~ chicken-core (master) /DEPRECATED

 1Deprecated functions and variables
 5- The foreign type "blob" is obsolete and equivalent to the 
 6  foreign type "bytevector".
 9- read/source-info from the internal, undocumented module
10  (chicken compiler support) is deprecated.  Instead, use
11  read-with-source-info from (chicken syntax).
12- "set-signal-handler!" and "signal-handler" have been deprecated
13  in favor of "make-signal-handler" and "ignore-signal" which are
14  better suited in a multithreaded environment.
15- "chicken-home" is deprecated as it is not possible to override
16  when installing eggs into a custom location. Use "include-path" instead
17  (or "##sys#include-pathnames" for code that is intended to be
18  backwards compatible) when accessing the data location.
21- current-milliseconds and its C implementations C_milliseconds and
22  C_a_i_current_milliseconds have been deprecated in favor of
23  current-process_milliseconds, C_current_process_milliseconds and
24  C_a_i_current_process_milliseconds
25- C_pair() is now officially deprecated in favor of C_a_pair(), which
26  should also be faster.
30- ##sys#check-exact and its C implementations C_i_check_exact and
31  C_i_check_exact_2 have been deprecated (see also #1631).
32- "C_u_i_zerop" has been turned into an inline operation and is
33  deprecated in favor of "C_u_i_zerop2".
34- The define-record-printer macro has been deprecated in favour of
35  record-printer and set-record-printer! procedures, and a SRFI-17
36  setter for the former.
41- "bit->boolean" has been introduced temporarily to avoid users
42  having to figure out why "bit-set?" uses a different argument
43  order than the procedure with the same name that is specified in
44  SRFI-33 and SRFI-60. This procedure will be replaced by the proper
45  "bit-set?" in one of the next versions, together with a C level
46  macro or function.
48  See also: 45489c1b3d9fb20bacc91fa393ce7330dd61d22f
50  "bit->boolean" expands into "C_u_i_bit_to_bool", "C_i_bit_to_bool"
51  or "C_i_fixnum_bit_to_bool", which are all deprecated as well,
52  but might be re-used in a future version of "bit-set?".