~ chicken-core (master) /library.scm

   1;;;; library.scm - R5RS/R7RS library for the CHICKEN compiler
   3; Copyright (c) 2008-2022, The CHICKEN Team
   4; Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann
   5; All rights reserved.
   7; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
   8; conditions are met:
  10;   Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
  11;     disclaimer.
  12;   Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
  13;     disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  14;   Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
  15;     products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
  29  (unit library)
  30  (uses build-version)
  31  (disable-interrupts)
  32  (hide ##sys#dynamic-unwind
  33	##sys#vector-resize ##sys#default-parameter-vector
  34	current-print-length setter-tag
  35	##sys#print-exit ##sys#r7rs-exn-handlers
  36	##sys#format-here-doc-warning
  37	exit-in-progress cleanup-before-exit chicken.base#cleanup-tasks
  38        maximal-string-length find-ratio-between find-ratio
  39	make-complex flonum->ratnum ratnum
  40	+maximum-allowed-exponent+ mantexp->dbl ldexp round-quotient
  41	##sys#string->compnum ##sys#internal-gcd)
  42  (not inline chicken.base#sleep-hook ##sys#change-directory-hook
  43       ##sys#user-read-hook ##sys#error-hook ##sys#signal-hook ##sys#signal-hook/errno
  44       ##sys#default-read-info-hook ##sys#infix-list-hook
  45       ##sys#sharp-number-hook ##sys#user-print-hook
  46       ##sys#user-interrupt-hook ##sys#windows-platform
  47       ##sys#resume-thread-on-event ##sys#suspend-thread-on-event
  48       ##sys#schedule ##sys#features)
  49  (foreign-declare #<<EOF
  50#include <errno.h>
  51#include <float.h>
  53#ifdef HAVE_SYSEXITS_H
  54# include <sysexits.h>
  57#ifndef EX_SOFTWARE
  58# define EX_SOFTWARE	70
  61#define C_close_file(p)	      (C_fclose((C_FILEPTR)(C_port_file(p))), C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED)
  62#define C_a_f64peek(ptr, c, b, i)  C_flonum(ptr, ((double *)C_data_pointer(b))[ C_unfix(i) ])
  63#define C_fetch_c_strlen(b, i) C_fix(strlen((C_char *)C_block_item(b, C_unfix(i))))
  64#define C_asciiz_strlen(str) C_fix(strlen(C_c_string(str)))
  65#define C_peek_c_string(b, i, to, len) (C_memcpy(C_data_pointer(to), (C_char *)C_block_item(b, C_unfix(i)), C_unfix(len)), C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED)
  66#define C_free_mptr(p, i)     (C_free((void *)C_block_item(p, C_unfix(i))), C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED)
  67#define C_free_sptr(p, i)     (C_free((void *)(((C_char **)C_block_item(p, 0))[ C_unfix(i) ])), C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED)
  69#define C_a_get_current_seconds(ptr, c, dummy)  C_int64_to_num(ptr, time(NULL))
  70#define C_peek_c_string_at(ptr, i)    ((C_char *)(((C_char **)ptr)[ i ]))
  72#define C_utf_bytes_needed(b)  C_fix(C_utf_expect(C_unfix(b)))
  74static C_word
  75fast_read_line_from_file(C_word str, C_word port, C_word size) {
  76  int n = C_unfix(size);
  77  int i;
  78  int c;
  79  char *buf = C_c_string(str);
  80  C_FILEPTR fp = C_port_file(port);
  82  if ((c = C_getc(fp)) == EOF) {
  83    if (ferror(fp)) {
  84      clearerr(fp);
  85      return C_fix(-1);
  86    } else { /* feof (fp) */
  87      return C_SCHEME_END_OF_FILE;
  88    }
  89  }
  91  C_ungetc(c, fp);
  93  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  94    c = C_getc(fp);
  96    if(c == EOF && ferror(fp)) {
  97      clearerr(fp);
  98      return C_fix(-(i + 1));
  99    }
 101    switch (c) {
 102    case '\r':	if ((c = C_getc(fp)) != '\n') C_ungetc(c, fp);
 103    case EOF:	clearerr(fp);
 104    case '\n':	return C_fix(i);
 105    }
 106    buf[i] = c;
 107  }
 108  return C_SCHEME_FALSE;
 111static C_word
 112fast_read_string_from_file(C_word dest, C_word port, C_word len, C_word pos)
 114  size_t m;
 115  int n = C_unfix (len);
 116  C_char * buf = C_c_string(dest) + C_unfix(pos);
 117  C_FILEPTR fp = C_port_file (port);
 119  if(feof(fp)) return C_SCHEME_END_OF_FILE;
 121  m = fread (buf, sizeof (char), n, fp);
 123  if (m < n) {
 124    if (ferror(fp)) /* Report to Scheme, which may retry, so clear errors */
 125      clearerr(fp);
 126    else if (feof(fp) && 0 == m) /* eof but m > 0? Return data first, below */
 127      return C_SCHEME_END_OF_FILE; /* Calling again will get us here */
 128  }
 130  return C_fix (m);
 133static C_word
 134shallow_equal(C_word x, C_word y)
 136  /* assumes x and y are non-immediate */
 137  int i, len = C_header_size(x);
 139  if(C_header_size(y) != len) return C_SCHEME_FALSE;
 140  else return C_mk_bool(!C_memcmp((void *)x, (void *)y, len * sizeof(C_word)));
 143static C_word
 144signal_debug_event(C_word mode, C_word msg, C_word args)
 146  C_DEBUG_INFO cell;
 147  C_word av[ 3 ];
 148  cell.enabled = 1;
 149  cell.event = C_DEBUG_SIGNAL;
 150  cell.loc = "";
 151  cell.val = "";
 152  av[ 0 ] = mode;
 153  av[ 1 ] = msg;
 154  av[ 2 ] = args;
 155  C_debugger(&cell, 3, av);
 156  return C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED;
 159static C_word C_i_sleep_until_interrupt(C_word secs)
 161   while(C_i_process_sleep(secs) == C_fix(-1) && errno == EINTR);
 162   return C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED;
 165#ifdef NO_DLOAD2
 166# define HAVE_DLOAD 0
 168# define HAVE_DLOAD 1
 172# define HAVE_PTABLES 1
 174# define HAVE_PTABLES 0
 177#ifdef C_GC_HOOKS
 178# define HAVE_GCHOOKS 1
 180# define HAVE_GCHOOKS 0
 184# define IS_CROSS_CHICKEN 1
 186# define IS_CROSS_CHICKEN 0
 189) )
 192;; NOTE: Modules defined here will typically exclude syntax
 193;; definitions, those are handled by expand.scm or modules.scm.
 194;; Handwritten import libraries (or a special-case module in
 195;; modules.scm for scheme) contain the value exports merged with
 196;; syntactic exports.  The upshot of this is that any module that
 197;; refers to another module defined *earlier* in this file cannot use
 198;; macros from the earlier module!
 200;; We get around this problem by using the "chicken.internal.syntax"
 201;; module, which is baked in and exports *every* available core macro.
 202;; See modules.scm, expand.scm and chicken-syntax.scm for details.
 205;; Pre-declaration of scheme, so it can be used later on.  We only use
 206;; scheme macros and core language forms in here, to avoid a cyclic
 207;; dependency on itself.  All actual definitions are set! below.
 208;; Also, this declaration is incomplete: the module itself is defined
 209;; as a primitive module due to syntax exports, which are missing
 210;; here.  See modules.scm for the full definition.
 211(module scheme
 212    (;; [syntax]
 213     ;; We are reexporting these because otherwise the module here
 214     ;; will be inconsistent with the built-in one, and be void of
 215     ;; syntax definitions, causing problems below.
 216     begin and case cond define define-syntax delay do lambda
 217     if let let* let-syntax letrec letrec-syntax or
 218     quasiquote quote set! syntax-rules
 220     not boolean? eq? eqv? equal? pair? boolean=? symbol=?
 221     cons car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar
 222     cdadr cddar cdddr caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr
 223     caddar cadddr cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar
 224     cddddr set-car! set-cdr!
 225     null? list? list length list-tail list-ref append reverse memq memv
 226     member assq assv assoc symbol? symbol->string string->symbol number?
 227     integer? exact? real? complex? inexact? rational? zero? odd? even?
 228     positive? negative?  max min + - * / = > < >= <= quotient remainder
 229     modulo gcd lcm abs floor ceiling truncate round rationalize
 230     exact->inexact inexact->exact exp log expt sqrt
 231     sin cos tan asin acos atan
 232     number->string string->number char? char=? char>? char<? char>=?
 233     char<=? char-ci=? char-ci<? char-ci>?  char-ci>=? char-ci<=?
 234     char-alphabetic? char-whitespace? char-numeric? char-upper-case?
 235     char-lower-case? char-upcase char-downcase
 236     char->integer integer->char
 237     string? string=?  string>? string<? string>=? string<=? string-ci=?
 238     string-ci<? string-ci>? string-ci>=? string-ci<=?  make-string
 239     string-length string-ref string-set! string-append string-copy string-copy!
 240     string->list list->string substring string-fill! vector? make-vector
 241     vector-ref vector-set! string vector vector-length vector->list
 242     list->vector vector-fill! procedure? map for-each apply force
 243     call-with-current-continuation call/cc input-port? output-port?
 244     current-input-port current-output-port call-with-input-file
 245     call-with-output-file open-input-file open-output-file
 246     close-input-port close-output-port
 247     read read-char peek-char write display write-char newline
 248     eof-object? with-input-from-file with-output-to-file
 249     char-ready? imag-part real-part make-rectangular make-polar angle
 250     magnitude numerator denominator values call-with-values dynamic-wind
 252     open-input-string open-output-string open-input-bytevector
 253     open-output-bytevector get-output-string get-output-bytevector
 254     features make-list port? call-with-port peek-u8 make-parameter
 255     string-map vector-map string-for-each vector-for-each
 256     make-list list-set! write-string eof-object list-copy
 257     string->vector vector->string textual-port? binary-port?
 258     input-port-open? output-port-open? floor/ truncate/
 259     exact inexact floor-remainder floor-quotient close-port
 261     ;; The following procedures are overwritten in eval.scm:
 262     eval interaction-environment null-environment
 263     scheme-report-environment load)
 265(import chicken.internal.syntax) ;; See note above
 267;;; Operations on booleans:
 269(define (not x) (##core#inline "C_i_not" x))
 270(define (boolean? x) (##core#inline "C_booleanp" x))
 273;;; Equivalence predicates:
 275(define (eq? x y) (##core#inline "C_eqp" x y))
 276(define (eqv? x y) (##core#inline "C_i_eqvp" x y))
 277(define (equal? x y) (##core#inline "C_i_equalp" x y))
 279(define (boolean=? x y . more)
 280  (##sys#check-boolean x 'boolean=?)
 281  (##sys#check-boolean y 'boolean=?)
 282  (let loop ((bs more) (f (eq? x y)))
 283    (if (null? bs)
 284        f
 285        (let ((b (##sys#slot bs 0)))
 286          (##sys#check-boolean b 'boolean=?)
 287          (loop (##sys#slot bs 1)
 288                (and f (eq? b y)))))))
 290(define (symbol=? x y . more)
 291  (##sys#check-symbol x 'symbol=?)
 292  (##sys#check-symbol y 'symbol=?)
 293  (let loop ((bs more) (f (eq? x y)))
 294    (if (null? bs)
 295        f
 296        (let ((b (##sys#slot bs 0)))
 297          (##sys#check-symbol b 'symbol=?)
 298          (loop (##sys#slot bs 1)
 299                (and f (eq? b y)))))))
 302;;; Pairs and lists:
 304(define (pair? x) (##core#inline "C_i_pairp" x))
 305(define (cons x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_cons" 3) x y))
 306(define (car x) (##core#inline "C_i_car" x))
 307(define (cdr x) (##core#inline "C_i_cdr" x))
 309(define (set-car! x y) (##core#inline "C_i_set_car" x y))
 310(define (set-cdr! x y) (##core#inline "C_i_set_cdr" x y))
 311(define (cadr x) (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" x))
 312(define (caddr x) (##core#inline "C_i_caddr" x))
 313(define (cadddr x) (##core#inline "C_i_cadddr" x))
 314(define (cddddr x) (##core#inline "C_i_cddddr" x))
 316(define (caar x) (##core#inline "C_i_caar" x))
 317(define (cdar x) (##core#inline "C_i_cdar" x))
 318(define (cddr x) (##core#inline "C_i_cddr" x))
 319(define (caaar x) (car (car (car x))))
 320(define (caadr x) (car (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" x)))
 321(define (cadar x) (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" (car x)))
 322(define (cdaar x) (cdr (car (car x))))
 323(define (cdadr x) (cdr (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" x)))
 324(define (cddar x) (cdr (cdr (car x))))
 325(define (cdddr x) (cdr (cdr (cdr x))))
 326(define (caaaar x) (car (car (car (car x)))))
 327(define (caaadr x) (car (car (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" x))))
 328(define (caadar x) (car (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" (car x))))
 329(define (caaddr x) (car (##core#inline "C_i_caddr" x)))
 330(define (cadaar x) (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" (car (car x))))
 331(define (cadadr x) (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" x)))
 332(define (caddar x) (##core#inline "C_i_caddr" (car x)))
 333(define (cdaaar x) (cdr (car (car (car x)))))
 334(define (cdaadr x) (cdr (car (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" x))))
 335(define (cdadar x) (cdr (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" (car x))))
 336(define (cdaddr x) (cdr (##core#inline "C_i_caddr" x)))
 337(define (cddaar x) (cdr (cdr (car (car x)))))
 338(define (cddadr x) (cdr (cdr (##core#inline "C_i_cadr" x))))
 339(define (cdddar x) (cdr (cdr (cdr (car x)))))
 341(define (null? x) (eq? x '()))
 342(define (list . lst) lst)
 343(define (length lst) (##core#inline "C_i_length" lst))
 344(define (list-tail lst i) (##core#inline "C_i_list_tail" lst i))
 345(define (list-ref lst i) (##core#inline "C_i_list_ref" lst i))
 347(define append)
 349(define (reverse lst0)
 350  (let loop ((lst lst0) (rest '()))
 351    (cond ((eq? lst '()) rest)
 352	  ((pair? lst)
 353	   (loop (##sys#slot lst 1) (cons (##sys#slot lst 0) rest)) )
 354	  (else (##sys#error-not-a-proper-list lst0 'reverse)) ) ))
 356(define (memq x lst) (##core#inline "C_i_memq" x lst))
 357(define (memv x lst) (##core#inline "C_i_memv" x lst))
 359(define (member x lst #!optional eq)
 360  (if eq
 361      (let loop ((lst lst))
 362        (and (pair? lst)
 363             (if (eq x (##sys#slot lst 0))
 364                 lst
 365                 (loop (##sys#slot lst 1)))))
 366      (##core#inline "C_i_member" x lst)))
 368(define (assq x lst) (##core#inline "C_i_assq" x lst))
 369(define (assv x lst) (##core#inline "C_i_assv" x lst))
 371(define (assoc x lst #!optional eq)
 372  (if eq
 373      (let loop ((lst lst))
 374        (and (pair? lst)
 375             (if (eq x (car (##sys#slot lst 0)))
 376                 (car lst)
 377                 (loop (##sys#slot lst 1)))))
 378      (##core#inline "C_i_assoc" x lst)))
 380(define (list? x) (##core#inline "C_i_listp" x))
 382;;; Strings:
 384(define make-string)
 386(define (string? x) (##core#inline "C_i_stringp" x))
 387(define (string-length s) (##core#inline "C_i_string_length" s))
 388(define (string-ref s i) (##core#inline "C_i_string_ref" s i))
 389(define (string-set! s i c) (##core#inline "C_i_string_set" s i c))
 391(define (string=? x y . more)
 392  (let loop ((s y) (ss more) (f (##core#inline "C_i_string_equal_p" x y)))
 393    (if (null? ss)
 394        f
 395        (let ((s2 (##sys#slot ss 0)))
 396          (##sys#check-string s2 'string=?)
 397          (loop s2 (##sys#slot ss 1)
 398                (and f (##core#inline "C_i_string_equal_p" s s2)))))))
 400(define (string-ci=? x y . more)
 401  (let loop ((s y) (ss more) (f (##core#inline "C_i_string_ci_equal_p" x y)))
 402    (if (null? ss)
 403        f
 404        (let ((s2 (##sys#slot ss 0)))
 405          (##sys#check-string s2 'string-ci=?)
 406          (loop s2 (##sys#slot ss 1)
 407                (and f (##core#inline "C_i_string_ci_equal_p" s s2)))))))
 409(define string->list)
 410(define list->string)
 411(define string-copy)
 412(define string-copy!)
 413(define substring)
 414(define string-fill!)
 416(define string<?)
 417(define string>?)
 418(define string<=?)
 419(define string>=?)
 421(define string-ci<?)
 422(define string-ci>?)
 423(define string-ci<=?)
 424(define string-ci>=?)
 426(define string)
 427(define string-append)
 429(define open-input-string)
 430(define open-output-string)
 431(define open-input-bytevector)
 432(define open-output-bytevector)
 433(define get-output-string)
 434(define get-output-bytevector)
 435(define features)
 436(define make-list)
 437(define port?)
 438(define call-with-port)
 439(define close-port)
 440(define peek-u8)
 441(define string-map)
 442(define vector-map)
 443(define string-for-each)
 444(define vector-for-each)
 445(define make-list)
 446(define list-set!)
 447(define write-string)
 448(define eof-object)
 449(define list-copy)
 450(define string->vector)
 451(define vector->string)
 452(define input-port-open?)
 453(define output-port-open?)
 454(define floor/)
 455(define truncate/)
 456(define exact)
 457(define inexact)
 458(define floor-remainder)
 459(define floor-quotient)
 460(define make-parameter)
 462;; Complex numbers
 463(define make-rectangular)
 464(define make-polar)
 465(define real-part)
 466(define imag-part)
 467(define angle)
 468(define magnitude)
 470;; Rational numbers
 471(define numerator)
 472(define denominator)
 473(define inexact->exact)
 474(define (exact->inexact x)
 475  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_exact_to_inexact" 12) x))
 477;; Numerical operations
 478(define (abs x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_i_abs" 7) x))
 479(define + (##core#primitive "C_plus"))
 480(define - (##core#primitive "C_minus"))
 481(define * (##core#primitive "C_times"))
 482(define /)
 483(define floor)
 484(define ceiling)
 485(define truncate)
 486(define round)
 487(define rationalize)
 489(define (quotient a b) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_i_quotient" 5) a b))
 490(define (remainder a b) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_i_remainder" 5) a b))
 491(define (modulo a b) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_i_modulo" 5) a b))
 493(define (even? n) (##core#inline "C_i_evenp" n))
 494(define (odd? n) (##core#inline "C_i_oddp" n))
 496(define max)
 497(define min)
 498(define exp)
 499(define log)
 500(define sin)
 501(define cos)
 502(define tan)
 503(define asin)
 504(define acos)
 505(define atan)
 507(define sqrt)
 508(define expt)
 509(define gcd)
 510(define lcm)
 512(define = (##core#primitive "C_nequalp"))
 513(define > (##core#primitive "C_greaterp"))
 514(define < (##core#primitive "C_lessp"))
 515(define >= (##core#primitive "C_greater_or_equal_p"))
 516(define <= (##core#primitive "C_less_or_equal_p"))
 517(define (number? x) (##core#inline "C_i_numberp" x))
 518(define complex? number?)
 519(define (real? x) (##core#inline "C_i_realp" x))
 520(define (rational? n) (##core#inline "C_i_rationalp" n))
 521(define (integer? x) (##core#inline "C_i_integerp" x))
 522(define (exact? x) (##core#inline "C_i_exactp" x))
 523(define (inexact? x) (##core#inline "C_i_inexactp" x))
 524(define (zero? n) (##core#inline "C_i_zerop" n))
 525(define (positive? n) (##core#inline "C_i_positivep" n))
 526(define (negative? n) (##core#inline "C_i_negativep" n))
 528(define number->string (##core#primitive "C_number_to_string"))
 529(define string->number)
 532;;; Symbols:
 534(define (symbol? x) (##core#inline "C_i_symbolp" x))
 535(define symbol->string)
 536(define string->symbol)
 538;;; Vectors:
 540(define (vector? x) (##core#inline "C_i_vectorp" x))
 541(define (vector-length v) (##core#inline "C_i_vector_length" v))
 542(define (vector-ref v i) (##core#inline "C_i_vector_ref" v i))
 543(define (vector-set! v i x) (##core#inline "C_i_vector_set" v i x))
 544(define make-vector)
 545(define list->vector)
 546(define vector->list)
 547(define vector)
 548(define vector-fill!)
 550;;; Characters:
 552(define (char? x) (##core#inline "C_charp" x))
 554(define (char->integer c)
 555  (##sys#check-char c 'char->integer)
 556  (##core#inline "C_fix" (##core#inline "C_character_code" c)) )
 558(define (integer->char n)
 559  (##sys#check-fixnum n 'integer->char)
 560  (##core#inline "C_make_character" (##core#inline "C_unfix" n)) )
 562(define (char=? c1 c2 . more)
 563  (##sys#check-char c1 'char=?)
 564  (##sys#check-char c2 'char=?)
 565  (let loop ((c c2) (cs more)
 566             (f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_equalp" c1 c2)))
 567    (if (null? cs)
 568        f
 569        (let ((c2 (##sys#slot cs 0)))
 570          (##sys#check-char c2 'char=?)
 571          (loop c2 (##sys#slot cs 1)
 572                (and f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_equalp" c c2)))))))
 574(define (char>? c1 c2 . more)
 575  (##sys#check-char c1 'char>?)
 576  (##sys#check-char c2 'char>?)
 577  (let loop ((c c2) (cs more)
 578             (f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_greaterp" c1 c2)))
 579    (if (null? cs)
 580        f
 581        (let ((c2 (##sys#slot cs 0)))
 582          (##sys#check-char c2 'char>?)
 583          (loop c2 (##sys#slot cs 1)
 584                (and f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_greaterp" c c2)))))))
 586(define (char<? c1 c2 . more)
 587  (##sys#check-char c1 'char<?)
 588  (##sys#check-char c2 'char<?)
 589  (let loop ((c c2) (cs more)
 590             (f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_lessp" c1 c2)))
 591    (if (null? cs)
 592        f
 593        (let ((c2 (##sys#slot cs 0)))
 594          (##sys#check-char c2 'char<?)
 595          (loop c2 (##sys#slot cs 1)
 596                (and f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_lessp" c c2)))))))
 598(define (char>=? c1 c2 . more)
 599  (##sys#check-char c1 'char>=?)
 600  (##sys#check-char c2 'char>=?)
 601  (let loop ((c c2) (cs more)
 602             (f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_greater_or_equal_p" c1 c2)))
 603    (if (null? cs)
 604        f
 605        (let ((c2 (##sys#slot cs 0)))
 606          (##sys#check-char c2 'char>=?)
 607          (loop c2 (##sys#slot cs 1)
 608                (and f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_greater_or_equal_p" c c2)))))))
 610(define (char<=? c1 c2 . more)
 611  (##sys#check-char c1 'char<=?)
 612  (##sys#check-char c2 'char<=?)
 613  (let loop ((c c2) (cs more)
 614             (f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_less_or_equal_p" c1 c2)))
 615    (if (null? cs)
 616        f
 617        (let ((c2 (##sys#slot cs 0)))
 618          (##sys#check-char c2 'char<=?)
 619          (loop c2 (##sys#slot cs 1)
 620                (and f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_less_or_equal_p" c c2)))))))
 622(define (char-upcase c)
 623  (##sys#check-char c 'char-upcase)
 624  (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_upcase" c))
 626(define (char-downcase c)
 627  (##sys#check-char c 'char-downcase)
 628  (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_downcase" c))
 630(define char-ci=?)
 631(define char-ci>?)
 632(define char-ci<?)
 633(define char-ci>=?)
 634(define char-ci<=?)
 636(define (char-upper-case? c)
 637  (##sys#check-char c 'char-upper-case?)
 638  (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_upper_casep" c) )
 640(define (char-lower-case? c)
 641  (##sys#check-char c 'char-lower-case?)
 642  (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_lower_casep" c) )
 644(define (char-numeric? c)
 645  (##sys#check-char c 'char-numeric?)
 646  (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_numericp" c) )
 648(define (char-whitespace? c)
 649  (##sys#check-char c 'char-whitespace?)
 650  (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_whitespacep" c) )
 652(define (char-alphabetic? c)
 653  (##sys#check-char c 'char-alphabetic?)
 654  (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_alphabeticp" c) )
 656(define (scheme.char#digit-value c)
 657  (##sys#check-char c 'digit-value)
 658  (let ((n (##core#inline "C_u_i_digit_value" c)))
 659    (and (not (eq? n 0))
 660         (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" n 1))))
 662;;; Procedures:
 664(define (procedure? x) (##core#inline "C_i_closurep" x))
 665(define apply (##core#primitive "C_apply"))
 666(define values (##core#primitive "C_values"))
 667(define call-with-values (##core#primitive "C_call_with_values"))
 668(define call-with-current-continuation)
 669(define call/cc)
 671;;; Ports:
 673(define (input-port? x)
 674  (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)
 675       (##core#inline "C_input_portp" x)))
 677(define (output-port? x)
 678  (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)
 679       (##core#inline "C_output_portp" x)))
 681(define (binary-port? port)
 682  (and (port? port)
 683       (eq? 'binary (##sys#slot port 14))))
 685(define (textual-port? port)
 686  (and (port? port)
 687       (eq? 'textual (##sys#slot port 14))))
 689(set! scheme#port?
 690  (lambda (x)
 691    (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)
 692         (##core#inline "C_portp" x))))
 694(set! scheme#input-port-open?
 695  (lambda (p)
 696    (##sys#check-input-port p 'input-port-open?)
 697    (##core#inline "C_input_port_openp" p)))
 699(set! scheme#output-port-open?
 700  (lambda (p)
 701    (##sys#check-output-port p 'output-port-open?)
 702    (##core#inline "C_output_port_openp" p)))
 704(define current-input-port)
 705(define current-output-port)
 706(define open-input-file)
 707(define open-output-file)
 708(define close-input-port)
 709(define close-output-port)
 710(define call-with-input-file)
 711(define call-with-output-file)
 712(define with-input-from-file)
 713(define with-output-to-file)
 715;;; Input:
 717(define (eof-object? x) (##core#inline "C_eofp" x))
 718(define char-ready?)
 719(define read-char)
 720(define peek-char)
 721(define read)
 723;;; Output:
 725(define write-char)
 726(define newline)
 727(define write)
 728(define display)
 730;;; Evaluation environments:
 732;; All of the stuff below is overwritten with their "real"
 733;; implementations by chicken.eval (see eval.scm)
 735(define (eval x . env)
 736  (##sys#error 'eval "`eval' is not defined - the `eval' unit was probably not linked with this executable"))
 738(define (interaction-environment)
 739  (##sys#error 'interaction-environment "`interaction-environment' is not defined - the `eval' unit was probably not linked with this executable"))
 741(define (scheme-report-environment n)
 742  (##sys#error 'scheme-report-environment "`scheme-report-environment' is not defined - the `eval' unit was probably not linked with this executable"))
 744(define (null-environment)
 745  (##sys#error 'null-environment "`null-environment' is not defined - the `eval' unit was probably not linked with this executable"))
 747(define (load filename . evaluator)
 748  (##sys#error 'load "`load' is not defined - the `eval' unit was probably not linked with this executable"))
 750;; Other stuff:
 752(define force)
 753(define for-each)
 754(define map)
 755(define dynamic-wind)
 757) ; scheme
 759(import scheme)
 760(import (only (scheme base) make-parameter open-output-string get-output-string))
 762;; Pre-declaration of chicken.base, so it can be used later on.  Much
 763;; like the "scheme" module, most declarations will be set! further
 764;; down in this file, mostly to avoid a cyclic dependency on itself.
 765;; The full definition (with macros) is in its own import library.
 766(module chicken.base
 767  (;; [syntax] and-let* case-lambda cut cute declare define-constant
 768   ;; define-inline define-record define-record-type
 769   ;; define-values delay-force fluid-let include
 770   ;; include-relative let-optionals let-values let*-values letrec*
 771   ;; letrec-values nth-value optional parameterize rec receive
 772   ;; require-library require-extension set!-values syntax unless when
 773   bignum? flonum? fixnum? ratnum? cplxnum? finite? infinite? nan?
 774   exact-integer? exact-integer-sqrt exact-integer-nth-root
 776   port-closed? flush-output
 777   get-call-chain print print* add1 sub1 sleep
 778   current-error-port error void gensym print-call-chain
 779   char-name enable-warnings
 780   equal=? finite? foldl foldr getter-with-setter
 781   notice procedure-information setter signum string->uninterned-symbol
 782   subvector symbol-append vector-resize
 783   warning quotient&remainder quotient&modulo
 784   record-printer set-record-printer!
 785   make-promise promise?
 786   alist-ref alist-update alist-update! rassoc atom? butlast chop
 787   compress flatten intersperse join list-of? tail? constantly
 788   complement compose conjoin disjoin each flip identity o
 790   char-foldcase string-foldcase
 792   case-sensitive keyword-style parentheses-synonyms symbol-escape
 794   on-exit exit exit-handler implicit-exit-handler emergency-exit
 795   bwp-object? weak-cons weak-pair?)
 797(import scheme chicken.internal.syntax)
 799(define (fixnum? x) (##core#inline "C_fixnump" x))
 800(define (flonum? x) (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" x))
 801(define (bignum? x) (##core#inline "C_i_bignump" x))
 802(define (ratnum? x) (##core#inline "C_i_ratnump" x))
 803(define (cplxnum? x) (##core#inline "C_i_cplxnump" x))
 804(define (exact-integer? x) (##core#inline "C_i_exact_integerp" x))
 805(define exact-integer-sqrt)
 806(define exact-integer-nth-root)
 808(define quotient&remainder (##core#primitive "C_quotient_and_remainder"))
 809;; Modulo's sign follows y (whereas remainder's sign follows x)
 810;; Inlining this is not much use: quotient&remainder is primitive
 811(define (quotient&modulo x y)
 812  (call-with-values (lambda () (quotient&remainder x y))
 813    (lambda (div rem)
 814      (if (positive? y)
 815	  (if (negative? rem)
 816	      (values div (+ rem y))
 817	      (values div rem))
 818	  (if (positive? rem)
 819	      (values div (+ rem y))
 820	      (values div rem))))))
 823(define (finite? x) (##core#inline "C_i_finitep" x))
 824(define (infinite? x) (##core#inline "C_i_infinitep" x))
 825(define (nan? x) (##core#inline "C_i_nanp" x))
 827(define signum (##core#primitive "C_signum"))
 829(define equal=?)
 830(define get-call-chain)
 831(define print-call-chain)
 832(define print)
 833(define print*)
 834(define (add1 n) (+ n 1))
 835(define (sub1 n) (- n 1))
 836(define current-error-port)
 838(define (error . args)
 839  (if (pair? args)
 840      (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:error args)
 841      (##sys#signal-hook #:error #f)))
 843(define (void . _) (##core#undefined))
 845(define sleep)
 847(define char-name)
 848(define enable-warnings)
 849; (define enable-notices)???
 850(define getter-with-setter)
 851(define procedure-information)
 852(define setter)
 853(define string->uninterned-symbol)
 854(define record-printer)
 855(define set-record-printer!)
 857(define gensym)
 859(define subvector)
 860(define vector-resize)
 862(define symbol-append)
 863(define warning)
 864(define notice)
 866(define port-closed?)
 867(define flush-output)
 869;;; Promises:
 871(define (promise? x)
 872  (##sys#structure? x 'promise))
 874(define (##sys#make-promise proc)
 875  (##sys#make-structure 'promise proc))
 877(define (make-promise obj)
 878  (if (promise? obj) obj
 879      (##sys#make-promise (lambda () obj))))
 881;;; fast folds with correct argument order
 883(define (foldl f z lst)
 884  (##sys#check-list lst 'foldl)
 885  (let loop ((lst lst) (z z))
 886    (if (not (pair? lst))
 887	z
 888	(loop (##sys#slot lst 1) (f z (##sys#slot lst 0))))))
 890(define (foldr f z lst)
 891  (##sys#check-list lst 'foldr)
 892  (let loop ((lst lst))
 893    (if (not (pair? lst))
 894	z
 895	(f (##sys#slot lst 0) (loop (##sys#slot lst 1))))))
 897;;; Exit:
 899(define implicit-exit-handler)
 900(define exit-handler)
 902(define chicken.base#cleanup-tasks '())
 904(define (on-exit thunk)
 905  (set! cleanup-tasks (cons thunk chicken.base#cleanup-tasks)))
 907(define (exit #!optional (code 0))
 908  ((exit-handler) code))
 910(define (emergency-exit #!optional (code 0))
 911  (##sys#check-fixnum code 'emergency-exit)
 912  (##core#inline "C_exit_runtime" code))
 914;;; Parameters:
 916(define case-sensitive)
 917(define keyword-style)
 918(define parentheses-synonyms)
 919(define symbol-escape)
 921;;; Combinators:
 923(define (identity x) x)
 925(define (conjoin . preds)
 926  (lambda (x)
 927    (let loop ((preds preds))
 928      (or (null? preds)
 929	  (and ((##sys#slot preds 0) x)
 930	       (loop (##sys#slot preds 1)) ) ) ) ) )
 932(define (disjoin . preds)
 933  (lambda (x)
 934    (let loop ((preds preds))
 935      (and (not (null? preds))
 936	   (or ((##sys#slot preds 0) x)
 937	       (loop (##sys#slot preds 1)) ) ) ) ) )
 939(define (constantly . xs)
 940  (if (eq? 1 (length xs))
 941      (let ((x (car xs)))
 942	(lambda _ x) )
 943      (lambda _ (apply values xs)) ) )
 945(define (flip proc) (lambda (x y) (proc y x)))
 947(define complement
 948  (lambda (p)
 949    (lambda args (not (apply p args))) ) )
 951(define (compose . fns)
 952  (define (rec f0 . fns)
 953    (if (null? fns)
 954	f0
 955	(lambda args
 956	  (call-with-values
 957	      (lambda () (apply (apply rec fns) args))
 958	    f0) ) ) )
 959  (if (null? fns)
 960      values
 961      (apply rec fns) ) )
 963(define (o . fns)
 964  (if (null? fns)
 965      identity
 966      (let loop ((fns fns))
 967	(let ((h (##sys#slot fns 0))
 968	      (t (##sys#slot fns 1)) )
 969	  (if (null? t)
 970	      h
 971	      (lambda (x) (h ((loop t) x))))))))
 973(define (list-of? pred)
 974  (lambda (lst)
 975    (let loop ((lst lst))
 976      (cond ((null? lst) #t)
 977	    ((not (pair? lst)) #f)
 978	    ((pred (##sys#slot lst 0)) (loop (##sys#slot lst 1)))
 979	    (else #f) ) ) ) )
 981(define (each . procs)
 982  (cond ((null? procs) (lambda _ (void)))
 983	((null? (##sys#slot procs 1)) (##sys#slot procs 0))
 984	(else
 985	 (lambda args
 986	   (let loop ((procs procs))
 987	     (let ((h (##sys#slot procs 0))
 988		   (t (##sys#slot procs 1)) )
 989	       (if (null? t)
 990		   (apply h args)
 991		   (begin
 992		     (apply h args)
 993		     (loop t) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
 996;;; Weak pairs:
 997(define (bwp-object? x) (##core#inline "C_bwpp" x))
 998(define (weak-cons x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_weak_cons" 3) x y))
 999(define (weak-pair? x) (##core#inline "C_i_weak_pairp" x))
1001;;; List operators:
1003(define (atom? x) (##core#inline "C_i_not_pair_p" x))
1005(define (tail? x y)
1006  (##sys#check-list y 'tail?)
