-	       (case p
-		 ((_) #t)
-		 ((pair) (test x pair? "pair expected"))
-		 ((variable) (test x symbol? "identifier expected"))
-		 ((symbol) (test x symbol? "symbol expected"))
-		 ((list) (test x proper-list? "proper list expected"))
-		 ((number) (test x number? "number expected"))
-		 ((string) (test x string? "string expected"))
-		 ((lambda-list) (test x lambda-list? "lambda-list expected"))
-		 (else
-		  (test
-		   x
-		   (lambda (y)
-		     (let ((y2 (and (symbol? y) (lookup y se))))
-		       (eq? (if (symbol? y2) y2 y) p)))
-		   "missing keyword")) ) )
-	      ((not (pair? p))
-	       (err "incomplete form") )
-	      ((not (pair? x)) (err "pair expected"))
-	      (else
-	       (walk (car x) (car p))
-	       (walk (cdr x) (cdr p)) ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (id exp pat #!optional culprit (se (##sys#current-environment)))
+    (define (test x pred msg)
+      (unless (pred x) (err msg)) )
+    (define (err msg)
+      (let* ([sexp ##sys#syntax-error-culprit]
+	     [ln (get-line-number sexp)] )
+	(##sys#syntax-error-hook
+	 (if ln 
+	     (string-append "(" ln ") in `" (symbol->string id) "' - " msg)
+	     (string-append "in `" (symbol->string id) "' - " msg) )
+	 exp) ) )
+    (define (lambda-list? x)
+      (or (##sys#extended-lambda-list? x)
+	  (let loop ((x x))
+	    (cond ((null? x))
+		  ((symbol? x) (not (keyword? x)))
+		  ((pair? x)
+		   (let ((s (car x)))
+		     (and (symbol? s) (not (keyword? s))
+			  (loop (cdr x)) ) ) )
+		  (else #f) ) ) ) )
+    (define (proper-list? x)
+      (let loop ((x x))
+	(cond ((eq? x '()))
+	      ((pair? x) (loop (cdr x)))
+	      (else #f) ) ) )
+    (when culprit (set! ##sys#syntax-error-culprit culprit))
+    (let walk ((x exp) (p pat))
+      (cond ((vector? p)
+	     (let* ((p2 (vector-ref p 0))
+		    (vlen (##sys#size p))
+		    (min (if (fx> vlen 1) 
+			     (vector-ref p 1)
+			     0) )
+		    (max (cond ((eq? vlen 1) 1)
+			       ((fx> vlen 2) (vector-ref p 2))
+			       (else +default-argument-count-limit+) ) ) )
+	       (do ((x x (cdr x))
+		    (n 0 (fx+ n 1)) )
+		   ((eq? x '())
+		    (if (fx< n min)
+			(err "not enough arguments") ) )
+		 (cond ((fx>= n max) 
+			(err "too many arguments") )
+		       ((not (pair? x))
+			(err "not a proper list") )
+		       (else (walk (car x) p2) ) ) ) ) )
+	    ((##sys#immediate? p)
+	     (if (not (eq? p x)) (err "unexpected object")) )
+	    ((symbol? p)
+	     (case p
+	       ((_) #t)
+	       ((pair) (test x pair? "pair expected"))
+	       ((variable) (test x symbol? "identifier expected"))
+	       ((symbol) (test x symbol? "symbol expected"))
+	       ((list) (test x proper-list? "proper list expected"))
+	       ((number) (test x number? "number expected"))
+	       ((string) (test x string? "string expected"))
+	       ((lambda-list) (test x lambda-list? "lambda-list expected"))
+	       (else
+		(test
+		 x
+		 (lambda (y)
+		   (let ((y2 (and (symbol? y) (lookup y se))))
+		     (eq? (if (symbol? y2) y2 y) p)))
+		 "missing keyword")) ) )
+	    ((not (pair? p))
+	     (err "incomplete form") )
+	    ((not (pair? x)) (err "pair expected"))
+	    (else
+	     (walk (car x) (car p))
+	     (walk (cdr x) (cdr p)) ) ) ) ) )
 ;;; explicit-renaming transformer
diff --git a/extras.scm b/extras.scm
index 42afea27..dcbfcca8 100644
--- a/extras.scm
+++ b/extras.scm
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 ;;; Line I/O:
 (define read-line
-  (let ([make-string make-string])
+  (let ()
     (define (fixup str len)
        str 0
@@ -120,26 +120,24 @@
 				(loop (fx+ i 1)) ] ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
 (define read-lines
-  (let ((call-with-input-file call-with-input-file) 
-	(reverse reverse) )
-    (lambda port-and-max
-      (let* ((port (if (pair? port-and-max) (##sys#slot port-and-max 0) ##sys#standard-input))
-	     (rest (and (pair? port-and-max) (##sys#slot port-and-max 1)))
-	     (max (if (pair? rest) (##sys#slot rest 0) #f)) )
-	(define (doread port)
-	  (let loop ((lns '())
-		     (n (or max 1000000000)) ) ; this is silly
-	    (if (eq? n 0)
-		(reverse lns)
-		(let ((ln (read-line port)))
-		  (if (eof-object? ln)
-		      (reverse lns)
-		      (loop (cons ln lns) (fx- n 1)) ) ) ) ) )
-	(if (string? port)
-	    (call-with-input-file port doread)
-	    (begin
-	      (##sys#check-port port 'read-lines)
-	      (doread port) ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda port-and-max
+    (let* ((port (if (pair? port-and-max) (##sys#slot port-and-max 0) ##sys#standard-input))
+	   (rest (and (pair? port-and-max) (##sys#slot port-and-max 1)))
+	   (max (if (pair? rest) (##sys#slot rest 0) #f)) )
+      (define (doread port)
+	(let loop ((lns '())
+		   (n (or max 1000000000)) ) ; this is silly
+	  (if (eq? n 0)
+	      (reverse lns)
+	      (let ((ln (read-line port)))
+		(if (eof-object? ln)
+		    (reverse lns)
+		    (loop (cons ln lns) (fx- n 1)) ) ) ) ) )
+      (if (string? port)
+	  (call-with-input-file port doread)
+	  (begin
+	    (##sys#check-port port 'read-lines)
+	    (doread port) ) ) ) ) )
 ;;; Extended I/O 
@@ -222,29 +220,26 @@
 		(get-output-string out) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
 (define write-string 
-  (let ([display display])
-    (lambda (s . more)
-      (##sys#check-string s 'write-string)
-      (let-optionals more ([n #f] [port ##sys#standard-output])
-	(##sys#check-port port 'write-string)
-	(when n (##sys#check-exact n 'write-string))
-	(display 
-	 (if (and n (fx< n (##sys#size s)))
-	     (##sys#substring s 0 n)
-	     s)
-	 port) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (s . more)
+    (##sys#check-string s 'write-string)
+    (let-optionals more ([n #f] [port ##sys#standard-output])
+      (##sys#check-port port 'write-string)
+      (when n (##sys#check-exact n 'write-string))
+      (display 
+       (if (and n (fx< n (##sys#size s)))
+	   (##sys#substring s 0 n)
+	   s)
+       port) ) ) )
 (define write-line
-  (let ((display display)
-	(newline newline) )
-    (lambda (str . port)
-      (let ((p (if (##core#inline "C_eqp" port '())
-		   ##sys#standard-output
-		   (##sys#slot port 0) ) ) )
-	(##sys#check-port p 'write-line)
-	(##sys#check-string str 'write-line)
-	(display str p)
-	(newline p) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (str . port)
+    (let ((p (if (##core#inline "C_eqp" port '())
+		 ##sys#standard-output
+		 (##sys#slot port 0) ) ) )
+      (##sys#check-port p 'write-line)
+      (##sys#check-string str 'write-line)
+      (display str p)
+      (newline p) ) ) )
 ;;; Binary I/O
@@ -559,14 +554,11 @@
 ;;; Write simple formatted output:
 (define fprintf0
-  (let ((write write)
-	(newline newline)
-	(display display) )
-    (lambda (loc port msg args)
-      (when port (##sys#check-port port loc))
-      (let ((out (if (and port (##sys#tty-port? port))
-		     port
-		     (open-output-string))))
+  (lambda (loc port msg args)
+    (when port (##sys#check-port port loc))
+    (let ((out (if (and port (##sys#tty-port? port))
+		   port
+		   (open-output-string))))
       (let rec ([msg msg] [args args])
 	(##sys#check-string msg loc)
 	(let ((index 0)
@@ -612,7 +604,7 @@
 		(loop) ) ) ) ) )
       (cond ((not port) (get-output-string out))
 	    ((not (eq? out port))
-	     (##sys#print (get-output-string out) #f port) ) ) ) ) ) )
+	     (##sys#print (get-output-string out) #f port) ) ) ) ) )
 (define (fprintf port fstr . args)
   (fprintf0 'fprintf port fstr args) )
diff --git a/files.scm b/files.scm
index b3b14876..20a8d1c6 100644
--- a/files.scm
+++ b/files.scm
@@ -68,47 +68,33 @@ EOF
 ;;; file-copy and file-move : they do what you'd think.
