~ chicken-core (chicken-5) f3370bc522ff80ef435d8dc0afc65cec3222246c

commit f3370bc522ff80ef435d8dc0afc65cec3222246c
Author:     felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>
AuthorDate: Wed Jun 15 14:39:15 2016 +0200
Commit:     felix <felix@call-with-current-continuation.org>
CommitDate: Sun Nov 13 11:32:19 2016 +0100

    various changes to make a basic chicken-install compile

diff --git a/egg-compile.scm b/egg-compile.scm
index 419a2c4e..e7102ee1 100644
--- a/egg-compile.scm
+++ b/egg-compile.scm
@@ -46,6 +46,20 @@
+;;; load egg-info from file and perform validation
+(define (load-egg-info fname)
+  (with-input-from-file fname
+    (lambda () (validate-egg-info (read)))))
+;;; lookup specific entries in egg-information
+(define (get-egg-property info prop #!optional default)
+  (let ((p (assq prop info)))
+    (or (and p (cadr p)) default)))
 ;;; some utilities
 (define (object-extension platform)
@@ -58,11 +72,13 @@
      ((unix) unix-executable-extension)
      ((windows) windows-executable-extension)))
-(define (install-command platform)
+(define (copy-directory-command platform)
   (case platform
     ((unix) "cp")
     ((windows) "xcopy /y")))
+(define install-command copy-directory-command)
 (define (destination-repository mode)
   (case mode
     ((target) target-repo)
diff --git a/egg-download.scm b/egg-download.scm
index 2414d20b..2a1f5bb3 100644
--- a/egg-download.scm
+++ b/egg-download.scm
@@ -24,11 +24,18 @@
 (define (http-fetch host port locn dest proxy-host proxy-port proxy-user-pass)
-  (let-values (((in out)
+  (let-values (((in out _)
     	         (http-connect host port locn proxy-host proxy-port
     (http-retrieve-files in out dest)))
+(define (http-query host port locn proxy-host proxy-port proxy-user-pass)
+  (let-values (((in out len)
+    	         (http-connect host port locn proxy-host proxy-port
+                               proxy-user-pass)))
+    (close-output-port out)
+    (http-retrieve-response in len)))
 (define (http-connect host port locn proxy-host proxy-port proxy-user-pass)
   (d "connecting to host ~s, port ~a ~a...~%" host port
      (if proxy-host
@@ -44,6 +51,7 @@
       (flush-output out)
       (d "reading response ...~%")
       (let* ((chunked #f)
+             (datalen #f)
              (h1 (read-line in))
              (response-match (match-http-response h1)))
         (d "~a~%" h1)
@@ -63,15 +71,18 @@
 	    (let loop ()
     	      (let ((ln (read-line in)))
 	        (unless (equal? ln "")
-		  (when (match-chunked-transfer-encoding ln) (set! chunked #t))
+		  (cond ((match-chunked-transfer-encoding ln)
+                         (set! chunked #t))
+                        ((match-content-length ln) =>
+                         (lambda (sz) (set! datalen sz))))
 		  (d "~a~%" ln)
 		  (loop) ) ) ) )
 	(when chunked
 	  (d "reading chunks ")
 	  (let ((data (read-chunks in)))
 	    (close-input-port in)
-	    (set! in (open-input-string data))) ) )
-      (values in out))))
+	    (set! in (open-input-string data))) )
+        (values in out datalen)))))
 (define (http-retrieve-files in out dest)
   (d "reading files ...~%")
@@ -123,6 +134,12 @@
                     (cut display data) #:binary ) )
 		(get-files (cons name files)) ) ) ) ) ))
+(define (http-retrieve-response in len)
+  (d "reading response ...~%")
+  (let ((data (read-string len in)))
+    (close-input-port in)
+    data))
 (define (server-error msg args)
@@ -157,6 +174,10 @@
 (define (match-chunked-transfer-encoding ln)
   (irregex-match "[Tt]ransfer-[Ee]ncoding:\\s*chunked.*" ln) )
+(define (match-content-length ln)
+  (let ((m (irregex-match "[Cc]ontent-[Ll]ength:\\s*([0-9]+).*" ln)))
+    (and m (string->number (irregex-match-substring m 1)))))
 (define (make-HTTP-GET/1.1 location user-agent host
                            (port 80)
@@ -190,34 +211,58 @@
       (make-property-condition 'http-fetch))) )
-;; entry point
+;; entry points