1007  (let loop ((y y))
1008    (cond ((##core#inline "C_eqp" x y) #t)
1009          ((and (##core#inline "C_blockp" y)
1010                (##core#inline "C_pairp" y))
1011           (loop (##sys#slot y 1)))
1012          (else #f))))
1014(define intersperse
1015  (lambda (lst x)
1016    (let loop ((ns lst))
1017      (if (##core#inline "C_eqp" ns '())
1018	  ns
1019	  (let ((tail (cdr ns)))
1020	    (if (##core#inline "C_eqp" tail '())
1021		ns
1022		(cons (##sys#slot ns 0) (cons x (loop tail))) ) ) ) ) ) )
1024(define (butlast lst)
1025  (##sys#check-pair lst 'butlast)
1026  (let loop ((lst lst))
1027    (let ((next (##sys#slot lst 1)))
1028      (if (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" next) (##core#inline "C_pairp" next))
1029	  (cons (##sys#slot lst 0) (loop next))
1030	  '() ) ) ) )
1032(define (flatten . lists0)
1033  (let loop ((lists lists0) (rest '()))
1034    (cond ((null? lists) rest)
1035	  (else
1036	   (let ((head (##sys#slot lists 0))
1037		 (tail (##sys#slot lists 1)) )
1038	     (if (list? head)
1039		 (loop head (loop tail rest))
1040		 (cons head (loop tail rest)) ) ) ) ) ) )
1042(define chop)
1044(define (join lsts . lst)
1045  (let ((lst (if (pair? lst) (car lst) '())))
1046    (##sys#check-list lst 'join)
1047    (let loop ((lsts lsts))
1048      (cond ((null? lsts) '())
1049	    ((not (pair? lsts))
1050	     (##sys#error-not-a-proper-list lsts) )
1051	    (else
1052	     (let ((l (##sys#slot lsts 0))
1053		   (r (##sys#slot lsts 1)) )
1054	       (if (null? r)
1055		   l
1056		   (##sys#append l lst (loop r)) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
1058(define compress
1059  (lambda (blst lst)
1060    (let ((msg "bad argument type - not a proper list"))
1061      (##sys#check-list lst 'compress)
1062      (let loop ((blst blst) (lst lst))
1063	(cond ((null? blst) '())
1064	      ((not (pair? blst))
1065	       (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'compress msg blst) )
1066	      ((not (pair? lst))
1067	       (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'compress msg lst) )
1068	      ((##sys#slot blst 0)
1069	       (cons (##sys#slot lst 0) (loop (##sys#slot blst 1) (##sys#slot lst 1))))
1070	      (else (loop (##sys#slot blst 1) (##sys#slot lst 1))) ) ) ) ) )
1073;; case folding
1075(define (char-foldcase c)
1076  (##sys#check-char c 'char-foldcase)
1077  (##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" c))
1079(define (string-foldcase str)
1080  (##sys#check-string str 'string-foldcase)
1081  (let* ((bv (##sys#slot str 0))
1082         (n (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" (##sys#size bv) 1))
1083         (buf (##sys#make-bytevector (##core#inline "C_fixnum_times" n 2)))
1084         (len (##core#inline "C_utf_string_foldcase" bv buf n)))
1085    (##sys#buffer->string buf 0 len)))
1088;;; Alists:
1090(define (alist-update! x y lst #!optional (cmp eqv?))
1091  (let* ((aq (cond ((eq? eq? cmp) assq)
1092		   ((eq? eqv? cmp) assv)
1093		   ((eq? equal? cmp) assoc)
1094		   (else
1095		    (lambda (x lst)
1096		      (let loop ((lst lst))
1097			(and (pair? lst)
1098			     (let ((a (##sys#slot lst 0)))
1099			       (if (and (pair? a) (cmp x (##sys#slot a 0)))
1100				   a
1101				   (loop (##sys#slot lst 1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
1102	 (item (aq x lst)) )
1103    (if item
1104	(begin
1105	  (##sys#setslot item 1 y)
1106	  lst)
1107	(cons (cons x y) lst) ) ) )
1109(define (alist-update k v lst #!optional (cmp eqv?))
1110  (let loop ((lst lst))
1111    (cond ((null? lst)
1112           (list (cons k v)))
1113          ((not (pair? lst))
1114           (error 'alist-update "bad argument type" lst))
1115          (else
1116           (let ((a (##sys#slot lst 0)))
1117             (cond ((not (pair? a))
1118                    (error 'alist-update "bad argument type" a))
1119                   ((cmp k (##sys#slot a 0))
1120                    (cons (cons k v) (##sys#slot lst 1)))
1121                   (else
1122                    (cons (cons (##sys#slot a 0) (##sys#slot a 1))
1123                          (loop (##sys#slot lst 1))))))))))
1125(define (alist-ref x lst #!optional (cmp eqv?) (default #f))
1126  (let* ((aq (cond ((eq? eq? cmp) assq)
1127		   ((eq? eqv? cmp) assv)
1128		   ((eq? equal? cmp) assoc)
1129		   (else
1130		    (lambda (x lst)
1131		      (let loop ((lst lst))
1132			(cond
1133			 ((null? lst) #f)
1134			 ((pair? lst)
1135			  (let ((a (##sys#slot lst 0)))
1136			    (##sys#check-pair a 'alist-ref)
1137			    (if (cmp x (##sys#slot a 0))
1138				a
1139				(loop (##sys#slot lst 1)) ) ))
1140			 (else (error 'alist-ref "bad argument type" lst)) )  ) ) ) ) )
1141	 (item (aq x lst)) )
1142    (if item
1143	(##sys#slot item 1)
1144	default) ) )
1146;; TODO: Make inlineable in C without "tst", to be more like assoc?
1147(define (rassoc x lst . tst)
1148  (##sys#check-list lst 'rassoc)
1149  (let ((tst (if (pair? tst) (car tst) eqv?)))
1150    (let loop ((l lst))
1151      (and (pair? l)
1152	   (let ((a (##sys#slot l 0)))
1153	     (##sys#check-pair a 'rassoc)
1154	     (if (tst x (##sys#slot a 1))
1155		 a
1156		 (loop (##sys#slot l 1)) ) ) ) ) ) )
1158) ; chicken.base
1160(import chicken.base)
1162(define-constant output-string-initial-size 256)
1164(set! scheme#open-input-string
1165  (lambda (string)
1166    (##sys#check-string string 'open-input-string)
1167    (let* ((port (##sys#make-port 1 ##sys#string-port-class "(string)" 'string))
1168           (bv (##sys#slot string 0))
1169           (len (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" (##sys#size bv) 1))
1170           (bv2 (##sys#make-bytevector len)))
1171      (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" bv2 bv len)
1172      (##sys#setislot port 10 0)
1173      (##sys#setislot port 11 len)
1174      (##sys#setslot port 12 bv2)
1175      port)))
1177(set! scheme#open-output-string
1178  (lambda ()
1179    (let ((port (##sys#make-port 2 ##sys#string-port-class "(string)" 'string)))
1180      (##sys#setislot port 10 0)
1181      (##sys#setislot port 11 output-string-initial-size)
1182      (##sys#setslot port 12 (##sys#make-bytevector output-string-initial-size))
1183      port)))
1185(set! scheme#get-output-string
1186  (lambda (port)
1187    (##sys#check-output-port port #f 'get-output-string)
1188    (if (not (eq? 'string (##sys#slot port 7)))
1189        (##sys#signal-hook
1190         #:type-error 'get-output-string "argument is not a string-output-port" port)
1191        (##sys#buffer->string (##sys#slot port 12) 0 (##sys#slot port 10)))))
1193(set! scheme#open-input-bytevector
1194 (lambda (bv)
1195  (let ((port (##sys#make-port 1 #f "(bytevector)" 'custom)))
1196    (##sys#check-bytevector bv 'open-input-bytevector)
1197    (##sys#setslot port 14 'binary)
1198    (##sys#setslot
1199     port
1200     2
1201     (let ((index 0)
1202           (bv-len (##sys#size bv)))
1203       (vector (lambda (_) ; read-char
1204                 (if (eq? index bv-len)
1205                     #!eof
1206                     (let ((c (##core#inline "C_i_bytevector_ref" bv index)))
1207                       (set! index (##core#inline "C_fixnum_plus" index 1))
1208                       (integer->char c))))
1209               (lambda (_) ; peek-char
1210                 (if (eq? index bv-len)
1211                     #!eof
1212                     (##core#inline "C_i_bytevector_ref" bv index)))
1213               #f    ; write-char
1214               #f    ; write-bytevector
1215               (lambda (_ _) ; close
1216                 (##sys#setislot port 8 #t))
1217               #f    ; flush-output
1218               (lambda (_) ; char-ready?
1219                 (not (eq? index bv-len)))
1220               (lambda (p n dest start)    ; read-bytevector!
1221                 (let ((n2 (min n (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" bv-len index))))
1222                   (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" dest bv start index n2)
1223                   (set! index (##core#inline "C_fixnum_plus" index n2))
1224                   n2))
1225               #f    ; read-line
1226               #f))) ; read-buffered
1227     port)))
1229(set! scheme#open-output-bytevector
1230 (lambda ()
1231  (let ((port (##sys#make-port 2 #f "(bytevector)" 'custom))
1232        (buffer (##sys#make-bytevector 256))
1233        (index 0)
1234        (size 256))
1235    (define (add bv start end)
1236      (let* ((len (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" end start))
1237             (i2 (##core#inline "C_fixnum_plus" index len)))
1238        (when (##core#inline "C_fixnum_greaterp" i2 size)
1239          (let* ((sz2 (##core#inline "C_fixnum_times" size 2))
1240                 (bv2 (##sys#make-bytevector sz2)))
1241            (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" bv2 buffer 0 0 index)
1242            (set! size sz2)
1243            (set! buffer bv2)))
1244        (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" buffer bv index start len)
1245        (set! index i2)))
1246    (define (getter)
1247      (let ((bv (##sys#make-bytevector index)))
1248        (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" bv buffer 0 0 index)
1249        bv))
1250    (##sys#setslot port 9 getter)
1251    (##sys#setslot port 14 'binary)
1252    (##sys#setslot
1253     port
1254     2
1255     (vector #f ; read-char
1256             #f ; peek-char
1257             (lambda (p c)    ; write-char
1258               (let* ((s (string c))
1259                      (bv (##sys#slot s 0)))
1260                 (add bv 0 (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" (##sys#size bv) 1))))
1261             (lambda (p bv start end)    ; write-bytevector
1262               (add bv start end))
1263             (lambda (_ _) ; close
1264               (##sys#setislot port 8 #t))
1265             #f    ; flush-output
1266             #f ; char-ready?
1267             #f  ; read-bytevector!
1268             #f    ; read-line
1269             #f)) ; read-buffered
1270     port)))
1272(set! scheme#get-output-bytevector
1273 (lambda (p)
1274  (define (fail) (error 'get-output-bytevector "not an output-bytevector" p))
1275  (##sys#check-port p 'get-output-bytevector)
1276  (if (eq? (##sys#slot p 7) 'custom)
1277      (let ((getter (##sys#slot p 9)))
1278        (if (procedure? getter)
1279            (getter)
1280            (fail)))
1281      (fail))))
1283(define-constant char-name-table-size 37)
1284(define-constant read-line-buffer-initial-size 1024)
1285(define-constant default-parameter-vector-size 16)
1286(define maximal-string-length (- (foreign-value "C_HEADER_SIZE_MASK" unsigned-long) 1))
1288;;; Fixnum arithmetic:
1290(module chicken.fixnum *
1291(import scheme)
1292(import chicken.foreign)
1294(define most-positive-fixnum (foreign-value "C_MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM" int))
1295(define most-negative-fixnum (foreign-value "C_MOST_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM" int))
1296(define fixnum-bits (foreign-value "(C_WORD_SIZE - 1)" int))
1297(define fixnum-precision (foreign-value "(C_WORD_SIZE - (1 + 1))" int))
1299(define (fx+ x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_plus" x y))
1300(define (fx- x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" x y))
1301(define (fx* x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_times" x y))
1302(define (fx= x y) (eq? x y))
1303(define (fx> x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_greaterp" x y))
1304(define (fx< x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_lessp" x y))
1305(define (fx>= x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_greater_or_equal_p" x y))
1306(define (fx<= x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_less_or_equal_p" x y))
1307(define (fxmin x y) (##core#inline "C_i_fixnum_min" x y))
1308(define (fxmax x y) (##core#inline "C_i_fixnum_max" x y))
1309(define (fxneg x) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_negate" x))
1310(define (fxand x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_and" x y))
1311(define (fxior x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_or" x y))
1312(define (fxxor x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_xor" x y))
1313(define (fxnot x) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_not" x))
1314(define (fxshl x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_shift_left" x y))
1315(define (fxshr x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_shift_right" x y))
1316(define (fxodd? x) (##core#inline "C_i_fixnumoddp" x))
1317(define (fxeven? x) (##core#inline "C_i_fixnumevenp" x))
1318(define (fxlen x) (##core#inline "C_i_fixnum_length" x))
1319(define (fx/ x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_divide" x y) )
1320(define (fxgcd x y) (##core#inline "C_i_fixnum_gcd" x y))
1321(define (fxmod x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_modulo" x y) )
1322(define (fxrem x y) (##core#inline "C_i_fixnum_remainder_checked" x y) )
1324;; Overflow-detecting versions of some of the above
1325(define (fx+? x y) (##core#inline "C_i_o_fixnum_plus" x y) )
1326(define (fx-? x y) (##core#inline "C_i_o_fixnum_difference" x y) )
1327(define (fx*? x y) (##core#inline "C_i_o_fixnum_times" x y) )
1328(define (fx/? x y) (##core#inline "C_i_o_fixnum_quotient" x y))
1330) ; chicken.fixnum
1332(import chicken.fixnum)
1335;;; System routines:
1337(define (##sys#debug-mode?) (##core#inline "C_i_debug_modep"))
1339(define ##sys#warnings-enabled #t)
1340(define ##sys#notices-enabled (##sys#debug-mode?))
1342(set! chicken.base#warning
1343  (lambda (msg . args)
1344    (when ##sys#warnings-enabled
1345      (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:warning msg args))))
1347(set! chicken.base#notice
1348  (lambda (msg . args)
1349    (when (and ##sys#notices-enabled
1350	       ##sys#warnings-enabled)
1351      (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:notice msg args))))
1353(set! chicken.base#enable-warnings
1354  (lambda bool
1355    (if (pair? bool)
1356	(set! ##sys#warnings-enabled (car bool))
1357	##sys#warnings-enabled)))
1359(define ##sys#error error)
1360(define ##sys#warn warning)
1361(define ##sys#notice notice)
1363(define (##sys#error/errno err . args)
1364  (if (pair? args)
1365      (apply ##sys#signal-hook/errno #:error err #f args)
1366      (##sys#signal-hook/errno #:error err #f)))
1368(define-foreign-variable strerror c-string "strerror(errno)")
1370(define ##sys#gc (##core#primitive "C_gc"))
1371(define (##sys#setslot x i y) (##core#inline "C_i_setslot" x i y))
1372(define (##sys#setislot x i y) (##core#inline "C_i_set_i_slot" x i y))
1373(define ##sys#allocate-vector (##core#primitive "C_allocate_vector"))
1374(define ##sys#allocate-bytevector (##core#primitive "C_allocate_bytevector"))
1375(define ##sys#make-structure (##core#primitive "C_make_structure"))
1376(define ##sys#ensure-heap-reserve (##core#primitive "C_ensure_heap_reserve"))
1377(define ##sys#symbol-table-info (##core#primitive "C_get_symbol_table_info"))
1378(define ##sys#memory-info (##core#primitive "C_get_memory_info"))
1380(define (##sys#start-timer)
1381  (##sys#gc #t)
1382  (##core#inline "C_start_timer"))
1384(define (##sys#stop-timer)
1385  (let ((info ((##core#primitive "C_stop_timer"))))
1386    ;; Run a major GC one more time to get memory usage information in
1387    ;; case there was no major GC while the timer was running
1388    (##sys#gc #t)
1389    (##sys#setslot info 6 (##sys#slot ((##core#primitive "C_stop_timer")) 6))
1390    info))
1392(define (##sys#immediate? x) (not (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)))
1393(define (##sys#message str) (##core#inline "C_message" str))
1394(define (##sys#byte x i) (##core#inline "C_subbyte" x i))
1395(define ##sys#void void)
1396(define ##sys#undefined-value (##core#undefined))
1397(define (##sys#halt msg) (##core#inline "C_halt" msg))
1398(define ##sys#become! (##core#primitive "C_become"))
1399(define (##sys#block-ref x i) (##core#inline "C_i_block_ref" x i))
1400(define ##sys#apply-values (##core#primitive "C_apply_values"))
1401(define ##sys#copy-closure (##core#primitive "C_copy_closure"))
1403(define (##sys#block-set! x i y)
1404  (when (or (not (##core#inline "C_blockp" x))
1405	    (and (##core#inline "C_specialp" x) (fx= i 0))
1406	    (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" x) )
1407    (##sys#signal-hook '#:type-error '##sys#block-set! "slot not accessible" x) )
1408  (##sys#check-range i 0 (##sys#size x) '##sys#block-set!)
1409  (##sys#setslot x i y) )
1411(module chicken.time
1412    ;; NOTE: We don't emit the import lib.  Due to syntax exports, it has
1413    ;; to be a hardcoded primitive module.
1414    ;;
1415    ;; [syntax] time
1416    (cpu-time
1417     current-process-milliseconds current-seconds)
1419(import scheme)
1420(import (only chicken.module reexport))
1422(define (current-process-milliseconds)
1423  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_current_process_milliseconds" 7) #f))
1425(define (current-seconds)
1426  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_get_current_seconds" 7) #f))
1428(define cpu-time
1429  (let () ;; ((buf (vector #f #f))) Disabled for now: vector is defined below!
1430    (lambda ()
1431      (let ((buf (vector #f #f)))
1432	;; should be thread-safe as no context-switch will occur after
1433	;; function entry and `buf' contents will have been extracted
1434	;; before `values' gets called.
1435	(##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_cpu_time" 8) buf)
1436	(values (##sys#slot buf 0) (##sys#slot buf 1)) )) ))
1438) ; chicken.time
1440(define (##sys#check-structure x y . loc)
1441  (if (pair? loc)
1442      (##core#inline "C_i_check_structure_2" x y (car loc))
1443      (##core#inline "C_i_check_structure" x y) ) )
1446(define (##sys#check-blob x . loc)
1447  (if (pair? loc)
1448      (##core#inline "C_i_check_bytevector_2" x (car loc))
1449      (##core#inline "C_i_check_bytevector" x) ) )
1451(define ##sys#check-bytevector ##sys#check-blob)
1453(define (##sys#check-pair x . loc)
1454  (if (pair? loc)
1455      (##core#inline "C_i_check_pair_2" x (car loc))
1456      (##core#inline "C_i_check_pair" x) ) )
1458(define (##sys#check-list x . loc)
1459  (if (pair? loc)
1460      (##core#inline "C_i_check_list_2" x (car loc))
1461      (##core#inline "C_i_check_list" x) ) )
1463(define (##sys#check-string x . loc)
1464  (if (pair? loc)
1465      (##core#inline "C_i_check_string_2" x (car loc))
1466      (##core#inline "C_i_check_string" x) ) )
1468(define (##sys#check-number x . loc)
1469  (if (pair? loc)
1470      (##core#inline "C_i_check_number_2" x (car loc))
1471      (##core#inline "C_i_check_number" x) ) )
1473(define (##sys#check-fixnum x . loc)
1474  (if (pair? loc)
1475      (##core#inline "C_i_check_fixnum_2" x (car loc))
1476      (##core#inline "C_i_check_fixnum" x) ) )
1478(define (##sys#check-bytevector x . loc)
1479  (if (pair? loc)
1480      (##core#inline "C_i_check_bytevector_2" x (car loc))
1481      (##core#inline "C_i_check_bytevector" x) ) )
1483(define (##sys#check-exact x . loc) ;; DEPRECATED
1484  (if (pair? loc)
1485      (##core#inline "C_i_check_exact_2" x (car loc))
1486      (##core#inline "C_i_check_exact" x) ) )
1488(define (##sys#check-inexact x . loc)
1489  (if (pair? loc)
1490      (##core#inline "C_i_check_inexact_2" x (car loc))
1491      (##core#inline "C_i_check_inexact" x) ) )
1493(define (##sys#check-symbol x . loc)
1494  (if (pair? loc)
1495      (##core#inline "C_i_check_symbol_2" x (car loc))
1496      (##core#inline "C_i_check_symbol" x) ) )
1498(define (##sys#check-keyword x . loc)
1499  (if (pair? loc)
1500      (##core#inline "C_i_check_keyword_2" x (car loc))
1501      (##core#inline "C_i_check_keyword" x) ) )
1503(define (##sys#check-vector x . loc)
1504  (if (pair? loc)
1505      (##core#inline "C_i_check_vector_2" x (car loc))
1506      (##core#inline "C_i_check_vector" x) ) )
1508(define (##sys#check-char x . loc)
1509  (if (pair? loc)
1510      (##core#inline "C_i_check_char_2" x (car loc))
1511      (##core#inline "C_i_check_char" x) ) )
1513(define (##sys#check-boolean x . loc)
1514  (if (pair? loc)
1515      (##core#inline "C_i_check_boolean_2" x (car loc))
1516      (##core#inline "C_i_check_boolean" x) ) )
1518(define (##sys#check-locative x . loc)
1519  (if (pair? loc)
1520      (##core#inline "C_i_check_locative_2" x (car loc))
1521      (##core#inline "C_i_check_locative" x) ) )
1523(define (##sys#check-integer x . loc)
1524  (unless (##core#inline "C_i_integerp" x)
1525    (##sys#error-bad-integer x (and (pair? loc) (car loc))) ) )
1527(define (##sys#check-exact-integer x . loc)
1528  (unless (##core#inline "C_i_exact_integerp" x)
1529    (##sys#error-bad-exact-integer x (and (pair? loc) (car loc))) ) )
1531(define (##sys#check-exact-uinteger x . loc)
1532  (when (or (not (##core#inline "C_i_exact_integerp" x))
1533	    (##core#inline "C_i_integer_negativep" x))
1534    (##sys#error-bad-exact-uinteger x (and (pair? loc) (car loc))) ) )
1536(define (##sys#check-real x . loc)
1537  (unless (##core#inline "C_i_realp" x)
1538    (##sys#error-bad-real x (and (pair? loc) (car loc))) ) )
1540(define (##sys#check-range i from to . loc)
1541  (if (pair? loc)
1542      (##core#inline "C_i_check_range_2" i from to (car loc))
1543      (##core#inline "C_i_check_range" i from to) ) )
1545(define (##sys#check-range/including i from to . loc)
1546  (if (pair? loc)
1547      (##core#inline "C_i_check_range_including_2" i from to (car loc))
1548      (##core#inline "C_i_check_range_including" i from to) ) )
1550(define (##sys#check-special ptr . loc)
1551  (unless (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" ptr) (##core#inline "C_specialp" ptr))
1552    (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error (and (pair? loc) (car loc)) "bad argument type - not a pointer-like object" ptr) ) )
1554(define (##sys#check-closure x . loc)
1555  (if (pair? loc)
1556      (##core#inline "C_i_check_closure_2" x (car loc))
1557      (##core#inline "C_i_check_closure" x) ) )
1559(set! scheme#force
1560  (lambda (obj)
1561    (if (##sys#structure? obj 'promise)
1562	(let lp ((promise obj)
1563		 (forward #f))
1564	  (let ((val (##sys#slot promise 1)))
1565	    (cond ((null? val) (##sys#values))
1566		  ((pair? val) (apply ##sys#values val))
1567		  ((procedure? val)
1568		   (when forward (##sys#setslot forward 1 promise))
1569		   (let ((results (##sys#call-with-values val ##sys#list)))
1570		     (cond ((not (procedure? (##sys#slot promise 1)))
1571			    (lp promise forward)) ; in case of reentrance
1572			   ((and (not (null? results)) (null? (cdr results))
1573				 (##sys#structure? (##sys#slot results 0) 'promise))
1574			    (let ((result0 (##sys#slot results 0)))
1575			      (##sys#setslot promise 1 (##sys#slot result0 1))
1576			      (lp promise result0)))
1577			   (else
1578			    (##sys#setslot promise 1 results)
1579			    (apply ##sys#values results)))))
1580		  ((##sys#structure? val 'promise)
1581		   (lp val forward)))))
1582	obj)))
1585;;; Dynamic Load
1587(define ##sys#dload (##core#primitive "C_dload"))
1588(define ##sys#set-dlopen-flags! (##core#primitive "C_set_dlopen_flags"))
1590(define (##sys#error-not-a-proper-list arg #!optional loc)
1591  (##sys#error-hook
1592   (foreign-value "C_NOT_A_PROPER_LIST_ERROR" int) loc arg))
1594(define (##sys#error-bad-number arg #!optional loc)
1595  (##sys#error-hook
1596   (foreign-value "C_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NO_NUMBER_ERROR" int) loc arg))
1598(define (##sys#error-bad-integer arg #!optional loc)
1599  (##sys#error-hook
1600   (foreign-value "C_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NO_INTEGER_ERROR" int) loc arg))
1602(define (##sys#error-bad-exact-integer arg #!optional loc)
1603  (##sys#error-hook
1604   (foreign-value "C_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NO_INTEGER_ERROR" int) loc arg))
1606(define (##sys#error-bad-exact-uinteger arg #!optional loc)
1607  (##sys#error-hook
1608   (foreign-value "C_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NO_UINTEGER_ERROR" int) loc arg))
1610(define (##sys#error-bad-inexact arg #!optional loc)
1611  (##sys#error-hook
1612   (foreign-value "C_CANT_REPRESENT_INEXACT_ERROR" int) loc arg))
1614(define (##sys#error-bad-real arg #!optional loc)
1615  (##sys#error-hook
1616   (foreign-value "C_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NO_REAL_ERROR" int) loc arg))
1618(define (##sys#error-bad-base arg #!optional loc)
1619  (##sys#error-hook
1620   (foreign-value "C_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE_BAD_BASE_ERROR" int) loc arg))
1622(set! scheme#append
1623  (lambda lsts
1624    (if (eq? lsts '())
1625	lsts
1626	(let loop ((lsts lsts))
1627	  (if (eq? (##sys#slot lsts 1) '())
1628	      (##sys#slot lsts 0)
1629	      (let copy ((node (##sys#slot lsts 0)))
1630		(cond ((eq? node '()) (loop (##sys#slot lsts 1)))
1631		      ((pair? node)
1632		       (cons (##sys#slot node 0) (copy (##sys#slot node 1))) )
1633		      (else
1634		       (##sys#error-not-a-proper-list
1635			(##sys#slot lsts 0) 'append)) ) )))) ) )
1637(define (##sys#fast-reverse lst0)
1638  (let loop ((lst lst0) (rest '()))
1639    (if (pair? lst)
1640	(loop (##sys#slot lst 1) (cons (##sys#slot lst 0) rest))
1641	rest)))
1644;;; Strings:
1646(define (##sys#make-bytevector size #!optional (fill 0))
1647  (##sys#allocate-bytevector size fill))
1649(define (##sys#make-string size #!optional (fill #\space))
1650  (let* ((count (##core#inline "C_utf_bytes" fill))
1651         (n (fx* count size))
1652         (bv (##sys#allocate-bytevector (fx+ n 1) 0)))
1653    (##core#inline "C_utf_fill" bv fill)
1654    (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_ustring" 5) bv size)))
1656(define (##sys#buffer->string buf start len)
1657  (let ((bv (##sys#make-bytevector (fx+ len 1))))
1658    (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" bv buf 0 start len)
1659    (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_ustring" 5) bv
1660                            (##core#inline "C_utf_range_length" bv 0 len))))
1662(define (##sys#utf-decoder buf start len k)
1663  (k buf start len))
1665(define (##sys#utf-encoder buf start len k)
1666  (k buf start len))
1668(define (##sys#utf-scanner state byte)
1669  (if state
1670      (if (fx> state 1)
1671          (fx- state 1)
1672          #f)
1673      (let ((n (##core#inline "C_utf_bytes_needed" byte)))
1674        (if (eq? n 1)
1675            #f
1676            (fx- n 1)))))
1678(define (##sys#latin-decoder bv start len k)
1679  (let* ((buf (##sys#make-bytevector (fx* len 2)))
1680         (n (##core#inline "C_latin_to_utf" bv buf start len)))
1681    (k buf 0 n)))
1683(define (##sys#latin-encoder bv start len k)
1684  (let* ((buf (##sys#make-bytevector (fx+ len 1)))
1685         (n (##core#inline "C_utf_to_latin" bv buf start len)))
1686    (k buf 0 n)))
1688(define (##sys#latin-scanner state byte) #f)
1690(define (##sys#binary-decoder bv start len k)
1691  (k bv start len) )
1693(define (##sys#binary-encoder bv start len k)
1694  (k bv start len) )
1696(define (##sys#binary-scanner state byte) #f)
1698;; invokes k with encoding and decoding procedures
1699(define (##sys#encoding-hook enc k)
1700  (case enc
1701    ((binary) (k ##sys#binary-decoder ##sys#binary-encoder ##sys#binary-scanner))
1702    ((utf-8) (k ##sys#utf-decoder ##sys#utf-encoder ##sys#utf-scanner))
1703    ((latin-1) (k ##sys#latin-decoder ##sys#latin-encoder ##sys#latin-scanner))
1704    (else (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error #f "invalid file port encoding" enc))))
1706(define (##sys#register-encoding names dec enc scan)
1707  (let ((old ##sys#encoding-hook))
1708    (set! ##sys#encoding-hook
1709      (lambda (enc k)
1710        (if (or (eq? enc names)
1711                (and (pair? names) (memq enc names)))
1712            (k dec enc scan)
1713            (old enc k))))))
1715;; decode buffer and create string
1716(define (##sys#buffer->string/encoding buf start len enc)
1717  (##sys#encoding-hook
1718    enc
1719    (lambda (decoder _ _) (decoder buf start len ##sys#buffer->string))))
1721;; encode buffer into bytevector
1722(define (##sys#encode-buffer bv start len enc k)
1723  (##sys#encoding-hook
1724    enc
1725    (lambda (_ encoder _) (encoder bv start len k))))
1727;; decode buffer into bytevector
1728(define (##sys#decode-buffer bv start len enc k)
1729  (##sys#encoding-hook
1730    enc
1731    (lambda (decoder _ _) (decoder bv start len k))))
1733;; encode a single character into bytevector, return number of bytes
1734(define (##sys#encode-char c bv enc)
1735  (##sys#encoding-hook
1736    enc
1737    (lambda (_ encoder _)
1738      (let* ((bv1 (##sys#make-bytevector 4))
1739             (n (##core#inline "C_utf_insert" bv1 0 c)))
1740        (encoder bv1 0 n
1741                 (lambda (buf start len)
1742                   (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" bv buf 0 start len)
1743                   len))))))
1745(define (##sys#decode-char bv enc start)
1746  (##sys#decode-buffer
1747    bv start (##sys#size bv) enc
1748    (lambda (buf start _)
1749      (##core#inline "C_utf_decode" buf start))))
1751;; read char from port with encoding, scanning minimal number of bytes ahead
1752(define (##sys#read-char/encoding p enc k)
1753  (##sys#encoding-hook
1754    enc
1755    (lambda (dec _ scan)
1756      (let ((buf (##sys#make-bytevector 4))
1757            (rbv! (##sys#slot (##sys#slot p 2) 7))) ; read-bytevector!
1758        (let loop ((state #f) (i 0))
1759          (let ((rn (rbv! p 1 buf i)))
1760            (if (eq? 0 rn)
1761                (if (eq? i 0)
1762                    #!eof
1763                    (##sys#signal-hook #:file-error 'read-char "incomplete character sequence while decoding" buf i))
1764                (let ((s2 (scan state (##core#inline "C_subbyte" buf i))))
1765                  (if s2
1766                      (loop s2 (fx+ i 1))
1767                      (k buf 0 (fx+ i 1) dec))))))))))
1769(set! scheme#make-string
1770  (lambda (size . fill)
1771    (##sys#check-fixnum size 'make-string)
1772    (when (fx< size 0)
1773      (##sys#signal-hook #:bounds-error 'make-string "size is negative" size))
1774    (##sys#make-string
1775     size
1776     (if (null? fill)
1777	 #\space
1778	 (let ((c (car fill)))
1779	   (##sys#check-char c 'make-string)
1780	   c ) ) ) ) )
1782(set! scheme#string->list
1783  (lambda (s #!optional start end)
1784    (##sys#check-string s 'string->list)
1785    (let ((len (##sys#slot s 1)))
1786      (if start
1787          (##sys#check-range/including start 0 len 'string->list)
1788          (set! start 0))
1789      (if end
1790          (##sys#check-range/including end 0 len 'string->list)
1791          (set! end len))
1792      (let loop ((i (fx- end 1)) (ls '()))
1793	(if (fx< i start)
1794	    ls
1795	    (loop (fx- i 1)
1796		  (cons (string-ref s i) ls)) ) ) )))
1798(define ##sys#string->list string->list)
1800(set! scheme#list->string
1801  (lambda (lst0)
1802    (if (not (list? lst0))
1803	(##sys#error-not-a-proper-list lst0 'list->string)
1804	(let* ((len (##core#inline "C_utf_list_size" lst0))
1805	       (bv (##sys#make-bytevector (fx+ 1 len))))
1806	  (let loop ((i 0)
1807                     (p 0)
1808                     (lst lst0))
1809            (if (not (pair? lst))
1810                (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_ustring" 5) bv i)
1811                (let ((c (##sys#slot lst 0)))
1812                  (##sys#check-char c 'list->string)
1813                  (##core#inline "C_utf_insert" bv p c)
1814                  (loop (fx+ i 1)
1815                        (fx+ p (##core#inline "C_utf_bytes" c))
1816                        (##sys#slot lst 1)))))))))
1818(define ##sys#list->string list->string)
1820(define (##sys#reverse-list->string l)
1821  (let* ((sz (##core#inline "C_utf_list_size" l))
1822         (bv (##sys#make-bytevector (fx+ sz 1))))
1823    (let loop ((p sz) (l l) (n 0))
1824      (cond ((null? l)
1825             (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_ustring" 5) bv n))
1826            ((pair? l)
1827             (let ((c (##sys#slot l 0)))
1828               (##sys#check-char c 'reverse-list->string)
1829               (let* ((bs (##core#inline "C_utf_bytes" c))
1830                      (p2 (fx- p bs)))
1831                 (##core#inline "C_utf_insert" bv p2 c)
1832                 (loop p2 (##sys#slot l 1) (fx+ n 1)))))
1833            (else (##sys#error-not-a-proper-list l 'reverse-list->string) ) ))))
1835(set! scheme#string-fill!
1836  (lambda (s c #!optional start end)
1837    (##sys#check-string s 'string-fill!)
1838    (##sys#check-char c 'string-fill!)
1839    (let ((len (string-length s)))
1840      (cond (start (##sys#check-range start 0 len 'string-fill!)
1841                   (if end
1842                       (##sys#check-range end 0 len 'string-fill!)
1843                       (set! end len)))
1844            (else
1845              (set! start 0)
1846              (set! end len))))
1847    (let* ((bv (##sys#slot s 0))
1848           (bvlen (##sys#size bv))
1849           (count (fxmax 0 (fx- end start)))
1850           (code (char->integer c)))
1851      (if (and (eq? (fx- bvlen 1) (##sys#slot s 1))
1852               (fx< code 128))
1853          (##core#inline "C_fill_bytevector" bv code start count)
1854          (do ((i start (fx+ i 1)))
1855              ((fx>= i end))
1856              (string-set! s i c))))))
1858(set! scheme#string-copy
1859  (lambda (s #!optional start end)
1860    (##sys#check-string s 'string-copy)
1861    (let ((len (string-length s))
1862          (start1 0))
1863      (when start
1864        (##sys#check-range/including start 0 len 'string-copy)
1865        (set! start1 start))
1866      (if end
1867          (##sys#check-range/including end 0 len 'string-copy)
1868          (set! end len))
1869      (let* ((bv (if start
1870                     (##sys#substring s start1 end)
1871                     (##sys#slot s 0)))
1872             (len (##sys#size bv))
1873             (n (fx- end start1))
1874             (bv2 (##sys#make-bytevector len)) )
1875        (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" bv2 bv len)
1876        (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_ustring" 5) bv2 n)))))
1878(set! scheme#string-copy!
1879  (lambda (to at from #!optional start end)
1880    (##sys#check-string to 'string-copy!)
1881    (##sys#check-string from 'string-copy!)
1882    (let ((tlen (string-length to))
1883          (flen (string-length from))
1884          (d (fx- end start)))
1885      (##sys#check-range at 0 tlen 'string-copy!)
1886      (if start
1887          (begin
1888            (##sys#check-range/including start 0 flen 'string-copy!)
1889            (if end
1890                (##sys#check-range/including end 0 flen 'string-copy!)