 (define (file-copy origfile newfile #!optional (clobber #f) (blocksize 1024))
-    (##sys#check-string origfile 'file-copy)
-    (##sys#check-string newfile 'file-copy)
-    (##sys#check-number blocksize 'file-copy)
-    (or (and (integer? blocksize) (> blocksize 0))
-        (##sys#error (string-append
-                         "invalid blocksize given: not a positive integer - "
-                         (number->string blocksize))))
-    (or (file-exists? origfile)
-        (##sys#error (string-append "origfile does not exist - " origfile)))
-    (and (file-exists? newfile)
-         (or clobber
-             (##sys#error (string-append
-                              "newfile exists but clobber is false - "
-                              newfile))))
-    (let* ((i   (condition-case (open-input-file origfile)
-                    (val ()
-                        (##sys#error (string-append
-                                         "could not open origfile for read - "
-                                         origfile)))))
-           (o   (condition-case (open-output-file newfile)
-                    (val ()
-                        (##sys#error (string-append
-                                         "could not open newfile for write - "
-                                         newfile)))))
-           (s   (make-string blocksize)))
-        (let loop ((d (read-string! blocksize s i))
-                   (l 0))
-            (if (fx= 0 d)
-                (begin
-                    (close-input-port i)
-                    (close-output-port o)
-                    l)
-                (begin
-                    (condition-case (write-string s d o)
-                        (val ()
-                            (close-input-port i)
-                            (close-output-port o)
-                            (##sys#error (string-append
-                                             "error writing file starting at "
-                                             (number->string l)))))
-                    (loop (read-string! blocksize s i) (fx+ d l)))))))
+  (##sys#check-string origfile 'file-copy)
+  (##sys#check-string newfile 'file-copy)
+  (##sys#check-number blocksize 'file-copy)
+  (or (and (integer? blocksize) (> blocksize 0))
+      (##sys#error (string-append
+		    "invalid blocksize given: not a positive integer - "
+		    (number->string blocksize))))
+  (or (file-exists? origfile)
+      (##sys#error (string-append "origfile does not exist - " origfile)))
+  (and (file-exists? newfile)
+       (or clobber
+	   (##sys#error (string-append
+			 "newfile exists but clobber is false - "
+			 newfile))))
+  (let* ((i (open-input-file origfile))
+	 (o (open-output-file newfile))
+	 (s   (make-string blocksize)))
+    (let loop ((d (read-string! blocksize s i))
+	       (l 0))
+      (if (fx= 0 d)
+	  (begin
+	    (close-input-port i)
+	    (close-output-port o)
+	    l)
+	  (begin
+	    (write-string s d o)
+	    (loop (read-string! blocksize s i) (fx+ d l)))))))
 (define (file-move origfile newfile #!optional (clobber #f) (blocksize 1024))
   (##sys#check-string origfile 'file-move)
@@ -125,16 +111,8 @@ EOF
 	   (##sys#error (string-append
 			 "newfile exists but clobber is false - "
-  (let* ((i   (condition-case (open-input-file origfile)
-		(val ()
-		     (##sys#error (string-append
-				   "could not open origfile for read - "
-				   origfile)))))
-	 (o   (condition-case (open-output-file newfile)
-		(val ()
-		     (##sys#error (string-append
-				   "could not open newfile for write - "
-				   newfile)))))
+  (let* ((i (open-input-file origfile))
+	 (o (open-output-file newfile))
 	 (s   (make-string blocksize)))
     (let loop ((d (read-string! blocksize s i))
 	       (l 0))
@@ -142,20 +120,10 @@ EOF
 	    (close-input-port i)
 	    (close-output-port o)
-	    (condition-case (delete-file origfile)
-	      (val ()
-		   (##sys#error (string-append
-				 "could not remove origfile - "
-				 origfile))))
+	    (delete-file origfile)
-	    (condition-case (write-string s d o)
-	      (val ()
-		   (close-input-port i)
-		   (close-output-port o)
-		   (##sys#error (string-append
-				 "error writing file starting at "
-				 (number->string l)))))
+	    (write-string s d o)
 	    (loop (read-string! blocksize s i) (fx+ d l)))))))
 ;;; Pathname operations:
@@ -199,8 +167,7 @@ EOF
 (define make-pathname)
 (define make-absolute-pathname)
-(let ([string-append string-append]
-      [def-pds "/"] )
+(let ([def-pds "/"] )
   (define (conc-dirs dirs pds)
     (##sys#check-list dirs 'make-pathname)
@@ -322,8 +289,7 @@ EOF
 (define create-temporary-file)
 (define create-temporary-directory)
-(let ((call-with-output-file call-with-output-file)
-      (temp #f)
+(let ((temp #f)
       (temp-prefix "temp"))
   (define (tempdir)
     (or temp
@@ -370,9 +336,7 @@ EOF
 ;;; normalize pathname for a particular platform
 (define normalize-pathname
-  (let ((reverse reverse)
-	(display display)
-	(bldplt (if (memq (build-platform) '(msvc mingw32)) 'windows 'unix)) )
+  (let ((bldplt (if (memq (build-platform) '(msvc mingw32)) 'windows 'unix)) )
     (define (addpart part parts)
       (cond ((string=? "." part) parts)
             ((string=? ".." part) (if (null? parts) '("..") (cdr parts)))
diff --git a/library.scm b/library.scm
index 4d01b802..2ae17447 100644
--- a/library.scm
+++ b/library.scm
@@ -1494,49 +1494,47 @@ EOF
 (define for-each)
 (define map)
-(let ([car car]
-      [cdr cdr] )
-  (letrec ((mapsafe
-	    (lambda (p lsts start loc)
-	      (if (eq? lsts '())
-		  lsts
-		  (let ((item (##sys#slot lsts 0)))
-		    (cond ((eq? item '())
-			   (check lsts start loc))
-			  ((pair? item)
-			   (cons (p item) (mapsafe p (##sys#slot lsts 1) #f loc)) )
-			  (else (##sys#error-not-a-proper-list item loc)) ) ) ) ) )
-	   (check 
-	    (lambda (lsts start loc)
-	      (if (or (not start)
-		      (let loop ((lsts lsts))
-			(and (not (eq? lsts '()))
-			     (not (eq? (##sys#slot lsts 0) '()))