+(define (list-versions egg url)
+  (receive (host port locn) (deconstruct-url url)
+    (let ((locn (conc locn
+                      "?name=" egg
+                      "&release=" (##sys#fudge 41)
+                      "&mode=default"
+                      "&listversions=1")))
+      (let ((data	(http-query host port locn proxy-host
+                              proxy-port proxy-user-pass)))
+        (string-split data)))))
+(define (try-list-versions name url #!key
+                           proxy-host proxy-port proxy-user-pass)
+  (condition-case (list-versions name url)
+    ((exn net)
+       (print "TCP connect timeout")
+       #f)
+    ((exn http-fetch)
+       (print "HTTP protocol error")
+       #f)
+    (e (exn setup-download-error)
+	 (print "Server error:")
+	 (print-error-message e) 
+	 #f)
+    (e () (abort e) )))
 (define (download-egg egg url #!key version destination tests
                       proxy-host proxy-port proxy-user-pass)
   (receive (host port locn) (deconstruct-url url)
     (let* ((locn (conc locn
-		    "?name=" egg
-		    "&release=" (##sys#fudge 41)
-		    (if version (string-append "&version=" version) "")
-		    "&mode=default"
-		    (if tests "&tests=yes" "")))
+                       "?name=" egg
+                       "&release=" (##sys#fudge 41)
+                       (if version (string-append "&version=" version) "")
+                       "&mode=default"
+                       (if tests "&tests=yes" "")))
 	   (eggdir (make-pathname destination egg)))
         (let ((fversion	(http-fetch host port locn eggdir proxy-host
                                     proxy-port proxy-user-pass)))
 	  ;; If we get here then version of egg exists
 	  (values eggdir (or fversion version "")) )) ) )
-(define (try-download name url #!key version destination tests username
-                      password proxy-host proxy-port proxy-user-pass)
+(define (try-download name url #!key version destination tests 
+                      proxy-host proxy-port proxy-user-pass)
          name url
          version: version
          destination: destination
          tests: tests
-         username: username
-         password: password
-	 proxy-host: proxy-host
+ 	 proxy-host: proxy-host
 	 proxy-port: proxy-port
 	 proxy-user-pass: proxy-user-pass)
     ((exn net)
diff --git a/new-install.scm b/new-install.scm
index 1e5a3598..094f2bd6 100644
--- a/new-install.scm
+++ b/new-install.scm
@@ -13,12 +13,17 @@
 (import (chicken tcp))
 (import (chicken posix))
 (import (chicken io))
+(import (chicken time))
 (import (chicken pretty-print))
 (define +defaults-version+ 1)
 (define +module-db+ "modules.db")
 (define +defaults-file+ "setup.defaults")
-(define +short-options+ '(#\h))
+(define +short-options+ '(#\r #\h))
+(define +one-hour+ (* 60 60))
+(define +timestamp-file+ "TIMESTAMP")
+(define +status-file+ "STATUS")
+(define +egg-extension+ "egg")
 (include "mini-srfi-1.scm")
 (include "egg-environment.scm")
@@ -26,7 +31,8 @@
 (include "egg-download.scm")
 (define quiet #f)
-(define default-sources '())
+(define default-servers '())
+(define default-locations '())
 (define mappings '())
 (define aliases '())
 (define override '())
@@ -34,14 +40,34 @@
 (define proxy-host #f)
 (define proxy-port #f)
 (define proxy-user-pass #f)
+(define retrieve-only #f)
+(define canonical-eggs '())
+(define run-tests #f)
+(define platform
+  (if (eq? 'mingw (build-platform))
+      'windows
+      'unix))
+(define current-status 
+  (list (get-environment-variable "CSC_OPTIONS")))      ;XXX more?
+(define (probe-dir dir)
+  (and dir (file-exists? dir) (directory? dir) dir))
-;; usage information
+(define cache-directory
+  (make-pathname (or (probe-dir (get-environment-variable "HOME"))
+                     (probe-dir (get-environment-variable "USERPROFILE"))
+                     (probe-dir "/tmp")
+                     (probe-dir "/Temp")
+                     ".")