1891                (set! end flen)))
1892          (set! start 0))
1893      (if (and (eq? to from) (fx< start at))
1894          (do ((at (fx- (fx+ at d) 1) (fx- at 1))
1895               (i (fx- end 1) (fx- i 1)))
1896              ((fx< i start))
1897              (string-set! to at (string-ref from i)))
1898          (do ((at at (fx+ at 1))
1899               (i start (fx+ i 1)))
1900              ((fx>= i end))
1901              (string-set! to at (string-ref from i)))))))
1903(define (##sys#substring s start end)
1904  (let* ((n (##core#inline "C_utf_range" s start end))
1905         (bv (##sys#make-bytevector (fx+ n 1)))
1906         (str (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_ustring" 5) bv (fx- end start))))
1907    (##core#inline "C_utf_copy" s str start end 0)
1908    str ) )
1910(set! scheme#substring
1911  (lambda (s start . end)
1912    (##sys#check-string s 'substring)
1913    (##sys#check-fixnum start 'substring)
1914    (let ((end (if (pair? end)
1915                   (let ((end (car end)))
1916                     (##sys#check-fixnum end 'substring)
1917                     end)
1918                   (string-length s) ) ) )
1919      (let ((len (string-length s)))
1920        (if (and (fx<= start end)
1921                 (fx>= start 0)
1922                 (fx<= end len) )
1923            (##sys#substring s start end)
1924            (##sys#error-hook
1925             (foreign-value "C_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_ERROR" int)
1926             'substring s start) ) ) )))
1928(let ((compare
1929	  (lambda (s1 s2 more loc cmp)
1930	    (##sys#check-string s1 loc)
1931	    (##sys#check-string s2 loc)
1932	    (let* ((len1 (string-length s1))
1933                   (len2 (string-length s2))
1934                   (c (##core#inline "C_utf_compare"
1935                                     s1 s2 0 0
1936                                     (if (fx< len1 len2) len1 len2))))
1937              (let loop ((s s2) (len len2) (ss more)
1938                         (f (cmp (##core#inline "C_utf_compare"
1939                                                s1 s2 0 0
1940                                                (if (fx< len1 len2) len1 len2))
1941                                 len1 len2)))
1942                (if (null? ss)
1943                    f
1944                    (let* ((s2 (##sys#slot more 0))
1945                           (len2 (string-length s2))
1946                           (c (##core#inline "C_utf_compare_ci"
1947                                             s s2 0 0
1948                                             (if (fx< len len2) len len2))))
1949                      (loop s2 len2 (##sys#slot more 1)
1950                            (and f (cmp c len len2))))))))))
1951  (set! scheme#string<? (lambda (s1 s2 . more)
1952			  (compare
1953			   s1 s2 more 'string<?
1954			   (lambda (cmp len1 len2)
1955			     (or (fx< cmp 0)
1956				 (and (fx< len1 len2)
1957				      (eq? cmp 0) ) ) ) ) ) )
1958  (set! scheme#string>? (lambda (s1 s2 . more)
1959			  (compare
1960			   s1 s2 more 'string>?
1961			   (lambda (cmp len1 len2)
1962			     (or (fx> cmp 0)
1963				 (and (fx< len2 len1)
1964				      (eq? cmp 0) ) ) ) ) ) )
1965  (set! scheme#string<=? (lambda (s1 s2 . more)
1966			   (compare
1967			    s1 s2 more 'string<=?
1968			    (lambda (cmp len1 len2)
1969			      (if (eq? cmp 0)
1970				  (fx<= len1 len2)
1971				  (fx< cmp 0) ) ) ) ) )
1972  (set! scheme#string>=? (lambda (s1 s2 . more)
1973			   (compare
1974			    s1 s2 more 'string>=?
1975			    (lambda (cmp len1 len2)
1976			      (if (eq? cmp 0)
1977				  (fx>= len1 len2)
1978				  (fx> cmp 0) ) ) ) ) ) )
1980(let ((compare
1981	  (lambda (s1 s2 more loc cmp)
1982            (##sys#check-string s1 loc)
1983            (##sys#check-string s2 loc)
1984	    (let* ((len1 (string-length s1))
1985                   (len2 (string-length s2))
1986                   (c (##core#inline "C_utf_compare_ci"
1987                                     s1 s2 0 0
1988                                     (if (fx< len1 len2) len1 len2))))
1989              (let loop ((s s2) (len len2) (ss more)
1990                         (f (cmp c len1 len2)))
1991                (if (null? ss)
1992                    f
1993                    (let* ((s2 (##sys#slot ss 0))
1994                           (len2 (string-length s2))
1995                           (c (##core#inline "C_utf_compare_ci"
1996                                             s s2 0 0
1997                                             (if (fx< len len2) len len2))))
1998                      (loop s2 len2 (##sys#slot ss 1)
1999                            (and f (cmp c len len2))))))))))
2000  (set! scheme#string-ci<? (lambda (s1 s2 . more)
2001			      (compare
2002                               s1 s2 more 'string-ci<?
2003                               (lambda (cmp len1 len2)
2004                                 (or (fx< cmp 0)
2005                                    (and (fx< len1 len2)
2006                                         (eq? cmp 0) ) )))))
2007  (set! scheme#string-ci>? (lambda (s1 s2 . more)
2008			     (compare
2009			      s1 s2 more 'string-ci>?
2010			      (lambda (cmp len1 len2)
2011				(or (fx> cmp 0)
2012				    (and (fx< len2 len1)
2013					 (eq? cmp 0) ) ) ) ) ) )
2014  (set! scheme#string-ci<=? (lambda (s1 s2 . more)
2015			      (compare
2016			       s1 s2 more 'string-ci<=?
2017			       (lambda (cmp len1 len2)
2018				 (if (eq? cmp 0)
2019				     (fx<= len1 len2)
2020				     (fx< cmp 0) ) ) ) ) )
2021  (set! scheme#string-ci>=? (lambda (s1 s2 . more)
2022			      (compare
2023			       s1 s2 more 'string-ci>=?
2024			       (lambda (cmp len1 len2)
2025				 (if (eq? cmp 0)
2026				     (fx>= len1 len2)
2027				     (fx> cmp 0) ) ) ) ) ) )
2029(define (##sys#string-append x y)
2030  (let* ((bv1 (##sys#slot x 0))
2031         (bv2 (##sys#slot y 0))
2032         (s1 (fx- (##sys#size bv1) 1))
2033	 (s2 (fx- (##sys#size bv2) 1))
2034	 (z (##sys#make-bytevector (fx+ s1 (fx+ s2 1)) 0)))
2035    (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" z bv1 0 0 s1)
2036    (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" z bv2 s1 0 s2)
2037    (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_ustring" 5) z
2038                            (fx+ (##sys#slot x 1) (##sys#slot y 1)))))
2040(set! scheme#string-append
2041  (lambda all
2042    (let ((snew #f)
2043          (slen 0))
2044      (let loop ((strs all) (n 0) (ul 0))
2045	(cond ((eq? strs '())
2046                (set! snew (##sys#make-bytevector (fx+ n 1) 0))
2047                (set! slen ul))
2048              (else
2049                (let ((s (##sys#slot strs 0)))
2050                  (##sys#check-string s 'string-append)
2051                  (let* ((bv (##sys#slot s 0))
2052                         (len (fx- (##sys#size bv) 1))
2053                         (ulen (##sys#slot s 1)))
2054                    (loop (##sys#slot strs 1) (fx+ n len) (fx+ ul ulen))
2055                    (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" snew bv n 0 len) ) ) ) ) )
2056      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_ustring" 5) snew slen))))
2058(set! scheme#string
2059  (let ([list->string list->string])
2060    (lambda chars (list->string chars)) ) )
2062;; legacy procedure, used in some eggs, should be removed one day...
2063(define (##sys#char->utf8-string c)
2064  (scheme#string c))
2066(set! chicken.base#chop
2067  (lambda (lst n)
2068    (##sys#check-fixnum n 'chop)
2069    (when (fx<= n 0) (##sys#error 'chop "invalid numeric argument" n))
2070    (let ((len (length lst)))
2071      (let loop ((lst lst) (i len))
2072	(cond ((null? lst) '())
2073	      ((fx< i n) (list lst))
2074	      (else
2075	       (do ((hd '() (cons (##sys#slot tl 0) hd))
2076		    (tl lst (##sys#slot tl 1))
2077		    (c n (fx- c 1)) )
2078		   ((fx= c 0)
2079		    (cons (reverse hd) (loop tl (fx- i n))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
2081;;; Numeric routines:
2082;; Abbreviations of paper and book titles used in comments are:
2083;; [Knuth] Donald E. Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming", Volume 2
2084;; [MpNT]  Tiplea at al., "MpNT: A Multi-Precision Number Theory Package"
2085;; [MCA]   Richard P. Brent & Paul Zimmermann, "Modern Computer Arithmetic"
2087(module chicken.flonum *
2088(import scheme)
2089(import chicken.foreign)
2090(import (only chicken.base flonum?))
2091(import chicken.internal.syntax)
2093(define maximum-flonum (foreign-value "DBL_MAX" double))
2094(define minimum-flonum (foreign-value "DBL_MIN" double))
2095(define flonum-radix (foreign-value "FLT_RADIX" int))
2096(define flonum-epsilon (foreign-value "DBL_EPSILON" double))
2097(define flonum-precision (foreign-value "DBL_MANT_DIG" int))
2098(define flonum-decimal-precision (foreign-value "DBL_DIG" int))
2099(define flonum-maximum-exponent (foreign-value "DBL_MAX_EXP" int))
2100(define flonum-minimum-exponent (foreign-value "DBL_MIN_EXP" int))
2101(define flonum-maximum-decimal-exponent (foreign-value "DBL_MAX_10_EXP" int))
2102(define flonum-minimum-decimal-exponent (foreign-value "DBL_MIN_10_EXP" int))
2104(define-inline (fp-check-flonum x loc)
2105  (unless (flonum? x)
2106    (##sys#error-hook (foreign-value "C_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NO_FLONUM_ERROR" int) loc x) ) )
2108(define-inline (fp-check-flonums x y loc)
2109  (unless (and (flonum? x) (flonum? y))
2110    (##sys#error-hook (foreign-value "C_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NO_FLONUM_ERROR" int) loc x y) ) )
2112(define (fp+ x y)
2113  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fp+)
2114  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_plus" 4) x y) )
2116(define (fp- x y)
2117  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fp-)
2118  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_difference" 4) x y) )
2120(define (fp* x y)
2121  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fp*)
2122  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_times" 4) x y) )
2124(define (fp/ x y)
2125  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fp/)
2126  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_quotient" 4) x y) )
2128(define (fp*+ x y z)
2129  (unless (and (flonum? x) (flonum? y) (flonum? z))
2130    (##sys#error-hook (foreign-value "C_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NO_FLONUM_ERROR" int)
2131      'fp*+ x y z) )
2132  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_multiply_add" 4) x y z) )
2134(define (fpgcd x y)
2135  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fpgcd)
2136  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_gcd" 4) x y))
2138(define (fp/? x y)			; undocumented
2139  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fp/?)
2140  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_quotient_checked" 4) x y) )
2142(define (fp= x y)
2143  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fp=)
2144  (##core#inline "C_flonum_equalp" x y) )
2146(define (fp> x y)
2147  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fp>)
2148  (##core#inline "C_flonum_greaterp" x y) )
2150(define (fp< x y)
2151  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fp<)
2152  (##core#inline "C_flonum_lessp" x y) )
2154(define (fp>= x y)
2155  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fp>=)
2156  (##core#inline "C_flonum_greater_or_equal_p" x y) )
2158(define (fp<= x y)
2159  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fp<=)
2160  (##core#inline "C_flonum_less_or_equal_p" x y) )
2162(define (fpneg x)
2163  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpneg)
2164  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_negate" 4) x) )
2166(define (fpmax x y)
2167  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fpmax)
2168  (##core#inline "C_i_flonum_max" x y) )
2170(define (fpmin x y)
2171  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fpmin)
2172  (##core#inline "C_i_flonum_min" x y) )
2174(define (fpfloor x)
2175  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpfloor)
2176  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_floor" 4) x))
2178(define (fptruncate x)
2179  (fp-check-flonum x 'fptruncate)
2180  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_truncate" 4) x))
2182(define (fpround x)
2183  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpround)
2184  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_round" 4) x))
2186(define (fpceiling x)
2187  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpceiling)
2188  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_ceiling" 4) x))
2190(define (fpsin x)
2191  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpsin)
2192  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_sin" 4) x))
2194(define (fpcos x)
2195  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpcos)
2196  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_cos" 4) x))
2198(define (fptan x)
2199  (fp-check-flonum x 'fptan)
2200  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_tan" 4) x))
2202(define (fpasin x)
2203  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpasin)
2204  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_asin" 4) x))
2206(define (fpacos x)
2207  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpacos)
2208  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_acos" 4) x))
2210(define (fpatan x)
2211  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpatan)
2212  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_atan" 4) x))
2214(define (fpatan2 x y)
2215  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fpatan2)
2216  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_atan2" 4) x y))
2218(define (fpsinh x)
2219  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpsinh)
2220  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_sinh" 4) x))
2222(define (fpcosh x)
2223  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpcosh)
2224  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_cosh" 4) x))
2226(define (fptanh x)
2227  (fp-check-flonum x 'fptanh)
2228  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_tanh" 4) x))
2230(define (fpasinh x)
2231  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpasinh)
2232  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_asinh" 4) x))
2234(define (fpacosh x)
2235  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpacosh)
2236  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_acosh" 4) x))
2238(define (fpatanh x)
2239  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpatanh)
2240  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_atanh" 4) x))
2242(define (fpexp x)
2243  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpexp)
2244  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_exp" 4) x))
2246(define (fpexpt x y)
2247  (fp-check-flonums x y 'fpexpt)
2248  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_expt" 4) x y))
2250(define (fplog x)
2251  (fp-check-flonum x 'fplog)
2252  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_log" 4) x))
2254(define (fpsqrt x)
2255  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpsqrt)
2256  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_sqrt" 4) x))
2258(define (fpabs x)
2259  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpabs)
2260  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_abs" 4) x))
2262(define (fpinteger? x)
2263  (fp-check-flonum x 'fpinteger?)
2264  (##core#inline "C_u_i_fpintegerp" x))
2266(define (flonum-print-precision #!optional prec)
2267  (let ((prev (##core#inline "C_get_print_precision")))
2268    (when prec
2269      (##sys#check-fixnum prec 'flonum-print-precision)
2270      (##core#inline "C_set_print_precision" prec))
2271    prev)))
2273(import chicken.flonum)
2275(define-inline (integer-negate x)
2276  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_u_i_integer_negate" 5) x))
2278;;; Complex numbers
2280(define-inline (%cplxnum-real c) (##core#inline "C_u_i_cplxnum_real" c))
2281(define-inline (%cplxnum-imag c) (##core#inline "C_u_i_cplxnum_imag" c))
2283(define (make-complex r i)
2284  (if (or (eq? i 0) (and (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" i) (fp= i 0.0)))
2285      r
2286      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_cplxnum" 3)
2287			      (if (inexact? i) (exact->inexact r) r)
2288			      (if (inexact? r) (exact->inexact i) i)) ) )
2290(set! scheme#make-rectangular
2291  (lambda (r i)
2292    (##sys#check-real r 'make-rectangular)
2293    (##sys#check-real i 'make-rectangular)
2294    (make-complex r i) ))
2296(set! scheme#make-polar
2297  (lambda (r phi)
2298    (##sys#check-real r 'make-polar)
2299    (##sys#check-real phi 'make-polar)
2300    (let ((fphi (exact->inexact phi)))
2301      (make-complex
2302       (* r (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_cos" 4) fphi))
2303       (* r (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_sin" 4) fphi))) ) ))
2305(set! scheme#real-part
2306  (lambda (x)
2307    (cond ((cplxnum? x) (%cplxnum-real x))
2308	  ((number? x) x)
2309	  (else (##sys#error-bad-number x 'real-part)) )))
2311(set! scheme#imag-part
2312  (lambda (x)
2313    (cond ((cplxnum? x) (%cplxnum-imag x))
2314	  ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" x) 0.0)
2315	  ((number? x) 0)
2316	  (else (##sys#error-bad-number x 'imag-part)) )))
2318(set! scheme#angle
2319  (lambda (n)
2320    (##sys#check-number n 'angle)
2321    (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_atan2" 4)
2322			    (exact->inexact (imag-part n))
2323			    (exact->inexact (real-part n))) ))
2325(set! scheme#magnitude
2326  (lambda (x)
2327    (cond ((cplxnum? x)
2328	   (let ((r (%cplxnum-real x))
2329		 (i (%cplxnum-imag x)) )
2330	     (sqrt (+ (* r r) (* i i))) ))
2331	  ((number? x) (abs x))
2332	  (else (##sys#error-bad-number x 'magnitude))) ))
2334;;; Rational numbers
2336(define-inline (%ratnum-numerator r) (##core#inline "C_u_i_ratnum_num" r))
2337(define-inline (%ratnum-denominator r) (##core#inline "C_u_i_ratnum_denom" r))
2338(define-inline (%make-ratnum n d) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_ratnum" 3) n d))
2340(define (ratnum m n)
2341  (cond
2342   ((eq? n 1) m)
2343   ((eq? n -1) (integer-negate m))
2344   ((negative? n)
2345    (%make-ratnum (integer-negate m) (integer-negate n)))
2346   (else (%make-ratnum m n))))
2348(set! scheme#numerator
2349  (lambda (n)
2350    (cond ((exact-integer? n) n)
2351	  ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" n)
2352	   (cond ((not (finite? n)) (##sys#error-bad-inexact n 'numerator))
2353		 ((##core#inline "C_u_i_fpintegerp" n) n)
2354		 (else (exact->inexact (numerator (inexact->exact n))))))
2355	  ((ratnum? n) (%ratnum-numerator n))
2356	  (else (##sys#signal-hook
2357		 #:type-error 'numerator
2358		 "bad argument type - not a rational number" n) ) )))
2360(set! scheme#denominator
2361  (lambda (n)
2362    (cond ((exact-integer? n) 1)
2363	  ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" n)
2364	   (cond ((not (finite? n)) (##sys#error-bad-inexact n 'denominator))
2365		 ((##core#inline "C_u_i_fpintegerp" n) 1.0)
2366		 (else (exact->inexact (denominator (inexact->exact n))))))
2367	  ((ratnum? n) (%ratnum-denominator n))
2368	  (else (##sys#signal-hook
2369		 #:type-error 'numerator
2370		 "bad argument type - not a rational number" n) ) )))
2372(define (##sys#extended-signum x)
2373  (cond
2374   ((ratnum? x) (##core#inline "C_u_i_integer_signum" (%ratnum-numerator x)))
2375   ((cplxnum? x) (make-polar 1 (angle x)))
2376   (else (##sys#error-bad-number x 'signum))))
2378(define-inline (%flo->int x)
2379  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_u_i_flo_to_int" 5) x))
2381(define (flonum->ratnum x)
2382  ;; Try to multiply by two until we reach an integer
2383  (define (float-fraction-length x)
2384    (do ((x x (fp* x 2.0))
2385         (i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
2386        ((##core#inline "C_u_i_fpintegerp" x) i)))
2388  (define (deliver y d)
2389    (let* ((q (##sys#integer-power 2 (float-fraction-length y)))
2390           (scaled-y (* y (exact->inexact q))))
2391      (if (finite? scaled-y)          ; Shouldn't this always be true?
2392          (##sys#/-2 (##sys#/-2 (%flo->int scaled-y) q) d)
2393          (##sys#error-bad-inexact x 'inexact->exact))))
2395  (if (and (fp< x 1.0)         ; Watch out for denormalized numbers
2396           (fp> x -1.0))       ; XXX: Needs a test, it seems pointless
2397      (deliver (* x (expt 2.0 flonum-precision))
2398               ;; Can be bignum (is on 32-bit), so must wait until after init.
2399               ;; We shouldn't need to calculate this every single time, tho..
2400               (##sys#integer-power 2 flonum-precision))
2401      (deliver x 1)))
2403(set! scheme#inexact->exact
2404  (lambda (x)
2405    (cond ((exact? x) x)
2406	  ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" x)
2407	   (cond ((##core#inline "C_u_i_fpintegerp" x) (%flo->int x))
2408		 ((##core#inline "C_u_i_flonum_finitep" x) (flonum->ratnum x))
2409		 (else (##sys#error-bad-inexact x 'inexact->exact))))
2410	  ((cplxnum? x)
2411	   (make-complex (inexact->exact (%cplxnum-real x))
2412			 (inexact->exact (%cplxnum-imag x))))
2413	  (else (##sys#error-bad-number x 'inexact->exact)) )))
2416;;; Bitwise operations:
2418;; From SRFI-33
2420(module chicken.bitwise *
2421(import scheme)
2422(define bitwise-and (##core#primitive "C_bitwise_and"))
2423(define bitwise-ior (##core#primitive "C_bitwise_ior"))
2424(define bitwise-xor (##core#primitive "C_bitwise_xor"))
2425(define (bitwise-not n) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_i_bitwise_not" 5) n))
2426(define (bit->boolean n i) (##core#inline "C_i_bit_to_bool" n i)) ; DEPRECATED
2427;; XXX NOT YET! Reintroduce at a later time.  See #1385:
2428;; (define (bit-set? i n) (##core#inline "C_i_bit_setp" i n))
2429(define (integer-length x) (##core#inline "C_i_integer_length" x))
2430(define (arithmetic-shift n m)
2431  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_i_arithmetic_shift" 5) n m))
2433) ; chicken.bitwise
2435(import chicken.bitwise)
2437;;; Basic arithmetic:
2439(define-inline (%integer-gcd a b)
2440  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_u_i_integer_gcd" 5) a b))
2442(set! scheme#/
2443  (lambda (arg1 . args)
2444    (if (null? args)
2445	(##sys#/-2 1 arg1)
2446	(let loop ((args (##sys#slot args 1))
2447		   (x (##sys#/-2 arg1 (##sys#slot args 0))))
2448	  (if (null? args)
2449	      x
2450	      (loop (##sys#slot args 1)
2451		    (##sys#/-2 x (##sys#slot args 0))) ) ) ) ))
2453(define-inline (%integer-quotient a b)
2454  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_s_a_u_i_integer_quotient" 5) a b))
2456(define (##sys#/-2 x y)
2457  (when (eq? y 0)
2458    (##sys#error-hook (foreign-value "C_DIVISION_BY_ZERO_ERROR" int) '/ x y))
2459  (cond ((and (exact-integer? x) (exact-integer? y))
2460         (let ((g (%integer-gcd x y)))
2461           (ratnum (%integer-quotient x g) (%integer-quotient y g))))
2462        ;; Compnum *must* be checked first
2463        ((or (cplxnum? x) (cplxnum? y))
2464         (let* ((a (real-part x)) (b (imag-part x))
2465                (c (real-part y)) (d (imag-part y))
2466                (r (+ (* c c) (* d d)))
2467                (x (##sys#/-2 (+ (* a c) (* b d)) r))
2468                (y (##sys#/-2 (- (* b c) (* a d)) r)) )
2469           (make-complex x y) ))
2470        ((or (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" x) (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" y))
2471         ;; This may be incorrect when one is a ratnum consisting of bignums
2472         (fp/ (exact->inexact x) (exact->inexact y)))
2473        ((ratnum? x)
2474         (if (ratnum? y)
2475             ;; a/b / c/d = a*d / b*c  [generic]
2476             ;;   = ((a / g1) * (d / g2) * sign(a)) / abs((b / g2) * (c / g1))
2477             ;; With   g1 = gcd(a, c)   and    g2 = gcd(b, d) [Knuth, 4.5.1 ex. 4]
2478             (let* ((a (%ratnum-numerator x)) (b (%ratnum-denominator x))
2479                    (c (%ratnum-numerator y)) (d (%ratnum-denominator y))
2480                    (g1 (%integer-gcd a c))
2481                    (g2 (%integer-gcd b d)))
2482               (ratnum (* (quotient a g1) (quotient d g2))
2483                       (* (quotient b g2) (quotient c g1))))
2484             ;; a/b / c/d = a*d / b*c  [with d = 1]
2485             ;;   = ((a / g) * sign(a)) / abs(b * (c / g))
2486             ;; With   g = gcd(a, c)   and  c = y  [Knuth, 4.5.1 ex. 4]
2487             (let* ((a (%ratnum-numerator x))
2488                    (g (##sys#internal-gcd '/ a y))
2489                    (num (quotient a g))
2490                    (denom (* (%ratnum-denominator x) (quotient y g))))
2491               (if (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" denom)
2492                   (##sys#/-2 num denom)
2493                   (ratnum num denom)))))
2494        ((ratnum? y)
2495         ;; a/b / c/d = a*d / b*c  [with b = 1]
2496         ;;   = ((a / g1) * d * sign(a)) / abs(c / g1)
2497         ;; With   g1 = gcd(a, c)   and   a = x  [Knuth, 4.5.1 ex. 4]
2498         (let* ((c (%ratnum-numerator y))
2499                (g (##sys#internal-gcd '/ x c))
2500                (num (* (quotient x g) (%ratnum-denominator y)))
2501                (denom (quotient c g)))
2502           (if (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" denom)
2503               (##sys#/-2 num denom)
2504               (ratnum num denom))))
2505        ((not (number? x)) (##sys#error-bad-number x '/))
2506        (else (##sys#error-bad-number y '/))) )
2508(set! scheme#floor
2509  (lambda (x)
2510    (cond ((exact-integer? x) x)
2511	  ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" x) (fpfloor x))
2512	  ;; (floor x) = greatest integer <= x
2513	  ((ratnum? x) (let* ((n (%ratnum-numerator x))
2514			      (q (quotient n (%ratnum-denominator x))))
2515			 (if (>= n 0) q (- q 1))))
2516	  (else (##sys#error-bad-real x 'floor)) )))
2518(set! scheme#ceiling
2519  (lambda (x)
2520    (cond ((exact-integer? x) x)
2521	  ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" x) (fpceiling x))
2522	  ;; (ceiling x) = smallest integer >= x
2523	  ((ratnum? x) (let* ((n (%ratnum-numerator x))
2524			      (q (quotient n (%ratnum-denominator x))))
2525			 (if (>= n 0) (+ q 1) q)))
2526	  (else (##sys#error-bad-real x 'ceiling)) )))
2528(set! scheme#truncate
2529  (lambda (x)
2530    (cond ((exact-integer? x) x)
2531	  ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" x) (fptruncate x))
2532	  ;; (rational-truncate x) = integer of largest magnitude <= (abs x)
2533	  ((ratnum? x) (quotient (%ratnum-numerator x)
2534				 (%ratnum-denominator x)))
2535	  (else (##sys#error-bad-real x 'truncate)) )))
2537(set! scheme#round
2538  (lambda (x)
2539    (cond ((exact-integer? x) x)
2540	  ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" x)
2541	   (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_round_proper" 4) x))
2542	  ((ratnum? x)
2543	   (let* ((x+1/2 (+ x (%make-ratnum 1 2)))
2544		  (r (floor x+1/2)))
2545	     (if (and (= r x+1/2) (odd? r)) (- r 1) r)))
2546	  (else (##sys#error-bad-real x 'round)) )))
2548(define (find-ratio-between x y)
2549  (define (sr x y)
2550    (let ((fx (inexact->exact (floor x)))
2551	  (fy (inexact->exact (floor y))))
2552      (cond ((not (< fx x)) (list fx 1))
2553	    ((= fx fy)
2554	     (let ((rat (sr (##sys#/-2 1 (- y fy))
2555			    (##sys#/-2 1 (- x fx)))))
2556	       (list (+ (cadr rat) (* fx (car rat)))
2557		     (car rat))))
2558	    (else (list (+ 1 fx) 1)))))
2559  (cond ((< y x) (find-ratio-between y x))
2560	((not (< x y)) (list x 1))
2561	((positive? x) (sr x y))
2562	((negative? y) (let ((rat (sr (- y) (- x))))
2563                         (list (- (car rat)) (cadr rat))))
2564	(else '(0 1))))
2566(define (find-ratio x e) (find-ratio-between (- x e) (+ x e)))
2568(set! scheme#rationalize
2569  (lambda (x e)
2570    (let ((result (apply ##sys#/-2 (find-ratio x e))))
2571      (if (or (inexact? x) (inexact? e))
2572	  (exact->inexact result)
2573	  result)) ))
2575(set! scheme#max
2576  (lambda (x1 . xs)
2577    (let loop ((i (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" x1)) (m x1) (xs xs))
2578      (##sys#check-number m 'max)
2579      (if (null? xs)
2580	  (if i (exact->inexact m) m)
2581	  (let ((h (##sys#slot xs 0)))
2582	    (loop (or i (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" h))
2583		  (if (> h m) h m)
2584		  (##sys#slot xs 1)) ) ) ) ))
2586(set! scheme#min
2587  (lambda (x1 . xs)
2588    (let loop ((i (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" x1)) (m x1) (xs xs))
2589      (##sys#check-number m 'min)
2590      (if (null? xs)
2591	  (if i (exact->inexact m) m)
2592	  (let ((h (##sys#slot xs 0)))
2593	    (loop (or i (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" h))
2594		  (if (< h m) h m)
2595		  (##sys#slot xs 1)) ) ) ) ))
2597(set! scheme#exp
2598  (lambda (n)
2599    (##sys#check-number n 'exp)
2600    (if (cplxnum? n)
2601	(* (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_exp" 4)
2602				   (exact->inexact (%cplxnum-real n)))
2603	   (let ((p (%cplxnum-imag n)))
2604	     (make-complex
2605	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_cos" 4) (exact->inexact p))
2606	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_sin" 4) (exact->inexact p)) ) ) )
2607	(##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_exp" 4) (exact->inexact n)) ) ))
2609(define (##sys#log-1 x)		       ; log_e(x)
2610  (cond
2611   ((eq? x 0)			       ; Exact zero?  That's undefined
2612    (##sys#signal-hook #:arithmetic-error 'log "log of exact 0 is undefined" x))
2613   ;; avoid calling inexact->exact on X here (to avoid overflow?)
2614   ((or (cplxnum? x) (negative? x)) ; General case
2615    (+ (##sys#log-1 (magnitude x))
2616       (* (make-complex 0 1) (angle x))))
2617   (else ; Real number case (< already ensured the argument type is a number)
2618    (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_log" 4) (exact->inexact x)))))
2620(set! scheme#log
2621  (lambda (a #!optional b)
2622    (if b (##sys#/-2 (##sys#log-1 a) (##sys#log-1 b)) (##sys#log-1 a))))
2624(set! scheme#sin
2625  (lambda (n)
2626    (##sys#check-number n 'sin)
2627    (if (cplxnum? n)
2628	(let ((in (* +i n)))
2629	  (##sys#/-2 (- (exp in) (exp (- in))) +2i))
2630	(##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_sin" 4) (exact->inexact n)) ) ))
2632(set! scheme#cos
2633  (lambda (n)
2634    (##sys#check-number n 'cos)
2635    (if (cplxnum? n)
2636	(let ((in (* +i n)))
2637	  (##sys#/-2 (+ (exp in) (exp (- in))) 2) )
2638	(##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_cos" 4) (exact->inexact n)) ) ))
2640(set! scheme#tan
2641  (lambda (n)
2642    (##sys#check-number n 'tan)
2643    (if (cplxnum? n)
2644	(##sys#/-2 (sin n) (cos n))
2645	(##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_tan" 4) (exact->inexact n)) ) ))
2647;; General case: sin^{-1}(z) = -i\ln(iz + \sqrt{1-z^2})
2648(set! scheme#asin
2649  (lambda (n)
2650    (##sys#check-number n 'asin)
2651    (cond ((and (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" n) (fp>= n -1.0) (fp<= n 1.0))
2652	   (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_asin" 4) n))
2653	  ((and (##core#inline "C_fixnump" n) (fx>= n -1) (fx<= n 1))
2654	   (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_asin" 4)
2655				   (##core#inline_allocate
2656				    ("C_a_i_fix_to_flo" 4) n)))
2657	  ;; General definition can return compnums
2658	  (else (* -i (##sys#log-1
2659		       (+ (* +i n)
2660			  (##sys#sqrt/loc 'asin (- 1 (* n n))))) )) ) ))
2662;; General case:
2663;; cos^{-1}(z) = 1/2\pi + i\ln(iz + \sqrt{1-z^2}) = 1/2\pi - sin^{-1}(z) = sin(1) - sin(z)
2664(set! scheme#acos
2665  (let ((asin1 (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_asin" 4) 1)))
2666    (lambda (n)
2667      (##sys#check-number n 'acos)
2668      (cond ((and (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" n) (fp>= n -1.0) (fp<= n 1.0))
2669             (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_acos" 4) n))
2670            ((and (##core#inline "C_fixnump" n) (fx>= n -1) (fx<= n 1))
2671             (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_acos" 4)
2672                                     (##core#inline_allocate
2673                                      ("C_a_i_fix_to_flo" 4) n)))
2674            ;; General definition can return compnums
2675            (else (- asin1 (asin n)))))))
2677(set! scheme#atan
2678  (lambda (n #!optional b)
2679    (##sys#check-number n 'atan)
2680    (cond ((cplxnum? n)
2681	   (if b
2682	       (##sys#error-bad-real n 'atan)
2683	       (let ((in (* +i n)))
2684		 (##sys#/-2 (- (##sys#log-1 (+ 1 in))
2685			       (##sys#log-1 (- 1 in))) +2i))))
2686	  (b
2687	   (##core#inline_allocate
2688	    ("C_a_i_atan2" 4) (exact->inexact n) (exact->inexact b)))
2689	  (else
2690	   (##core#inline_allocate
2691	    ("C_a_i_atan" 4) (exact->inexact n))) ) ))
2693;; This is "Karatsuba Square Root" as described by Paul Zimmermann,
2694;; which is 3/2K(n) + O(n log n) for an input of 2n words, where K(n)
2695;; is the number of operations performed by Karatsuba multiplication.
2696(define (##sys#exact-integer-sqrt a)
2697  ;; Because we assume a3b+a2 >= b^2/4, we must check a few edge cases:
2698  (if (and (fixnum? a) (fx<= a 4))
2699      (case a
2700        ((0 1) (values a 0))
2701        ((2)   (values 1 1))
2702        ((3)   (values 1 2))
2703        ((4)   (values 2 0))
2704        (else  (error "this should never happen")))
2705      (let*-values
2706          (((len/4) (fxshr (fx+ (integer-length a) 1) 2))
2707           ((len/2) (fxshl len/4 1))
2708           ((s^ r^) (##sys#exact-integer-sqrt
2709		     (arithmetic-shift a (fxneg len/2))))
2710           ((mask)  (- (arithmetic-shift 1 len/4) 1))
2711           ((a0)    (bitwise-and a mask))
2712           ((a1)    (bitwise-and (arithmetic-shift a (fxneg len/4)) mask))
2713           ((q u)   ((##core#primitive "C_u_integer_quotient_and_remainder")
2714		     (+ (arithmetic-shift r^ len/4) a1)
2715		     (arithmetic-shift s^ 1)))
2716           ((s)     (+ (arithmetic-shift s^ len/4) q))
2717           ((r)     (+ (arithmetic-shift u len/4) (- a0 (* q q)))))
2718        (if (negative? r)
2719            (values (- s 1)
2720		    (- (+ r (arithmetic-shift s 1)) 1))
2721            (values s r)))))
2723(set! scheme#exact-integer-sqrt
2724  (lambda (x)
2725    (##sys#check-exact-uinteger x 'exact-integer-sqrt)
2726    (##sys#exact-integer-sqrt x)))
2728;; This procedure is so large because it tries very hard to compute
2729;; exact results if at all possible.
2730(define (##sys#sqrt/loc loc n)
2731  (cond ((cplxnum? n)     ; Must be checked before we call "negative?"
2732         (let ((p (##sys#/-2 (angle n) 2))
2733               (m (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_sqrt" 4) (magnitude n))) )
2734           (make-complex (* m (cos p)) (* m (sin p)) ) ))
2735        ((negative? n)
2736         (make-complex .0 (##core#inline_allocate
2737			   ("C_a_i_sqrt" 4) (exact->inexact (- n)))))
2738        ((exact-integer? n)
2739         (receive (s^2 r) (##sys#exact-integer-sqrt n)
2740           (if (eq? 0 r)
2741               s^2
2742               (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_sqrt" 4) (exact->inexact n)))))
2743        ((ratnum? n) ; Try to compute exact sqrt (we already know n is positive)
2744         (receive (ns^2 nr) (##sys#exact-integer-sqrt (%ratnum-numerator n))
2745           (if (eq? nr 0)
2746               (receive (ds^2 dr)
2747		   (##sys#exact-integer-sqrt (%ratnum-denominator n))
2748                 (if (eq? dr 0)
2749                     (##sys#/-2 ns^2 ds^2)
2750                     (##sys#sqrt/loc loc (exact->inexact n))))
2751               (##sys#sqrt/loc loc (exact->inexact n)))))
2752        (else (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_sqrt" 4) (exact->inexact n)))))
2754(set! scheme#sqrt (lambda (x) (##sys#sqrt/loc 'sqrt x)))
2756;; XXX These are bad bad bad definitions; very inefficient.
2757;; But to improve it we would need to provide another implementation
2758;; of the quotient procedure which floors instead of truncates.