-			     (loop (##sys#slot lsts 1)) ) ) )
-		  (##sys#error loc "lists are not of same length" lsts) ) ) ) )
-    (set! for-each
-	  (lambda (fn lst1 . lsts)
-	    (if (null? lsts)
-		(##sys#for-each fn lst1)
-		(let loop ((all (cons lst1 lsts)))
-		  (let ((first (##sys#slot all 0)))
-		    (cond ((pair? first)
-			   (apply fn (mapsafe car all #t 'for-each))
-			   (loop (mapsafe cdr all #t 'for-each)) )
-			  (else (check all #t 'for-each)) ) ) ) ) ) )
-    (set! map
-	  (lambda (fn lst1 . lsts)
-	    (if (null? lsts)
-		(##sys#map fn lst1)
-		(let loop ((all (cons lst1 lsts)))
-		  (let ((first (##sys#slot all 0)))
-		    (cond ((pair? first)
-			   (cons (apply fn (mapsafe car all #t 'map))
-				 (loop (mapsafe cdr all #t 'map)) ) )
-			  (else (check (##core#inline "C_i_cdr" all) #t 'map)
-				'() ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+(letrec ((mapsafe
+	  (lambda (p lsts start loc)
+	    (if (eq? lsts '())
+		lsts
+		(let ((item (##sys#slot lsts 0)))
+		  (cond ((eq? item '())
+			 (check lsts start loc))
+			((pair? item)
+			 (cons (p item) (mapsafe p (##sys#slot lsts 1) #f loc)) )
+			(else (##sys#error-not-a-proper-list item loc)) ) ) ) ) )
+	 (check 
+	  (lambda (lsts start loc)
+	    (if (or (not start)
+		    (let loop ((lsts lsts))
+		      (and (not (eq? lsts '()))
+			   (not (eq? (##sys#slot lsts 0) '()))
+			   (loop (##sys#slot lsts 1)) ) ) )
+		(##sys#error loc "lists are not of same length" lsts) ) ) ) )
+  (set! for-each
+    (lambda (fn lst1 . lsts)
+      (if (null? lsts)
+	  (##sys#for-each fn lst1)
+	  (let loop ((all (cons lst1 lsts)))
+	    (let ((first (##sys#slot all 0)))
+	      (cond ((pair? first)
+		     (apply fn (mapsafe (lambda (x) (car x)) all #t 'for-each)) ; ensure inlining
+		     (loop (mapsafe (lambda (x) (cdr x)) all #t 'for-each)) )
+		    (else (check all #t 'for-each)) ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (set! map
+    (lambda (fn lst1 . lsts)
+      (if (null? lsts)
+	  (##sys#map fn lst1)
+	  (let loop ((all (cons lst1 lsts)))
+	    (let ((first (##sys#slot all 0)))
+	      (cond ((pair? first)
+		     (cons (apply fn (mapsafe (lambda (x) (car x)) all #t 'map))
+			   (loop (mapsafe (lambda (x) (cdr x)) all #t 'map)) ) )
+		    (else (check (##core#inline "C_i_cdr" all) #t 'map)
+			  '() ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
 ;;; dynamic-wind:
@@ -1607,10 +1605,9 @@ EOF
     (##sys#continuation-graft k thunk) ) )
 (define continuation-return
-  (let ([continuation-graft continuation-graft])
-    (lambda (k . vals)
-      (##sys#check-structure k 'continuation 'continuation-return)
-      (continuation-graft k (lambda () (apply values vals))) ) ) )
+  (lambda (k . vals)
+    (##sys#check-structure k 'continuation 'continuation-return)
+    (continuation-graft k (lambda () (apply values vals))) ) )
 ;;; Ports:
@@ -2110,9 +2107,7 @@ EOF
 (define ##sys#read
   (let ([reverse reverse]
-	[list? list?]
 	[string-append string-append]
-	[string string]
 	[kwprefix (string (integer->char 0))])
     (lambda (port infohandler)
       (let ([csp (case-sensitive)]
@@ -3291,8 +3286,6 @@ EOF
       +build-version+) )
-(define ##sys#pathname-directory-separator #\/) ; DEPRECATED
 ;;; Feature identifiers:
diff --git a/lolevel.scm b/lolevel.scm
index ae414886..5e6309e3 100644
--- a/lolevel.scm
+++ b/lolevel.scm
@@ -403,14 +403,13 @@ EOF
 	 (##sys#slot d 1) ) ) )
 (define set-procedure-data!
-  (let ((extend-procedure extend-procedure))
-    (lambda (proc x)
-      (let ((p2 (extend-procedure proc x)))
-	(if (eq? p2 proc)
-	    proc
-	    (##sys#signal-hook
-	     #:type-error 'set-procedure-data!
-	     "bad argument type - not an extended procedure" proc) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (proc x)
+    (let ((p2 (extend-procedure proc x)))
+      (if (eq? p2 proc)
+	  proc
+	  (##sys#signal-hook
+	   #:type-error 'set-procedure-data!
+	   "bad argument type - not an extended procedure" proc) ) ) ) )
 ;;; Accessors for arbitrary vector-like block objects:
diff --git a/ports.scm b/ports.scm
index 88e9fe46..03825bf6 100644
--- a/ports.scm
+++ b/ports.scm
@@ -52,13 +52,12 @@
 	(loop) ) ) ) )
 (define port-map
-  (let ((reverse reverse))
-    (lambda (fn thunk)
-      (let loop ((xs '()))
-	(let ((x (thunk)))
-	  (if (eof-object? x)
-	      (reverse xs)
-	      (loop (cons (fn x) xs))))))))
+  (lambda (fn thunk)
+    (let loop ((xs '()))
+      (let ((x (thunk)))
+	(if (eof-object? x)
+	    (reverse xs)
+	    (loop (cons (fn x) xs)))))))
 (define (port-fold fn acc thunk)
   (let loop ((acc acc))
@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@
 	       (loop (fx+ n 1))))))))
 (define copy-port 
-  (let ((read-char read-char)
+  (let ((read-char read-char)		; shadow here
 	(write-char write-char))
     (lambda (src dest #!optional (read read-char) (write write-char))
       ;; does not check port args intentionally
@@ -249,25 +248,24 @@
       port) ) )
 (define make-output-port
-  (let ([string string])
-    (lambda (write close #!optional flush)
-      (let* ((class
-	      (vector
-	       #f			; read-char
-	       #f			; peek-char
-	       (lambda (p c)		; write-char
-		 (write (string c)) )
-	       (lambda (p s)		; write-string
-		 (write s) )
-	       (lambda (p)		; close
-		 (close)
-		 (##sys#setislot p 8 #t) )
-	       (lambda (p)		; flush-output
-		 (when flush (flush)) )
-	       #f			; char-ready?
-	       #f			; read-string!
-	       #f) )			; read-line
-	     (data (vector #f))
-	     (port (##sys#make-port #f class "(custom)" 'custom)) )
-	(##sys#set-port-data! port data) 
-	port) ) ) )
+  (lambda (write close #!optional flush)
+    (let* ((class
+	    (vector
+	     #f				; read-char
+	     #f				; peek-char
+	     (lambda (p c)		; write-char
+	       (write (string c)) )
+	     (lambda (p s)		; write-string
+	       (write s) )
+	     (lambda (p)		; close
+	       (close)
+	       (##sys#setislot p 8 #t) )
+	     (lambda (p)		; flush-output
+	       (when flush (flush)) )
+	     #f				; char-ready?