+                 ".chicken-install.cache"))
-(define (usage code)
-  ;;XXX
+;; usage information
+(define (usage code)
+  ;;XXX  
   (exit code))
@@ -60,6 +86,25 @@
     (apply fprintf port fstr args)
     (flush-output port) ) )
+(define (version>=? v1 v2)
+  (define (version->list v)
+    (map (lambda (x) (or (string->number x) x))
+	 (irregex-split "[-\\._]" (->string v))))
+  (let loop ((p1 (version->list v1))
+	     (p2 (version->list v2)))
+    (cond ((null? p1) (null? p2))
+	  ((null? p2))
+	  ((number? (car p1))
+	   (and (number? (car p2))
+		(or (> (car p1) (car p2))
+		    (and (= (car p1) (car p2))
+			 (loop (cdr p1) (cdr p2))))))
+	  ((number? (car p2)))
+	  ((string>? (car p1) (car p2)))
+	  (else
+	   (and (string=? (car p1) (car p2))
+		(loop (cdr p1) (cdr p2)))))))
 ;; load defaults file ("setup.defaults")
@@ -86,8 +131,8 @@
 			 ;; others are ignored
-		   (set! default-sources
-		     (append default-sources (list (cdr x)))))
+		   (set! default-servers
+		     (append default-servers (list (cdr x)))))
 		   (set! mappings
@@ -112,12 +157,17 @@
 		     (if (and (pair? (cdr x)) (string? (cadr x)))
 			 (call-with-input-file (cadr x) read-all)
 			 (cdr x))))
+                  ((location)
+                   (set! default-locations
+                     (append default-locations (list (cdr x)))))
 		   (set! hacks (append hacks (list (eval (cadr x))))))
 		  (else (broken x))))
-	      (call-with-input-file deff read-all))))
-      (pair? default-sources) ))
+	      (call-with-input-file deff read-all))))))
+;; set variables with HTTP proxy information
 (define (setup-proxy uri)
   (and-let* (((string? uri))
              (m (irregex-match "(http://)?([^:]+):?([0-9]*)" uri))
@@ -126,6 +176,9 @@
     (set! proxy-host (irregex-match-substring m 2))
     (set! proxy-port (or (string->number port) 80))))
+;; apply egg->egg mappings loaded from defaults
 (define (apply-mappings eggs)
   (define (canonical x)
     (cond ((symbol? x) (cons (symbol->string x) #f))
@@ -139,19 +192,140 @@
              (lambda (egg)
                (cond ((find (lambda (m) (find (cut same? egg <>) (car m)))
-                        *mappings*) => 
+                        mappings) => 
                       (lambda (m) (map ->string (cdr m))))
                  (else (list egg))))
     (unless (and (= (length eggs) (length eggs2))
                  (every (lambda (egg) (find (cut same? <> egg) eggs2)) eggs))
-      (print "mapped " eggs " to " eggs2))
+      (d "mapped ~s to ~s~%" eggs eggs2))
+;; override versions, if specified in "overrides" file
+(define (override-version egg)
+  (let ((name (string->symbol (if (pair? egg) (car egg) egg))))
+    (cond ((assq name override) =>
+           (lambda (a)
+             (cond ((and (pair? egg) (not (equal? (cadr a) (cdr egg))))
+                    (warning
+                      (sprintf 
+                        "version `~a' of extension `~a' overrides explicitly given version `~a'"
+                        (cadr a) name (cdr egg))))
+                   (else (d "overriding: ~a~%" a)))
+             (cadr a)))
+          ((pair? egg) (cdr egg))
+          (else #f))))
+;; "locate" egg: either perform HTTP download or copy from a file-system 
+;; location, also make sure it is up to date
+(define (locate-egg name version)
+  (let* ((cached (make-pathname cache-directory name))
+         (now (current-seconds))
+         (timestamp (make-pathname cached +timestamp-file+))
+         (status (make-pathname cached +status-file+))
+         (eggfile (make-pathname cached name +egg-extension+)))
+    (define (fetch)
+      (when (file-exists? cached)
+        (delete-directory cached #t))
+      (fetch-egg-sources name version cached)
+      (with-output-to-file status (cut write current-status)))
+    (cond ((not (probe-dir cached)) (fetch))
+          ((and (file-exists? status)
+                (not (equal? current-status 
+                             (with-input-from-file status read))))
+           (fetch)))
+    (let* ((info (load-egg-info eggfile))
+           (lversion (get-egg-property info 'version)))
+      (cond ((and (file-exists? timestamp)