2759(define scheme#truncate/ quotient&remainder)
2761(define (scheme#floor/ x y)
2762  (receive (div rem) (quotient&remainder x y)
2763    (if (positive? y)
2764        (if (negative? rem)
2765            (values (- div 1) (+ rem y))
2766            (values div rem))
2767        (if (positive? rem)
2768            (values (- div 1) (+ rem y))
2769            (values div rem)))))
2771(define (scheme#floor-remainder x y)
2772  (receive (div rem) (scheme#floor/ x y) rem))
2774(define (scheme#floor-quotient x y)
2775  (receive (div rem) (scheme#floor/ x y) div))
2777(define (scheme#square n) (* n n))
2779(set! chicken.base#exact-integer-nth-root
2780  (lambda (k n)
2781    (##sys#check-exact-uinteger k 'exact-integer-nth-root)
2782    (##sys#check-exact-uinteger n 'exact-integer-nth-root)
2783    (##sys#exact-integer-nth-root/loc 'exact-integer-nth-root k n)))
2785;; Generalized Newton's algorithm for positive integers, with a little help
2786;; from Wikipedia ;)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nth_root_algorithm
2787(define (##sys#exact-integer-nth-root/loc loc k n)
2788  (if (or (eq? 0 k) (eq? 1 k) (eq? 1 n)) ; Maybe call exact-integer-sqrt on n=2?
2789      (values k 0)
2790      (let ((len (integer-length k)))
2791	(if (< len n)	  ; Idea from Gambit: 2^{len-1} <= k < 2^{len}
2792	    (values 1 (- k 1)) ; Since x >= 2, we know x^{n} can't exist
2793	    ;; Set initial guess to (at least) 2^ceil(ceil(log2(k))/n)
2794	    (let* ((shift-amount (inexact->exact (ceiling (/ (fx+ len 1) n))))
2795		   (g0 (arithmetic-shift 1 shift-amount))
2796		   (n-1 (- n 1)))
2797	      (let lp ((g0 g0)
2798		       (g1 (quotient
2799			    (+ (* n-1 g0)
2800			       (quotient k (##sys#integer-power g0 n-1)))
2801			    n)))
2802		(if (< g1 g0)
2803		    (lp g1 (quotient
2804			    (+ (* n-1 g1)
2805			       (quotient k (##sys#integer-power g1 n-1)))
2806			    n))
2807		    (values g0 (- k (##sys#integer-power g0 n))))))))))
2809(define (##sys#integer-power base e)
2810  (define (square x) (* x x))
2811  (if (negative? e)
2812      (##sys#/-2 1 (##sys#integer-power base (integer-negate e)))
2813      (let lp ((res 1) (e2 e))
2814        (cond
2815         ((eq? e2 0) res)
2816         ((even? e2)	     ; recursion is faster than iteration here
2817          (* res (square (lp 1 (arithmetic-shift e2 -1)))))
2818         (else
2819          (lp (* res base) (- e2 1)))))))
2821(set! scheme#expt
2822  (lambda (a b)
2823    (define (log-expt a b)
2824      (exp (* b (##sys#log-1 a))))
2825    (define (slow-expt a b)
2826      (if (eq? 0 a)
2827	  (##sys#signal-hook
2828	   #:arithmetic-error 'expt
2829	   "exponent of exact 0 with complex argument is undefined" a b)
2830	  (exp (* b (##sys#log-1 a)))))
2831    (cond ((not (number? a)) (##sys#error-bad-number a 'expt))
2832	  ((not (number? b)) (##sys#error-bad-number b 'expt))
2833	  ((and (ratnum? a) (not (inexact? b)))
2834	   ;; (n*d)^b = n^b * d^b = n^b * x^{-b}  | x = 1/b
2835	   ;; Hopefully faster than integer-power
2836	   (* (expt (%ratnum-numerator a) b)
2837	      (expt (%ratnum-denominator a) (- b))))
2838	  ((ratnum? b)
2839	   ;; x^{a/b} = (x^{1/b})^a
2840	   (cond
2841	    ((exact-integer? a)
2842	     (if (negative? a)
2843		 (log-expt (exact->inexact a) (exact->inexact b))
2844		 (receive (ds^n r)
2845		     (##sys#exact-integer-nth-root/loc
2846		      'expt a (%ratnum-denominator b))
2847		   (if (eq? r 0)
2848		       (##sys#integer-power ds^n (%ratnum-numerator b))
2849		       (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_expt" 4)
2850					       (exact->inexact a)
2851					       (exact->inexact b))))))
2852	    ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" a)
2853	     (log-expt a (exact->inexact b)))
2854	    (else (slow-expt a b))))
2855	  ((or (cplxnum? b) (and (cplxnum? a) (not (integer? b))))
2856	   (slow-expt a b))
2857	  ((and (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" b)
2858		(not (##core#inline "C_u_i_fpintegerp" b)))
2859	   (if (negative? a)
2860	       (log-expt (exact->inexact a) (exact->inexact b))
2861	       (##core#inline_allocate
2862		("C_a_i_flonum_expt" 4) (exact->inexact a) b)))
2863	  ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" a)
2864	   (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_expt" 4) a (exact->inexact b)))
2865	  ;; this doesn't work that well, yet...
2866	  ;; (XXX: What does this mean? why not? I do know this is ugly... :P)
2867	  (else (if (or (inexact? a) (inexact? b))
2868		    (exact->inexact (##sys#integer-power a (inexact->exact b)))
2869		    (##sys#integer-power a b)))) ))
2871;; Useful for sane error messages
2872(define (##sys#internal-gcd loc a b)
2873  (cond ((exact-integer? a)
2874         (cond ((exact-integer? b) (%integer-gcd a b))
2875               ((and (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" b)
2876                     (##core#inline "C_u_i_fpintegerp" b))
2877                (exact->inexact (%integer-gcd a (inexact->exact b))))
2878               (else (##sys#error-bad-integer b loc))))
2879        ((and (##core#inline "C_i_flonump" a)
2880              (##core#inline "C_u_i_fpintegerp" a))
2881         (cond ((##core#inline "C_i_flonump" b)
2882                (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_gcd" 4) a b))
2883               ((exact-integer? b)
2884                (exact->inexact (%integer-gcd (inexact->exact a) b)))
2885               (else (##sys#error-bad-integer b loc))))
2886        (else (##sys#error-bad-integer a loc))))
2887;; For compat reasons, we define this
2888(define (##sys#gcd a b) (##sys#internal-gcd 'gcd a b))
2890(set! scheme#gcd
2891  (lambda ns
2892    (if (eq? ns '())
2893	0
2894	(let loop ((head (##sys#slot ns 0))
2895		   (next (##sys#slot ns 1)))
2896	  (if (null? next)
2897	      (if (integer? head) (abs head) (##sys#error-bad-integer head 'gcd))
2898	      (let ((n2 (##sys#slot next 0)))
2899		(loop (##sys#internal-gcd 'gcd head n2)
2900		      (##sys#slot next 1)) ) ) ) ) ))
2902(define (##sys#lcm x y)
2903  (let ((gcd (##sys#internal-gcd 'lcm x y))) ; Ensure better error message
2904    (abs (quotient (* x y) gcd) ) ) )
2906(set! scheme#lcm
2907  (lambda ns
2908    (if (null? ns)
2909	1
2910	(let loop ((head (##sys#slot ns 0))
2911		   (next (##sys#slot ns 1)))
2912	  (if (null? next)
2913	      (if (integer? head) (abs head) (##sys#error-bad-integer head 'lcm))
2914	      (let* ((n2 (##sys#slot next 0))
2915		     (gcd (##sys#internal-gcd 'lcm head n2)))
2916		(loop (quotient (* head n2) gcd)
2917		      (##sys#slot next 1)) ) ) ) ) ))
2919;; This simple enough idea is from
2920;; http://www.numberworld.org/y-cruncher/internals/radix-conversion.html
2921(define (##sys#integer->string/recursive n base expected-string-size)
2922  (let*-values (((halfsize) (fxshr (fx+ expected-string-size 1) 1))
2923                ((b^M/2) (##sys#integer-power base halfsize))
2924                ((hi lo) ((##core#primitive "C_u_integer_quotient_and_remainder")
2925			  n b^M/2))
2926                ((strhi) (number->string hi base))
2927                ((strlo) (number->string (abs lo) base)))
2928    (string-append strhi
2929                   ;; Fix up any leading zeroes that were stripped from strlo
2930                   (make-string (fx- halfsize (string-length strlo)) #\0)
2931                   strlo)))
2933(define ##sys#extended-number->string
2934  (let ((string-append string-append))
2935    (lambda (n base)
2936      (cond
2937       ((ratnum? n)
2938	(string-append (number->string (%ratnum-numerator n) base)
2939		       "/"
2940		       (number->string (%ratnum-denominator n) base)))
2941       ;; What about bases that include an "i"?  That could lead to
2942       ;; ambiguous results.
2943       ((cplxnum? n) (let ((r (%cplxnum-real n))
2944                           (i (%cplxnum-imag n)) )
2945                       (string-append
2946                        (number->string r base)
2947                        ;; The infinities and NaN always print their sign
2948                        (if (and (finite? i) (positive? i)) "+" "")
2949                        (number->string i base) "i") ))
2950       (else (##sys#error-bad-number n 'number->string)))  ) ) )
2952(define ##sys#number->string number->string) ; for printer
2954;; We try to prevent memory exhaustion attacks by limiting the
2955;; maximum exponent value.  Perhaps this should be a parameter?
2956(define-constant +maximum-allowed-exponent+ 10000)
2958;; From "Easy Accurate Reading and Writing of Floating-Point Numbers"
2959;; by Aubrey Jaffer.
2960(define (mantexp->dbl mant point)
2961  (if (not (negative? point))
2962      (exact->inexact (* mant (##sys#integer-power 10 point)))
2963      (let* ((scl (##sys#integer-power 10 (abs point)))
2964	     (bex (fx- (fx- (integer-length mant)
2965			    (integer-length scl))
2966                       flonum-precision)))
2967        (if (fx< bex 0)
2968            (let* ((num (arithmetic-shift mant (fxneg bex)))
2969                   (quo (round-quotient num scl)))
2970              (cond ((> (integer-length quo) flonum-precision)
2971                     ;; Too many bits of quotient; readjust
2972                     (set! bex (fx+ 1 bex))
2973                     (set! quo (round-quotient num (* scl 2)))))
2974              (ldexp (exact->inexact quo) bex))
2975            ;; Fall back to exact calculation in extreme cases
2976            (* mant (##sys#integer-power 10 point))))))
2978(define ldexp (foreign-lambda double "ldexp" double int))
2980;; Should we export this?
2981(define (round-quotient n d)
2982  (let ((q (%integer-quotient n d)))
2983    (if ((if (even? q) > >=) (* (abs (remainder n d)) 2) (abs d))
2984        (+ q (if (eqv? (negative? n) (negative? d)) 1 -1))
2985        q)))
2987(define (##sys#string->compnum radix str offset exactness)
2988  ;; Flipped when a sign is encountered (for inexact numbers only)
2989  (define negative #f)
2990  ;; Go inexact unless exact was requested (with #e prefix)
2991  (define (go-inexact! neg?)
2992    (unless (eq? exactness 'e)
2993      (set! exactness 'i)
2994      (set! negative (or negative neg?))))
2995  (define (safe-exponent value e)
2996    (and e (cond
2997            ((not value) 0)
2998            ((> e +maximum-allowed-exponent+)
2999             (and (eq? exactness 'i)
3000                  (cond ((zero? value) 0.0)
3001                        ((> value 0.0) +inf.0)
3002                        (else -inf.0))))
3003            ((< e (fxneg +maximum-allowed-exponent+))
3004             (and (eq? exactness 'i) +0.0))
3005            ((eq? exactness 'i) (mantexp->dbl value e))
3006            (else (* value (##sys#integer-power 10 e))))))
3007  (define (make-nan)
3008    ;; Return fresh NaNs, so eqv? returns #f on two read NaNs.  This
3009    ;; is not mandated by the standard, but compatible with earlier
3010    ;; CHICKENs and it just makes more sense.
3011    (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_quotient" 4) 0.0 0.0))
3012  (let* ((len (string-length str))
3013         (0..r (integer->char (fx+ (char->integer #\0) (fx- radix 1))))
3014         (a..r (integer->char (fx+ (char->integer #\a) (fx- radix 11))))
3015         (A..r (integer->char (fx+ (char->integer #\A) (fx- radix 11))))
3016         ;; Ugly flag which we need (note that "exactness" is mutated too!)
3017         ;; Since there is (almost) no backtracking we can do this.
3018         (seen-hashes? #f)
3019         ;; All these procedures return #f or an object consed onto an end
3020         ;; position.  If the cdr is false, that's the end of the string.
3021         ;; If just #f is returned, the string contains invalid number syntax.
3022         (scan-digits
3023          (lambda (start)
3024            (let lp ((i start))
3025              (if (fx= i len)
3026                  (and (fx> i start) (cons i #f))
3027                  (let ((c (string-ref str i)))
3028                    (if (fx<= radix 10)
3029                        (if (and (char>=? c #\0) (char<=? c 0..r))
3030                            (lp (fx+ i 1))
3031                            (and (fx> i start) (cons i i)))
3032                        (if (or (and (char>=? c #\0) (char<=? c #\9))
3033                                (and (char>=? c #\a) (char<=? c a..r))
3034                                (and (char>=? c #\A) (char<=? c A..r)))
3035                            (lp (fx+ i 1))
3036                            (and (fx> i start) (cons i i)))))))))
3037         (scan-hashes
3038          (lambda (start)
3039            (let lp ((i start))
3040              (if (fx= i len)
3041                  (and (fx> i start) (cons i #f))
3042                  (let ((c (string-ref str i)))
3043                    (if (eq? c #\#)
3044                        (lp (fx+ i 1))
3045                        (and (fx> i start) (cons i i))))))))
3046         (scan-digits+hashes
3047          (lambda (start neg? all-hashes-ok?)
3048            (let* ((digits (and (not seen-hashes?) (scan-digits start)))
3049                   (hashes (if digits
3050                               (and (cdr digits) (scan-hashes (cdr digits)))
3051                               (and all-hashes-ok? (scan-hashes start))))
3052                   (end (or hashes digits)))
3053              (and-let* ((end)
3054                         (num (##core#inline_allocate
3055			       ("C_s_a_i_digits_to_integer" 6)
3056			       str start (car end) radix neg?)))
3057                (when hashes            ; Eeewww. Feeling dirty yet?
3058                  (set! seen-hashes? #t)
3059                  (go-inexact! neg?))
3060                (cons num (cdr end))))))
3061         (scan-exponent
3062          (lambda (start)
3063            (and (fx< start len)
3064                 (let ((sign (case (string-ref str start)
3065                               ((#\+) 'pos) ((#\-) 'neg) (else #f))))
3066                   (and-let* ((start (if sign (fx+ start 1) start))
3067                              (end (scan-digits start)))
3068                     (cons (##core#inline_allocate
3069			    ("C_s_a_i_digits_to_integer" 6)
3070			    str start (car end) radix (eq? sign 'neg))
3071                           (cdr end)))))))
3072         (scan-decimal-tail             ; The part after the decimal dot
3073          (lambda (start neg? decimal-head)
3074            (and (fx< start len)
3075                 (let* ((tail (scan-digits+hashes start neg? decimal-head))
3076                        (next (if tail (cdr tail) start)))
3077                   (and (or decimal-head (not next)
3078                            (fx> next start)) ; Don't allow empty "."
3079                        (case (and next (string-ref str next))
3080                          ((#\e #\s #\f #\d #\l
3081                            #\E #\S #\F #\D #\L)
3082                           (and-let* (((fx> len next))
3083                                      (ee (scan-exponent (fx+ next 1)))
3084                                      (e (car ee))
3085                                      (h (safe-exponent decimal-head e)))
3086                             (let* ((te (and tail (fx- e (fx- (cdr tail) start))))
3087                                    (num (and tail (car tail)))
3088                                    (t (safe-exponent num te)))
3089                               (cons (if t (+ h t) h) (cdr ee)))))
3090                          (else (let* ((last (or next len))
3091                                       (te (and tail (fx- start last)))
3092                                       (num (and tail (car tail)))
3093                                       (t (safe-exponent num te))
3094                                       (h (or decimal-head 0)))
3095                                  (cons (if t (+ h t) h) next)))))))))
3096         (scan-ureal
3097          (lambda (start neg?)
3098            (if (and (fx> len (fx+ start 1)) (eq? radix 10)
3099                     (eq? (string-ref str start) #\.))
3100                (begin
3101                  (go-inexact! neg?)
3102                  (scan-decimal-tail (fx+ start 1) neg? #f))
3103                (and-let* ((end (scan-digits+hashes start neg? #f)))
3104                  (case (and (cdr end) (string-ref str (cdr end)))
3105                    ((#\.)
3106                     (go-inexact! neg?)
3107                     (and (eq? radix 10)
3108                          (if (fx> len (fx+ (cdr end) 1))
3109                              (scan-decimal-tail (fx+ (cdr end) 1) neg? (car end))
3110                              (cons (car end) #f))))
3111                    ((#\e #\s #\f #\d #\l
3112                      #\E #\S #\F #\D #\L)
3113                     (go-inexact! neg?)
3114                     (and-let* (((eq? radix 10))
3115                                ((fx> len (cdr end)))
3116                                (ee (scan-exponent (fx+ (cdr end) 1)))
3117                                (num (car end))
3118                                (val (safe-exponent num (car ee))))
3119                       (cons val (cdr ee))))
3120                    ((#\/)
3121                     (set! seen-hashes? #f) ; Reset flag for denominator
3122                     (and-let* (((fx> len (cdr end)))
3123                                (d (scan-digits+hashes (fx+ (cdr end) 1) #f #f))
3124                                (num (car end))
3125                                (denom (car d)))
3126                       (if (not (eq? denom 0))
3127                           (cons (##sys#/-2 num denom) (cdr d))
3128                           ;; Hacky: keep around an inexact until we decide we
3129                           ;; *really* need exact values, then fail at the end.
3130                           (and (not (eq? exactness 'e))
3131                                (case (signum num)
3132                                  ((-1) (cons -inf.0 (cdr d)))
3133                                  ((0)  (cons (make-nan) (cdr d)))
3134                                  ((+1) (cons +inf.0 (cdr d))))))))
3135                    (else end))))))
3136         (scan-real
3137          (lambda (start)
3138            (and (fx< start len)
3139                 (let* ((sign (case (string-ref str start)
3140                                ((#\+) 'pos) ((#\-) 'neg) (else #f)))
3141                        (next (if sign (fx+ start 1) start)))
3142                   (and (fx< next len)
3143                        (case (string-ref str next)
3144                          ((#\i #\I)
3145                           (or (and sign
3146                                    (cond
3147                                     ((fx= (fx+ next 1) len) ; [+-]i
3148                                      (cons (if (eq? sign 'neg) -1 1) next))
3149                                     ((and (fx<= (fx+ next 5) len)
3150                                           (string-ci=? (substring str next (fx+ next 5)) "inf.0"))
3151                                      (go-inexact! (eq? sign 'neg))
3152                                      (cons (if (eq? sign 'neg) -inf.0 +inf.0)
3153                                            (and (fx< (fx+ next 5) len)
3154                                                 (fx+ next 5))))
3155                                     (else #f)))
3156                               (scan-ureal next (eq? sign 'neg))))
3157                          ((#\n #\N)
3158                           (or (and sign
3159                                    (fx<= (fx+ next 5) len)
3160                                    (string-ci=? (substring str next (fx+ next 5)) "nan.0")
3161                                    (begin (go-inexact! (eq? sign 'neg))
3162                                           (cons (make-nan)
3163                                                 (and (fx< (fx+ next 5) len)
3164                                                      (fx+ next 5)))))
3165                               (scan-ureal next (eq? sign 'neg))))
3166                          (else (scan-ureal next (eq? sign 'neg)))))))))
3167         (number (and-let* ((r1 (scan-real offset)))
3168                   (case (and (cdr r1) (string-ref str (cdr r1)))
3169                     ((#f) (car r1))
3170                     ((#\i #\I) (and (fx= len (fx+ (cdr r1) 1))
3171                                     (or (eq? (string-ref str offset) #\+) ; ugh
3172                                         (eq? (string-ref str offset) #\-))
3173                                     (make-rectangular 0 (car r1))))
3174                     ((#\+ #\-)
3175                      (set! seen-hashes? #f) ; Reset flag for imaginary part
3176                      (and-let* ((r2 (scan-real (cdr r1)))
3177                                 ((cdr r2))
3178                                 ((fx= len (fx+ (cdr r2) 1)))
3179                                 ((or (eq? (string-ref str (cdr r2)) #\i)
3180                                      (eq? (string-ref str (cdr r2)) #\I))))
3181                        (make-rectangular (car r1) (car r2))))
3182                     ((#\@)
3183                      (set! seen-hashes? #f) ; Reset flag for angle
3184                      (and-let* ((r2 (scan-real (fx+ (cdr r1) 1)))
3185                                 ((not (cdr r2))))
3186                        (make-polar (car r1) (car r2))))
3187                     (else #f)))))
3188    (and number (if (eq? exactness 'i)
3189                    (let ((r (exact->inexact number)))
3190                      ;; Stupid hack because flonums can represent negative zero,
3191                      ;; but we're coming from an exact which has no such thing.
3192                      (if (and negative (zero? r)) (fpneg r) r))
3193                    ;; Ensure we didn't encounter +inf.0 or +nan.0 with #e
3194                    (and (finite? number) number)))))
3196(set! scheme#string->number
3197  (lambda (str #!optional (base 10))
3198    (##sys#check-string str 'string->number)
3199    (unless (and (##core#inline "C_fixnump" base)
3200		 (fx< 1 base) (fx< base 37)) ; We only have 0-9 and the alphabet!
3201      (##sys#error-bad-base base 'string->number))
3202    (let scan-prefix ((i 0)
3203		      (exness #f)
3204		      (radix #f)
3205		      (len (string-length str)))
3206      (if (and (fx< (fx+ i 2) len) (eq? (string-ref str i) #\#))
3207	  (case (string-ref str (fx+ i 1))
3208	    ((#\i #\I) (and (not exness) (scan-prefix (fx+ i 2) 'i radix len)))
3209	    ((#\e #\E) (and (not exness) (scan-prefix (fx+ i 2) 'e radix len)))
3210	    ((#\b #\B) (and (not radix) (scan-prefix (fx+ i 2) exness 2 len)))
3211	    ((#\o #\O) (and (not radix) (scan-prefix (fx+ i 2) exness 8 len)))
3212	    ((#\d #\D) (and (not radix) (scan-prefix (fx+ i 2) exness 10 len)))
3213	    ((#\x #\X) (and (not radix) (scan-prefix (fx+ i 2) exness 16 len)))
3214	    (else #f))
3215	  (##sys#string->compnum (or radix base) str i exness)))))
3217(define (##sys#string->number str #!optional (radix 10) exactness)
3218  (##sys#string->compnum radix str 0 exactness))
3220(define ##sys#fixnum->string (##core#primitive "C_fixnum_to_string"))
3221(define ##sys#flonum->string (##core#primitive "C_flonum_to_string"))
3222(define ##sys#integer->string (##core#primitive "C_integer_to_string"))
3223(define ##sys#number->string number->string)
3225(set! chicken.base#equal=?
3226  (lambda (x y)
3227    (define (compare-slots x y start)
3228      (let ((l1 (##sys#size x))
3229	    (l2 (##sys#size y)))
3230	(and (eq? l1 l2)
3231	     (or (fx<= l1 start)
3232		 (let ((l1n (fx- l1 1)))
3233		   (let loop ((i start))
3234		     (if (fx= i l1n)
3235			 (walk (##sys#slot x i) (##sys#slot y i)) ; tailcall
3236			 (and (walk (##sys#slot x i) (##sys#slot y i))
3237			      (loop (fx+ i 1))))))))))
3238    (define (walk x y)
3239      (cond ((eq? x y))
3240	    ((number? x)
3241	     (if (number? y)
3242		 (= x y)
3243		 (eq? x y)))
3244	    ((not (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)) #f)
3245	    ((not (##core#inline "C_blockp" y)) #f)
3246	    ((not (##core#inline "C_sametypep" x y)) #f)
3247	    ((##core#inline "C_specialp" x)
3248	     (and (##core#inline "C_specialp" y)
3249		  (if (##core#inline "C_closurep" x)
3250		      (##core#inline "shallow_equal" x y)
3251		      (compare-slots x y 1))))
3252            ((##core#inline "C_stringp" x)
3253             (walk (##sys#slot x 0) (##sys#slot y 0)))
3254	    ((##core#inline "C_byteblockp" x)
3255	     (and (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" y)
3256		  (let ((s1 (##sys#size x)))
3257		    (and (eq? s1 (##sys#size y))
3258			 (##core#inline "C_bv_compare" x y s1)))))
3259	    (else
3260	     (let ((s1 (##sys#size x)))
3261	       (and (eq? s1 (##sys#size y))
3262		    (compare-slots x y 0))))))
3263    (walk x y) ))
3266;;; Symbols:
3268(define ##sys#snafu '##sys#fnord)
3269(define ##sys#intern-symbol (##core#primitive "C_string_to_symbol"))
3270(define ##sys#intern-keyword (##core#primitive "C_string_to_keyword"))
3271(define ##sys#make-symbol (##core#primitive "C_make_symbol"))
3272(define (##sys#interned-symbol? x) (##core#inline "C_lookup_symbol" x))
3274(define (##sys#string->symbol-name s)
3275  (let* ((bv (##sys#slot s 0))
3276         (len (##sys#size bv))
3277         (s2 (##sys#make-bytevector len)))
3278    (##core#inline "C_copy_bytevector" bv s2 len)))
3280(define (##sys#symbol->string/shared s)
3281  (let* ((bv (##sys#slot s 1))
3282         (count (##core#inline "C_utf_length" bv)))
3283    (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_ustring" 5)
3284                            bv
3285                            count)))
3287(define (##sys#symbol->string s)
3288  (let* ((bv (##sys#slot s 1))
3289         (len (##sys#size bv))
3290         (s2 (##sys#make-bytevector len))
3291         (count (##core#inline "C_utf_length" bv)))
3292    (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_ustring" 5)
3293                            (##core#inline "C_copy_bytevector" bv s2 len)
3294                            count)))
3296(define (##sys#string->symbol str)
3297  (##sys#intern-symbol (##sys#string->symbol-name str) ))
3299(set! scheme#symbol->string
3300  (lambda (s)
3301    (##sys#check-symbol s 'symbol->string)
3302    (##sys#symbol->string s) ) )
3304(set! scheme#string->symbol
3305  (lambda (str)
3306    (##sys#check-string str 'string->symbol)
3307    (##sys#string->symbol str)))
3309(set! chicken.base#string->uninterned-symbol
3310  (let ((string-copy string-copy))
3311    (lambda (str)
3312      (##sys#check-string str 'string->uninterned-symbol)
3313      (##sys#make-symbol (##sys#string->symbol-name str)))))
3315(set! chicken.base#gensym
3316  (let ((counter -1))
3317    (lambda str-or-sym
3318      (let ((err (lambda (prefix) (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'gensym "argument is not a string or symbol" prefix))))
3319	(set! counter (fx+ counter 1))
3320	(##sys#make-symbol
3321         (##sys#string->symbol-name
3322	 (##sys#string-append
3323	  (if (eq? str-or-sym '())
3324	      "g"
3325	      (let ((prefix (car str-or-sym)))
3326		(or (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" prefix)
3327			 (cond ((##core#inline "C_stringp" prefix) prefix)
3328			       ((##core#inline "C_symbolp" prefix) (##sys#symbol->string/shared prefix))
3329			       (else (err prefix))))
3330		    (err prefix) ) ) )
3331	  (##sys#number->string counter) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
3333(set! chicken.base#symbol-append
3334  (let ((string-append string-append))
3335    (lambda ss
3336      (##sys#string->symbol
3337       (apply
3338	string-append
3339	(map (lambda (s)
3340	       (##sys#check-symbol s 'symbol-append)
3341	       (##sys#symbol->string/shared s))
3342	     ss))))))
3344;;; Keywords:
3346(module chicken.keyword
3347  (keyword? get-keyword keyword->string string->keyword)
3349(import scheme)
3350(import chicken.fixnum)
3352(define (keyword? x) (##core#inline "C_i_keywordp" x) )
3354(define string->keyword
3355  (let ([string string] )
3356    (lambda (s)
3357      (##sys#check-string s 'string->keyword)
3358      (##sys#intern-keyword (##sys#string->symbol-name s) ) ) ))
3360(define keyword->string
3361  (let ([keyword? keyword?])
3362    (lambda (kw)
3363      (if (keyword? kw)
3364	  (##sys#symbol->string kw)
3365	  (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'keyword->string "bad argument type - not a keyword" kw) ) ) ) )
3367(define get-keyword
3368  (let ((tag (list 'tag)))
3369    (lambda (key args #!optional thunk)
3370      (##sys#check-keyword key 'get-keyword)
3371      (##sys#check-list args 'get-keyword)
3372      (let ((r (##core#inline "C_i_get_keyword" key args tag)))
3373	(if (eq? r tag)			; not found
3374	    (and thunk (thunk))
3375	    r)))))
3377(define ##sys#get-keyword get-keyword))
3379(import chicken.keyword)
3382;;; bytevectors:
3384(define (##sys#bytevector->list v)
3385  (let ((n (##sys#size v)))
3386    (let loop ((i (fx- n 1)) (lst '()))
3387      (if (fx< i 0)
3388          lst
3389          (loop (fx- i 1)
3390                (cons (##core#inline "C_subbyte" v i) lst))))))
3392(define (##sys#list->bytevector lst0)
3393  (let* ((n (length lst0))
3394         (bv (##sys#make-bytevector n)))
3395    (let loop ((lst lst0) (i 0))
3396      (if (null? lst)
3397          bv
3398          (let ((b (car lst)))
3399            (if (##core#inline "C_fixnump" b)
3400                (##core#inline "C_setsubbyte" bv i b)
3401                (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error "can not convert list to bytevector" lst0))
3402            (loop (cdr lst) (fx+ i 1)))))))
3404(module chicken.bytevector
3405  (bytevector? bytevector=? bytevector-length
3406               make-bytevector bytevector bytevector-u8-ref
3407               bytevector-u8-set! bytevector-copy bytevector-copy!
3408               bytevector-append utf8->string string->utf8
3409               latin1->string string->latin1)
3411(import scheme (chicken foreign))
3413(define (make-bytevector size #!optional fill)
3414  (##sys#check-fixnum size 'make-bytevector)
3415  (if fill (##sys#check-fixnum fill 'make-bytevector))
3416  (##sys#make-bytevector size fill) )
3418(define (bytevector? x)
3419  (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)
3420       (##core#inline "C_bytevectorp" x) ) )
3422(define (bytevector-length bv)
3423  (##sys#check-bytevector bv 'bytevector-size)
3424  (##sys#size bv) )
3426(define (bytevector-u8-ref bv i)
3427  (##core#inline "C_i_bytevector_ref" bv i))
3429(define (bytevector-u8-set! bv i b)
3430  (##core#inline "C_i_bytevector_set" bv i b))
3432(define (string->utf8 s)
3433  (##sys#check-string s 'string->utf8)
3434  (let* ((sbv (##sys#slot s 0))
3435         (n (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" (##sys#size sbv) 1))
3436	 (bv (##sys#make-bytevector n)) )
3437    (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" bv sbv n)
3438    bv) )
3440(define (utf8->string bv #!optional (validate #t))
3441  (##sys#check-bytevector bv 'utf8->string)
3442  (if (and validate (not (##core#inline "C_utf_validate" bv (##sys#size bv))))
3443    (##sys#error-hook (foreign-value "C_DECODING_ERROR" int)
3444                      'utf8->string bv))
3445  (##sys#buffer->string bv 0 (##sys#size bv)))
3447(define (string->latin1 s)
3448  (##sys#check-string s 'string->latin1)
3449  (let* ((sbv (##sys#slot s 0))
3450         (len (##sys#slot s 1))
3451         (blen (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" (##sys#size sbv) 1))
3452	 (bv (##sys#make-bytevector len)) )
3453    (##core#inline "C_utf_to_latin" sbv bv 0 blen)
3454    bv))
3456(define (latin1->string bv)
3457  (##sys#check-bytevector bv 'latin1->string)
3458  (let* ((len (##sys#size bv))
3459         (buf (##sys#make-bytevector (##core#inline "C_fixnum_times" len 2)))
3460         (n (##core#inline "C_latin_to_utf" bv buf 0 len)))
3461    (##sys#buffer->string buf 0 n)))
3463(define (bytevector=? b1 b2)
3464  (##sys#check-bytevector b1 'bytevector=?)
3465  (##sys#check-bytevector b2 'bytevector=?)
3466  (let ((n (##sys#size b1)))
3467    (and (eq? (##sys#size b2) n)
3468	 (##core#inline "C_bv_compare" b1 b2 n))))
3470(define (bytevector . args)
3471  (let* ((n (length args))
3472         (bv (##sys#make-bytevector n)))
3473    (let loop ((args args) (i 0))
3474      (cond ((null? args) bv)
3475            (else
3476              (let ((b (car args)))
3477                (##sys#check-fixnum b 'bytevector)
3478                (##core#inline "C_setsubbyte" bv i b)
3479                (loop (cdr args) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_plus" i 1))))))))
3481(define (bytevector-copy bv #!optional (start 0) end)
3482  (##sys#check-bytevector bv 'bytevector-copy)
3483  (let* ((n (##sys#size bv))
3484         (to (or end n)))
3485    (if end
3486      (##sys#check-range/including end 0 n 'bytevector->copy))
3487    (cond ((and (eq? n 0) (eq? start 0) (eq? 0 to))
3488           (##sys#make-bytevector 0))
3489          (else
3490            (##sys#check-range/including start 0 n 'bytevector->copy)
3491            (let* ((n2 (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" to start))
3492                   (v2 (##sys#make-bytevector n2)))
3493              (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" v2 bv 0 start n2)
3494              v2)))))
3496(define (bytevector-copy! bv1 at bv2 #!optional (start 0) end)
3497  (##sys#check-bytevector bv1 'bytevector-copy!)
3498  (##sys#check-bytevector bv2 'bytevector-copy!)
3499  (let* ((n1 (##sys#size bv1))
3500         (n2 (##sys#size bv2))
3501         (to (or end n2))
3502         (nc (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" to start)))
3503    (cond ((and (eq? n2 0) (eq? nc 0) (eq? start 0)) (##core#undefined))
3504          (else
3505            (##sys#check-range/including start 0 n2 'bytevector->copy!)
3506            (##sys#check-range/including at 0 n1 'bytevector->copy!)
3507            (##sys#check-range/including (##core#inline "C_fixnum_plus" at nc)
3508                               0 n1 'bytevector->copy!)
3509            (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" bv1 bv2 at start nc)))))
3511(define (bytevector-append . bvs)
3512  (let loop ((lst bvs) (len 0))
3513    (if (null? lst)
3514        (let ((bv (##sys#make-bytevector len)))
3515          (let loop ((lst bvs) (i 0))
3516            (if (null? lst)
3517                bv
3518                (let* ((bv1 (car lst))
3519                       (n (##sys#size bv1)))
3520                  (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" bv bv1 i 0 n)
3521                  (loop (cdr lst) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_plus" i n))))))
3522        (let ((bv (car lst)))
3523          (##sys#check-bytevector bv 'bytevector-append)
3524          (loop (cdr lst) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_plus" len (##sys#size bv)))))))
3526) ; chicken.bytevector
3529;;; Vectors:
3530(set! scheme#make-vector
3531  (lambda (size . fill)
3532    (##sys#check-fixnum size 'make-vector)
3533    (when (fx< size 0) (##sys#error 'make-vector "size is negative" size))
3534    (##sys#allocate-vector
3535     size
3536     (if (null? fill)
3537	 (##core#undefined)
3538	 (car fill) ))))
3540(define ##sys#make-vector make-vector)
3542(set! scheme#list->vector
3543  (lambda (lst0)
3544    (if (not (list? lst0))
3545	(##sys#error-not-a-proper-list lst0 'list->vector)
3546	(let* ([len (length lst0)]
3547	       [v (##sys#make-vector len)] )
3548	  (let loop ([lst lst0]
3549		     [i 0])
3550	    (if (null? lst)
3551		v
3552		(begin
3553		  (##sys#setslot v i (##sys#slot lst 0))
3554		  (loop (##sys#slot lst 1) (fx+ i 1)) ) ) ) ) )))
3556(set! scheme#vector->list
3557  (lambda (v #!optional start end)
3558    (##sys#check-vector v 'vector->list)
3559    (let ((len (##sys#size v)))
3560      (if start
3561          (##sys#check-range/including start 0 len 'vector->list)
3562          (set! start 0))
3563      (if end
3564          (##sys#check-range/including end 0 len 'vector->list)
3565          (set! end len))
3566      (let loop ((i start))
3567	(if (fx>= i end)
3568	    '()
3569	    (cons (##sys#slot v i)
3570		  (loop (fx+ i 1)) ) ) ) ) ))
3572(set! scheme#vector (lambda xs (list->vector xs) ))
3574(set! scheme#vector-fill!