+	     #f				; read-string!
+	     #f) )			; read-line
+	   (data (vector #f))
+	   (port (##sys#make-port #f class "(custom)" 'custom)) )
+      (##sys#set-port-data! port data) 
+      port) ) )
diff --git a/posix-common.scm b/posix-common.scm
index f4b771f5..0b7694d6 100644
--- a/posix-common.scm
+++ b/posix-common.scm
@@ -180,17 +180,18 @@ EOF
 ;;; Set or get current directory:
 (define current-directory
-  (let ((make-string make-string))
-    (lambda (#!optional dir)
-      (if dir
-	  (change-directory dir)
-	  (let* ((buffer (make-string 1024))
-		 (len (##core#inline "C_curdir" buffer)) )
-	    #+(or unix cygwin)
-	    (##sys#update-errno)
-	    (if len
-		(##sys#substring buffer 0 len)
-		(##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'current-directory "cannot retrieve current directory") ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (#!optional dir)
+    (if dir
+	(change-directory dir)
+	(let* ((buffer (make-string 1024))
+	       (len (##core#inline "C_curdir" buffer)) )
+	  #+(or unix cygwin)
+	  (##sys#update-errno)
+	  (if len
+	      (##sys#substring buffer 0 len)
+	      (##sys#signal-hook
+	       #:file-error
+	       'current-directory "cannot retrieve current directory") ) ) ) ) )
 (define delete-directory
   (lambda (name)
@@ -201,33 +202,32 @@ EOF
 (define directory
-  (let ([make-string make-string])
-    (lambda (#!optional (spec (current-directory)) show-dotfiles?)
-      (##sys#check-string spec 'directory)
-      (let ([buffer (make-string 256)]
-            [handle (##sys#make-pointer)]
-            [entry (##sys#make-pointer)] )
-        (##core#inline 
-	 "C_opendir"
-	 (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path spec) 'directory) handle)
-        (if (##sys#null-pointer? handle)
-            (posix-error #:file-error 'directory "cannot open directory" spec)
-            (let loop ()
-              (##core#inline "C_readdir" handle entry)
-              (if (##sys#null-pointer? entry)
-                  (begin
-                    (##core#inline "C_closedir" handle)
-                    '() )
-                  (let* ([flen (##core#inline "C_foundfile" entry buffer)]
-                         [file (##sys#substring buffer 0 flen)]
-                         [char1 (string-ref file 0)]
-                         [char2 (and (fx> flen 1) (string-ref file 1))] )
-                    (if (and (eq? #\. char1)
-                             (or (not char2)
-                                 (and (eq? #\. char2) (eq? 2 flen))
-                                 (not show-dotfiles?) ) )
-                        (loop)
-                        (cons file (loop)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (#!optional (spec (current-directory)) show-dotfiles?)
+    (##sys#check-string spec 'directory)
+    (let ([buffer (make-string 256)]
+	  [handle (##sys#make-pointer)]
+	  [entry (##sys#make-pointer)] )
+      (##core#inline 
+       "C_opendir"
+       (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path spec) 'directory) handle)
+      (if (##sys#null-pointer? handle)
+	  (posix-error #:file-error 'directory "cannot open directory" spec)
+	  (let loop ()
+	    (##core#inline "C_readdir" handle entry)
+	    (if (##sys#null-pointer? entry)
+		(begin
+		  (##core#inline "C_closedir" handle)
+		  '() )
+		(let* ([flen (##core#inline "C_foundfile" entry buffer)]
+		       [file (##sys#substring buffer 0 flen)]
+		       [char1 (string-ref file 0)]
+		       [char2 (and (fx> flen 1) (string-ref file 1))] )
+		  (if (and (eq? #\. char1)
+			   (or (not char2)
+			       (and (eq? #\. char2) (eq? 2 flen))
+			       (not show-dotfiles?) ) )
+		      (loop)
+		      (cons file (loop)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
 ;;; Filename globbing:
diff --git a/posixunix.scm b/posixunix.scm
index 2260c671..0a5a7387 100644
--- a/posixunix.scm
+++ b/posixunix.scm
@@ -604,17 +604,16 @@ EOF
       (posix-error #:file-error 'file-close "cannot close file" fd) ) ) )
 (define file-read
-  (let ([make-string make-string] )
-    (lambda (fd size . buffer)
-      (##sys#check-exact fd 'file-read)
-      (##sys#check-exact size 'file-read)
-      (let ([buf (if (pair? buffer) (car buffer) (make-string size))])
-        (unless (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" buf) (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" buf))
-          (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'file-read "bad argument type - not a string or blob" buf) )
-        (let ([n (##core#inline "C_read" fd buf size)])
-          (when (eq? -1 n)
-            (posix-error #:file-error 'file-read "cannot read from file" fd size) )
-          (list buf n) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (fd size . buffer)
+    (##sys#check-exact fd 'file-read)
+    (##sys#check-exact size 'file-read)
+    (let ([buf (if (pair? buffer) (car buffer) (make-string size))])
+      (unless (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" buf) (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" buf))
+	(##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'file-read "bad argument type - not a string or blob" buf) )
+      (let ([n (##core#inline "C_read" fd buf size)])
+	(when (eq? -1 n)
+	  (posix-error #:file-error 'file-read "cannot read from file" fd size) )
+	(list buf n) ) ) ) )
 (define file-write
   (lambda (fd buffer . size)
@@ -708,20 +707,20 @@ EOF
 (define seek/cur _seek_cur)
 (define set-file-position!
-   (lambda (port pos . whence)
-     (let ((whence (if (pair? whence) (car whence) _seek_set)))
-       (##sys#check-exact pos 'set-file-position!)
-       (##sys#check-exact whence 'set-file-position!)
-       (when (negative? pos)
-         (##sys#signal-hook #:bounds-error 'set-file-position! "invalid negative port position" pos port))
-       (unless (cond ((port? port)
-		      (and (eq? (##sys#slot port 7) 'stream)
-			   (##core#inline "C_fseek" port pos whence) ) )
-		     ((fixnum? port)
-		      (##core#inline "C_lseek" port pos whence))
-		     (else
-		      (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'set-file-position! "invalid file" port)) )
-	 (posix-error #:file-error 'set-file-position! "cannot set file position" port pos) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (port pos . whence)
+    (let ((whence (if (pair? whence) (car whence) _seek_set)))
+      (##sys#check-exact pos 'set-file-position!)
+      (##sys#check-exact whence 'set-file-position!)
+      (when (negative? pos)
+	(##sys#signal-hook #:bounds-error 'set-file-position! "invalid negative port position" pos port))
+      (unless (cond ((port? port)
+		     (and (eq? (##sys#slot port 7) 'stream)
+			  (##core#inline "C_fseek" port pos whence) ) )
+		    ((fixnum? port)
+		     (##core#inline "C_lseek" port pos whence))
+		    (else
+		     (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'set-file-position! "invalid file" port)) )
+	(posix-error #:file-error 'set-file-position! "cannot set file position" port pos) ) ) ) )
 (define file-position
@@ -1289,8 +1288,7 @@ EOF
 (define-foreign-variable _filename_max int "FILENAME_MAX")
 (define read-symbolic-link
-  (let ([substring substring]
-        [buf (make-string (fx+ _filename_max 1))] )
+  (let ([buf (make-string (fx+ _filename_max 1))] )
     (lambda (fname #!optional canonicalize)
       (##sys#check-string fname 'read-symbolic-link)
       (let ([len (##core#inline "C_do_readlink" (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#expand-home-path fname) 'read-symbolic-link) buf)])
@@ -1536,8 +1534,7 @@ EOF
 		 (lambda (str)		; write-string
 		   (store str) )
-		 (lambda ()	      ; close
-					; Do nothing when closed already
+		 (lambda ()	      ; close - do nothing when closed already
 		   (unless (##sys#slot this-port 8)
 		     (when (fx< (##core#inline "C_close" fd) 0)
 		       (posix-error #:file-error loc "cannot close" fd nam) )
@@ -1790,20 +1787,20 @@ EOF
 (define-foreign-variable _bufsiz int "BUFSIZ")
 (define set-buffering-mode!