+                  (> (- now (with-input-from-file timestamp read)) +one-hour+)
+                  (not (check-server-version name version lversion)))
+             (fetch)
+             (let ((info (load-egg-info eggfile)))
+               (values cached (get-egg-property info 'version))))
+            (else (values cached version))))))
+(define (fetch-egg-sources name version dest)
+  (let loop ((locs default-locations))
+    (cond ((null? locs)
+           (let loop ((srvs default-servers))
+             (receive (dir ver)
+               (try-download name (car srvs) 
+                             version: version 
+                             destination: dest
+                             tests: run-tests 
+                             proxy-host: proxy-host
+                             proxy-port: proxy-port 
+                             proxy-user-pass: proxy-user-pass)
+              (cond (dir
+                     (with-output-to-file 
+                       (make-pathname dest +timestamp-file+)
+                       (lambda () (write (current-seconds)))))
+                    ((null? srvs) (error "extension or version not found"))
+                    (else (loop (cdr srvs)))))))
+          ((probe-dir (make-pathname (car locs) name))
+           => (lambda (dir)
+                (let* ((eggfile (make-pathname dir name +egg-extension+))
+                       (info (load-egg-info eggfile))
+                       (rversion (get-egg-property info 'version)))
+                  (if (or (not rversion)
+                          (version>=? rversion version))
+                      (copy-egg-sources dir dest)
+                      (loop (cdr locs))))))
+          (else (loop (cdr locs))))))
+(define (copy-egg-sources from to)
+  ;;XXX should probably be done manually, instead of calling tool
+  (let ((cmd (quote-all
+               (string-append
+                 (copy-directory-command platform)
+                 " " (quotearg from) " " (quotearg to))
+               platform)))
+    (system cmd)))
+(define (check-server-version name version lversion)
+  (let loop ((srvs default-servers))
+    (and (pair? srvs)
+         (let ((versions (try-list-versions name (car srvs))))
+           (or (and versions
+                    (any (cut version>=? <> version) versions))
+               (loop (cdr srvs)))))))
+;; retrieve eggs, recursively (if needed)
+(define (retrieve-eggs eggs)
+  (for-each
+    (lambda (egg)
+      (cond ((assoc egg canonical-eggs) =>
+             (lambda (a)
+               ;; push to front
+               (set! canonical-eggs (cons a (delete a canonical-eggs eq?)))))
+             (else
+              (let ((name (if (pair? egg) (car egg) egg))
+                    (version (override-version egg)))
+                (let-values (((dir ver) (locate-egg name version)))
+                  (when (or (not dir)
+                            (null? (directory dir)))
+                    (error "extension or version not found"))
+                  (d " ~a located at ~a~%")
+                  (set! canonical-eggs
+                    (cons (list name dir ver) canonical-eggs)))))))
+     eggs)
+  (unless retrieve-only
+    (error "to be implemented"))) ; XXX
+;; command line parsing and selection of operations
 (define (perform-actions eggs)
   (let ((eggs (apply-mappings eggs)))
+    ;;XXX...
+    (retrieve-eggs eggs)))
 (define (main args)
   (setup-proxy (get-environment-variable "http_proxy"))
@@ -163,6 +337,8 @@
           (let ((arg (car args)))
             (cond ((member arg '("-h" "-help" "--help"))
                    (usage 0))
+                  ((equal? arg "-test")
+                   (set! run-tests #t))
@@ -173,8 +349,7 @@
                          (if (every (cut memq <> +short-options+) sos)
                              (loop (append 
                                      (map (cut string #\- <>) sos)
-                                     (cdr args)) 
-                                   eggs)
+                                     (cdr args)))
                              (usage 1)))
                        (usage 1)))
                   ((irregex-match rx arg) =>