3575  (lambda (v x #!optional start end)
3576    (##sys#check-vector v 'vector-fill!)
3577    (let ((len (##sys#size v)))
3578      (if start
3579          (##sys#check-range/including start 0 len 'vector-fill!)
3580          (set! start 0))
3581      (if end
3582          (##sys#check-range/including end 0 len 'vector-fill!)
3583          (set! end len))
3584      (do ((i start (fx+ i 1)))
3585	  ((fx>= i end))
3586	(##sys#setslot v i x) ) ) ))
3588(define (scheme#vector-copy v #!optional start end)
3589  (##sys#check-vector v 'vector-copy)
3590  (let ((copy (lambda (v start end)
3591                (let* ((len (##sys#size v)))
3592                  (##sys#check-range/including start 0 end 'vector-copy)
3593                  (##sys#check-range/including end start len 'vector-copy)
3594                  (let ((vec (##sys#make-vector (fx- end start))))
3595                    (do ((ti 0 (fx+ ti 1))
3596                         (fi start (fx+ fi 1)))
3597                        ((fx>= fi end) vec)
3598                      (##sys#setslot vec ti (##sys#slot v fi))))))))
3599    (if end
3600        (copy v start end)
3601        (copy v (or start 0) (##sys#size v)))))
3603(define (scheme#vector-copy! to at from #!optional start end)
3604  (##sys#check-vector to 'vector-copy!)
3605  (##sys#check-vector from 'vector-copy!)
3606  (let ((copy! (lambda (to at from start end)
3607                 (let* ((tlen (##sys#size to))
3608                        (flen (##sys#size from))
3609                        (d (fx- end start)))
3610                   (##sys#check-range/including at 0 tlen 'vector-copy!)
3611                   (##sys#check-range/including start 0 end 'vector-copy!)
3612                   (##sys#check-range/including end start flen 'vector-copy!)
3613                   (##sys#check-range/including d 0 (fx- tlen at) 'vector-copy!)
3614                   (if (and (eq? to from) (fx< start at))
3615                       (do ((fi (fx- end 1) (fx- fi 1))
3616                            (ti (fx- (fx+ at d) 1) (fx- ti 1)))
3617                           ((fx< fi start))
3618                           (##sys#setslot to ti (##sys#slot from fi)))
3619                       (do ((fi start (fx+ fi 1))
3620                            (ti at (fx+ ti 1)))
3621                           ((fx= fi end))
3622                           (##sys#setslot to ti (##sys#slot from fi))))))))
3623    (if end
3624        (copy! to at from start end)
3625        (copy! to at from (or start 0) (##sys#size from)))))
3627(define (scheme#vector-append . vs)
3628  (##sys#for-each (cut ##sys#check-vector <> 'vector-append) vs)
3629  (let* ((lens (map ##sys#size vs))
3630         (vec  (##sys#make-vector (foldl fx+ 0 lens))))
3631    (do ((vs vs (cdr vs))
3632         (lens lens (cdr lens))
3633         (i 0 (fx+ i (car lens))))
3634        ((null? vs) vec)
3635      (scheme#vector-copy! vec i (car vs) 0 (car lens)))))
3637(set! chicken.base#subvector
3638  (lambda (v i #!optional j)
3639    (##sys#check-vector v 'subvector)
3640    (let* ((len (##sys#size v))
3641	   (j (or j len))
3642	   (len2 (fx- j i)))
3643      (##sys#check-range/including i 0 len 'subvector)
3644      (##sys#check-range/including j 0 len 'subvector)
3645      (let ((v2 (make-vector len2)))
3646	(do ((k 0 (fx+ k 1)))
3647	    ((fx>= k len2) v2)
3648	  (##sys#setslot v2 k (##sys#slot v (fx+ k i))))))))
3650(set! chicken.base#vector-resize
3651  (lambda (v n #!optional init)
3652    (##sys#check-vector v 'vector-resize)
3653    (##sys#check-fixnum n 'vector-resize)
3654    (##sys#vector-resize v n init)))
3656(define (##sys#vector-resize v n init)
3657  (let ((v2 (##sys#make-vector n init))
3658	(len (min (##sys#size v) n)) )
3659    (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
3660	((fx>= i len) v2)
3661      (##sys#setslot v2 i (##sys#slot v i)) ) ) )
3663;;; Characters:
3665(set! scheme#char-ci=?
3666  (lambda (x y . more)
3667    (##sys#check-char x 'char-ci=?)
3668    (##sys#check-char y 'char-ci=?)
3669    (let ((c2 (##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" y)))
3670      (let loop ((c c2) (cs more)
3671                 (f (eq? (##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" x) c2)))
3672        (if (null? cs)
3673            f
3674            (let ((c2 (##sys#slot cs 0)))
3675              (##sys#check-char c2 'char-ci=?)
3676              (let ((c2 ((##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" c2))))
3677                (loop c2 (##sys#slot cs 1)
3678                      (and f (eq? c c2))))))))))
3680(set! scheme#char-ci>?
3681  (lambda (x y . more)
3682    (##sys#check-char x 'char-ci>?)
3683    (##sys#check-char y 'char-ci>?)
3684    (let ((c2 (##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" y)))
3685      (let loop ((c c2) (cs more)
3686                 (f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_greaterp"
3687                                   (##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" x)
3688                                   c2)))
3689        (if (null? cs)
3690            f
3691            (let ((c2 (##sys#slot cs 0)))
3692              (##sys#check-char c2 'char-ci>?)
3693              (let ((c2 ((##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" c2))))
3694                (loop c2 (##sys#slot cs 1)
3695                      (and f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_greaterp" c c2))))))))))
3697(set! scheme#char-ci<?
3698  (lambda (x y . more)
3699    (##sys#check-char x 'char-ci<?)
3700    (##sys#check-char y 'char-ci<?)
3701    (let ((c2 (##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" y)))
3702      (let loop ((c c2) (cs more)
3703                 (f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_lessp"
3704                                   (##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" x)
3705                                   c2)))
3706        (if (null? cs)
3707            f
3708            (let ((c2 (##sys#slot cs 0)))
3709              (##sys#check-char c2 'char-ci<?)
3710              (let ((c2 ((##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" c2))))
3711                (loop c2 (##sys#slot cs 1)
3712                      (and f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_lessp" c c2))))))))))
3714(set! scheme#char-ci>=?
3715  (lambda (x y . more)
3716    (##sys#check-char x 'char-ci>=?)
3717    (##sys#check-char y 'char-ci>=?)
3718    (let ((c2 (##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" y)))
3719      (let loop ((c c2) (cs more)
3720                 (f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_greater_or_equal_p"
3721                                   (##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" x)
3722                                   c2)))
3723        (if (null? cs)
3724            f
3725            (let ((c2 (##sys#slot cs 0)))
3726              (##sys#check-char c2 'char-ci>=?)
3727              (let ((c2 ((##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" c2))))
3728                (loop c2 (##sys#slot cs 1)
3729                      (and f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_greater_or_equal_p" c c2))))))))))
3731(set! scheme#char-ci<=?
3732  (lambda (x y . more)
3733    (##sys#check-char x 'char-ci<=?)
3734    (##sys#check-char y 'char-ci<=?)
3735    (let ((c2 (##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" y)))
3736      (let loop ((c c2) (cs more)
3737                 (f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_less_or_equal_p"
3738                                   (##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" x)
3739                                   c2)))
3740        (if (null? cs)
3741            f
3742            (let ((c2 (##sys#slot cs 0)))
3743              (##sys#check-char c2 'char-ci<=?)
3744              (let ((c2 ((##core#inline "C_utf_char_foldcase" c2))))
3745                (loop c2 (##sys#slot cs 1)
3746                      (and f (##core#inline "C_u_i_char_less_or_equal_p" c c2))))))))))
3748(set! chicken.base#char-name
3749  (let ((chars-to-names (make-vector char-name-table-size '()))
3750	(names-to-chars '()))
3751    (define (lookup-char c)
3752      (let* ([code (char->integer c)]
3753	     [key (##core#inline "C_fixnum_modulo" code char-name-table-size)] )
3754	(let loop ([b (##sys#slot chars-to-names key)])
3755	  (and (pair? b)
3756	       (let ([a (##sys#slot b 0)])
3757		 (if (eq? (##sys#slot a 0) c)
3758		     a
3759		     (loop (##sys#slot b 1)) ) ) ) ) ) )
3760    (lambda (x . y)
3761      (let ([chr (if (pair? y) (car y) #f)])
3762	(cond [(char? x)
3763	       (and-let* ([a (lookup-char x)])
3764		 (##sys#slot a 1) ) ]
3765	      [chr
3766	       (##sys#check-symbol x 'char-name)
3767	       (##sys#check-char chr 'char-name)
3768	       (when (fx< (##sys#size (##sys#slot x 1)) 2)
3769		 (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'char-name "invalid character name" x) )
3770	       (let ([a (lookup-char chr)])
3771		 (if a
3772		     (let ([b (assq x names-to-chars)])
3773		       (##sys#setslot a 1 x)
3774		       (if b
3775			   (##sys#setislot b 1 chr)
3776			   (set! names-to-chars (cons (cons x chr) names-to-chars)) ) )
3777		     (let ([key (##core#inline "C_fixnum_modulo" (char->integer chr) char-name-table-size)])
3778		       (set! names-to-chars (cons (cons x chr) names-to-chars))
3779		       (##sys#setslot
3780			chars-to-names key
3781			(cons (cons chr x) (##sys#slot chars-to-names key))) ) ) ) ]
3782	      [else
3783	       (##sys#check-symbol x 'char-name)
3784	       (and-let* ([a (assq x names-to-chars)])
3785		 (##sys#slot a 1) ) ] ) ) ) ) )
3787;; TODO: Use the character names here in the next release?  Or just
3788;; use the numbers everywhere, for clarity?
3789(char-name 'space #\space)
3790(char-name 'tab #\tab)
3791(char-name 'linefeed #\linefeed)
3792(char-name 'newline #\newline)
3793(char-name 'vtab (integer->char 11))
3794(char-name 'delete (integer->char 127))
3795(char-name 'esc (integer->char 27))
3796(char-name 'escape (integer->char 27))
3797(char-name 'alarm (integer->char 7))
3798(char-name 'nul (integer->char 0))
3799(char-name 'null (integer->char 0))
3800(char-name 'return #\return)
3801(char-name 'page (integer->char 12))
3802(char-name 'backspace (integer->char 8))
3805;;; Procedures:
3807(define ##sys#call-with-current-continuation (##core#primitive "C_call_cc"))
3808(define ##sys#call-with-cthulhu (##core#primitive "C_call_with_cthulhu"))
3809(define ##sys#call-with-values call-with-values)
3811(define (##sys#for-each p lst0)
3812  (let loop ((lst lst0))
3813    (cond ((eq? lst '()) (##core#undefined))
3814	  ((pair? lst)
3815	   (p (##sys#slot lst 0))
3816	   (loop (##sys#slot lst 1)) )
3817	  (else (##sys#error-not-a-proper-list lst0 'for-each)) ) ))
3819(define (##sys#map p lst0)
3820  (let loop ((lst lst0))
3821    (cond ((eq? lst '()) lst)
3822	  ((pair? lst)
3823	   (cons (p (##sys#slot lst 0)) (loop (##sys#slot lst 1))) )
3824	  (else (##sys#error-not-a-proper-list lst0 'map)) ) ))
3826(letrec ((mapsafe
3827	  (lambda (p lsts loc)
3828	    (call-with-current-continuation
3829	     (lambda (empty)
3830	       (let lp ((lsts lsts))
3831		 (if (eq? lsts '())
3832		     lsts
3833		     (let ((item (##sys#slot lsts 0)))
3834		       (cond ((eq? item '()) (empty '()))
3835			     ((pair? item)
3836			      (cons (p item) (lp (##sys#slot lsts 1))))
3837			     (else (##sys#error-not-a-proper-list item loc)))))))))))
3839  (set! scheme#for-each
3840    (lambda (fn lst1 . lsts)
3841      (if (null? lsts)
3842	  (##sys#for-each fn lst1)
3843	  (let loop ((all (cons lst1 lsts)))
3844	    (let* ((first (##sys#slot all 0))
3845		   (safe-args (mapsafe (lambda (x) (car x)) all 'for-each))) ; ensure inlining
3846	      (when (pair? safe-args)
3847		(apply fn safe-args)
3848		(loop (mapsafe (lambda (x) (cdr x)) all 'for-each))))))))
3850  (set! scheme#map
3851    (lambda (fn lst1 . lsts)
3852      (if (null? lsts)
3853	  (##sys#map fn lst1)
3854	  (let loop ((all (cons lst1 lsts)))
3855	    (let* ((first (##sys#slot all 0))
3856		   (safe-args (mapsafe (lambda (x) (car x)) all 'map)))
3857	      (if (pair? safe-args)
3858		  (cons (apply fn safe-args)
3859			(loop (mapsafe (lambda (x) (cdr x)) all 'map)))
3860		  '())))))))
3863;;; dynamic-wind:
3865; (taken more or less directly from SLIB)
3867; This implementation is relatively costly: we have to shadow call/cc
3868; with a new version that unwinds suspended thunks, but for this to
3869; happen the return-values of the escaping procedure have to be saved
3870; temporarily in a list. Since call/cc is very efficient under this
3871; implementation, and because allocation of memory that is to be
3872; garbage soon has also quite low overhead, the performance-penalty
3873; might be acceptable (ctak needs about 4 times longer).
3875(define ##sys#dynamic-winds '())
3877(set! scheme#dynamic-wind
3878  (lambda (before thunk after)
3879    (before)
3880    (set! ##sys#dynamic-winds (cons (cons before after) ##sys#dynamic-winds))
3881    (##sys#call-with-values
3882     thunk
3883     (lambda results
3884       (set! ##sys#dynamic-winds (##sys#slot ##sys#dynamic-winds 1))
3885       (after)
3886       (apply ##sys#values results) ) ) ))
3888(define ##sys#dynamic-wind dynamic-wind)
3890(set! scheme#call-with-current-continuation
3891  (lambda (proc)
3892    (let ((winds ##sys#dynamic-winds))
3893      (##sys#call-with-current-continuation
3894       (lambda (cont)
3895	 (define (continuation . results)
3896	   (unless (eq? ##sys#dynamic-winds winds)
3897	     (##sys#dynamic-unwind winds (fx- (length ##sys#dynamic-winds) (length winds))) )
3898	   (apply cont results) )
3899	 (proc continuation) ))) ))
3901(set! scheme#call/cc call-with-current-continuation)
3903(define (##sys#dynamic-unwind winds n)
3904  (cond [(eq? ##sys#dynamic-winds winds)]
3905	[(fx< n 0)
3906	 (##sys#dynamic-unwind (##sys#slot winds 1) (fx+ n 1))
3907	 ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot winds 0) 0))
3908	 (set! ##sys#dynamic-winds winds) ]
3909	[else
3910	 (let ([after (##sys#slot (##sys#slot ##sys#dynamic-winds 0) 1)])
3911	   (set! ##sys#dynamic-winds (##sys#slot ##sys#dynamic-winds 1))
3912	   (after)
3913	   (##sys#dynamic-unwind winds (fx- n 1)) ) ] ) )
3916;;; Ports:
3918(set! chicken.base#port-closed?
3919  (lambda (p)
3920    (##sys#check-port p 'port-closed?)
3921    (eq? (##sys#slot p 8) 0)))
3923;;; Custom ports:
3925;;; Port layout:
3927; 0:  file ptr (special)
3928; 1:  direction (fixnum, 1 = input)
3929; 2:  class (vector of procedures)
3930; 3:  name (string)
3931; 4:  row (fixnum)
3932; 5:  col (fixnum)
3933; 6:  EOF (bool)
3934; 7:  type ('stream | 'custom | 'string | 'socket)
3935; 8:  closed (fixnum)
3936; 9:  data
3937; 10-12: reserved, port class specific
3938; 13: case sensitive? (boolean)
3939; 14: mode ('textual | 'binary)
3940; 15: reserved (encoding)
3942; Port-class:
3944; 0:  (read-char PORT) -> CHAR | EOF
3945; 1:  (peek-char PORT) -> CHAR | EOF
3946; 2:  (write-char PORT CHAR)
3947; 3:  (write-bytevector PORT BYTEVECTOR START END)
3948; 4:  (close PORT DIRECTION)
3949; 5:  (flush-output PORT)
3950; 6:  (char-ready? PORT) -> BOOL
3951; 7:  (read-bytevector! PORT COUNT BYTEVECTOR START) -> COUNT'
3952; 8:  (read-line PORT LIMIT) -> STRING | EOF
3953; 9:  (read-buffered PORT) -> STRING
3955(define (##sys#make-port i/o class name type)
3956  (let ((port (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_port" 17))))
3957    (##sys#setislot port 1 i/o)
3958    (##sys#setslot port 2 class)
3959    (##sys#setslot port 3 name)
3960    (##sys#setislot port 4 1)
3961    (##sys#setislot port 5 0)
3962    (##sys#setislot port 6 #f)
3963    (##sys#setslot port 7 type)
3964    (##sys#setslot port 8 i/o)
3965    (##sys#setislot port 10 #f)
3966    (##sys#setislot port 13 #t)
3967    (##sys#setislot port 14 'textual)  ; default, only used for R7RS port predicates
3968    (##sys#setslot port 15 'utf-8)
3969    port) )
3971;;; Stream ports:
3972; Input port slots:
3973;   10: peek buffer
3974;   12: Static buffer for read-line, allocated on-demand
3976(define ##sys#stream-port-class
3977  (vector (lambda (p)      ; read-char
3978            (let loop ()
3979              (let ((peeked (##sys#slot p 10)))
3980                (cond (peeked
3981                        (##sys#setislot p 10 #f)
3982                        (##sys#decode-char peeked (##sys#slot p 15) 0))
3983                      ((eq? 'utf-8  (##sys#slot p 15)) ; fast path
3984                       (let ((c (##core#inline "C_read_char" p)))
3985                         (if (eq? -1 c)
3986                             (let ((err (##sys#update-errno)))
3987                               (if (eq? err (foreign-value "EINTR" int))
3988                                   (##sys#dispatch-interrupt loop)
3989                                   (##sys#signal-hook/errno
3990                                    #:file-error err 'read-char
3991                                    (##sys#string-append "cannot read from port - " strerror)
3992                                    p)))
3993                             c)))
3994                      (else (##sys#read-char/encoding
3995                             p (##sys#slot p 15)
3996                             (lambda (buf start len dec)
3997                               (dec buf start len
3998                                    (lambda (buf start len)
3999                                      (##core#inline "C_utf_decode" buf start))))))))))
4000          (lambda (p)      ; peek-char
4001            (let ((pb (##sys#slot p 10))
4002                  (enc (##sys#slot p 15)))
4003              (if pb
4004                  (##sys#decode-char pb enc 0)
4005                  (##sys#read-char/encoding
4006                   p enc
4007                   (lambda (buf start len dec)
4008                     (let ((pb (##sys#make-bytevector len)))
4009                       (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" pb buf 0 start len)
4010                       (##sys#setslot p 10 pb)
4011                       (dec buf start len
4012                            (lambda (buf start _)
4013                              (##core#inline "C_utf_decode" buf start)))))))))
4014          (lambda (p c)                ; write-char
4015            (let ((enc (##sys#slot p 15)))
4016              (if (eq? enc 'utf-8) ;; fast path
4017                  (##core#inline "C_display_char" p c)
4018                  (let* ((bv (##sys#make-bytevector 4))
4019                         (n (##sys#encode-char c bv enc)))
4020                    ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot p 2) 3) p bv 0 n))))) ; write-bytevector
4021          (lambda (p bv from to)                     ; write-bytevector
4022            (##sys#encode-buffer
4023             bv from (fx- to from) (##sys#slot p 15)
4024             (lambda (bv start len)
4025               (##core#inline "C_display_string" p bv start len))))
4026          (lambda (p d)                ; close
4027            (##core#inline "C_close_file" p)
4028            (##sys#update-errno) )
4029          (lambda (p)      ; flush-output
4030            (##core#inline "C_flush_output" p) )
4031          (lambda (p)      ; char-ready?
4032            (##core#inline "C_char_ready_p" p) )
4033          (lambda (p n dest start)           ; read-bytevector!
4034            (let ((pb (##sys#slot p 10))
4035                  (nc 0))
4036              (when pb
4037                (set! nc (##sys#size pb))
4038                (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" dest pb start 0 nc)
4039                (set! start (fx+ start nc))
4040                (set! n (fx- n nc))
4041                (##sys#setislot p 10 #f))
4042              ;;XXX "n" below always true?
4043              (let loop ((rem (or n (fx- (##sys#size dest) start)))
4044                         (act nc)
4045                         (start start))
4046                (let ((len (##core#inline "fast_read_string_from_file" dest p rem start)))
4047                  (cond ((eof-object? len) ; EOF returns 0 bytes read
4048                         act)
4049                        ((fx< len 0)
4050                         (let ((err (##sys#update-errno)))
4051                           (if (eq? err (foreign-value "EINTR" int))
4052                               (##sys#dispatch-interrupt
4053                                (lambda () (loop rem act start)))
4054                               (##sys#signal-hook/errno
4055                                #:file-error err 'read-bytevector!
4056                                (##sys#string-append "cannot read from port - " strerror)
4057                                p n dest start))))
4058                        ((fx< len rem)
4059                         (loop (fx- rem len) (fx+ act len) (fx+ start len)))
4060                        (else (fx+ act len) ) ) ))))
4061          (lambda (p rlimit)       ; read-line
4062            (when rlimit (##sys#check-fixnum rlimit 'read-line))
4063            (let ((sblen read-line-buffer-initial-size))
4064              (unless (##sys#slot p 12)
4065                (##sys#setslot p 12 (##sys#make-bytevector sblen)))
4066              (let loop ([len sblen]
4067                         [limit (or rlimit maximal-string-length)]
4068                         [buffer (##sys#slot p 12)]
4069                         [result ""]
4070                         [f #f])
4071                (let* ((nlimit (fxmin limit len))
4072                       (n (##core#inline "fast_read_line_from_file" buffer
4073                          p nlimit)))
4074                  (cond ((eof-object? n) (if f result #!eof))
4075                        ((not n)
4076                         (let ((prev (##sys#buffer->string/encoding buffer 0 nlimit
4077                                      (##sys#slot p 15))))
4078                           (if (fx< limit len)
4079                               (##sys#string-append result prev)
4080                               (loop (fx* len 2)
4081                                     (fx- limit len)
4082                                     (##sys#make-bytevector (fx* len 2))
4083                                     (##sys#string-append result prev)
4084                                     #t)) ) )
4085                        ((fx< n 0)
4086                         (let ((err (##sys#update-errno)))
4087                           (if (eq? err (foreign-value "EINTR" int))
4088                                (let ((n (fx- (fxneg n) 1)))
4089                                  (##sys#dispatch-interrupt
4090                                   (lambda ()
4091                                     (loop len limit buffer
4092                                           (##sys#string-append
4093                                            result
4094                                            (##sys#buffer->string/encoding buffer 0 n (##sys#slot p 15)))
4095                                           #t))))
4096                               (##sys#signal-hook/errno
4097                                #:file-error err 'read-line
4098                                (##sys#string-append "cannot read from port - " strerror)
4099                                p rlimit))))
4100                        (f (##sys#setislot p 4 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 4) 1))
4101                           (##sys#string-append result
4102                            (##sys#buffer->string/encoding buffer 0 n (##sys#slot p 15))))
4103                        (else
4104                          (##sys#setislot p 4 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 4) 1))
4105                          (##sys#buffer->string/encoding buffer 0 n (##sys#slot p 15))))))))
4106          #f  ; read-buffered
4107          ) )
4109(define ##sys#open-file-port (##core#primitive "C_open_file_port"))
4111(define ##sys#standard-input (##sys#make-port 1 ##sys#stream-port-class "(stdin)" 'stream))
4112(define ##sys#standard-output (##sys#make-port 2 ##sys#stream-port-class "(stdout)" 'stream))
4113(define ##sys#standard-error (##sys#make-port 2 ##sys#stream-port-class "(stderr)" 'stream))
4115(##sys#open-file-port ##sys#standard-input 0 #f)
4116(##sys#open-file-port ##sys#standard-output 1 #f)
4117(##sys#open-file-port ##sys#standard-error 2 #f)
4119(define (##sys#check-input-port x open . loc)
4120  (if (pair? loc)
4121      (##core#inline "C_i_check_port_2" x 1 open (car loc))
4122      (##core#inline "C_i_check_port" x 1 open)))
4124(define (##sys#check-output-port x open . loc)
4125  (if (pair? loc)
4126      (##core#inline "C_i_check_port_2" x 2 open (car loc))
4127      (##core#inline "C_i_check_port" x 2 open)))
4129(define (##sys#check-port x . loc)
4130  (if (pair? loc)
4131      (##core#inline "C_i_check_port_2" x 0 #f (car loc))
4132      (##core#inline "C_i_check_port" x 0 #f) ) )
4134(define (##sys#check-open-port x . loc)
4135  (if (pair? loc)
4136      (##core#inline "C_i_check_port_2" x 0 #t (car loc))
4137      (##core#inline "C_i_check_port" x 0 #t) ) )
4139(set! scheme#current-input-port
4140  (lambda args
4141    (if (null? args)
4142	##sys#standard-input
4143	(let ((p (car args)))
4144	  (##sys#check-port p 'current-input-port)
4145	  (let-optionals (cdr args) ((convert? #t) (set? #t))
4146	    (when set? (set! ##sys#standard-input p)))
4147	  p) ) ))
4149(set! scheme#current-output-port
4150  (lambda args
4151    (if (null? args)
4152	##sys#standard-output
4153	(let ((p (car args)))
4154	  (##sys#check-port p 'current-output-port)
4155	  (let-optionals (cdr args) ((convert? #t) (set? #t))
4156	    (when set? (set! ##sys#standard-output p)))
4157	  p) ) ))
4159(set! chicken.base#current-error-port
4160  (lambda args
4161    (if (null? args)
4162	##sys#standard-error
4163	(let ((p (car args)))
4164	  (##sys#check-port p 'current-error-port)
4165	  (let-optionals (cdr args) ((convert? #t) (set? #t))
4166	    (when set? (set! ##sys#standard-error p)))
4167	  p))))
4169(define (##sys#tty-port? port)
4170  (and (not (zero? (##sys#peek-unsigned-integer port 0)))
4171       (##core#inline "C_tty_portp" port) ) )
4173(define (##sys#port-data port) (##sys#slot port 9))
4174(define (##sys#set-port-data! port data) (##sys#setslot port 9 data))
4176(define ##sys#default-file-encoding)
4178(let ()
4179  (define (open name inp modes loc)
4180    (##sys#check-string name loc)
4181    (let ((fmode (if inp "r" "w"))
4182          (bmode "")
4183          (enc (##sys#default-file-encoding)))
4184      (do ((modes modes (##sys#slot modes 1)))
4185        ((null? modes))
4186        (let ((o (##sys#slot modes 0)))
4187          (case o
4188            ((#:binary binary)
4189             (set! bmode "b")
4190             (set! enc 'binary))
4191            ((#:text text) (set! bmode ""))
4192            ((#:utf-8 utf-8)
4193             (set! enc 'utf-8))
4194            ((#:latin-1 latin-1 #:iso-8859-1 iso-8859-1)
4195             (set! enc 'latin-1))
4196            ((#:unix #:nl unix nl)
4197             (set! bmode "b"))
4198            ((#:crnl crnl)
4199             (set! bmode ""))
4200            ((#:append append)
4201             (if inp
4202               (##sys#error loc "cannot use append mode with input file")
4203               (set! fmode "a") ) )
4204            (else (##sys#error loc "invalid file option" o)) ) ) )
4205      (let ((port (##sys#make-port (if inp 1 2) ##sys#stream-port-class name 'stream)))
4206        (##sys#setslot port 15 enc)
4207        (unless (##sys#open-file-port port name (##sys#string-append fmode bmode))
4208          (##sys#signal-hook/errno #:file-error (##sys#update-errno) loc
4209                                   (##sys#string-append "cannot open file - " strerror)
4210                                   name))
4211        port) ) )
4213  (define (close port inp loc)
4214    (##sys#check-port port loc)
4215    ; repeated closing is ignored
4216    (let ((direction (if inp 1 2)))
4217      (when (##core#inline "C_port_openp" port direction)
4218	(##sys#setislot port 8 (fxand (##sys#slot port 8) (fxnot direction)))
4219	((##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 4) port direction))))
4221  (set! scheme#open-input-file (lambda (name . mode) (open name #t mode 'open-input-file)))
4222  (set! scheme#open-output-file (lambda (name . mode) (open name #f mode 'open-output-file)))
4223  (set! scheme#close-input-port (lambda (port) (close port #t 'close-input-port)))
4224  (set! scheme#close-output-port (lambda (port) (close port #f 'close-output-port))))
4226(set! scheme#call-with-input-file
4227  (let ((open-input-file open-input-file)
4228	(close-input-port close-input-port) )
4229    (lambda (name p . mode)
4230      (let ((f (apply open-input-file name mode)))
4231	(##sys#call-with-values
4232	 (lambda () (p f))
4233	 (lambda results
4234	   (close-input-port f)
4235	   (apply ##sys#values results) ) ) ) ) ) )
4237(set! scheme#call-with-output-file
4238  (let ((open-output-file open-output-file)
4239	(close-output-port close-output-port) )
4240    (lambda (name p . mode)
4241      (let ((f (apply open-output-file name mode)))
4242	(##sys#call-with-values
4243	 (lambda () (p f))
4244	 (lambda results
4245	   (close-output-port f)
4246	   (apply ##sys#values results) ) ) ) ) ) )
4248(set! scheme#with-input-from-file
4249  (let ((open-input-file open-input-file)
4250	(close-input-port close-input-port) )
4251    (lambda (str thunk . mode)
4252      (let ((file (apply open-input-file str mode)))
4253	(fluid-let ((##sys#standard-input file))
4254	  (##sys#call-with-values thunk
4255	    (lambda results
4256	      (close-input-port file)
4257	      (apply ##sys#values results) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
4259(set! scheme#with-output-to-file
4260  (let ((open-output-file open-output-file)
4261	(close-output-port close-output-port) )
4262    (lambda (str thunk . mode)
4263      (let ((file (apply open-output-file str mode)))
4264	(fluid-let ((##sys#standard-output file))
4265	  (##sys#call-with-values thunk
4266	    (lambda results
4267	      (close-output-port file)
4268	      (apply ##sys#values results) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
4270(define (##sys#file-exists? name file? dir? loc)
4271  (case (##core#inline "C_i_file_exists_p" (##sys#make-c-string name loc) file? dir?)
4272    ((#f) #f)
4273    ((#t) #t)
4274    (else
4275     (##sys#signal-hook
4276      #:file-error loc "system error while trying to access file"
4277      name))))
4279(define (##sys#flush-output port)
4280  ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 5) port) ; flush-output
4281  (##core#undefined) )
4283(set! chicken.base#flush-output
4284  (lambda (#!optional (port ##sys#standard-output))
4285    (##sys#check-output-port port #t 'flush-output)
4286    (##sys#flush-output port)))
4288(define (##sys#port-line port)
4289  (and (##core#inline "C_input_portp" port)
4290       (##sys#slot port 4) ) )
4292;;; Decorate procedure with arbitrary data
4294; warning: may modify proc, if it already has a suitable decoration!
4296(define (##sys#decorate-lambda proc pred decorator)
4297  (let ((len (##sys#size proc)))
4298    (let loop ((i (fx- len 1)))
4299      (cond ((zero? i)
4300	     (let ((p2 (make-vector (fx+ len 1))))
4301	       (do ((i 1 (fx+ i 1)))
4302		   ((fx>= i len)
4303		    (##core#inline "C_vector_to_closure" p2)
4304		    (##core#inline "C_copy_pointer" proc p2)
4305		    (decorator p2 i) )
4306		 (##sys#setslot p2 i (##sys#slot proc i)) ) ) )
4307	    (else
4308	     (let ((x (##sys#slot proc i)))
4309	       (if (pred x)
4310		   (decorator proc i)
4311		   (loop (fx- i 1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
4313(define (##sys#lambda-decoration proc pred)
4314  (let loop ((i (fx- (##sys#size proc) 1)))
4315    (and (fx> i 0)
4316	 (let ((x (##sys#slot proc i)))
4317	   (if (pred x)
4318	       x
4319	       (loop (fx- i 1)) ) ) ) ) )
4322;;; Create lambda-info object
4324(define (##sys#make-lambda-info str)
4325  (let* ((bv (##sys#slot str 0))
4326         (sz (fx- (##sys#size bv) 1))
4327	 (info (##sys#make-bytevector sz)))
4328    (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" info bv sz)
4329    (##core#inline "C_bytevector_to_lambdainfo" info)
4330    info) )
4333;;; Function debug info:
4335(define (##sys#lambda-info? x)
4336  (and (not (##sys#immediate? x)) (##core#inline "C_lambdainfop" x)))
4338(define (##sys#lambda-info proc)
4339  (##sys#lambda-decoration proc ##sys#lambda-info?))
4341(define (##sys#lambda-info->string info)
4342  (let* ((sz (##sys#size info))
4343	 (bv (##sys#make-bytevector (fx+ sz 1))) )
4344    (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" bv info sz)
4345    (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_ustring" 5) bv
4346                            (##core#inline "C_utf_length" bv))))
4348(set! chicken.base#procedure-information
4349  (lambda (x)
4350    (##sys#check-closure x 'procedure-information)
4351    (and-let* ((info (##sys#lambda-info x)))
4352      (##sys#read (scheme#open-input-string (##sys#lambda-info->string info)) #f) ) ) )
4355;;; SRFI-17
4357(define setter-tag (vector 'setter))
4359(define-inline (setter? x)
4360  (and (pair? x) (eq? setter-tag (##sys#slot x 0))) )
4362(set! chicken.base#setter
4363  (##sys#decorate-lambda
4364   (lambda (proc)
4365     (or (and-let* (((procedure? proc))
4366		    (d (##sys#lambda-decoration proc setter?)) )
4367	   (##sys#slot d 1) )
4368	 (##sys#error 'setter "no setter defined" proc) ) )
4369   setter?
4370   (lambda (proc i)
4371     (##sys#setslot
4372      proc i
4373      (cons
4374       setter-tag
4375       (lambda (get set)
4376	 (if (procedure? get)
4377	     (let ((get2 (##sys#decorate-lambda
4378			  get
4379			  setter?
4380			  (lambda (proc i) (##sys#setslot proc i (cons setter-tag set)) proc))))
4381	       (if (eq? get get2)
4382		   get
4383		   (##sys#become! (list (cons get get2))) ) )
4384	     (error "can not set setter of non-procedure" get) ) ) ) )
4385     proc) ) )
4387(define ##sys#setter setter)
4389(set! chicken.base#getter-with-setter
4390  (lambda (get set #!optional info)
4391    (##sys#check-closure get 'getter-with-setter)
4392    (##sys#check-closure set 'getter-with-setter)
4393    (let ((getdec (cond (info
4394			 (##sys#check-string info 'getter-with-setter)
4395			 (##sys#make-lambda-info info))
4396			(else (##sys#lambda-info get))))
4397	  (p1 (##sys#decorate-lambda
4398	       (##sys#copy-closure get)
4399	       setter?
4400	       (lambda (proc i)
4401		 (##sys#setslot proc i (cons setter-tag set))
4402		 proc))))
4403      (if getdec
4404	  (##sys#decorate-lambda
4405	   p1
4406	   ##sys#lambda-info?
4407	   (lambda (p i)
4408	     (##sys#setslot p i getdec)
4409	     p))
4410	  p1))))
4412(set! scheme#car (getter-with-setter scheme#car set-car!))
4413(set! scheme#cdr (getter-with-setter scheme#cdr set-cdr!))