-    (lambda (port mode . size)
-      (##sys#check-port port 'set-buffering-mode!)
-      (let ([size (if (pair? size) (car size) _bufsiz)]
-            [mode (case mode
-                    [(###full) _iofbf]
-                    [(###line) _iolbf]
-                    [(###none) _ionbf]
-                    [else (##sys#error 'set-buffering-mode! "invalid buffering-mode" mode port)] ) ] )
-        (##sys#check-exact size 'set-buffering-mode!)
-        (when (fx< (if (eq? 'stream (##sys#slot port 7))
-                       (##core#inline "C_setvbuf" port mode size)
-                       -1)
-                   0)
-          (##sys#error 'set-buffering-mode! "cannot set buffering mode" port mode size) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (port mode . size)
+    (##sys#check-port port 'set-buffering-mode!)
+    (let ([size (if (pair? size) (car size) _bufsiz)]
+	  [mode (case mode
+		  [(###full) _iofbf]
+		  [(###line) _iolbf]
+		  [(###none) _ionbf]
+		  [else (##sys#error 'set-buffering-mode! "invalid buffering-mode" mode port)] ) ] )
+      (##sys#check-exact size 'set-buffering-mode!)
+      (when (fx< (if (eq? 'stream (##sys#slot port 7))
+		     (##core#inline "C_setvbuf" port mode size)
+		     -1)
+		 0)
+	(##sys#error 'set-buffering-mode! "cannot set buffering mode" port mode size) ) ) ) )
 (define (terminal-port? port)
   (##sys#check-port port 'terminal-port?)
@@ -1840,9 +1837,9 @@ EOF
 (define get-host-name
   (let ([getit
-       (foreign-lambda* c-string ()
-         "if(gethostname(C_hostbuf, 256) == -1) C_return(NULL);"
-         "else C_return(C_hostbuf);") ] )
+	 (foreign-lambda* c-string ()
+	   "if(gethostname(C_hostbuf, 256) == -1) C_return(NULL);"
+	   "else C_return(C_hostbuf);") ] )
     (lambda ()
       (let ([host (getit)])
         (unless host
@@ -2047,6 +2044,7 @@ EOF
 (define process)
 (define process*)
 (let ([%process
         (lambda (loc err? cmd args env)
           (let ([chkstrlst
diff --git a/posixwin.scm b/posixwin.scm
index db4dc9f0..11006c4c 100644
--- a/posixwin.scm
+++ b/posixwin.scm
@@ -986,18 +986,17 @@ EOF
       (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'file-close "cannot close file" fd) ) ) )
 (define file-read
-  (let ([make-string make-string] )
-    (lambda (fd size . buffer)
-      (##sys#check-exact fd 'file-read)
-      (##sys#check-exact size 'file-read)
-      (let ([buf (if (pair? buffer) (car buffer) (make-string size))])
-	(unless (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" buf) (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" buf))
-	  (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'file-read "bad argument type - not a string or blob" buf) )
-	(let ([n (##core#inline "C_read" fd buf size)])
-	  (when (eq? -1 n)
-	    (##sys#update-errno)
-	    (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'file-read "cannot read from file" fd size) )
-	  (list buf n) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (fd size . buffer)
+    (##sys#check-exact fd 'file-read)
+    (##sys#check-exact size 'file-read)
+    (let ([buf (if (pair? buffer) (car buffer) (make-string size))])
+      (unless (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" buf) (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" buf))
+	(##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'file-read "bad argument type - not a string or blob" buf) )
+      (let ([n (##core#inline "C_read" fd buf size)])
+	(when (eq? -1 n)
+	  (##sys#update-errno)
+	  (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'file-read "cannot read from file" fd size) )
+	(list buf n) ) ) ) )
 (define file-write
   (lambda (fd buffer . size)
@@ -1013,16 +1012,15 @@ EOF
 	n) ) ) )
 (define file-mkstemp
-  (let ([string-length string-length])
-    (lambda (template)
-      (##sys#check-string template 'file-mkstemp)
-      (let* ([buf (##sys#make-c-string template 'file-mkstemp)]
-	     [fd (##core#inline "C_mkstemp" buf)]
-	     [path-length (string-length buf)])
-	(when (eq? -1 fd)
-	  (##sys#update-errno)
-	  (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'file-mkstemp "cannot create temporary file" template) )
-	(values fd (##sys#substring buf 0 (fx- path-length 1) ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (template)
+    (##sys#check-string template 'file-mkstemp)
+    (let* ([buf (##sys#make-c-string template 'file-mkstemp)]
+	   [fd (##core#inline "C_mkstemp" buf)]
+	   [path-length (string-length buf)])
+      (when (eq? -1 fd)
+	(##sys#update-errno)
+	(##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'file-mkstemp "cannot create temporary file" template) )
+      (values fd (##sys#substring buf 0 (fx- path-length 1) ) ) ) ) )
 ;;; File attribute access:
@@ -1092,15 +1090,15 @@ EOF
 		       "cannot create directory" name)))
 (define-inline (create-directory-check name)
-    (if (file-exists? name)
-        (let ((i   (##sys#file-info name)))
-            (and i
-                 (fx= 1 (##sys#slot i 4))))
-        #f))
+  (if (file-exists? name)
+      (let ((i   (##sys#file-info name)))
+	(and i
+	     (fx= 1 (##sys#slot i 4))))
+      #f))
 (define-inline (create-directory-helper-silent name)
-    (unless (create-directory-check name)
-      (create-directory-helper name)))
+  (unless (create-directory-check name)
+    (create-directory-helper name)))
 (define-inline (create-directory-helper-parents name)
   (let* ((l   (string-split name "/\\"))
@@ -1171,46 +1169,47 @@ EOF
 	(when (eq? -1 r) (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'close-input-pipe "error while closing pipe" port)) ) ) )
   (set! close-output-pipe close-input-pipe) )
-(let ([open-input-pipe open-input-pipe]
