~ chicken-core (chicken-5) cb13ed51c643c9d5768859c5a5a8edd202b734ef

commit cb13ed51c643c9d5768859c5a5a8edd202b734ef
Author:     Peter Bex <Peter.Bex@xs4all.nl>
AuthorDate: Sun Sep 5 21:50:19 2010 +0200
Commit:     Peter Bex <Peter.Bex@xs4all.nl>
CommitDate: Sun Sep 5 21:50:19 2010 +0200

    Provide explanation at the first use of this eval hackery.
    Remove install-import-libs from PHONY list because it does not exist anymore

diff --git a/rules.make b/rules.make
index 58820d9a..c2af3557 100644
--- a/rules.make
+++ b/rules.make
@@ -86,13 +86,20 @@ DISTFILES = library.c eval.c expand.c chicken-syntax.c chicken-ffi-syntax.c \
 # library objects
-define declare-shared-library-object # reused in the setup API bit
+## Any variable that starts with "declare-" is a meta-rule. When $(call)ed
+## it produces output that represents an instantiated rule and recipe.
+## This output then needs to be $(eval)ed in order to be added to the
+## ruleset evaluated by Make.  This allows us to automatically generate
+## similar rules for long lists of targets.
+define declare-shared-library-object
 $(1)$(O): $(1).c chicken.h $$(CHICKEN_CONFIG_H)
+# The above meta-rule is reused in the setup API stuff below, so we alias it
 declare-libchicken-object = $(declare-shared-library-object)
 $(foreach obj, $(LIBCHICKEN_OBJECTS_1),\
@@ -241,6 +248,8 @@ $(1): $(2)$(O) $$(PRIMARY_LIBCHICKEN) $$($(1)-RC_FILE)
+# Unfortunately, we can't loop over INSTALLED_PROGRAMS here because of
+# the possible name mangling and EXE suffixing in there :(
 $(eval $(call declare-program-from-object,$(CSI_SHARED_EXECUTABLE),csi))
 $(eval $(call declare-program-from-object,$(CHICKEN_INSTALL_PROGRAM)$(EXE),chicken-install,true))
 $(eval $(call declare-program-from-object,$(CHICKEN_UNINSTALL_PROGRAM)$(EXE),chicken-uninstall,true))
@@ -264,7 +273,7 @@ $(eval $(call declare-program-from-object,$(CSI_BUG_PROGRAM)$(EXE),chicken-bug))
 # installation
-.PHONY: install uninstall install-libs install-import-libs
+.PHONY: install uninstall install-libs
 .PHONY: install-target install-dev install-bin install-other-files
 install: $(TARGETS) install-target install-bin install-libs install-dev install-other-files