4414(set! scheme#caar (getter-with-setter scheme#caar (lambda (x y) (set-car! (car x) y))))
4415(set! scheme#cadr (getter-with-setter scheme#cadr (lambda (x y) (set-car! (cdr x) y))))
4416(set! scheme#cdar (getter-with-setter scheme#cdar (lambda (x y) (set-cdr! (car x) y))))
4417(set! scheme#cddr (getter-with-setter scheme#cddr (lambda (x y) (set-cdr! (cdr x) y))))
4418(set! scheme#caaar (getter-with-setter scheme#caaar (lambda (x y) (set-car! (caar x) y))))
4419(set! scheme#caadr (getter-with-setter scheme#caadr (lambda (x y) (set-car! (cadr x) y))))
4420(set! scheme#cadar (getter-with-setter scheme#cadar (lambda (x y) (set-car! (cdar x) y))))
4421(set! scheme#caddr (getter-with-setter scheme#caddr (lambda (x y) (set-car! (cddr x) y))))
4422(set! scheme#cdaar (getter-with-setter scheme#cdaar (lambda (x y) (set-cdr! (caar x) y))))
4423(set! scheme#cdadr (getter-with-setter scheme#cdadr (lambda (x y) (set-cdr! (cadr x) y))))
4424(set! scheme#cddar (getter-with-setter scheme#cddar (lambda (x y) (set-cdr! (cdar x) y))))
4425(set! scheme#cdddr (getter-with-setter scheme#cdddr (lambda (x y) (set-cdr! (cddr x) y))))
4426(set! scheme#string-ref (getter-with-setter scheme#string-ref string-set!))
4427(set! scheme#vector-ref (getter-with-setter scheme#vector-ref vector-set!))
4429(set! scheme#list-ref
4430  (getter-with-setter
4431   scheme#list-ref
4432   (lambda (x i y) (set-car! (list-tail x i) y))))
4434(set! chicken.bytevector#bytevector-u8-ref
4435  (getter-with-setter chicken.bytevector#bytevector-u8-ref
4436                      chicken.bytevector#bytevector-u8-set!
4437                      "(chicken.bytevector#bytevector-u8-ref v i)"))
4440;;; Parameters:
4442(define ##sys#default-parameter-vector (##sys#make-vector default-parameter-vector-size))
4443(define ##sys#current-parameter-vector '#())
4445(set! scheme#make-parameter
4446  (let ((count 0))
4447    (lambda (init #!optional (guard (lambda (x) x)))
4448      (let* ((val (guard init))
4449	     (i count)
4450	     (assign (lambda (val n convert? set?)
4451		       (when (fx>= i n)
4452			 (set! ##sys#current-parameter-vector
4453			   (##sys#vector-resize
4454			    ##sys#current-parameter-vector
4455			    (fx+ i 1)
4456			    ##sys#snafu) ) )
4457		       (let ((val (if convert? (guard val) val)))
4458			 (when set?
4459			   (##sys#setslot ##sys#current-parameter-vector i val))
4460			 val))))
4462	(set! count (fx+ count 1))
4463	(when (fx>= i (##sys#size ##sys#default-parameter-vector))
4464	  (set! ##sys#default-parameter-vector
4465	    (##sys#vector-resize
4466	     ##sys#default-parameter-vector
4467	     (fx+ i 1)
4468	     (##core#undefined)) ) )
4469	(##sys#setslot ##sys#default-parameter-vector i val)
4470	(getter-with-setter
4471	 (lambda args
4472	   (let ((n (##sys#size ##sys#current-parameter-vector)))
4473	     (cond ((pair? args)
4474		    (let-optionals (cdr args) ((convert? #t)
4475					       (set? #t))
4476		      (assign (car args) n convert? set?)))
4477		   ((fx>= i n)
4478		    (##sys#slot ##sys#default-parameter-vector i) )
4479		   (else
4480		    (let ((val (##sys#slot ##sys#current-parameter-vector i)))
4481		      (if (eq? val ##sys#snafu)
4482			  (##sys#slot ##sys#default-parameter-vector i)
4483			  val) ) ) ) ) )
4484	 (lambda (val)
4485	   (let ((n (##sys#size ##sys#current-parameter-vector)))
4486	     (assign val n #f #t))))))))
4489;;; Input:
4491(set! scheme#char-ready?
4492  (lambda (#!optional (port ##sys#standard-input))
4493    (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'char-ready?)
4494    ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 6) port) )) ; char-ready?
4496(set! scheme#read-char
4497  (lambda (#!optional (port ##sys#standard-input))
4498    (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read-char)
4499    (##sys#read-char-0 port) ))
4501(define (##sys#read-char-0 p)
4502  (let ([c (if (##sys#slot p 6)
4503	       (begin
4504		 (##sys#setislot p 6 #f)
4505		 #!eof)
4506	       ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot p 2) 0) p) ) ] ) ; read-char
4507    (cond [(eq? c #\newline)
4508	   (##sys#setislot p 4 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 4) 1))
4509	   (##sys#setislot p 5 0) ]
4510	  [(not (##core#inline "C_eofp" c))
4511	   (##sys#setislot p 5 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 5) 1)) ] )
4512    c) )
4514(define (##sys#read-char/port port)
4515  (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read-char)
4516  (##sys#read-char-0 port) )
4518(define (##sys#peek-char-0 p)
4519  (if (##sys#slot p 6)
4520      #!eof
4521      (let ((c ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot p 2) 1) p))) ; peek-char
4522	(when (##core#inline "C_eofp" c)
4523	  (##sys#setislot p 6 #t) )
4524	c) ) )
4526(set! scheme#peek-char
4527  (lambda (#!optional (port ##sys#standard-input))
4528    (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'peek-char)
4529    (##sys#peek-char-0 port) ))
4531(set! scheme#read
4532  (lambda (#!optional (port ##sys#standard-input))
4533    (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read)
4534    (##sys#read port ##sys#default-read-info-hook) ))
4536(define ##sys#default-read-info-hook #f)
4537(define ##sys#read-error-with-line-number #f)
4538(define (##sys#read-prompt-hook) #f)	; just here so that srfi-18 works without eval
4539(define (##sys#infix-list-hook lst) lst)
4541(set! ##sys#default-file-encoding (make-parameter 'utf-8))
4543(define (##sys#sharp-number-hook port n)
4544  (##sys#read-error port "invalid `#...' read syntax" n) )
4546(set! chicken.base#case-sensitive (make-parameter #t))
4547(set! chicken.base#parentheses-synonyms (make-parameter #t))
4548(set! chicken.base#symbol-escape (make-parameter #t))
4550(set! chicken.base#keyword-style
4551  (make-parameter #:suffix (lambda (x) (when x (##sys#check-keyword x 'keyword-style)) x)))
4553(define ##sys#current-read-table (make-parameter (##sys#make-structure 'read-table #f #f #f)))
4555(define ##sys#read-warning
4556  (let ([string-append string-append])
4557    (lambda (port msg . args)
4558      (apply
4559       ##sys#warn
4560       (let ((ln (##sys#port-line port)))
4561	 (if (and ##sys#read-error-with-line-number ln)
4562	     (string-append "(line " (##sys#number->string ln) ") " msg)
4563	     msg) )
4564       args) ) ) )
4566(define ##sys#read-error
4567  (let ([string-append string-append] )
4568    (lambda (port msg . args)
4569      (apply
4570       ##sys#signal-hook
4571       #:syntax-error
4572       (let ((ln (##sys#port-line port)))
4573	 (if (and ##sys#read-error-with-line-number ln)
4574	     (string-append "(line " (##sys#number->string ln) ") " msg)
4575	     msg) )
4576       args) ) ) )
4578(define ##sys#read
4579  (let ((string-append string-append)
4580	(keyword-style keyword-style)
4581	(parentheses-synonyms parentheses-synonyms)
4582        (case-sensitive case-sensitive)
4583	(symbol-escape symbol-escape)
4584	(current-read-table ##sys#current-read-table))
4585    (lambda (port infohandler)
4586      (let ((csp (and (case-sensitive) (##sys#slot port 13)))
4587	    (ksp (keyword-style))
4588	    (psp (parentheses-synonyms))
4589	    (sep (symbol-escape))
4590	    (crt (current-read-table))
4591	    (warn #f)
4592            (shared '())
4593	    ; set below - needs more state to make a decision
4594	    (terminating-characters '(#\, #\; #\( #\) #\' #\" #\[ #\] #\{ #\}))
4595	    (reserved-characters #f) )
4597	(define (container c)
4598	  (##sys#read-error port "unexpected list terminator" c) )
4600	(define (info class data val)
4601	  (if infohandler
4602	      (infohandler class data val)
4603	      data) )
4605	(define (skip-to-eol)
4606	  (let skip ((c (##sys#read-char-0 port)))
4607	    (if (and (not (##core#inline "C_eofp" c)) (not (eq? #\newline c)))
4608		(skip (##sys#read-char-0 port)) ) ) )
4610        (define (reserved-character c)
4611          (##sys#read-char-0 port)
4612          (##sys#read-error port "reserved character" c) )
4614        (define (read-unreserved-char-0 port)
4615          (let ((c (##sys#read-char-0 port)))
4616            (if (memq c reserved-characters)
4617                (reserved-character c)
4618                c) ) )
4620        (define (register-shared! n thunk)
4621          (set! shared (cons (cons n thunk) shared)))
4623        (define (unthunk o fail)
4624          (let ((v (o)))
4625            (cond ((not (procedure? v)) v)
4626                  ((eq? v o)
4627                   (fail "self-referential datum"))
4628                  (else
4629                    (unthunk v fail)))))
4631        ;; Fills holes in `o` destructively.
4632        (define (unthunkify! o fail)
4633          (let loop! ((o o))
4634            (cond ((pair? o)
4635                   (if (not (procedure? (car o)))
4636                       (loop! (car o))
4637                       (set-car! o (unthunk (car o) fail)))
4638                   (if (not (procedure? (cdr o)))
4639                       (loop! (cdr o))
4640                       (set-cdr! o (unthunk (cdr o) fail))))
4641                  ((vector? o)
4642                   (let ((len (##sys#size o)))
4643                     (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
4644                         ((eq? i len))
4645                         (let ((v (##sys#slot o i)))
4646                           (if (not (procedure? v))
4647                               (loop! v)
4648                               (##sys#setslot o i (unthunk v fail))))))))))
4650	(define (readrec)
4652	  (define (r-spaces)
4653	    (let loop ([c (##sys#peek-char-0 port)])
4654	      (cond ((##core#inline "C_eofp" c))
4655		    ((eq? #\; c)
4656		     (skip-to-eol)
4657		     (loop (##sys#peek-char-0 port)) )
4658		    ((char-whitespace? c)
4659		     (##sys#read-char-0 port)
4660		     (loop (##sys#peek-char-0 port)) ) ) ) )
4662	  (define (r-usequence u n base)
4663	    (let loop ((seq '()) (n n))
4664	      (if (eq? n 0)
4665		  (let* ((str (##sys#reverse-list->string seq))
4666			 (n (string->number str base)))
4667		    (or n
4668			(##sys#read-error
4669			 port
4670			 (string-append
4671			  "invalid escape-sequence '\\" u str "\'")) ) )
4672		  (let ((x (##sys#read-char-0 port)))
4673		    (if (or (eof-object? x) (char=? #\" x))
4674			(##sys#read-error port "unterminated string constant")
4675			(loop (cons x seq) (fx- n 1)) ) ) ) ) )
4677          (define (r-xsequence delim)
4678            (define (parse seq)
4679              (let* ((str (##sys#reverse-list->string seq))
4680                     (n (string->number str 16)))
4681                (or n
4682                    (##sys#read-error port
4683                     (string-append "invalid escape-sequence '\\x"
4684                                    str ";\'")))))
4685            (define (complain)
4686              (set! warn "unterminated hexadecimal escape sequence"))
4687            (define (abort)
4688              (##sys#read-error port "unterminated hexadecimal escape sequence") )
4689            (let loop ((seq '()))
4690              (let ((x (##sys#peek-char-0 port)))
4691                (cond ((eof-object? x) (abort))
4692                      ((eq? delim x)
4693                       (let ((n (parse seq)))
4694                         (if (fx> n #x1ffff)
4695                             (abort)
4696                             (begin (complain) n))))
4697                      ((eq? #\; x)
4698                       (##sys#read-char-0 port)
4699		       (parse seq))
4700                      ((or (and (char>=? x #\0) (char<=? x #\9))
4701                           (and (char>=? x #\a) (char<=? x #\f))
4702                           (and (char>=? x #\A) (char<=? x #\F)))
4703                       (loop (cons (##sys#read-char-0 port) seq)))
4704                      (else
4705                        (let ((n (parse seq)))
4706                          (if (fx> n #x1ffff)
4707                              (abort)
4708                              (begin (complain) n))))))))
4710	  (define (r-string term)
4711	    (let loop ((c (##sys#read-char-0 port)) (lst '()))
4712	      (cond ((##core#inline "C_eofp" c)
4713		     (##sys#read-error port "unterminated string") )
4714		    ((eq? #\\ c)
4715		     (set! c (##sys#read-char-0 port))
4716		     (case c
4717		       ((#\t) (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons #\tab lst)))
4718		       ((#\r) (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons #\return lst)))
4719		       ((#\b) (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons #\backspace lst)))
4720		       ((#\n) (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons #\newline lst)))
4721		       ((#\a) (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons (integer->char 7) lst)))
4722		       ((#\v) (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons (integer->char 11) lst)))
4723		       ((#\f) (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons (integer->char 12) lst)))
4724		       ((#\x)
4725			(let ((ch (integer->char (r-xsequence term))))
4726			  (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons ch lst)) ) )
4727		       ((#\u)
4728			(let ((n (r-usequence "u" 4 16)))
4729                           (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port)
4730                                 (cons (integer->char n) lst)) ) )
4731		       ((#\U)
4732			(let ((n (r-usequence "U" 8 16)))
4733                           (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port)
4734                                 (cons (integer->char n) lst)) ))
4735		       ((#\\ #\' #\" #\|)
4736			(loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons c lst)))
4737		       ((#\newline #\return #\space #\tab)
4738			;; Read "escaped" <intraline ws>* <nl> <intraline ws>*
4739			(let eat-ws ((c c) (nl? #f))
4740			  (case c
4741			    ((#\space #\tab)
4742			     (eat-ws (##sys#read-char-0 port) nl?))
4743			    ((#\return)
4744			     (if nl?
4745				 (loop c lst)
4746			         (let ((nc (##sys#read-char-0 port)))
4747			           (if (eq? nc #\newline) ; collapse \r\n
4748				       (eat-ws (##sys#read-char-0 port) #t)
4749				       (eat-ws nc #t)))))
4750			    ((#\newline)
4751			     (if nl?
4752				 (loop c lst)
4753				 (eat-ws (##sys#read-char-0 port) #t)))
4754			    (else
4755                             (unless nl?
4756                               (##sys#read-warning
4757				port
4758				"escaped whitespace, but no newline - collapsing anyway"))
4759                             (loop c lst)))))
4760		       (else
4761			(cond ((##core#inline "C_eofp" c)
4762			       (##sys#read-error port "unterminated string"))
4763			      ((and (char-numeric? c)
4764				    (char>=? c #\0)
4765				    (char<=? c #\7))
4766			       (let ((ch (integer->char
4767					  (fx+ (fx* (fx- (char->integer c) 48) 64)
4768					       (r-usequence "" 2 8)))))
4769				 (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons ch lst)) ))
4770			      (else
4771			       (##sys#read-warning
4772				port
4773				"undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash"
4774				c)
4775			       (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons c lst))) ) )))
4776		    ((eq? term c) (##sys#reverse-list->string lst))
4777		    (else (loop (##sys#read-char-0 port) (cons c lst))) ) ))
4779	  (define (r-list start end)
4780	    (if (eq? (##sys#read-char-0 port) start)
4781		(let ((first #f)
4782		      (ln0 #f)
4783		      (outer-container container) )
4784		  (define (starting-line msg)
4785		    (if (and ln0 ##sys#read-error-with-line-number)
4786			(string-append
4787			 msg ", starting in line "
4788			 (##sys#number->string ln0))
4789			msg))
4790		  (##sys#call-with-current-continuation
4791		   (lambda (return)
4792		     (set! container
4793		       (lambda (c)
4794			 (if (eq? c end)
4795			     (return #f)
4796			     (##sys#read-error
4797			      port
4798			      (starting-line "list-terminator mismatch")
4799			      c end) ) ) )
4800		     (let loop ([last '()])
4801		       (r-spaces)
4802		       (unless first (set! ln0 (##sys#port-line port)))
4803		       (let ([c (##sys#peek-char-0 port)])
4804			 (cond ((##core#inline "C_eofp" c)
4805				(##sys#read-error
4806				 port
4807				 (starting-line "unterminated list") ) )
4808			       ((eq? c end)
4809				(##sys#read-char-0 port) )
4810			       ((eq? c #\.)
4811				(##sys#read-char-0 port)
4812				(let ((c2 (##sys#peek-char-0 port)))
4813				  (cond ((or (char-whitespace? c2)
4814					     (eq? c2 #\()
4815					     (eq? c2 #\))
4816					     (eq? c2 #\")
4817					     (eq? c2 #\;) )
4818					 (unless (pair? last)
4819					   (##sys#read-error port "invalid use of `.'") )
4820					 (r-spaces)
4821					 (##sys#setslot last 1 (readrec))
4822					 (r-spaces)
4823					 (unless (eq? (##sys#read-char-0 port) end)
4824					   (##sys#read-error
4825					    port
4826					    (starting-line "missing list terminator")
4827					    end)))
4828					(else
4829					 (r-xtoken
4830					  (lambda (tok kw)
4831					    (let* ((tok (##sys#string-append "." tok))
4832						   (val
4833						    (cond ((and (string=? tok ".:")
4834								(eq? ksp #:suffix))
4835							   ;; Edge case: r-xtoken sees
4836							   ;; a bare ":" and sets kw to #f
4837							   (build-keyword "."))
4838							  (kw (build-keyword tok))
4839							  ((and (char-numeric? c2)
4840								(##sys#string->number tok)))
4841							  (else (build-symbol tok))))
4842						   (node (cons val '())))
4843					      (if first
4844						  (##sys#setslot last 1 node)
4845						  (set! first node) )
4846					      (loop node))))))))
4847			       (else
4848				(let ([node (cons (readrec) '())])
4849				  (if first
4850				      (##sys#setslot last 1 node)
4851				      (set! first node) )
4852				  (loop node) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
4853		  (set! container outer-container)
4854		  (if first
4855		      (info 'list-info (##sys#infix-list-hook first) ln0)
4856		      '() ) )
4857		(##sys#read-error port "missing token" start) ) )
4859	  (define (r-vector)
4860	    (let ((lst (r-list #\( #\))))
4861	      (if (list? lst)
4862		  (##sys#list->vector lst)
4863		  (##sys#read-error port "invalid vector syntax" lst) ) ) )
4865	  (define (r-number radix exactness)
4866	    (r-xtoken
4867	     (lambda (tok kw)
4868	       (cond (kw
4869		      (let ((s (build-keyword tok)))
4870			(info 'symbol-info s (##sys#port-line port)) ))
4871		     ((string=? tok ".")
4872		      (##sys#read-error port "invalid use of `.'"))
4873		     ((and (fx> (string-length tok) 0) (char=? (string-ref tok 0) #\#))
4874		      (##sys#read-error port "unexpected prefix in number syntax" tok))
4875		     ((##sys#string->number tok (or radix 10) exactness))
4876		     (radix (##sys#read-error port "illegal number syntax" tok))
4877		     (else (build-symbol tok))  ) ) ))
4879	  (define (r-number-with-exactness radix)
4880	    (cond [(eq? #\# (##sys#peek-char-0 port))
4881		   (##sys#read-char-0 port)
4882		   (let ([c2 (##sys#read-char-0 port)])
4883		     (cond [(eof-object? c2)
4884			    (##sys#read-error port "unexpected end of numeric literal")]
4885			   [(char=? c2 #\i) (r-number radix 'i)]
4886			   [(char=? c2 #\e) (r-number radix 'e)]
4887			   [else
4888			    (##sys#read-error
4889			     port
4890			     "illegal number syntax - invalid exactness prefix" c2)] ) ) ]
4891		  [else (r-number radix #f)] ) )
4893	  (define (r-number-with-radix exactness)
4894	    (cond [(eq? #\# (##sys#peek-char-0 port))
4895		   (##sys#read-char-0 port)
4896		   (let ([c2 (##sys#read-char-0 port)])
4897		     (cond [(eof-object? c2) (##sys#read-error port "unexpected end of numeric literal")]
4898			   [(char=? c2 #\x) (r-number 16 exactness)]
4899			   [(char=? c2 #\d) (r-number 10 exactness)]
4900			   [(char=? c2 #\o) (r-number 8 exactness)]
4901			   [(char=? c2 #\b) (r-number 2 exactness)]
4902			   [else (##sys#read-error port "illegal number syntax - invalid radix" c2)] ) ) ]
4903		  [else (r-number 10 exactness)] ) )
4905	  (define (r-token)
4906	    (let loop ((c (##sys#peek-char-0 port)) (lst '()))
4907	      (cond ((or (eof-object? c)
4908			 (char-whitespace? c)
4909			 (memq c terminating-characters) )
4910		     (##sys#reverse-list->string lst) )
4911		    ((char=? c #\x00)
4912		     (##sys#read-error port "attempt to read expression from something that looks like binary data"))
4913		    (else
4914		     (read-unreserved-char-0 port)
4915		     (loop (##sys#peek-char-0 port)
4916		           (cons (if csp c (char-foldcase c)) lst) ) ) ) ) )
4918	  (define (r-digits)
4919	    (let loop ((c (##sys#peek-char-0 port)) (lst '()))
4920	      (cond ((or (eof-object? c) (not (char-numeric? c)))
4921		     (##sys#reverse-list->string lst) )
4922		    (else
4923		     (##sys#read-char-0 port)
4924		     (loop (##sys#peek-char-0 port) (cons c lst)) ) ) ) )
4926	  (define (r-symbol)
4927	    (r-xtoken
4928	     (lambda (str kw)
4929	       (let ((s (if kw (build-keyword str) (build-symbol str))))
4930		 (info 'symbol-info s (##sys#port-line port)) ) )))
4932	  (define (r-xtoken k)
4933	    (define pkw ; check for prefix keyword immediately
4934	      (and (eq? ksp #:prefix)
4935		   (eq? #\: (##sys#peek-char-0 port))
4936		   (begin (##sys#read-char-0 port) #t)))
4937	    (let loop ((lst '()) (skw #f) (qtd #f))
4938	      (let ((c (##sys#peek-char-0 port)))
4939		(cond ((or (eof-object? c)
4940			   (char-whitespace? c)
4941			   (memq c terminating-characters))
4942		       ;; The various cases here cover:
4943		       ;; - Nonempty keywords formed with colon in the ksp position
4944		       ;; - Empty keywords formed explicitly with vbar quotes
4945		       ;; - Bare colon, which should always be a symbol
4946		       (cond ((and skw (eq? ksp #:suffix) (or qtd (not (null? (cdr lst)))))
4947			      (k (##sys#reverse-list->string (cdr lst)) #t))
4948			     ((and pkw (or qtd (not (null? lst))))
4949			      (k (##sys#reverse-list->string lst) #t))
4950			     ((and pkw (not qtd) (null? lst))
4951			      (k ":" #f))
4952			     (else
4953			      (k (##sys#reverse-list->string lst) #f))))
4954		      ((memq c reserved-characters)
4955		       (reserved-character c))
4956		      (else
4957		       (let ((c (##sys#read-char-0 port)))
4958			 (case c
4959			   ((#\|)
4960			    (let ((part (r-string #\|)))
4961			      (loop (append (##sys#fast-reverse (##sys#string->list part)) lst)
4962				    #f #t)))
4963			   ((#\newline)
4964			    (##sys#read-warning
4965			     port "escaped symbol syntax spans multiple lines"
4966			     (##sys#reverse-list->string lst))
4967			    (loop (cons #\newline lst) #f qtd))
4968			   ((#\:)
4969			    (loop (cons #\: lst) #t qtd))
4970			   ((#\\)
4971			    (let ((c (##sys#read-char-0 port)))
4972			      (if (eof-object? c)
4973				  (##sys#read-error
4974				   port
4975				   "unexpected end of file while reading escaped character")
4976				  (loop (cons c lst) #f qtd))))
4977			   (else
4978			    (loop
4979			     (cons (if csp c (char-foldcase c)) lst)
4980			     #f qtd)))))))))
4982	  (define (r-char)
4983	    ;; Code contributed by Alex Shinn
4984	    (let* ([c (##sys#peek-char-0 port)]
4985		   [tk (r-token)]
4986		   [len (string-length tk)])
4987	      (cond [(fx> len 1)
4988		     (cond [(and (or (char=? #\x c) (char=? #\u c) (char=? #\U c))
4989				 (##sys#string->number (##sys#substring tk 1 len) 16) )
4990			    => (lambda (n) (integer->char n)) ]
4991			   [(and-let* ((c0 (char->integer (string-ref tk 0)))
4992				       ((fx<= #xC0 c0)) ((fx<= c0 #xF7))
4993				       (n0 (fxand (fxshr c0 4) 3))
4994				       (n (fx+ 2 (fxand (fxior n0 (fxshr n0 1)) (fx- n0 1))))
4995				       ((fx= len n))
4996				       (res (fx+ (fxshl (fxand c0 (fx- (fxshl 1 (fx- 8 n)) 1))
4997							6)
4998						 (fxand (char->integer
4999							 (string-ref tk 1))
5000							#b111111))))
5001			      (cond ((fx>= n 3)
5002				     (set! res (fx+ (fxshl res 6)
5003						    (fxand
5004						     (char->integer
5005						      (string-ref tk 2))
5006						     #b111111)))
5007				     (if (fx= n 4)
5008					 (set! res (fx+ (fxshl res 6)
5009							(fxand (char->integer
5010								(string-ref tk 3))
5011							       #b111111))))))
5012			      (integer->char res))]
5013			   [(char-name (##sys#string->symbol tk))]
5014			   [else (##sys#read-error port "unknown named character" tk)] ) ]
5015		    [(memq c terminating-characters) (##sys#read-char-0 port)]
5016		    [else c] ) ) )
5018	  (define (r-comment)
5019	    (let loop ((i 0))
5020	      (let ((c (##sys#read-char-0 port)))
5021		(case c
5022		  ((#\|) (if (eq? #\# (##sys#read-char-0 port))
5023			     (if (not (eq? i 0))
5024				 (loop (fx- i 1)) )
5025			     (loop i) ) )
5026		  ((#\#) (loop (if (eq? #\| (##sys#read-char-0 port))
5027				   (fx+ i 1)
5028				   i) ) )
5029		  (else (if (eof-object? c)
5030			    (##sys#read-error port "unterminated block-comment")
5031			    (loop i) ) ) ) ) ) )
5033	  (define (r-ext-symbol)
5034	    (let ((tok (r-token)))
5035	      (build-symbol (string-append "##" tok))))
5037	  (define (r-quote q)
5038	    (let ((ln (##sys#port-line port)))
5039	      (info 'list-info (list q (readrec)) ln)))
5041	  (define (build-symbol tok)
5042	    (##sys#string->symbol tok) )
5044	  (define (build-keyword tok)
5045	    (##sys#intern-keyword (##sys#string->symbol-name tok)))
5047          ;; now have the state to make a decision.
5048          (set! reserved-characters
5049                (append (if (not psp) '(#\[ #\] #\{ #\}) '())
5050                        (if (not sep) '(#\|) '())))
5051	  (r-spaces)
5052	  (let* ((c (##sys#peek-char-0 port))
5053		 (srst (##sys#slot crt 1))
5054		 (h (and (not (eof-object? c)) srst
5055			 (##sys#slot srst (char->integer c)) ) ) )
5056	    (if h
5057                ;; then handled by read-table entry
5058		(##sys#call-with-values
5059		 (lambda () (h c port))
5060		 (lambda xs (if (null? xs) (readrec) (car xs))))
5061		;; otherwise chicken extended r5rs syntax
5062		(case c
5063		  ((#\')
5064		   (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5065		   (r-quote 'quote))
5066		  ((#\`)
5067		   (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5068		   (r-quote 'quasiquote))
5069		  ((#\,)
5070		   (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5071		   (cond ((eq? (##sys#peek-char-0 port) #\@)
5072			  (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5073			  (r-quote 'unquote-splicing))
5074			 (else (r-quote 'unquote))))
5075		  ((#\#)
5076		   (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5077		   (let ((dchar (##sys#peek-char-0 port)))
5078		     (cond
5079		      ((eof-object? dchar)
5080		       (##sys#read-error
5081			port "unexpected end of input after reading #-sign"))
5082		      ((char-numeric? dchar)
5083		       (let* ((n (string->number (r-digits)))
5084			      (dchar2 (##sys#peek-char-0 port))
5085			      (spdrst (##sys#slot crt 3)))
5086			 (cond ((eof-object? dchar2)
5087                                (##sys#read-error
5088                                 port "unexpected end of input after reading"
5089                                 c n))
5090                               ;; #<num>=...
5091                               ((eq? #\= dchar2)
5092                                (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5093                                (letrec ((datum (begin
5094                                                  (register-shared! n (lambda () datum))
5095                                                  (readrec))))
5096                                  datum))
5097                               ;; #<num>#
5098                               ((eq? #\# dchar2)
5099                                (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5100                                (cond ((assq n shared) => cdr)
5101                                      (else (##sys#read-error port "undefined datum" n))))
5102                           			 ;; #<num> handled by parameterized # read-table entry?
5103                               ((and (char? dchar2)
5104                                     spdrst
5105                                     (##sys#slot spdrst (char->integer dchar2))) =>
5106                                (lambda (h)
5107                                  (h (##sys#call-with-values
5108                                       (lambda () (h dchar2 port n))
5109                                       (lambda xs (if (null? xs) (readrec) (car xs)))))))
5110                               ;; #<num>
5111			       ((or (eq? dchar2 #\)) (char-whitespace? dchar2))
5112				(##sys#sharp-number-hook port n))
5113			       (else (##sys#read-char-0 port) ; Consume it first
5114				     (##sys#read-error
5115				      port
5116				      "invalid parameterized read syntax"
5117				      c n dchar2) ) ) ))
5118		      (else (let* ((sdrst (##sys#slot crt 2))
5119				   (h (and sdrst (##sys#slot sdrst (char->integer dchar)) ) ) )
5120			      (if h
5121                                  ;; then handled by # read-table entry
5122				  (##sys#call-with-values
5123				   (lambda () (h dchar port))
5124				   (lambda xs (if (null? xs) (readrec) (car xs))))
5125                                  ;; otherwise chicken extended R7RS syntax
5126				  (case (char-downcase dchar)
5127				    ((#\x) (##sys#read-char-0 port) (r-number-with-exactness 16))
5128				    ((#\d) (##sys#read-char-0 port) (r-number-with-exactness 10))
5129				    ((#\o) (##sys#read-char-0 port) (r-number-with-exactness 8))
5130				    ((#\b) (##sys#read-char-0 port) (r-number-with-exactness 2))
5131				    ((#\i) (##sys#read-char-0 port) (r-number-with-radix 'i))
5132				    ((#\e) (##sys#read-char-0 port) (r-number-with-radix 'e))
5133				    ((#\() (r-vector))
5134				    ((#\\) (##sys#read-char-0 port) (r-char))
5135				    ((#\|)
5136				     (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5137				     (r-comment) (readrec) )
5138				    ((#\#)
5139				     (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5140				     (r-ext-symbol) )
5141				    ((#\;)
5142				     (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5143				     (readrec) (readrec) )
5144				    ((#\`)
5145				     (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5146				     (r-quote 'quasisyntax))
5147				    ((#\$)
5148				     (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5149                                     ;; HACK: reuse r-quote to add line number info
5150				     (r-quote 'location))
5151				    ((#\:)
5152				     (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5153				     (let ((c (##sys#peek-char-0 port)))
5154				       (fluid-let ((ksp #f))
5155					 (r-xtoken
5156					  (lambda (str kw)
5157					    (if (and (eq? 0 (string-length str))
5158						     (not (char=? c #\|)))
5159						(##sys#read-error port "empty keyword")
5160						(build-keyword str)))))))
5161				    ((#\+)
5162				     (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5163				     (let* ((ln (##sys#port-line port))
5164					    (tst (readrec)))
5165				       (info 'list-info
5166					     (list 'cond-expand (list tst (readrec)) '(else))
5167					     ln)))
5168				    ((#\!)
5169				     (##sys#read-char-0 port)
5170				     (let ((c (##sys#peek-char-0 port)))
5171				       (cond ((and (char? c)
5172						   (or (char-whitespace? c) (char=? #\/ c)))
5173					      (skip-to-eol)
5174					      (readrec) )
5175					     (else
5176					      (let ([tok (r-token)])
5177						(cond ((string=? "eof" tok) #!eof)
5178						      ((string=? "bwp" tok) #!bwp)
5179                                                      ((string=? "fold-case" tok)
5180                                                       (set! csp #f)
5181                                                       (##sys#setislot port 13 csp)
5182                                                       (readrec))
5183                                                      ((string=? "no-fold-case" tok)
5184                                                       (set! csp #t)
5185                                                       (##sys#setislot port 13 csp)
5186                                                       (readrec))
5187						      ((member tok '("optional" "rest" "key"))
5188						       (build-symbol (##sys#string-append "#!" tok)) )
5189						      (else
5190						       (let ((a (assq (string->symbol tok) ##sys#read-marks)))
5191							 (if a
5192							     ((##sys#slot a 1) port)
5193							     (##sys#read-error
5194							      port
5195							      "invalid `#!' token" tok) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
5196				    (else
5197				     (##sys#call-with-values (lambda () (##sys#user-read-hook dchar port))
5198							     (lambda xs (if (null? xs) (readrec) (car xs)))) ) ) ) )) ) ) )
5199		  ((#\() (r-list #\( #\)))
5200		  ((#\)) (##sys#read-char-0 port) (container c))
5201		  ((#\") (##sys#read-char-0 port) (r-string #\"))
5202		  ((#\.) (r-number #f #f))
5203		  ((#\- #\+) (r-number #f #f))
5204		  (else
5205		   (cond [(eof-object? c) c]
5206			 [(char-numeric? c) (r-number #f #f)]
5207			 ((memq c reserved-characters)
5208			  (reserved-character c))
5209			 (else
5210			  (case c
5211			    ((#\[) (r-list #\[ #\]))
5212			    ((#\{) (r-list #\{ #\}))
5213			    ((#\] #\}) (##sys#read-char-0 port) (container c))
5214			    (else (r-symbol) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
5216        (let ((x (readrec)))
5217          (when warn (##sys#read-warning port warn))
5218          (when (pair? shared)
5219            (unthunkify! x (lambda a (apply ##sys#read-error p a))))
5220          x)))))
5222;;; Hooks for user-defined read-syntax:
5224; - Redefine this to handle new read-syntaxes. If 'char' doesn't match
5225;   your character then call the previous handler.
5226; - Don't forget to read 'char', it's only peeked at this point.
5228(define (##sys#user-read-hook char port)
5229  (define (fail item) (##sys#read-error port "invalid sharp-sign read syntax" item))
5230  (case char
5231    ((#\f #\t #\u)
5232     (let ((sym (##sys#read port ##sys#default-read-info-hook)))
5233       (if (not (symbol? sym))
5234           (fail char)
5235           (case sym
5236             ((t true) #t)
5237             ((f false) #f)
5238             ((u8)
5239              ;; u8vectors, srfi-4 handles this already via read-hook but we reimplement it
5240              ;; here in case srfi-4 is not loaded
5241              (let ((d (##sys#read-numvector-data port)))
5242                (if (or (null? d) (pair? d))
5243                    (##sys#list->bytevector (##sys#canonicalize-number-list! d))
5244                    ;; reuse already created bytevector
5245                    (##core#inline "C_chop_bv" (##sys#slot d 0)))))
5246             (else (fail sym))))))
5247    (else (fail char))))
5249(define (##sys#read-numvector-data port)
5250  (let ((c (##sys#peek-char-0 port)))
5251    (case c
5252      ((#\() (##sys#read port ##sys#default-read-info-hook))
5253      ((#\") (##sys#read port ##sys#default-read-info-hook))
5254      (else (##sys#read-error port "invalid numeric vector syntax" c)))))
5256;; This code is too complicated. We try to avoid mapping over
5257;; a potentially large list and creating lots of garbage in the
5258;; process, therefore the final result list is constructed
5259;; via destructive updates and thus rather inelegant yet avoids
5260;; any re-consing unless elements are non-numeric.