-      [open-output-pipe open-output-pipe]
-      [close-input-pipe close-input-pipe]
-      [close-output-pipe close-output-pipe] )
-  (set! call-with-input-pipe
-    (lambda (cmd proc . mode)
-      (let ([p (apply open-input-pipe cmd mode)])
-	(##sys#call-with-values
-	 (lambda () (proc p))
-	 (lambda results
-	   (close-input-pipe p)
-	   (apply values results) ) ) ) ) )
-  (set! call-with-output-pipe
-    (lambda (cmd proc . mode)
-      (let ([p (apply open-output-pipe cmd mode)])
-	(##sys#call-with-values
-	 (lambda () (proc p))
-	 (lambda results
-	   (close-output-pipe p)
-	   (apply values results) ) ) ) ) )
-  (set! with-input-from-pipe
-    (lambda (cmd thunk . mode)
-      (let ([old ##sys#standard-input]
-	    [p (apply open-input-pipe cmd mode)] )
-	(set! ##sys#standard-input p)
-	(##sys#call-with-values thunk
-	  (lambda results
-	    (close-input-pipe p)
-	    (set! ##sys#standard-input old)
-	    (apply values results) ) ) ) ) )
-  (set! with-output-to-pipe
-    (lambda (cmd thunk . mode)
-      (let ([old ##sys#standard-output]
-	    [p (apply open-output-pipe cmd mode)] )
-	(set! ##sys#standard-output p)
-	(##sys#call-with-values thunk
-	  (lambda results
-	    (close-output-pipe p)
-	    (set! ##sys#standard-output old)
-	    (apply values results) ) ) ) ) ) )
+(define call-with-input-pipe
+  (lambda (cmd proc . mode)
+    (let ([p (apply open-input-pipe cmd mode)])
+      (##sys#call-with-values
+       (lambda () (proc p))
+       (lambda results
+	 (close-input-pipe p)
+	 (apply values results) ) ) ) ) )
+(define call-with-output-pipe
+  (lambda (cmd proc . mode)
+    (let ([p (apply open-output-pipe cmd mode)])
+      (##sys#call-with-values
+       (lambda () (proc p))
+       (lambda results
+	 (close-output-pipe p)
+	 (apply values results) ) ) ) ) )
+(define with-input-from-pipe
+  (lambda (cmd thunk . mode)
+    (let ([old ##sys#standard-input]
+	  [p (apply open-input-pipe cmd mode)] )
+      (set! ##sys#standard-input p)
+      (##sys#call-with-values
+       thunk
+       (lambda results
+	 (close-input-pipe p)
+	 (set! ##sys#standard-input old)
+	 (apply values results) ) ) ) ) )
+(define with-output-to-pipe
+  (lambda (cmd thunk . mode)
+    (let ([old ##sys#standard-output]
+	  [p (apply open-output-pipe cmd mode)] )
+      (set! ##sys#standard-output p)
+      (##sys#call-with-values
+       thunk
+       (lambda results
+	 (close-output-pipe p)
+	 (set! ##sys#standard-output old)
+	 (apply values results) ) ) ) ) )
 ;;; Pipe primitive:
@@ -1219,11 +1218,11 @@ EOF
 (define-foreign-variable _pipefd1 int "C_pipefds[ 1 ]")
 (define create-pipe
-    (lambda (#!optional (mode (fxior open/binary open/noinherit)))
-      (when (fx< (##core#inline "C_pipe" #f mode) 0)
-	(##sys#update-errno)
-	(##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'create-pipe "cannot create pipe") )
-      (values _pipefd0 _pipefd1) ) )
+  (lambda (#!optional (mode (fxior open/binary open/noinherit)))
+    (when (fx< (##core#inline "C_pipe" #f mode) 0)
+      (##sys#update-errno)
+      (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'create-pipe "cannot create pipe") )
+    (values _pipefd0 _pipefd1) ) )
 ;;; Signal processing:
@@ -1473,8 +1472,7 @@ EOF
   (##core#undefined) )
 (define get-environment-variables
-  (let ([get (foreign-lambda c-string "C_getenventry" int)]
-	[substring substring] )
+  (let ([get (foreign-lambda c-string "C_getenventry" int)])
     (lambda ()
       (let loop ([i 0])
 	(let ([entry (get i)])
@@ -1559,20 +1557,20 @@ EOF
 (define-foreign-variable _bufsiz int "BUFSIZ")
 (define set-buffering-mode!
-    (lambda (port mode . size)
-      (##sys#check-port port 'set-buffering-mode!)
-      (let ([size (if (pair? size) (car size) _bufsiz)]
-	    [mode (case mode
-		    [(###full) _iofbf]
-		    [(###line) _iolbf]
-		    [(###none) _ionbf]
-		    [else (##sys#error 'set-buffering-mode! "invalid buffering-mode" mode port)] ) ] )
-	(##sys#check-exact size 'set-buffering-mode!)
-	(when (fx< (if (eq? 'stream (##sys#slot port 7))
-		       (##core#inline "C_setvbuf" port mode size)
-		       -1)
-		   0)
-	  (##sys#error 'set-buffering-mode! "cannot set buffering mode" port mode size) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (port mode . size)
+    (##sys#check-port port 'set-buffering-mode!)
+    (let ([size (if (pair? size) (car size) _bufsiz)]
+	  [mode (case mode
+		  [(###full) _iofbf]
+		  [(###line) _iolbf]
+		  [(###none) _ionbf]
+		  [else (##sys#error 'set-buffering-mode! "invalid buffering-mode" mode port)] ) ] )
+      (##sys#check-exact size 'set-buffering-mode!)
+      (when (fx< (if (eq? 'stream (##sys#slot port 7))
+		     (##core#inline "C_setvbuf" port mode size)
+		     -1)
+		 0)
+	(##sys#error 'set-buffering-mode! "cannot set buffering mode" port mode size) ) ) ) )
 ;;; Process handling:
@@ -1592,32 +1590,28 @@ EOF
 ; arguments with embedded whitespace will parse incorrectly. Must
 ; string-quote such arguments.
 (define $quote-args-list
-  (let ([char-whitespace? char-whitespace?]
-	[string-length string-length]
-	[string-ref string-ref]
-	[string-append string-append])
-    (lambda (lst exactf)
-      (if exactf
+  (lambda (lst exactf)
+    (if exactf
 	(let ([needs-quoting?
-		; This is essentially (string-any char-whitespace? s) but we don't
-		; want a SRFI-13 dependency. (Do we?)
-		(lambda (s)
-		  (let ([len (string-length s)])
-		    (let loop ([i 0])
-		      (cond
-			[(fx= i len) #f]
-			[(char-whitespace? (string-ref s i)) #t]
-			[else (loop (fx+ i 1))]))))])
-	    (let loop ([ilst lst] [olst '()])
-	      (if (null? ilst)
+					; This is essentially (string-any char-whitespace? s) but we don't
+					; want a SRFI-13 dependency. (Do we?)
