~ chicken-core (chicken-5) d2e59395247509727a52ac909fd479a641fa9e76

commit d2e59395247509727a52ac909fd479a641fa9e76
Author:     felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>
AuthorDate: Mon Feb 7 11:01:27 2011 +0100
Commit:     felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>
CommitDate: Mon Feb 7 11:01:27 2011 +0100

    reordered list of toplevel interpreter commands in manual; added documentation for ,m

diff --git a/manual/Using the interpreter b/manual/Using the interpreter
index 5248a991..0efe7123 100644
--- a/manual/Using the interpreter	
+++ b/manual/Using the interpreter	
@@ -148,11 +148,9 @@ The toplevel loop understands a number of special commands:
 ; ,? : Show summary of available toplevel commands.
-; ,l FILENAME ... : Load files with given {{FILENAME}}s
-; ,ln FILENAME ... : Load files and print result(s) of each top-level expression.
+; ,c : Show call-trace items of the most recent error
-; ,p EXP : Pretty-print evaluated expression {{EXP}}.
+; ,ch : Clears stored expression results of previously evaluated expressions.
 ; ,d EXP : Describe result of evaluated expression {{EXP}}.
@@ -162,18 +160,22 @@ The toplevel loop understands a number of special commands:
 ; ,e FILENAME : Runs an external editor to edit the given {{FILENAME}} (see below for more information).
-; ,h : Shows all previously evaluated expression results.
-; ,ch : Clears stored expression results of previously evaluated expressions.
 ; ,exn : Describes the last exception that occurred and adds it to the result history (it can be accessed using the {{#}} notation).
-; ,c : Show call-trace items of the most recent error
 ; ,f N : Select call-trace item with the given number, where the number {{0}} indicates the last item in the trace
 ; ,g NAME : Returns the value of the local variable with the given name (which may be a symbol or string); you don't have to give the complete name - {{,g}} will return the first variable that matches the prefix given
+; ,h : Shows all previously evaluated expression results.
+; ,l FILENAME ... : Load files with given {{FILENAME}}s
+; ,ln FILENAME ... : Load files and print result(s) of each top-level expression.
+; ,m MODULENAME : switches the "current module" to {{MODULENAME}}, so expressions will be evaluated in the context of the given module.
+; ,p EXP : Pretty-print evaluated expression {{EXP}}.
 ; ,q : Quit the interpreter.
 ; ,r : Show system information.