5261(define (##sys#canonicalize-number-list! lst1)
5262  (let loop ((lst lst1) (prev #f))
5263    (if (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" lst)
5264             (##core#inline "C_pairp" lst))
5265        (let retry ((x (##sys#slot lst 0)))
5266          (cond ((char? x) (retry (string x)))
5267                ((string? x)
5268                 (if (zero? (string-length x))
5269                     (loop (##sys#slot lst 1) prev)
5270                     (let loop2 ((ns (string->list x)) (prev prev))
5271                       (let ((n (cons (char->integer (##sys#slot ns 0))
5272                                      (##sys#slot lst 1))))
5273                         (if prev
5274                             (##sys#setslot prev 1 n)
5275                             (set! lst1 n))
5276                         (let ((ns2 (##sys#slot ns 1)))
5277                           (if (null? ns2)
5278                               (loop (##sys#slot lst 1) n)
5279                               (loop2 (##sys#slot ns 1) n)))))))
5280                (else (loop (##sys#slot lst 1) lst))))
5281        (cond (prev (##sys#setslot prev 1 '())
5282                    lst1)
5283              (else '())))))
5285;;; Table for specially-handled read-syntax:
5287; - entries should be #f or a 256-element vector containing procedures
5288; - each procedure is called with two arguments, a char (peeked) and a
5289;   port, and should return an expression
5291(define ##sys#read-marks '()) ; TODO move to read-syntax module
5294;;; Output:
5296(define (##sys#write-char-0 c p)
5297  ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot p 2) 2) p c)
5298  (##sys#void))
5300(define (##sys#write-char/port c port)
5301  (##sys#check-output-port port #t 'write-char)
5302  (##sys#check-char c 'write-char)
5303  (##sys#write-char-0 c port) )
5305(set! scheme#write-char
5306  (lambda (c #!optional (port ##sys#standard-output))
5307    (##sys#check-char c 'write-char)
5308    (##sys#check-output-port port #t 'write-char)
5309    (##sys#write-char-0 c port) ))
5311(set! scheme#newline
5312  (lambda (#!optional (port ##sys#standard-output))
5313    (##sys#write-char/port #\newline port) ))
5315(set! scheme#write
5316  (lambda (x #!optional (port ##sys#standard-output))
5317    (##sys#check-output-port port #t 'write)
5318    (##sys#print x #t port) ))
5320(set! scheme#display
5321  (lambda (x #!optional (port ##sys#standard-output))
5322    (##sys#check-output-port port #t 'display)
5323    (##sys#print x #f port) ))
5325(define-inline (*print-each lst)
5326  (for-each (cut ##sys#print <> #f ##sys#standard-output) lst) )
5328(set! chicken.base#print
5329  (lambda args
5330    (##sys#check-output-port ##sys#standard-output #t 'print)
5331    (*print-each args)
5332    (##sys#write-char-0 #\newline ##sys#standard-output)
5333    (void)))
5335(set! chicken.base#print*
5336  (lambda args
5337    (##sys#check-output-port ##sys#standard-output #t 'print)
5338    (*print-each args)
5339    (##sys#flush-output ##sys#standard-output)
5340    (void)))
5342(define current-print-length (make-parameter 0))
5343(define ##sys#print-length-limit (make-parameter #f))
5344(define ##sys#print-exit (make-parameter #f))
5346(define ##sys#print
5347  (let ((case-sensitive case-sensitive)
5348        (symbol-escape symbol-escape)
5349	(keyword-style keyword-style))
5350    (lambda (x readable port)
5351      (##sys#check-output-port port #t #f)
5352      (let ((csp (case-sensitive))
5353	    (ksp (keyword-style))
5354            (sep (symbol-escape))
5355	    (length-limit (##sys#print-length-limit))
5356	    (special-characters '(#\( #\) #\, #\[ #\] #\{ #\} #\' #\" #\; #\ #\` #\| #\\)) )
5358	(define (outstr port str)
5359	  (if length-limit
5360	      (let* ((len (string-length str))
5361		     (cpp0 (current-print-length))
5362		     (cpl (fx+ cpp0 len)) )
5363		(if (fx> cpl length-limit)
5364		    (let ((n (fx- length-limit cpp0)))
5365		      (when (fx> n 0) (outstr0 port (##sys#substring str 0 n)))
5366		      (outstr0 port "...")
5367		      ((##sys#print-exit) (##sys#void)))
5368		    (outstr0 port str) )
5369		(current-print-length cpl) )
5370	      (outstr0 port str) ) )
5372	(define (outstr0 port str)
5373          (let ((bv (##sys#slot str 0)))
5374  	    ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 3) port bv 0 (fx- (##sys#size bv) 1)))) ; write-bytevector
5376	(define (outchr port chr)
5377	  (when length-limit
5378	    (let ((cpp0 (current-print-length)))
5379	      (current-print-length (fx+ cpp0 1))
5380	      (when (fx>= cpp0 length-limit)
5381		(outstr0 port "...")
5382		((##sys#print-exit) (##sys#void)))))
5383	  ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 2) port chr))  ; write-char
5385	(define (specialchar? chr)
5386	  (let ([c (char->integer chr)])
5387	    (or (fx<= c 32)
5388		(memq chr special-characters) ) ) )
5390	(define (outsym port sym)
5391	  (let ((str (##sys#symbol->string/shared sym)))
5392	    (if (or (not sep) (not readable) (sym-is-readable? str))
5393		(outstr port str)
5394		(outreadablesym port str))))
5396	(define (outreadablesym port str)
5397	  (let ((len (string-length str)))
5398	    (outchr port #\|)
5399	    (let loop ((i 0))
5400	      (if (fx>= i len)
5401		  (outchr port #\|)
5402		  (let ((c (string-ref str i)))
5403		    (cond ((or (char<? c #\space) (char>? c #\~))
5404			   (outstr port "\\x")
5405			   (let ((n (char->integer c)))
5406			     (outstr port (##sys#number->string n 16))
5407                             (outchr port #\;)
5408			     (loop (fx+ i 1))))
5409			  (else
5410			   (when (or (eq? c #\|) (eq? c #\\)) (outchr port #\\))
5411			   (outchr port c)
5412			   (loop (fx+ i 1)) ) ) ) ) )))
5414	(define (sym-is-readable? str)
5415	  (let ((len (string-length str)))
5416	    (cond ((eq? len 0) #f)
5417		  ((eq? len 1)
5418		   (let ((c (string-ref str 0)))
5419		     (cond ((or (eq? #\# c) (eq? #\. c)) #f)
5420			   ((specialchar? c) #f)
5421			   ((char-numeric? c) #f)
5422			   (else #t))))
5423		  (else
5424		   (let loop ((i (fx- len 1)))
5425		     (if (eq? i 0)
5426			 (let ((c (string-ref str 0)))
5427			   (cond ((char-numeric? c) #f)
5428                                 ((or (eq? c #\+) (eq? c #\-))
5429				  (or (fx= len 1)
5430                                      (not (char-numeric? (string-ref str 1)))))
5431                                 ((eq? c #\.)
5432				  (and (fx> len 1)
5433                                       (not (char-numeric? (string-ref str 1)))))
5434				 ((eq? c #\:) #f)
5435				 ((and (eq? c #\#)
5436				       ;; Not a qualified symbol?
5437				       (not (and (fx> len 2)
5438						 (eq? (string-ref str 1) #\#)
5439						 (not (eq? (string-ref str 2) #\#)))))
5440				  (member str '("#!rest" "#!key" "#!optional"
5441                                                "#!fold-case" "#!no-fold-case")))
5442				 ((specialchar? c) #f)
5443				 (else #t) ) )
5444			 (let ((c (string-ref str i)))
5445			   (and (or csp (not (char-upper-case? c)))
5446				(not (specialchar? c))
5447				(or (not (eq? c #\:))
5448				    (fx< i (fx- len 1)))
5449				(loop (fx- i 1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
5451	(let out ([x x])
5452	  (cond ((eq? x '()) (outstr port "()"))
5453		((eq? x #t) (outstr port "#t"))
5454		((eq? x #f) (outstr port "#f"))
5455		((##core#inline "C_eofp" x) (outstr port "#!eof"))
5456		((##core#inline "C_undefinedp" x) (outstr port "#<unspecified>"))
5457		((##core#inline "C_bwpp" x) (outstr port "#!bwp"))
5458		((##core#inline "C_charp" x)
5459		 (cond [readable
5460			(outstr port "#\\")
5461			(let ([code (char->integer x)])
5462			  (cond [(char-name x)
5463				 => (lambda (cn)
5464				      (outstr port (##sys#symbol->string/shared cn)) ) ]
5465				[(or (fx< code 32) (fx> code #x1ffff))
5466				 (outchr port #\x)
5467				 (outstr port (##sys#number->string code 16)) ]
5468				[else (outchr port x)] ) ) ]
5469		       [else (outchr port x)] ) )
5470		((##core#inline "C_fixnump" x) (outstr port (##sys#number->string x)))
5471		((##core#inline "C_unboundvaluep" x) (outstr port "#<unbound value>"))
5472		((not (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)) (outstr port "#<invalid immediate object>"))
5473		((##core#inline "C_forwardedp" x) (outstr port "#<invalid forwarded object>"))
5474		((##core#inline "C_i_keywordp" x)
5475                 ;; Force portable #: style for readable output
5476		 (case (and (not readable) ksp)
5477                   ((#:prefix)
5478                    (outchr port #\:)
5479                    (outsym port x))
5480                   ((#:suffix)
5481                    (outsym port x)
5482                    (outchr port #\:))
5483                   (else
5484                    (outstr port "#:")
5485                    (outsym port x))))
5486		((##core#inline "C_i_symbolp" x) (outsym port x))
5487		((number? x) (outstr port (##sys#number->string x)))
5488		((##core#inline "C_anypointerp" x) (outstr port (##sys#pointer->string x)))
5489		((##core#inline "C_stringp" x)
5490		 (cond (readable
5491			(outchr port #\")
5492			(do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1))
5493			     (c (string-length x) (fx- c 1)) )
5494			    ((eq? c 0)
5495			     (outchr port #\") )
5496			  (let ((chr (char->integer (string-ref x i))))
5497			    (case chr
5498			      ((34) (outstr port "\\\""))
5499			      ((92) (outstr port "\\\\"))
5500			      (else
5501			       (cond ((or (fx< chr 32)
5502					  (fx= chr #x1ffff))
5503				      (outchr port #\\)
5504				      (case chr
5505                                        ((7) (outchr port #\a))
5506					((8) (outchr port #\b))
5507					((9) (outchr port #\t))
5508					((10) (outchr port #\n))
5509					((11) (outchr port #\v))
5510					((12) (outchr port #\f))
5511					((13) (outchr port #\r))
5512					(else
5513					 (outchr port #\x)
5514					 (when (fx< chr 16) (outchr port #\0))
5515					 (outstr port (##sys#number->string chr 16))
5516					 (outchr port #\;) ) ) )
5517				     (else (outchr port (##core#inline "C_fix_to_char" chr)) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
5518		       (else (outstr port x)) ) )
5519		((##core#inline "C_pairp" x)
5520		 (outchr port #\()
5521		 (out (##sys#slot x 0))
5522		 (do ((x (##sys#slot x 1) (##sys#slot x 1)))
5523		     ((or (not (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)) (not (##core#inline "C_pairp" x)))
5524		      (if (not (eq? x '()))
5525			  (begin
5526			    (outstr port " . ")
5527			    (out x) ) )
5528		      (outchr port #\)) )
5529		   (outchr port #\space)
5530		   (out (##sys#slot x 0)) ) )
5531		((##core#inline "C_bytevectorp" x)
5532		 (outstr port "#u8")
5533                 (out (##sys#bytevector->list x)))
5534		((##core#inline "C_structurep" x) (##sys#user-print-hook x readable port))
5535		((##core#inline "C_closurep" x) (outstr port (##sys#procedure->string x)))
5536		((##core#inline "C_locativep" x) (outstr port "#<locative>"))
5537		((##core#inline "C_lambdainfop" x)
5538		 (outstr port "#<lambda info ")
5539		 (outstr port (##sys#lambda-info->string x))
5540		 (outchr port #\>) )
5541		((##core#inline "C_portp" x)
5542		 (case (##sys#slot x 1)
5543		   ((1)  (outstr port "#<input port \""))
5544		   ((2)  (outstr port "#<output port \""))
5545		   (else (outstr port "#<port \"")))
5546		 (outstr port (##sys#slot x 3))
5547		 (outstr port "\">") )
5548		((##core#inline "C_vectorp" x)
5549		 (let ((n (##sys#size x)))
5550		   (cond ((eq? 0 n)
5551			  (outstr port "#()") )
5552			 (else
5553			  (outstr port "#(")
5554			  (out (##sys#slot x 0))
5555			  (do ((i 1 (fx+ i 1))
5556			       (c (fx- n 1) (fx- c 1)) )
5557			      ((eq? c 0)
5558			       (outchr port #\)) )
5559			    (outchr port #\space)
5560			    (out (##sys#slot x i)) ) ) ) ) )
5561		(else (##sys#error "unprintable block object encountered")))))
5562      (##sys#void))))
5564(define ##sys#procedure->string
5565  (let ((string-append string-append))
5566    (lambda (x)
5567      (let ((info (##sys#lambda-info x)))
5568	(if info
5569	    (string-append "#<procedure " (##sys#lambda-info->string info) ">")
5570	    "#<procedure>") ) ) ) )
5572(define ##sys#record-printers '())
5574(set! chicken.base#record-printer
5575  (lambda (type)
5576    (let ((a (assq type ##sys#record-printers)))
5577      (and a (cdr a)))))
5579(set! chicken.base#set-record-printer!
5580  (lambda (type proc)
5581    (##sys#check-closure proc 'set-record-printer!)
5582    (let ((a (assq type ##sys#record-printers)))
5583      (if a
5584	  (##sys#setslot a 1 proc)
5585	  (set! ##sys#record-printers (cons (cons type proc) ##sys#record-printers)))
5586      (##core#undefined))))
5588;; OBSOLETE can be removed after bootstrapping
5589(set! ##sys#register-record-printer chicken.base#set-record-printer!)
5591(set! chicken.base#record-printer
5592  (getter-with-setter record-printer set-record-printer!))
5594(define (##sys#user-print-hook x readable port)
5595  (let* ((type (##sys#slot x 0))
5596	 (a (assq type ##sys#record-printers))
5597         (name (if (vector? type) (##sys#slot type 0) type)))
5598    (cond (a (handle-exceptions ex
5599		(begin
5600		  (##sys#print "#<Error in printer of record type `" #f port)
5601		  (##sys#print name #f port)
5602		  (if (##sys#structure? ex 'condition)
5603		      (and-let* ((a (member '(exn . message) (##sys#slot ex 2))))
5604			(##sys#print "': " #f port)
5605			(##sys#print (cadr a) #f port)
5606			(##sys#write-char-0 #\> port))
5607		      (##sys#print "'>" #f port)))
5608	       ((##sys#slot a 1) x port)))
5609	  (else
5610	   (##sys#print "#<" #f port)
5611	   (##sys#print name #f port)
5612	   (case type
5613	     ((condition)
5614	      (##sys#print ": " #f port)
5615	      (##sys#print (##sys#slot x 1) #f port) )
5616	     ((thread)
5617	      (##sys#print ": " #f port)
5618	      (##sys#print (##sys#slot x 6) #f port) ) )
5619	   (##sys#write-char-0 #\> port) ) ) ) )
5621(define ##sys#with-print-length-limit
5622  (let ([call-with-current-continuation call-with-current-continuation])
5623    (lambda (limit thunk)
5624      (call-with-current-continuation
5625       (lambda (return)
5626	 (parameterize ((##sys#print-length-limit limit)
5627			(##sys#print-exit return)
5628			(current-print-length 0))
5629	   (thunk)))))))
5632;;; String ports:
5634; - Port-slots:
5636;   Input:
5638;   10: position (in bytes)
5639;   11: len
5640;   12: input bytevector
5642;   Output:
5644;   10: position (in bytes)
5645;   11: limit
5646;   12: output bytevector
5648(define ##sys#string-port-class
5649  (letrec ((check
5650	    (lambda (p n)
5651	      (let* ((position (##sys#slot p 10))
5652		     (limit (##sys#slot p 11))
5653		     (output (##sys#slot p 12))
5654		     (limit2 (fx+ position n)))
5655		(when (fx>= limit2 limit)
5656		  (when (fx>= limit2 maximal-string-length)
5657		    (##sys#error "string buffer full" p) )
5658		  (let* ([limit3 (fxmin maximal-string-length (fx+ limit limit))]
5659			 [buf (##sys#make-bytevector limit3)] )
5660		    (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" buf output 0 0 position)
5661		    (##sys#setslot p 12 buf)
5662		    (##sys#setislot p 11 limit3)
5663		    (check p n) ) ) ) ) ) )
5664    (vector
5665     (lambda (p)			; read-char
5666       (let ((position (##sys#slot p 10))
5667             (input (##sys#slot p 12))
5668             (len (##sys#slot p 11)))
5669         (if (fx>= position len)
5670             #!eof
5671             (let ((c (##core#inline "C_utf_decode" input position)))
5672               (##sys#setislot p 10
5673                               (##core#inline "C_utf_advance" input position))
5674               c))))
5675     (lambda (p)			; peek-char
5676       (let ((position (##sys#slot p 10))
5677             (input (##sys#slot p 12))
5678             (len (##sys#slot p 11)))
5679         (if (fx>= position len)
5680             #!eof
5681             (##core#inline "C_utf_decode" input position))))
5682     (lambda (p c)			; write-char
5683       (check p 1)
5684       (let ([position (##sys#slot p 10)]
5685	     [output (##sys#slot p 12)] )
5686         (##sys#setislot p 10 (##core#inline "C_utf_insert" output position c))))
5687     (lambda (p bv from to)			; write-bytevector
5688       (let ((len (fx- to from)))
5689	 (check p len)
5690	 (let* ((position (##sys#slot p 10))
5691	        (output (##sys#slot p 12)))
5692	   (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" output bv position from len)
5693	   (##sys#setislot p 10 (fx+ position len)) ) ) )
5694     void ; close
5695     (lambda (p) #f)			; flush-output
5696     (lambda (p) #t)			; char-ready?
5697     (lambda (p n dest start)		; read-bytevector!
5698       (let* ((pos (##sys#slot p 10))
5699              (input (##sys#slot p 12))
5700	      (n2 (fx- (##sys#slot p 11) pos)))
5701	 (when (or (not n) (fx> n n2)) (set! n n2))
5702	 (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" dest input start pos n)
5703	 (##sys#setislot p 10 (fx+ pos n))
5704	 n))
5705     (lambda (p limit)			; read-line
5706       (let* ((pos (##sys#slot p 10))
5707	      (size (##sys#slot p 11))
5708	      (buf (##sys#slot p 12))
5709	      (end (if limit (fx+ pos limit) size)))
5710	 (if (fx>= pos size)
5711	     #!eof
5712	     (receive (next line full-line?)
5713		 (##sys#scan-buffer-line
5714		  buf (if (fx> end size) size end) pos
5715		  (lambda (pos) (values #f pos #f) ) )
5716	       ;; Update row & column position
5717	       (if full-line?
5718		   (begin
5719		     (##sys#setislot p 4 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 4) 1))
5720		     (##sys#setislot p 5 0))
5721		   (##sys#setislot p 5 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 5) (string-length line))))
5722	       (##sys#setislot p 10 next)
5723	       line) ) ) )
5724     (lambda (p)			; read-buffered
5725       (let ((pos (##sys#slot p 10))
5726	     (buf (##sys#slot p 12))
5727	     (len (##sys#slot p 11)) )
5728	 (if (fx>= pos len)
5729	     ""
5730	     (let* ((rest (fx- len pos))
5731                    (buffered (##sys#buffer->string buffered pos rest)))
5732	       (##sys#setislot p 10 len)
5733	       buffered))))
5734     )))
5736;; Invokes the eos handler when EOS is reached to get more data.
5737;; The eos-handler is responsible for stopping, either when EOF is hit or
5738;; a user-supplied limit is reached (ie, it's indistinguishable from EOF)
5739(define (##sys#scan-buffer-line buf limit start-pos eos-handler #!optional enc)
5740  (let* ((hold 1024)
5741         (dpos 0)
5742         (line (##sys#make-bytevector hold)))
5743    (define (grow)
5744      (let* ((h2 (fx* hold 2))
5745             (l2 (##sys#make-bytevector h2)))
5746        (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" l2 line dpos)
5747        (set! line l2)
5748        (set! hold h2)))
5749    (define (conc buf from to)
5750      (let ((len (fx- to from)))
5751        (when (fx>= (fx+ dpos len) hold) (grow))
5752        (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" line buf dpos from len)
5753        (set! dpos (fx+ dpos len))))
5754    (define (conc1 b)
5755      (when (fx>= (fx+ dpos 1) hold) (grow))
5756      (##core#inline "C_setsubbyte" line dpos b)
5757      (set! dpos (fx+ dpos 1)))
5758    (define (getline)
5759      (if enc
5760          (##sys#buffer->string/encoding line 0 dpos enc)
5761          (##sys#buffer->string line 0 dpos)))
5762    (let loop ((buf buf)
5763               (offset start-pos)
5764               (pos start-pos)
5765               (limit limit))
5766      (cond ((fx= pos limit)
5767             (conc buf offset pos)
5768             (receive (buf offset limit) (eos-handler pos)
5769               (if buf
5770                   (loop buf offset offset limit)
5771                   (values offset (getline) #f))))
5772            (else
5773              (let ((c (##core#inline "C_subbyte" buf pos)))
5774                (cond ((eq? c 10)
5775                       (conc buf offset pos)
5776                       (values (fx+ pos 1) (getline) #t))
5777                      ((and (eq? c 13)	; \r\n -> drop \r from string
5778                            (fx> limit (fx+ pos 1))
5779                            (eq? (##core#inline "C_subbyte" buf (fx+ pos 1)) 10))
5780                       (conc buf offset pos)
5781                       (values (fx+ pos 2) (getline) #t))
5782                      ((and (eq? c 13)	; Edge case (#568): \r{read}[\n|xyz]
5783                            (fx= limit (fx+ pos 1)))
5784                       (conc buf offset pos)
5785                       (receive (buf offset limit) (eos-handler pos)
5786                         (if buf
5787                             (if (eq? (##core#inline "C_subbyte" buf offset) 10)
5788                                 (values (fx+ offset 1) (getline) #t)
5789                                 ;; "Restore" \r we didn't copy, loop w/ new string
5790                                 (begin
5791                                   (conc1 13)
5792                                   (loop buf offset offset limit)))
5793                             ;; Restore \r here, too (when we reached EOF)
5794                             (begin
5795                               (conc1 13)
5796                               (values offset (getline) #t)))))
5797                      ((eq? c 13)
5798                       (conc buf offset pos)
5799                       (values (fx+ pos 1) (getline) #t))
5800                      (else (loop buf offset (fx+ pos 1) limit)) ) ) ) ) )))
5802(define ##sys#print-to-string
5803  (let ([get-output-string get-output-string]
5804	[open-output-string open-output-string] )
5805    (lambda (xs)
5806      (let ([out (open-output-string)])
5807	(for-each (lambda (x) (##sys#print x #f out)) xs)
5808	(get-output-string out) ) ) ) )
5810(define ##sys#pointer->string
5811  (let ((string-append string-append))
5812    (lambda (x)
5813      (if (##core#inline "C_taggedpointerp" x)
5814	  (string-append
5815	   "#<tagged pointer "
5816	   (##sys#print-to-string
5817	    (let ((tag (##sys#slot x 1)))
5818	      (list (if (pair? tag) (car tag) tag) ) ) )
5819	   " "
5820	   (##sys#number->string (##sys#pointer->address x) 16)
5821	   ">")
5822	  (string-append "#<pointer 0x" (##sys#number->string (##sys#pointer->address x) 16) ">") ) ) ) )
5825;;; Access backtrace:
5827(define-constant +trace-buffer-entry-slot-count+ 5)
5829(set! chicken.base#get-call-chain
5830  (let ((extract
5831	 (foreign-lambda* nonnull-c-string ((scheme-object x)) "C_return((C_char *)x);")))
5832    (lambda (#!optional (start 0) (thread ##sys#current-thread))
5833      (let* ((tbl (foreign-value "C_trace_buffer_size" int))
5834	     ;; 5 slots: "raw" location (for compiled code), "cooked" location (for interpreted code), cooked1, cooked2, thread
5835	     (c +trace-buffer-entry-slot-count+)
5836	     (vec (##sys#make-vector (fx* c tbl) #f))
5837	     (r (##core#inline "C_fetch_trace" start vec))
5838	     (n (if (fixnum? r) r (fx* c tbl)))
5839             (t-id (and thread (##sys#slot thread 14))))
5840	(let loop ((i 0))
5841	  (if (fx>= i n)
5842	      '()
5843	      (let ((t (##sys#slot vec (fx+ i 4)))) ; thread id
5844		(if (or (not t) (not thread) (eq? t-id t))
5845		    (cons (vector
5846			   (or (##sys#slot vec (fx+ i 1)) ; cooked_location
5847			       (extract (##sys#slot vec i))) ; raw_location
5848			   (##sys#slot vec (fx+ i 2))   ; cooked1
5849			   (##sys#slot vec (fx+ i 3)))  ; cooked2
5850			  (loop (fx+ i c)))
5851		    (loop (fx+ i c))))))))))
5853(define (##sys#really-print-call-chain port chain header)
5854  (when (pair? chain)
5855    (##sys#print header #f port)
5856    (for-each
5857     (lambda (info)
5858       (let* ((more1 (##sys#slot info 1)) ; cooked1 (expr/form)
5859	      (more2 (##sys#slot info 2)) ; cooked2 (cntr/frameinfo)
5860	      (fi (##sys#structure? more2 'frameinfo)))
5861	 (##sys#print "\n\t" #f port)
5862	 (##sys#print (##sys#slot info 0) #f port) ; raw (mode)
5863	 (##sys#print "\t  " #f port)
5864	 (when (and more2 (if fi (##sys#slot more2 1)))
5865	   (##sys#write-char-0 #\[ port)
5866	   (##sys#print
5867	    (if fi
5868		(##sys#slot more2 1)	; cntr
5869		more2)
5870	    #f port)
5871	   (##sys#print "] " #f port))
5872	 (when more1
5873	   (##sys#with-print-length-limit
5874	    100
5875	    (lambda ()
5876	      (##sys#print more1 #t port))))))
5877     chain)
5878    (##sys#print "\t<--\n" #f port)))
5880(set! chicken.base#print-call-chain
5881  (lambda (#!optional (port ##sys#standard-output) (start 0)
5882		      (thread ##sys#current-thread)
5883		      (header "\n\tCall history:\n"))
5884    (##sys#check-output-port port #t 'print-call-chain)
5885    (##sys#check-fixnum start 'print-call-chain)
5886    (##sys#check-string header 'print-call-chain)
5887    (##sys#really-print-call-chain port (get-call-chain start thread) header)))
5890;;; Interrupt handling:
5892(define (##sys#user-interrupt-hook)
5893  (define (break) (##sys#signal-hook #:user-interrupt #f))
5894  (if (eq? ##sys#current-thread ##sys#primordial-thread)
5895      (break)
5896      (##sys#setslot ##sys#primordial-thread 1 break) ) )
5899;;; Default handlers
5901(define-foreign-variable _ex_software int "EX_SOFTWARE")
5903(define exit-in-progress #f)
5905(define (cleanup-before-exit)
5906  (set! exit-in-progress #t)
5907  (when (##core#inline "C_i_dump_heap_on_exitp")
5908    (##sys#print "\n" #f ##sys#standard-error)
5909    (##sys#dump-heap-state))
5910  (when (##core#inline "C_i_profilingp")
5911    (##core#inline "C_i_dump_statistical_profile"))
5912  (let loop ()
5913    (let ((tasks chicken.base#cleanup-tasks))
5914      (set! chicken.base#cleanup-tasks '())
5915      (unless (null? tasks)
5916	(for-each (lambda (t) (t)) tasks)
5917	(loop))))
5918  (when (fx> (##sys#slot ##sys#pending-finalizers 0) 0)
5919    (##sys#run-pending-finalizers #f))
5920  (when (fx> (##core#inline "C_i_live_finalizer_count") 0)
5921    (when (##sys#debug-mode?)
5922      (##sys#print "[debug] forcing finalizers...\n" #f ##sys#standard-error))
5923    (when (chicken.gc#force-finalizers)
5924      (##sys#force-finalizers))))
5926(set! chicken.base#exit-handler
5927  (make-parameter
5928   (lambda (#!optional (code 0))
5929     (##sys#check-fixnum code)
5930     (cond (exit-in-progress
5931	    (##sys#warn "\"exit\" called while processing on-exit tasks"))
5932	   (else
5933	    (cleanup-before-exit)
5934	    (##core#inline "C_exit_runtime" code))))))
5936(set! chicken.base#implicit-exit-handler
5937  (make-parameter
5938   (lambda ()
5939     (cleanup-before-exit))))
5941(define ##sys#reset-handler ; Exposed by chicken.repl
5942  (make-parameter
5943   (lambda ()
5944     ((exit-handler) _ex_software))))
5946(define (##sys#dbg-hook . args)
5947  (##core#inline "C_dbg_hook" #f)
5948  (##core#undefined))
5951;;; Condition handling:
5953(module chicken.condition
5954    ;; NOTE: We don't emit the import lib.  Due to syntax exports, it
5955    ;; has to be a hardcoded primitive module.
5956    (abort signal current-exception-handler
5957     print-error-message with-exception-handler
5959     ;; [syntax] condition-case handle-exceptions
5961     ;; Condition object manipulation
5962     make-property-condition make-composite-condition
5963     condition condition? condition->list condition-predicate
5964     condition-property-accessor get-condition-property)
5966(import scheme chicken.base chicken.fixnum chicken.foreign)
5967(import chicken.internal.syntax)
5968(import (only (scheme base) make-parameter open-output-string get-output-string))
5970(define (##sys#signal-hook/errno mode errno msg . args)
5971  (##core#inline "C_dbg_hook" #f)
5972  (##core#inline "signal_debug_event" mode msg args)
5973  (case mode
5974    [(#:user-interrupt)
5975     (abort
5976      (##sys#make-structure
5977       'condition
5978       '(user-interrupt)
5979       '() ) ) ]
5980    [(#:warning #:notice)
5981     (##sys#print
5982      (if (eq? mode #:warning) "\nWarning: " "\nNote: ")
5983      #f ##sys#standard-error)
5984     (##sys#print msg #f ##sys#standard-error)
5985     (if (or (null? args) (fx> (length args) 1))
5986	 (##sys#write-char-0 #\newline ##sys#standard-error)
5987	 (##sys#print ": " #f ##sys#standard-error))
5988     (for-each
5989      (lambda (x)
5990	(##sys#with-print-length-limit
5991	 400
5992	 (lambda ()
5993	   (##sys#print x #t ##sys#standard-error)
5994	   (##sys#write-char-0 #\newline ##sys#standard-error))))
5995      args)
5996     (##sys#flush-output ##sys#standard-error)]
5997    (else
5998     (when (and (symbol? msg) (null? args))
5999       (set! msg (symbol->string msg)))
6000     (let* ([hasloc (and (or (not msg) (symbol? msg)) (pair? args))]
6001	    [loc (and hasloc msg)]
6002	    [msg (if hasloc (##sys#slot args 0) msg)]
6003	    [args (if hasloc (##sys#slot args 1) args)] )
6004       (abort
6005	(##sys#make-structure
6006	 'condition
6007	 (case mode
6008	   [(#:type-error)		'(exn type)]
6009	   [(#:syntax-error)		'(exn syntax)]
6010	   [(#:bounds-error)		'(exn bounds)]
6011	   [(#:arithmetic-error)	'(exn arithmetic)]
6012	   [(#:file-error)		'(exn i/o file)]
6013	   [(#:runtime-error)		'(exn runtime)]
6014	   [(#:process-error)		'(exn process)]
6015	   [(#:network-error)		'(exn i/o net)]
6016	   [(#:network-timeout-error)   '(exn i/o net timeout)]
6017	   [(#:limit-error)		'(exn runtime limit)]
6018	   [(#:arity-error)		'(exn arity)]
6019	   [(#:access-error)		'(exn access)]
6020	   [(#:domain-error)		'(exn domain)]
6021	   ((#:memory-error)            '(exn memory))
6022	   [else			'(exn)] )
6023         (let ((props
6024                (list '(exn . message) msg
6025                      '(exn . arguments) args
6026                      '(exn . call-chain) (get-call-chain)
6027                      '(exn . location) loc)))
6028           (if errno
6029               (cons '(exn . errno) (cons errno props))
6030               props))))))))
6032(define (##sys#signal-hook mode msg . args)
6033  (if (pair? args)
6034      (apply ##sys#signal-hook/errno mode #f msg args)
6035      (##sys#signal-hook/errno mode #f msg)))
6037(define (abort x)
6038  (##sys#current-exception-handler x)
6039  (abort
6040   (##sys#make-structure
6041    'condition
6042    '(exn)
6043    (list '(exn . message) "exception handler returned"
6044	  '(exn . arguments) '()
6045	  '(exn . location) #f) ) ) )
6047(define (signal x)
6048  (##sys#current-exception-handler x) )
6050(define ##sys#error-handler
6051  (make-parameter
6052   (let ([string-append string-append])
6053     (lambda (msg . args)
6054       (##sys#error-handler (lambda args (##core#inline "C_halt" "error in error")))
6055       (cond ((not (foreign-value "C_gui_mode" bool))
6056	      (##sys#print "\nError" #f ##sys#standard-error)
6057	      (when msg
6058		(##sys#print ": " #f ##sys#standard-error)
6059		(##sys#print msg #f ##sys#standard-error))
6060	      (##sys#with-print-length-limit
6061	       400
6062	       (lambda ()
6063		 (cond [(fx= 1 (length args))
6064			(##sys#print ": " #f ##sys#standard-error)
6065			(##sys#print (##sys#slot args 0) #t ##sys#standard-error)]
6066		       [else
6067			(##sys#for-each
6068			 (lambda (x)
6069			   (##sys#print #\newline #f ##sys#standard-error)
6070			   (##sys#print x #t ##sys#standard-error))
6071			 args)])))
6072	      (##sys#print #\newline #f ##sys#standard-error)
6073	      (print-call-chain ##sys#standard-error)
6074	      (##core#inline "C_halt" #f))
6075	     (else
6076	      (let ((out (open-output-string)))
6077		(when msg (##sys#print msg #f out))
6078		(##sys#print #\newline #f out)
6079		(##sys#for-each (lambda (x) (##sys#print x #t out) (##sys#print #\newline #f out)) args)
6080		(##core#inline "C_halt" (get-output-string out)))))))))
6083(define ##sys#last-exception #f)	; used in csi for ,exn command
6085(define ##sys#current-exception-handler
6086  ;; Exception-handler for the primordial thread:
6087  (let ((string-append string-append))
6088    (lambda (c)
6089      (when (##sys#structure? c 'condition)
6090	(set! ##sys#last-exception c)
6091	(let ((kinds (##sys#slot c 1)))
6092	  (cond ((memq 'exn kinds)
6093		 (let* ((props (##sys#slot c 2))
6094			(msga (member '(exn . message) props))
6095			(argsa (member '(exn . arguments) props))
6096			(loca (member '(exn . location) props)) )
6097		   (apply
6098		    (##sys#error-handler)
6099		    (if msga
6100			(let ((msg (cadr msga))
6101			      (loc (and loca (cadr loca))) )
6102			  (if (and loc (symbol? loc))
6103			      (string-append
6104			       "(" (##sys#symbol->string/shared loc) ") "
6105			       (cond ((symbol? msg) (##sys#slot msg 1))
6106				     ((string? msg) msg)
6107				     (else "") ) ) ; Hm...