+	       (lambda (s)
+		 (let ([len (string-length s)])
+		   (let loop ([i 0])
+		     (cond
+		      [(fx= i len) #f]
+		      [(char-whitespace? (string-ref s i)) #t]
+		      [else (loop (fx+ i 1))]))))])
+	  (let loop ([ilst lst] [olst '()])
+	    (if (null? ilst)
 		(reverse olst)
 		(let ([str (car ilst)])
-		    (cdr ilst)
-		    (cons
-		      (if (needs-quoting? str) (string-append "\"" str "\"") str)
-		      olst)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+		   (cdr ilst)
+		   (cons
+		    (if (needs-quoting? str) (string-append "\"" str "\"") str)
+		    olst)) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
 (define $exec-setup
   (let ([setarg (foreign-lambda void "C_set_exec_arg" int scheme-pointer int)]
@@ -1729,6 +1723,7 @@ EOF
 (define process)
 (define process*)
 (let ([%process
 	(lambda (loc err? cmd args env exactf)
 	  (let ([chkstrlst
diff --git a/regex.scm b/regex.scm
index 526e65ad..9b8912e0 100644
--- a/regex.scm
+++ b/regex.scm
@@ -168,193 +168,178 @@
 ;;; Split string into fields:
 (define string-split-fields
-  (let ([reverse reverse]
-        [substring substring]
-        [string-search-positions string-search-positions] )
-    (lambda (rx str . mode-and-start)
-      (##sys#check-string str 'string-split-fields)
-      (let* ([argc (length mode-and-start)]
-             [len (##sys#size str)]
-             [mode (if (fx> argc 0) (car mode-and-start) #t)]
-             [start (if (fx> argc 1) (cadr mode-and-start) 0)]
-             [fini (case mode
-                     [(#:suffix)
-                      (lambda (ms start)
-                        (if (fx< start len)
-                            (##sys#error 'string-split-fields
-                                         "record does not end with suffix" str rx)
-                            (reverse ms) ) ) ]
-                     [(#:infix)
-                      (lambda (ms start)
-                        (if (fx>= start len)
-                            (reverse (cons "" ms))
-                            (reverse (cons (substring str start len) ms)) ) ) ]
-                     [else (lambda (ms start) (reverse ms)) ] ) ]
-             [fetch (case mode
-                      [(#:infix #:suffix) (lambda (start from to) (substring str start from))]
-                      [else (lambda (start from to) (substring str from to))] ) ] )
-        (let loop ([ms '()] [start start])
-          (let ([m (string-search-positions rx str start)])
-            (if m
-                (let* ([mp (car m)]
-                       [from (car mp)]
-                       [to (cadr mp)] )
-                  (if (fx= from to)
-                      (if (fx= to len)
-                          (fini ms start)
-                          (loop (cons (fetch start (fx+ from 1) (fx+ to 2)) ms) (fx+ to 1)) )
-                      (loop (cons (fetch start from to) ms) to) ) )
-                (fini ms start) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (rx str . mode-and-start)
+    (##sys#check-string str 'string-split-fields)
+    (let* ([argc (length mode-and-start)]
+	   [len (##sys#size str)]
+	   [mode (if (fx> argc 0) (car mode-and-start) #t)]
+	   [start (if (fx> argc 1) (cadr mode-and-start) 0)]
+	   [fini (case mode
+		   [(#:suffix)
+		    (lambda (ms start)
+		      (if (fx< start len)
+			  (##sys#error 'string-split-fields
+				       "record does not end with suffix" str rx)
+			  (reverse ms) ) ) ]
+		   [(#:infix)
+		    (lambda (ms start)
+		      (if (fx>= start len)
+			  (reverse (cons "" ms))
+			  (reverse (cons (substring str start len) ms)) ) ) ]
+		   [else (lambda (ms start) (reverse ms)) ] ) ]
+	   [fetch (case mode
+		    [(#:infix #:suffix) (lambda (start from to) (substring str start from))]
+		    [else (lambda (start from to) (substring str from to))] ) ] )
+      (let loop ([ms '()] [start start])
+	(let ([m (string-search-positions rx str start)])
+	  (if m
+	      (let* ([mp (car m)]
+		     [from (car mp)]
+		     [to (cadr mp)] )
+		(if (fx= from to)
+		    (if (fx= to len)
+			(fini ms start)
+			(loop (cons (fetch start (fx+ from 1) (fx+ to 2)) ms) (fx+ to 1)) )
+		    (loop (cons (fetch start from to) ms) to) ) )
+	      (fini ms start) ) ) ) ) ) )
 ;;; Substitute matching strings:
 (define string-substitute
-  (let ([substring substring]
-        [reverse reverse]
-        [make-string make-string]
-        [string-search-positions string-search-positions] )
-    (lambda (rx subst string . flag)
-      (##sys#check-string subst 'string-substitute)
-      (##sys#check-string string 'string-substitute)
-      (let* ([which (if (pair? flag) (car flag) 1)]
-             [substlen (##sys#size subst)]
-	     (strlen (##sys#size string))
-             [substlen-1 (fx- substlen 1)]
-             [result '()]
-             [total 0] )
-        (define (push x)
-          (set! result (cons x result))
-          (set! total (fx+ total (##sys#size x))) )
-        (define (substitute matches)
-          (let loop ([start 0] [index 0])
-            (if (fx>= index substlen-1)
-                (push (if (fx= start 0) subst (substring subst start substlen)))
-                (let ([c (##core#inline "C_subchar" subst index)]
-                      [index+1 (fx+ index 1)] )
-                  (if (char=? c #\\)
-                      (let ([c2 (##core#inline "C_subchar" subst index+1)])
-                        (if (and (not (char=? #\\ c2)) (char-numeric? c2))
-                            (let ([mi (list-ref matches (fx- (char->integer c2) 48))])
-                              (push (substring subst start index))
-                              (push (substring string (car mi) (cadr mi)))
-                              (loop (fx+ index 2) index+1) )
-                            (loop start (fx+ index+1 1)) ) )
-                      (loop start index+1) ) ) ) ) )
-        (let loop ([index 0] [count 1])
-          (let ((matches (and (fx< index strlen) 
-			      (string-search-positions rx string index))))
-            (cond [matches
-                   (let* ([range (car matches)]
-                          [upto (cadr range)] )
-                     (cond ((fx= 0 (fx- (cadr range) (car range)))
-                            (##sys#error
-                             'string-substitute "empty substitution match"
-                             rx) )
-                           ((or (not (fixnum? which)) (fx= count which))
-                            (push (substring string index (car range)))
-                            (substitute matches)
-                            (loop upto #f) )
-                           (else
-                            (push (substring string index upto))
-                            (loop upto (fx+ count 1)) ) ) ) ]
-                  [else
-                   (push (substring string index (##sys#size string)))
-                   (##sys#fragments->string total (reverse result)) ] ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (rx subst string . flag)
+    (##sys#check-string subst 'string-substitute)
+    (##sys#check-string string 'string-substitute)
+    (let* ([which (if (pair? flag) (car flag) 1)]
+	   [substlen (##sys#size subst)]
+	   (strlen (##sys#size string))
+	   [substlen-1 (fx- substlen 1)]
+	   [result '()]
+	   [total 0] )
+      (define (push x)
+	(set! result (cons x result))
+	(set! total (fx+ total (##sys#size x))) )
+      (define (substitute matches)
+	(let loop ([start 0] [index 0])
+	  (if (fx>= index substlen-1)
+	      (push (if (fx= start 0) subst (substring subst start substlen)))
+	      (let ([c (##core#inline "C_subchar" subst index)]
+		    [index+1 (fx+ index 1)] )
+		(if (char=? c #\\)
+		    (let ([c2 (##core#inline "C_subchar" subst index+1)])
+		      (if (and (not (char=? #\\ c2)) (char-numeric? c2))
+			  (let ([mi (list-ref matches (fx- (char->integer c2) 48))])
+			    (push (substring subst start index))
+			    (push (substring string (car mi) (cadr mi)))
+			    (loop (fx+ index 2) index+1) )
+			  (loop start (fx+ index+1 1)) ) )
+		    (loop start index+1) ) ) ) ) )
+      (let loop ([index 0] [count 1])
+	(let ((matches (and (fx< index strlen) 
+			    (string-search-positions rx string index))))
+	  (cond [matches
+		 (let* ([range (car matches)]
+			[upto (cadr range)] )
+		   (cond ((fx= 0 (fx- (cadr range) (car range)))
+			  (##sys#error
+			   'string-substitute "empty substitution match"
+			   rx) )
+			 ((or (not (fixnum? which)) (fx= count which))
+			  (push (substring string index (car range)))
+			  (substitute matches)
+			  (loop upto #f) )
+			 (else
+			  (push (substring string index upto))
+			  (loop upto (fx+ count 1)) ) ) ) ]
+		[else
+		 (push (substring string index (##sys#size string)))
+		 (##sys#fragments->string total (reverse result)) ] ) ) ) ) ) )
 (define string-substitute*
-  (let ([string-substitute string-substitute])
-    (lambda (str smap . mode)
-      (##sys#check-string str 'string-substitute*)
-      (##sys#check-list smap 'string-substitute*)
-      (let ((mode (and (pair? mode) (car mode))))
-        (let loop ((str str) (smap smap))
-          (if (null? smap)
-              str
-              (let ((sm (car smap)))
-                (loop (string-substitute (car sm) (cdr sm) str mode)
-                      (cdr smap) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (str smap . mode)
+    (##sys#check-string str 'string-substitute*)
+    (##sys#check-list smap 'string-substitute*)
+    (let ((mode (and (pair? mode) (car mode))))
+      (let loop ((str str) (smap smap))
+	(if (null? smap)
+	    str
+	    (let ((sm (car smap)))
+	      (loop (string-substitute (car sm) (cdr sm) str mode)
+		    (cdr smap) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
 ;;; Glob support:
 (define glob->regexp
-  (let ((list->string list->string)
-        (string->list string->list)
-	(regexp regexp))
-    (lambda (s #!optional sre?)
