~ chicken-core (chicken-5) c338315a211eef734b3413cb68bb17fde54c7947

commit c338315a211eef734b3413cb68bb17fde54c7947
Author:     Peter Bex <peter@more-magic.net>
AuthorDate: Thu Jun 8 21:02:18 2017 +0200
Commit:     Kooda <kooda@upyum.com>
CommitDate: Wed Jun 14 12:29:53 2017 +0200

    Make syntax-rules fully self-contained
    All expansion time support code for the generated expanders is moved
    into a (chicken internal syntax-rules) module, which is not emitted,
    so it's not available to users, but expansions can use the things
    defined by the module through explicit reference to the fully
    qualified name.
    Signed-off-by: Kooda <kooda@upyum.com>

diff --git a/expand.scm b/expand.scm
index 3c04a4f7..ab60f3dc 100644
--- a/expand.scm
+++ b/expand.scm
@@ -250,7 +250,8 @@
       (let ((exp2
 	     (if cs
 		 ;; compiler-syntax may "fall through"
-		 (fluid-let ((##sys#syntax-rules-mismatch (lambda (input) exp))) ; a bit of a hack
+		 (fluid-let ((chicken.internal.syntax-rules#syntax-rules-mismatch
+			      (lambda (input) exp))) ; a bit of a hack
 		   (handler exp se dse))
 		 (handler exp se dse))) )
 	(when (and (not cs) (eq? exp exp2))
@@ -736,9 +737,6 @@
 			   (else (loop (cdr cx))))))))
 	  (##sys#syntax-error-hook (get-output-string out))))))
-(define (##sys#syntax-rules-mismatch input)
-  (##sys#syntax-error-hook "no rule matches form" input))
 (define (get-line-number sexp)
   (and ##sys#line-number-database
        (pair? sexp)
diff --git a/library.scm b/library.scm
index 3c55eb23..9da4ef93 100644
--- a/library.scm
+++ b/library.scm
@@ -5737,27 +5737,6 @@ EOF
 	(f (##sys#slot lst 0) (loop (##sys#slot lst 1))))))
-;; contributed by Peter Bex
-(define (##sys#drop-right input temp)
-  ;;XXX use unsafe accessors
-  (let loop ((len (length input))
-	     (input input))
-    (cond
-     ((> len temp)
-      (cons (car input)
-	    (loop (- len 1) (cdr input))))
-     (else '()))))
-(define (##sys#take-right input temp)
-  ;;XXX use unsafe accessors
-  (let loop ((len (length input))
-	     (input input))
-    (cond
-     ((> len temp)
-      (loop (- len 1) (cdr input)))
-     (else input))))
 ;;; Platform configuration inquiry:
 (module chicken.platform
diff --git a/rules.make b/rules.make
index a1638563..954fde45 100644
--- a/rules.make
+++ b/rules.make
@@ -784,7 +784,9 @@ read-syntax.c: $(SRCDIR)read-syntax.scm $(SRCDIR)common-declarations.scm
 repl.c: $(SRCDIR)repl.scm $(SRCDIR)common-declarations.scm
 	$(bootstrap-lib) -emit-import-library chicken.repl
 expand.c: $(SRCDIR)expand.scm $(SRCDIR)synrules.scm $(SRCDIR)common-declarations.scm
-	$(bootstrap-lib) -emit-import-library chicken.expand
+	$(bootstrap-lib) \
+	-no-module-registration \
+	-emit-import-library chicken.expand
 modules.c: $(SRCDIR)modules.scm $(SRCDIR)common-declarations.scm $(SRCDIR)mini-srfi-1.scm
 extras.c: $(SRCDIR)extras.scm $(SRCDIR)common-declarations.scm
diff --git a/synrules.scm b/synrules.scm
index cf8912ec..7fdf7fa9 100644
--- a/synrules.scm
+++ b/synrules.scm
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
 ;     ((or e1 e ...) (let ((temp e1))
 ;		       (if temp temp (or e ...))))))
@@ -55,10 +54,44 @@
 	(set! ellipsis subkeywords)
 	(set! subkeywords (car rules))
 	(set! rules (cdr rules)))
-      (##sys#process-syntax-rules ellipsis rules subkeywords r c)))))
+      (chicken.internal.syntax-rules#process-syntax-rules
+       ellipsis rules subkeywords r c)))))
+;; Runtime internal support module exclusively for syntax-rules
+(module chicken.internal.syntax-rules
+    (drop-right take-right syntax-rules-mismatch)
+(import scheme)
+(define (syntax-rules-mismatch input)
+  (##sys#syntax-error-hook "no rule matches form" input))
-(define (##sys#process-syntax-rules ellipsis rules subkeywords r c)
+(define (drop-right input temp)
+  ;;XXX use unsafe accessors
+  (let loop ((len (length input))
+	     (input input))
+    (cond
+     ((> len temp)
+      (cons (car input)
+	    (loop (- len 1) (cdr input))))
+     (else '()))))
+(define (take-right input temp)
+  ;;XXX use unsafe accessors
+  (let loop ((len (length input))
+	     (input input))
+    (cond
+     ((> len temp)
+      (loop (- len 1) (cdr input)))
+     (else input))))
+;; These two can be removed after the next snapshot
+(define ##sys#drop-right drop-right)
+(define ##sys#take-right take-right)
+(define (process-syntax-rules ellipsis rules subkeywords r c)
   (define %append '##sys#append)
   (define %apply '##sys#apply)
@@ -99,6 +132,10 @@
   (define %temp (r 'temp))
   (define %syntax-error '##sys#syntax-error-hook)
   (define %ellipsis (r ellipsis))
+  (define %take-right (r 'chicken.internal.syntax-rules#take-right))
+  (define %drop-right (r 'chicken.internal.syntax-rules#drop-right))
+  (define %syntax-rules-mismatch
+    (r 'chicken.internal.syntax-rules#syntax-rules-mismatch))
   (define (ellipsis? x)
     (c x %ellipsis))
@@ -106,10 +143,9 @@
   (define (make-transformer rules)
       (,%lambda (,%input ,%rename ,%compare)
-		(,%let ((,%tail (,%cdr ,%input)))
-		       (,%cond ,@(map process-rule rules)
-			       (,%else 
-				(##sys#syntax-rules-mismatch ,%input)))))))
+	(,%let ((,%tail (,%cdr ,%input)))
+	  (,%cond ,@(map process-rule rules)
+		  (,%else (,%syntax-rules-mismatch ,%input)))))))
   (define (process-rule rule)
     (if (and (pair? rule)
@@ -176,7 +212,7 @@
            (let* ((tail-length (length (cddr pattern)))
                   (%match (if (zero? tail-length) ; Simple segment?
                               path  ; No list traversing overhead at runtime!
-                              `(##sys#drop-right ,path ,tail-length))))
+                              `(,%drop-right ,path ,tail-length))))
               (process-pattern (car pattern)
@@ -187,7 +223,7 @@
                                       `(,%map1 (,%lambda (,%temp) ,x) ,%match))))
               (process-pattern (cddr pattern)
-                               `(##sys#take-right ,path ,tail-length) mapit #t))))
+                               `(,%take-right ,path ,tail-length) mapit #t))))
 	  ((pair? pattern)
 	   (append (process-pattern (car pattern) `(,%car ,path) mapit #f)
 		   (process-pattern (cdr pattern) `(,%cdr ,path) mapit #f)))
@@ -312,3 +348,5 @@
   (make-transformer rules))
+) ; chicken.internal.syntax-rules