-      (##sys#check-string s 'glob->regexp)
-      (let ((sre
-	     (cons 
-	      ':
-	      (let loop ((cs (string->list s)) (dir #t))
-		(if (null? cs)
-		    '()
-		    (let ((c (car cs))
-			  (rest (cdr cs)) )
-		      (cond ((char=? c #\*) 
-			     (if dir
-				 `((or (: (~ ("./\\"))
-					  (* (~ ("/\\"))))
-				       (* (~ ("./\\"))))
-				   ,@(loop rest #f))
-				 `((* (~ ("/\\"))) ,@(loop rest #f))))
-			    ((char=? c #\?)  (cons 'any (loop rest #f)))
-			    ((char=? c #\[)
-			     (let loop2 ((rest rest) (s '()))
-			       (cond ((not (pair? rest))
-				      (error 'glob->regexp "unexpected end of character class" s))
-				     ((char=? #\] (car rest))
-				      `((or ,@s) ,@(loop (cdr rest) #f)))
-				     ((and (pair? (cdr rest))
-					   (pair? (cddr rest))
-					   (char=? #\- (cadr rest)) )
-				      (loop2 (cdddr rest) (cons `(/ ,(car rest) ,(caddr rest)) s)))
-				     ((and (pair? (cdr rest))
-					   (char=? #\- (car rest)))
-				      (loop2 (cddr rest)
-					     (cons `(~ ,(cadr rest)) s)))
-				     (else
-				      (loop2 (cdr rest) (cons (car rest) s))))))
-			    (else (cons c (loop rest (memq c '(#\\ #\/))))))))))))
-	(if sre? sre (regexp sre))))))
+  (lambda (s #!optional sre?)
+    (##sys#check-string s 'glob->regexp)
+    (let ((sre
+	   (cons 
+	    ':
+	    (let loop ((cs (string->list s)) (dir #t))
+	      (if (null? cs)
+		  '()
+		  (let ((c (car cs))
+			(rest (cdr cs)) )
+		    (cond ((char=? c #\*) 
+			   (if dir
+			       `((or (: (~ ("./\\"))
+					(* (~ ("/\\"))))
+				     (* (~ ("./\\"))))
+				 ,@(loop rest #f))
+			       `((* (~ ("/\\"))) ,@(loop rest #f))))
+			  ((char=? c #\?)  (cons 'any (loop rest #f)))
+			  ((char=? c #\[)
+			   (let loop2 ((rest rest) (s '()))
+			     (cond ((not (pair? rest))
+				    (error 'glob->regexp "unexpected end of character class" s))
+				   ((char=? #\] (car rest))
+				    `((or ,@s) ,@(loop (cdr rest) #f)))
+				   ((and (pair? (cdr rest))
+					 (pair? (cddr rest))
+					 (char=? #\- (cadr rest)) )
+				    (loop2 (cdddr rest) (cons `(/ ,(car rest) ,(caddr rest)) s)))
+				   ((and (pair? (cdr rest))
+					 (char=? #\- (car rest)))
+				    (loop2 (cddr rest)
+					   (cons `(~ ,(cadr rest)) s)))
+				   (else
+				    (loop2 (cdr rest) (cons (car rest) s))))))
+			  (else (cons c (loop rest (memq c '(#\\ #\/))))))))))))
+      (if sre? sre (regexp sre)))))
 ;;; Grep-like function on list:
 (define grep
-  (let ((string-search string-search)
-	(regexp regexp))
-    (lambda (rx lst #!optional (acc (lambda (x) x)))
-      (##sys#check-list lst 'grep)
-      (##sys#check-closure acc 'grep)
-      (let ((rx (regexp rx)))
-	(let loop ((lst lst))
-	  (if (null? lst)
-	      '()
-	      (let ((x (##sys#slot lst 0))
-		    (r (##sys#slot lst 1)) )
-		(if (string-search rx (acc x))
-		    (cons x (loop r))
-		    (loop r) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (rx lst #!optional (acc (lambda (x) x)))
+    (##sys#check-list lst 'grep)
+    (##sys#check-closure acc 'grep)
+    (let ((rx (regexp rx)))
+      (let loop ((lst lst))
+	(if (null? lst)
+	    '()
+	    (let ((x (##sys#slot lst 0))
+		  (r (##sys#slot lst 1)) )
+	      (if (string-search rx (acc x))
+		  (cons x (loop r))
+		  (loop r) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
 ;;; Escape regular expression (suggested by Peter Bex):
 (define regexp-escape
-  (let ([open-output-string open-output-string]
-        [get-output-string get-output-string] )
-    (lambda (str)
-      (##sys#check-string str 'regexp-escape)
-      (let ([out (open-output-string)]
-            [len (##sys#size str)] )
-	(let loop ([i 0])
-	  (cond [(fx>= i len) (get-output-string out)]
-                [(memq (##core#inline "C_subchar" str i)
-                       '(#\. #\\ #\? #\* #\+ #\^ #\$ #\( #\) #\[ #\] #\| #\{ #\}))
-                 (##sys#write-char-0 #\\ out)
-                 (##sys#write-char-0 (##core#inline "C_subchar" str i) out)
-                 (loop (fx+ i 1)) ]
-                [else
-                 (##sys#write-char-0 (##core#inline "C_subchar" str i) out)
-                 (loop (fx+ i 1)) ] ) ) ) ) ) )
+  (lambda (str)
+    (##sys#check-string str 'regexp-escape)
+    (let ([out (open-output-string)]
+	  [len (##sys#size str)] )
+      (let loop ([i 0])
+	(cond [(fx>= i len) (get-output-string out)]
+	      [(memq (##core#inline "C_subchar" str i)
+		     '(#\. #\\ #\? #\* #\+ #\^ #\$ #\( #\) #\[ #\] #\| #\{ #\}))
+	       (##sys#write-char-0 #\\ out)
+	       (##sys#write-char-0 (##core#inline "C_subchar" str i) out)
+	       (loop (fx+ i 1)) ]
+	      [else
+	       (##sys#write-char-0 (##core#inline "C_subchar" str i) out)
+	       (loop (fx+ i 1)) ] ) ) ) ) )
diff --git a/tcp.scm b/tcp.scm
index 96299349..11761d9e 100644
--- a/tcp.scm
+++ b/tcp.scm
@@ -322,8 +322,7 @@ EOF
   (set! tcp-accept-timeout (make-parameter #f (check 'tcp-accept-timeout))) )
 (define ##net#io-ports
-  (let ((tbs tcp-buffer-size)
-	(make-string make-string) )
+  (let ((tbs tcp-buffer-size))
     (lambda (fd)
       (unless (##net#make-nonblocking fd)
@@ -431,7 +430,7 @@ EOF
 			       (set! bufindex next)
 			       (cond ((eq? pos2 limit) ; no line-terminator, hit limit
 				      (if str (##sys#string-append str dest) dest))
-				     ((eq? pos2 next)  ; no line-terminator, hit buflen
+				     ((eq? pos2 next) ; no line-terminator, hit buflen
 				      (if (fx>= bufindex buflen)
 					  (or str "")