6108			      msg) )
6109			"<exn: has no `message' property>")
6110		    (if argsa
6111			(cadr argsa)
6112			'() ) )
6113		   ;; in case error-handler returns, which shouldn't happen:
6114		   ((##sys#reset-handler)) ) )
6115		((eq? 'user-interrupt (##sys#slot kinds 0))
6116		 (##sys#print "\n*** user interrupt ***\n" #f ##sys#standard-error)
6117		 ((##sys#reset-handler)) )
6118		((eq? 'uncaught-exception (##sys#slot kinds 0))
6119		 ((##sys#error-handler)
6120		  "uncaught exception"
6121		  (cadr (member '(uncaught-exception . reason) (##sys#slot c 2))) )
6122		 ((##sys#reset-handler)) ) ) ) )
6123      (abort
6124       (##sys#make-structure
6125	'condition
6126	'(uncaught-exception)
6127	(list '(uncaught-exception . reason) c)) ) ) ) )
6129(define (with-exception-handler handler thunk)
6130  (let ([oldh ##sys#current-exception-handler])
6131    (##sys#dynamic-wind
6132      (lambda () (set! ##sys#current-exception-handler handler))
6133      thunk
6134      (lambda () (set! ##sys#current-exception-handler oldh)) ) ) )
6136;; TODO: Make this a proper parameter
6137(define (current-exception-handler . args)
6138  (if (null? args)
6139      ##sys#current-exception-handler
6140      (let ((proc (car args)))
6141	(##sys#check-closure proc 'current-exception-handler)
6142	(let-optionals (cdr args) ((convert? #t) (set? #t))
6143	  (when set? (set! ##sys#current-exception-handler proc)))
6144	proc)))
6146;;; Condition object manipulation
6148(define (prop-list->kind-prefixed-prop-list loc kind plist)
6149  (let loop ((props plist))
6150    (cond ((null? props) '())
6151	  ((or (not (pair? props)) (not (pair? (cdr props))))
6152	   (##sys#signal-hook
6153	    #:type-error loc "argument is not an even property list" plist))
6154	  (else (cons (cons kind (car props))
6155		      (cons (cadr props)
6156			    (loop (cddr props))))))))
6158(define (make-property-condition kind . props)
6159  (##sys#make-structure
6160   'condition (list kind)
6161   (prop-list->kind-prefixed-prop-list
6162    'make-property-condition kind props)))
6164(define (make-composite-condition c1 . conds)
6165  (let ([conds (cons c1 conds)])
6166    (for-each (lambda (c) (##sys#check-structure c 'condition 'make-composite-condition)) conds)
6167    (##sys#make-structure
6168     'condition
6169     (apply ##sys#append (map (lambda (c) (##sys#slot c 1)) conds))
6170     (apply ##sys#append (map (lambda (c) (##sys#slot c 2)) conds)) ) ) )
6172(define (condition arg1 . args)
6173  (let* ((args (cons arg1 args))
6174	 (keys (apply ##sys#append
6175		      (map (lambda (c)
6176			     (prop-list->kind-prefixed-prop-list
6177			      'condition (car c) (cdr c)))
6178			     args))))
6179    (##sys#make-structure 'condition (map car args) keys)))
6181(define (condition? x) (##sys#structure? x 'condition))
6183(define (condition->list x)
6184  (unless (condition? x)
6185    (##sys#signal-hook
6186     #:type-error 'condition->list
6187     "argument is not a condition object" x))
6188  (map (lambda (k)
6189	 (cons k (let loop ((props (##sys#slot x 2)))
6190		   (cond ((null? props) '())
6191			 ((eq? (caar props) k)
6192			  (cons (cdar props)
6193				(cons (cadr props)
6194				      (loop (cddr props)))))
6195			 (else
6196			  (loop (cddr props)))))))
6197       (##sys#slot x 1)))
6199(define (condition-predicate kind)
6200  (lambda (c)
6201    (and (condition? c)
6202         (if (memv kind (##sys#slot c 1)) #t #f)) ) )
6204(define (condition-property-accessor kind prop . err-def)
6205  (let ((err? (null? err-def))
6206	(k+p (cons kind prop)) )
6207    (lambda (c)
6208      (##sys#check-structure c 'condition)
6209      (and (memv kind (##sys#slot c 1))
6210	   (let ([a (member k+p (##sys#slot c 2))])
6211	     (cond [a (cadr a)]
6212		   [err? (##sys#signal-hook
6213			  #:type-error 'condition-property-accessor
6214			  "condition has no such property" prop) ]
6215		   [else (car err-def)] ) ) ) ) ) )
6217(define get-condition-property
6218  (lambda (c kind prop . err-def)
6219    ((apply condition-property-accessor kind prop err-def) c)))
6222;;; Convenient error printing:
6224(define print-error-message
6225  (let* ((display display)
6226	 (newline newline)
6227	 (write write)
6228	 (string-append string-append)
6229	 (errmsg (condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message #f))
6230	 (errloc (condition-property-accessor 'exn 'location #f))
6231	 (errargs (condition-property-accessor 'exn 'arguments #f))
6232	 (writeargs
6233	  (lambda (args port)
6234	    (##sys#for-each
6235	     (lambda (x)
6236	       (##sys#with-print-length-limit 80 (lambda () (write x port)))
6237	       (newline port) )
6238	     args) ) ) )
6239    (lambda (ex . args)
6240      (let-optionals args ((port ##sys#standard-output)
6241			   (header "Error"))
6242	(##sys#check-output-port port #t 'print-error-message)
6243	(newline port)
6244	(display header port)
6245	(cond ((and (not (##sys#immediate? ex)) (eq? 'condition (##sys#slot ex 0)))
6246	       (cond ((errmsg ex) =>
6247		      (lambda (msg)
6248			(display ": " port)
6249			(let ((loc (errloc ex)))
6250			  (when (and loc (symbol? loc))
6251			    (display (string-append "(" (##sys#symbol->string/shared loc) ") ") port) ) )
6252			(display msg port) ) )
6253		     (else
6254		      (let ((kinds (##sys#slot ex 1)))
6255			(if (equal? '(user-interrupt) kinds)
6256			    (display ": *** user interrupt ***" port)
6257			    (begin
6258			      (display ": <condition> " port)
6259			      (display (##sys#slot ex 1) port) ) ) ) ) )
6260	       (let ((args (errargs ex)))
6261		 (cond
6262		   ((not args))
6263		   ((fx= 1 (length args))
6264		    (display ": " port)
6265		    (writeargs args port))
6266		   (else
6267		    (newline port)
6268		    (writeargs args port)))))
6269	      ((string? ex)
6270	       (display ": " port)
6271	       (display ex port)
6272	       (newline port))
6273	      (else
6274	       (display ": uncaught exception: " port)
6275	       (writeargs (list ex) port) ) ) ) ) ) )
6278;;; Show exception message and backtrace as warning
6279;;; (used for threads and finalizers)
6281(define ##sys#show-exception-warning
6282  (let ((print-error-message print-error-message)
6283	(display display)
6284	(write-char write-char)
6285	(print-call-chain print-call-chain)
6286	(open-output-string open-output-string)
6287	(get-output-string get-output-string) )
6288    (lambda (exn cause #!optional (thread ##sys#current-thread))
6289      (when ##sys#warnings-enabled
6290	(let ((o (open-output-string)))
6291	  (display "Warning" o)
6292	  (when thread
6293	    (display " (" o)
6294	    (display thread o)
6295	    (write-char #\) o))
6296	  (display ": " o)
6297	  (display cause o)
6298	  (print-error-message exn ##sys#standard-error (get-output-string o))
6299	  (print-call-chain ##sys#standard-error 0 thread) ) ))))
6302;;; Error hook (called by runtime-system):
6304(define ##sys#error-hook
6305  (let ([string-append string-append])
6306    (lambda (code loc . args)
6307      (case code
6308	((1) (let ([c (car args)]
6309		   [n (cadr args)]
6310		   [fn (caddr args)] )
6311	       (apply
6312		##sys#signal-hook
6313		#:arity-error loc
6314		(string-append "bad argument count - received " (##sys#number->string n) " but expected "
6315			       (##sys#number->string c) )
6316		(if fn (list fn) '())) ) )
6317	((2) (let ([c (car args)]
6318		   [n (cadr args)]
6319		   [fn (caddr args)] )
6320	       (apply
6321		##sys#signal-hook
6322		#:arity-error loc
6323		(string-append "too few arguments - received " (##sys#number->string n) " but expected "
6324			       (##sys#number->string c) )
6325		(if fn (list fn) '()))))
6326	((3) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type" args))
6327	((4) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:runtime-error loc "unbound variable" args))
6328	((5) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a keyword" args))
6329	((6) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:limit-error loc "out of memory" args))
6330	((7) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:arithmetic-error loc "division by zero" args))
6331	((8) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:bounds-error loc "out of range" args))
6332	((9) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "call of non-procedure" args))
6333	((10) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:arity-error loc "continuation cannot receive multiple values" args))
6334	((11) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a non-cyclic list" args))
6335	((12) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:limit-error loc "recursion too deep" args))
6336	((13) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "inexact number cannot be represented as an exact number" args))
6337	((14) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a proper list" args))
6338	((15) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a fixnum" args))
6339	((16) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a number" args))
6340	((17) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a string" args))
6341	((18) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a pair" args))
6342	((19) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a list" args))
6343	((20) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a character" args))
6344	((21) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a vector" args))
6345	((22) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a symbol" args))
6346	((23) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:limit-error loc "stack overflow" args))
6347	((24) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a structure of the required type" args))
6348	((25) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a bytevector" args))
6349	((26) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "locative refers to reclaimed object" args))
6350	((27) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a block object" args))
6351	((28) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a number vector" args))
6352	((29) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not an integer" args))
6353	((30) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not an unsigned integer" args))
6354	((31) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a pointer" args))
6355	((32) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a tagged pointer" args))
6356	((33) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a flonum" args))
6357	((34) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a procedure" args))
6358	((35) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - invalid base" args))
6359	((36) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:limit-error loc "recursion too deep or circular data encountered" args))
6360	((37) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a boolean" args))
6361	((38) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a locative" args))
6362	((39) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a port" args))
6363	((40) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a port of the correct type" args))
6364	((41) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not an input-port" args))
6365	((42) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not an output-port" args))
6366	((43) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:file-error loc "port already closed" args))
6367	((44) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "cannot represent string with NUL bytes as C string" args))
6368	((45) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:memory-error loc "segmentation violation" args))
6369	((46) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:arithmetic-error loc "floating-point exception" args))
6370	((47) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:runtime-error loc "illegal instruction" args))
6371	((48) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:memory-error loc "bus error" args))
6372	((49) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not an exact number" args))
6373	((50) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not an inexact number" args))
6374	((51) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a real" args))
6375	((52) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - complex number has no ordering" args))
6376	((53) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not an exact integer" args))
6377	((54) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "number does not fit in foreign type" args))
6378	((55) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "cannot compute absolute value of complex number" args))
6379	((56) (let ((c (car args))
6380		    (n (cadr args))
6381		    (fn (caddr args)))
6382	        (apply
6383		 ##sys#signal-hook
6384		 #:bounds-error loc
6385		 (string-append "attempted rest argument access at index " (##sys#number->string n)
6386                                " but rest list length is " (##sys#number->string c) )
6387		 (if fn (list fn) '()))))
6388        ((57) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "string contains invalid UTF-8 sequence" args))
6389        ((58) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - numeric value exceeds range" args))
6390	(else (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:runtime-error loc "unknown internal error" args)) ) ) ) )
6392) ; chicken.condition
6394(import chicken.condition)
6396;;; R7RS exceptions
6398(define ##sys#r7rs-exn-handlers
6399  (make-parameter
6400    (let ((lst (list ##sys#current-exception-handler)))
6401      (set-cdr! lst lst)
6402      lst)))
6404(define scheme#with-exception-handler
6405  (let ((eh ##sys#r7rs-exn-handlers))
6406    (lambda (handler thunk)
6407      (dynamic-wind
6408       (lambda ()
6409         ;; We might be interoperating with srfi-12 handlers set by intermediate
6410         ;; non-R7RS code, so check if a new handler was set in the meanwhile.
6411         (unless (eq? (car (eh)) ##sys#current-exception-handler)
6412           (eh (cons ##sys#current-exception-handler (eh))))
6413         (eh (cons handler (eh)))
6414         (set! ##sys#current-exception-handler handler))
6415       thunk
6416       (lambda ()
6417         (eh (cdr (eh)))
6418         (set! ##sys#current-exception-handler (car (eh))))))))
6420(define scheme#raise
6421  (let ((eh ##sys#r7rs-exn-handlers))
6422    (lambda (obj)
6423      (scheme#with-exception-handler
6424        (cadr (eh))
6425        (lambda ()
6426          ((cadr (eh)) obj)
6427          ((car (eh))
6428           (make-property-condition
6429            'exn
6430            'message "exception handler returned"
6431            'arguments '()
6432            'location #f)))))))
6434(define scheme#raise-continuable
6435  (let ((eh ##sys#r7rs-exn-handlers))
6436     (lambda (obj)
6437       (scheme#with-exception-handler
6438        (cadr (eh))
6439        (lambda ()
6440          ((cadr (eh)) obj))))))
6442(define scheme#error-object? condition?)
6443(define scheme#error-object-message (condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message))
6444(define scheme#error-object-irritants (condition-property-accessor 'exn 'arguments))
6446(define scheme#read-error?)
6447(define scheme#file-error?)
6449(let ((exn?    (condition-predicate 'exn))
6450      (i/o?    (condition-predicate 'i/o))
6451      (file?   (condition-predicate 'file))
6452      (syntax? (condition-predicate 'syntax)))
6453  (set! scheme#read-error?
6454    (lambda (obj)
6455      (and (exn? obj)
6456           (or (i/o? obj) ; XXX Not fine-grained enough.
6457               (syntax? obj)))))
6458  (set! scheme#file-error?
6459    (lambda (obj)
6460      (and (exn? obj)
6461           (file? obj)))))
6464;;; Miscellaneous low-level routines:
6466(define (##sys#structure? x s) (##core#inline "C_i_structurep" x s))
6467(define (##sys#generic-structure? x) (##core#inline "C_structurep" x))
6468(define (##sys#slot x i) (##core#inline "C_slot" x i))
6469(define (##sys#size x) (##core#inline "C_block_size" x))
6470(define ##sys#make-pointer (##core#primitive "C_make_pointer"))
6471(define ##sys#make-tagged-pointer (##core#primitive "C_make_tagged_pointer"))
6472(define (##sys#pointer? x) (##core#inline "C_anypointerp" x))
6473(define (##sys#set-pointer-address! ptr addr) (##core#inline "C_update_pointer" addr ptr))
6474(define (##sys#bytevector? x) (##core#inline "C_bytevectorp" x))
6475(define (##sys#string->pbytevector s) (##core#inline "C_string_to_pbytevector" s))
6476(define (##sys#permanent? x) (##core#inline "C_permanentp" x))
6477(define (##sys#block-address x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_block_address" 6) x))
6478(define (##sys#locative? x) (##core#inline "C_locativep" x))
6480(define (##sys#srfi-4-vector? x)
6481  (or (##core#inline "C_i_srfi_4_vectorp" x)
6482      (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)
6483           (##core#inline "C_structurep" x)
6484           (let ((t (##sys#slot x 0)))
6485             (or (eq? t 'c64vector) (eq? t 'c128vector))))))
6487(define (##sys#null-pointer)
6488  (let ([ptr (##sys#make-pointer)])
6489    (##core#inline "C_update_pointer" 0 ptr)
6490    ptr) )
6492(define (##sys#null-pointer? x)
6493  (eq? 0 (##sys#pointer->address x)) )
6495(define (##sys#address->pointer addr)
6496  (let ([ptr (##sys#make-pointer)])
6497    (##core#inline "C_update_pointer" addr ptr)
6498    ptr) )
6500(define (##sys#pointer->address ptr)
6501  ;;XXX '6' is platform dependent!
6502  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_unsigned_int_to_num" 6) (##sys#slot ptr 0)) )
6504(define (##sys#make-c-string str #!optional loc)
6505  (let ((bv (##sys#slot str 0)))
6506    (if (fx= (##core#inline "C_asciiz_strlen" bv) (fx- (##sys#size bv) 1))
6507        bv
6508        (##sys#error-hook (foreign-value "C_ASCIIZ_REPRESENTATION_ERROR" int)
6509                          loc str))) )
6511(define ##sys#peek-signed-integer (##core#primitive "C_peek_signed_integer"))
6512(define ##sys#peek-unsigned-integer (##core#primitive "C_peek_unsigned_integer"))
6513(define (##sys#peek-fixnum b i) (##core#inline "C_peek_fixnum" b i))
6514(define (##sys#peek-byte ptr i) (##core#inline "C_peek_byte" ptr i))
6516(define (##sys#vector->structure! vec) (##core#inline "C_vector_to_structure" vec))
6518(define (##sys#peek-double b i)
6519  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_f64peek" 4) b i))
6521(define (##sys#peek-c-string b i)
6522  (and (not (##sys#null-pointer? b))
6523       (##sys#peek-nonnull-c-string b i)))
6525(define (##sys#peek-nonnull-c-string b i)
6526  (let* ([len (##core#inline "C_fetch_c_strlen" b i)]
6527	 [bv (##sys#make-bytevector (fx+ len 1) 0)] )
6528    (##core#inline "C_peek_c_string" b i bv len)
6529    (##sys#buffer->string bv 0 len)))
6531(define (##sys#peek-and-free-c-string b i)
6532  (let ((str (##sys#peek-c-string b i)))
6533    (##core#inline "C_free_mptr" b i)
6534    str))
6536(define (##sys#peek-and-free-nonnull-c-string b i)
6537  (let ((str (##sys#peek-nonnull-c-string b i)))
6538    (##core#inline "C_free_mptr" b i)
6539    str))
6541(define (##sys#poke-c-string b i s)
6542  (##core#inline "C_poke_c_string" b i (##sys#make-c-string s) s) )
6544(define (##sys#poke-integer b i n) (##core#inline "C_poke_integer" b i n))
6545(define (##sys#poke-double b i n) (##core#inline "C_poke_double" b i n))
6547(define ##sys#peek-c-string-list
6548  (let ((fetch (foreign-lambda c-string "C_peek_c_string_at" c-pointer int)))
6549    (lambda (ptr n)
6550      (let loop ((i 0))
6551	(if (and n (fx>= i n))
6552	    '()
6553	    (let ((s (fetch ptr i)))
6554	      (if s
6555		  (cons s (loop (fx+ i 1)))
6556		  '() ) ) ) ) ) ) )
6558(define ##sys#peek-and-free-c-string-list
6559  (let ((fetch (foreign-lambda c-string "C_peek_c_string_at" c-pointer int))
6560	(free (foreign-lambda void "C_free" c-pointer)))
6561    (lambda (ptr n)
6562      (let ((lst (let loop ((i 0))
6563		   (if (and n (fx>= i n))
6564		       '()
6565		       (let ((s (fetch ptr i)))
6566			 (cond (s
6567				(##core#inline "C_free_sptr" ptr i)
6568				(cons s (loop (fx+ i 1))) )
6569			       (else '() ) ) ) ) ) ) )
6570	(free ptr)
6571	lst) ) ) )
6573(define (##sys#vector->closure! vec addr)
6574  (##core#inline "C_vector_to_closure" vec)
6575  (##core#inline "C_update_pointer" addr vec) )
6577(define (##sys#symbol-has-toplevel-binding? s)
6578  (##core#inline "C_boundp" s))
6580(define (##sys#block-pointer x)
6581  (let ([ptr (##sys#make-pointer)])
6582    (##core#inline "C_pointer_to_block" ptr x)
6583    ptr) )
6586;;; Support routines for foreign-function calling:
6588(define (##sys#foreign-char-argument x) (##core#inline "C_i_foreign_char_argumentp" x))
6589(define (##sys#foreign-fixnum-argument x) (##core#inline "C_i_foreign_fixnum_argumentp" x))
6590(define (##sys#foreign-flonum-argument x) (##core#inline "C_i_foreign_flonum_argumentp" x))
6591(define (##sys#foreign-block-argument x) (##core#inline "C_i_foreign_block_argumentp" x))
6593(define (##sys#foreign-cplxnum-argument x)
6594  (if (##core#inline "C_i_numberp" x)
6595	  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_exact_to_inexact" 12) x)
6596   	  (##sys#signal-hook
6597    	#:type-error #f "bad argument type - not a complex number"
6598	    x)))
6600(define (##sys#foreign-struct-wrapper-argument t x)
6601  (##core#inline "C_i_foreign_struct_wrapper_argumentp" t x))
6603(define (##sys#foreign-string-argument x) (##core#inline "C_i_foreign_string_argumentp" x))
6604(define (##sys#foreign-symbol-argument x) (##core#inline "C_i_foreign_symbol_argumentp" x))
6605(define (##sys#foreign-pointer-argument x) (##core#inline "C_i_foreign_pointer_argumentp" x))
6606(define (##sys#foreign-tagged-pointer-argument x tx) (##core#inline "C_i_foreign_tagged_pointer_argumentp" x tx))
6608(define (##sys#foreign-ranged-integer-argument obj size)
6609  (##core#inline "C_i_foreign_ranged_integer_argumentp" obj size))
6610(define (##sys#foreign-unsigned-ranged-integer-argument obj size)
6611  (##core#inline "C_i_foreign_unsigned_ranged_integer_argumentp" obj size))
6613(define (##sys#wrap-struct type rec)
6614  (##sys#setslot rec 0 type)
6615  rec)
6617;;; Low-level threading interface:
6619(define ##sys#default-thread-quantum 10000)
6621(define (##sys#default-exception-handler arg)
6622  (##core#inline "C_halt" "internal error: default exception handler shouldn't be called!") )
6624(define (##sys#make-thread thunk state name q)
6625  (##sys#make-structure
6626   'thread
6627   thunk				; #1 thunk
6628   #f					; #2 result list
6629   state				; #3 state
6630   #f					; #4 block-timeout
6631   (vector				; #5 state buffer
6632    ##sys#dynamic-winds
6633    ##sys#standard-input
6634    ##sys#standard-output
6635    ##sys#standard-error
6636    ##sys#default-exception-handler
6637    (##sys#vector-resize ##sys#current-parameter-vector
6638			 (##sys#size ##sys#current-parameter-vector) #f) )
6639   name					; #6 name
6640   (##core#undefined)			; #7 end-exception
6641   '()					; #8 owned mutexes
6642   q					; #9 quantum
6643   (##core#undefined)			; #10 specific
6644   #f					; #11 block object (type depends on blocking type)
6645   '()					; #12 recipients
6646   #f					; #13 unblocked by timeout?
6647   (cons #f #f)))            		; #14 ID (just needs to be unique)
6649(define ##sys#primordial-thread
6650  (##sys#make-thread #f 'running 'primordial ##sys#default-thread-quantum))
6652(define ##sys#current-thread ##sys#primordial-thread)
6654(define (##sys#make-mutex id owner)
6655  (##sys#make-structure
6656   'mutex
6657   id					; #1 name
6658   owner				; #2 thread or #f
6659   '()					; #3 list of waiting threads
6660   #f					; #4 abandoned
6661   #f					; #5 locked
6662   (##core#undefined) ) )		; #6 specific
6664(define (##sys#schedule) ((##sys#slot ##sys#current-thread 1)))
6666(define (##sys#thread-yield!)
6667  (##sys#call-with-current-continuation
6668   (lambda (return)
6669     (let ((ct ##sys#current-thread))
6670       (##sys#setslot ct 1 (lambda () (return (##core#undefined))))
6671       (##sys#schedule) ) ) ) )
6673(define (##sys#kill-other-threads thunk)
6674  (thunk))	     ; does nothing, will be modified by scheduler.scm
6676;; these two procedures should redefined in thread APIs (e.g. srfi-18):
6677(define (##sys#resume-thread-on-event t) #f)
6679(define (##sys#suspend-thread-on-event t)
6680  ;; wait until signal handler fires. If we are only waiting for a finalizer,
6681  ;; then this will wait forever:
6682  (##sys#sleep-until-interrupt))
6684(define (##sys#sleep-until-interrupt)
6685  (##core#inline "C_i_sleep_until_interrupt" 100)
6686  (##sys#dispatch-interrupt (lambda _ #f)))
6689;;; event queues (for signals and finalizers)
6691(define (##sys#make-event-queue)
6692  (##sys#make-structure 'event-queue
6693                        '() ; head
6694                        '() ; tail
6695                        #f)) ; suspended thread
6697(define (##sys#add-event-to-queue! q e)
6698  (let ((h (##sys#slot q 1))
6699        (t (##sys#slot q 2))
6700        (item (cons e '())))
6701    (if (null? h)
6702        (##sys#setslot q 1 item)
6703        (##sys#setslot t 1 item))
6704    (##sys#setslot q 2 item)
6705    (let ((st (##sys#slot q 3))) ; thread suspended?
6706      (when st
6707        (##sys#setslot q 3 #f)
6708        (##sys#resume-thread-on-event st)))))
6710(define (##sys#get-next-event q)
6711  (let ((st (##sys#slot q 3)))
6712    (and (not st)
6713         (let ((h (##sys#slot q 1)))
6714           (and (not (null? h))
6715                (let ((x (##sys#slot h 0))
6716                      (n (##sys#slot h 1)))
6717                  (##sys#setslot q 1 n)
6718                  (when (null? n) (##sys#setslot q 2 '()))
6719                  x))))))
6721(define (##sys#wait-for-next-event q)
6722  (let ((st (##sys#slot q 3)))
6723    (when st
6724      (##sys#signal-hook #:runtime-error #f "event queue blocked" q))
6725    (let again ()
6726      (let ((h (##sys#slot q 1)))
6727        (cond ((null? h)
6728               (##sys#setslot q 3 ##sys#current-thread)
6729               (##sys#suspend-thread-on-event ##sys#current-thread)
6730               (again))
6731              (else
6732                (let ((x (##sys#slot h 0))
6733                      (n (##sys#slot h 1)))
6734                  (##sys#setslot q 1 n)
6735                  (when (null? n) (##sys#setslot q 2 '()))
6736                  x)))))))
6739;;; Sleeping:
6741(define (chicken.base#sleep-hook n) ; modified by scheduler.scm
6742  (##core#inline "C_i_process_sleep" n))
6744(set! chicken.base#sleep
6745  (lambda (n)
6746    (##sys#check-fixnum n 'sleep)
6747    (chicken.base#sleep-hook n)
6748    (##core#undefined)))
6751;;; Interrupt-handling:
6753(define ##sys#context-switch (##core#primitive "C_context_switch"))
6755(define ##sys#signal-vector (make-vector 256 #f))
6757(define (##sys#interrupt-hook reason state)
6758  (let loop ((reason reason))
6759    (when reason
6760      (let ((handler (##sys#slot ##sys#signal-vector reason)))
6761	(when handler
6762	  (handler reason))
6763	(loop (##core#inline "C_i_pending_interrupt" #f)))))
6764    (cond ((fx> (##sys#slot ##sys#pending-finalizers 0) 0)
6765	   (##sys#run-pending-finalizers state) )
6766	  ((procedure? state) (state))
6767	  (else (##sys#context-switch state) ) ) )
6769(define (##sys#dispatch-interrupt k)
6770  (##sys#interrupt-hook
6771   (##core#inline "C_i_pending_interrupt" #f)
6772   k))
6775;;; Accessing "errno":
6777(define-foreign-variable _errno int "errno")
6779(define ##sys#update-errno)
6780(define ##sys#errno)
6782(let ((n 0))
6783  (set! ##sys#update-errno (lambda () (set! n _errno) n))
6784  (set! ##sys#errno (lambda () n)))
6787;;; Format error string for unterminated here-docs:
6789(define (##sys#format-here-doc-warning end)
6790  (##sys#print-to-string `("unterminated here-doc string literal `" ,end "'")))
6792;;; Special string quoting syntax:
6794(set! ##sys#user-read-hook
6795  (let ([old ##sys#user-read-hook]
6796	[read read]
6797	[display display] )
6798    (define (readln port)
6799      (let ([ln (open-output-string)])
6800	(do ([c (##sys#read-char-0 port) (##sys#read-char-0 port)])
6801	    ((or (eof-object? c) (char=? #\newline c))
6802	     (if (eof-object? c) c (get-output-string ln)))
6803	  (##sys#write-char-0 c ln) ) ) )
6804    (define (read-escaped-sexp port skip-brace?)
6805      (when skip-brace? (##sys#read-char-0 port))
6806      (let* ((form (read port)))
6807	(when skip-brace?
6808	      (let loop ()
6809		;; Skips all characters until #\}
6810		(let ([c (##sys#read-char-0 port)])
6811		  (cond [(eof-object? c)
6812			 (##sys#read-error port "unexpected end of file - unterminated `#{...}' item in `here' string literal") ]
6813			[(not (char=? #\} c)) (loop)] ) ) ) )
6814	form))
6815    (lambda (char port)
6816      (cond [(not (char=? #\< char)) (old char port)]
6817	    [else
6818	     (read-char port)
6819	     (case (##sys#peek-char-0 port)
6820	       [(#\<)
6821		(##sys#read-char-0 port)
6822		(let ([str (open-output-string)]
6823		      [end (readln port)]
6824		      [f #f] )
6825		  (let ((endlen (if (eof-object? end) 0 (string-length end))))
6826		    (cond
6827		     ((fx= endlen 0)
6828		      (##sys#read-warning
6829		       port "Missing tag after #<< here-doc token"))
6830		     ((or (char=? (string-ref end (fx- endlen 1)) #\space)
6831			  (char=? (string-ref end (fx- endlen 1)) #\tab))
6832		      (##sys#read-warning
6833		       port "Whitespace after #<< here-doc tag"))
6834		     ))
6835		  (do ([ln (readln port) (readln port)])
6836		      ((or (eof-object? ln) (string=? end ln))
6837		       (when (eof-object? ln)
6838			 (##sys#read-warning port
6839			  (##sys#format-here-doc-warning end)))
6840		       (get-output-string str) )
6841		    (if f
6842			(##sys#write-char-0 #\newline str)
6843			(set! f #t) )
6844		    (display ln str) ) ) ]
6845	       [(#\#)
6846		(##sys#read-char-0 port)
6847		(let ([end (readln port)]
6848		      [str (open-output-string)] )
6849		  (define (get/clear-str)
6850		    (let ((s (get-output-string str)))
6851		      (set! str (open-output-string))
6852		      s))
6854		  (let ((endlen (if (eof-object? end) 0 (string-length end))))
6855		    (cond
6856		     ((fx= endlen 0)
6857		      (##sys#read-warning
6858		       port "Missing tag after #<# here-doc token"))
6859		     ((or (char=? (string-ref end (fx- endlen 1)) #\space)
6860			  (char=? (string-ref end (fx- endlen 1)) #\tab))
6861		      (##sys#read-warning
6862		       port "Whitespace after #<# here-doc tag"))
6863		     ))
6865		  (let loop [(lst '())]
6866		    (let ([c (##sys#read-char-0 port)])
6867		      (case c
6868			[(#\newline #!eof)
6869			 (let ([s (get/clear-str)])
6870			   (cond [(or (eof-object? c) (string=? end s))
6871				  (when (eof-object? c)
6872				    (##sys#read-warning
6873				     port (##sys#format-here-doc-warning end)))
6874				  `(##sys#print-to-string
6875				    ;;Can't just use `(list ,@lst) because of 126 argument apply limit
6876				    ,(let loop2 ((lst (cdr lst)) (next-string '()) (acc ''())) ; drop last newline
6877				       (cond ((null? lst)
6878					      `(cons ,(##sys#print-to-string next-string) ,acc))
6879					     ((or (string? (car lst)) (char? (car lst)))
6880					      (loop2 (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) next-string) acc))
6881					     (else
6882					      (loop2 (cdr lst)
6883						     '()
6884						     `(cons ,(car lst)
6885							    (cons ,(##sys#print-to-string next-string) ,acc))))))) ]
6886				 [else (loop (cons #\newline (cons s lst)))] ) ) ]
6887			[(#\#)
6888			 (let ([c (##sys#peek-char-0 port)])
6889			   (case c
6890			     [(#\#)
6891			      (##sys#write-char-0 (##sys#read-char-0 port) str)
6892			      (loop lst) ]
6893			     [(#\{) (loop (cons (read-escaped-sexp port #t)
6894						(cons (get/clear-str) lst) ) ) ]
6895			     [else  (loop (cons (read-escaped-sexp port #f)
6896						(cons (get/clear-str) lst) ) ) ] ) ) ]
6897			[else
6898			 (##sys#write-char-0 c str)
6899			 (loop lst) ] ) ) ) ) ]
6900	       [else (##sys#read-error port "unreadable object")] ) ] ) ) ) )
6903;;; Accessing process information (cwd, environ, etc.)
6907#define C_chdir(str) C_fix(chdir(C_c_string(str)))
6908#define C_curdir(buf, size) (getcwd(C_c_string(buf), size) ? C_fix(strlen(C_c_string(buf))) : C_SCHEME_FALSE)
6912(module chicken.process-context
6913  (argv argc+argv command-line-arguments
6914   program-name executable-pathname
6915   change-directory current-directory
6916   get-environment-variable get-environment-variables
6917   set-environment-variable! unset-environment-variable!)
6919(import scheme)
6920(import chicken.base chicken.fixnum chicken.foreign)
6921(import chicken.internal.syntax)
6922(import (only (scheme base) make-parameter))
6924;;; Current directory access:
6926(define (change-directory name)
6927  (##sys#check-string name 'change-directory)
6928  (let ((sname (##sys#make-c-string name 'change-directory)))
6929    (unless (fx= (##core#inline "C_chdir" sname) 0)
6930      (##sys#signal-hook/errno #:file-error (##sys#update-errno) 'change-directory
6931       (string-append "cannot change current directory - " strerror) name))
6932    name))
6934(define (##sys#change-directory-hook dir) ; set! by posix for fd support
6935  (change-directory dir))
6937(define current-directory
6938  (getter-with-setter
6939    (lambda ()
6940      (let* ((buffer-size (foreign-value "C_MAX_PATH" size_t))
6941             (buffer (##sys#make-bytevector buffer-size))
6942             (len (##core#inline "C_curdir" buffer buffer-size)))
6943        (unless ##sys#windows-platform ; FIXME need `cond-expand' here
6944          (##sys#update-errno))
6945        (if len
6946            (##sys#buffer->string buffer 0 len)
6947            (##sys#signal-hook/errno
6948             #:file-error
6949             (##sys#errno)
6950             'current-directory "cannot retrieve current directory"))))
6951    (lambda (dir)
6952      (##sys#change-directory-hook dir))
6953    "(chicken.process-context#current-directory)"))
6956;;; Environment access:
6958(define _getenv
6959  (foreign-lambda c-string "C_getenv" scheme-object))
6961(define (get-environment-variable var)
6962  (_getenv (##sys#make-c-string var 'get-environment-variable)))
6964(define get-environment-entry
6965  (foreign-lambda c-string* "C_getenventry" int))
6967(define (set-environment-variable! var val)
6968  (##sys#check-string var 'set-environment-variable!)
6969  (##core#inline "C_i_setenv"
6970   (##sys#make-c-string var 'set-environment-variable!)
6971   (and val
6972        (begin
6973          (##sys#check-string val 'set-environment-variable!)
6974          (##sys#make-c-string val 'set-environment-variable!))))
6975  (##core#undefined))
6977(define (unset-environment-variable! var)
6978  (##sys#check-string var 'unset-environment-variable!)
6979  (##core#inline "C_i_setenv"
6980   (##sys#make-c-string var 'unset-environment-variable!)
6981   #f)
6982  (##core#undefined))
6984(define get-environment-variables
6985   (lambda ()
6986      (let loop ((i 0))
6987        (let ((entry (get-environment-entry i)))
6988          (if entry
6989              (let scan ((j 0))
6990                (if (char=? #\= (string-ref entry j))
6991                    (cons (cons (##sys#substring entry 0 j)
6992                                (##sys#substring entry (fx+ j 1) (string-length entry)))
6993                          (loop (fx+ i 1)))
6994                    (scan (fx+ j 1))))
6995              '())))))
6998;;; Command line handling
7000(define-foreign-variable main_argc int "C_main_argc")
7001(define-foreign-variable main_argv c-pointer "C_main_argv")
7003(define executable-pathname
7004  (foreign-lambda c-string* "C_executable_pathname"))
7006(define (argc+argv)
7007  (##sys#values main_argc main_argv))
7009(define argv				; includes program name
7010  (let ((cache #f)
7011        (fetch-arg (foreign-lambda* c-string ((scheme-object i))
7012                     "C_return(C_main_argv[C_unfix(i)]);")))
7013    (lambda ()
7014      (unless cache
7015        (set! cache (do ((i (fx- main_argc 1) (fx- i 1))
7016                         (v '() (cons (fetch-arg i) v)))
7017                        ((fx< i 0) v))))
7018      cache)))
7020(define program-name
7021  (make-parameter
7022   (if (null? (argv))
7023       "<unknown>" ; may happen if embedded in C application
7024       (car (argv)))
7025   (lambda (x)
7026     (##sys#check-string x 'program-name)
7027     x) ) )
7029(define command-line-arguments
7030  (make-parameter
7031   (let ((args (argv)))
7032     (if (pair? args)
7033	 (let loop ((args (##sys#slot args 1)))	; Skip over program name (argv[0])
7034	   (if (null? args)
7035	       '()
7036	       (let ((arg (##sys#slot args 0))
7037		     (rest (##sys#slot args 1)) )
7038		 (cond
7039		  ((string=? "-:" arg)	; Consume first "empty" runtime options list, return rest
7040		   rest)
7042		  ((and (fx>= (string-length arg) 3)
7043			(string=? "-:" (##sys#substring arg 0 2)))
7044		   (loop rest))
7046		  ;; First non-runtime option and everything following it is returned as-is
7047		  (else args) ) ) ) )
7048	 args) )
7049   (lambda (x)
7050     (##sys#check-list x 'command-line-arguments)
7051     x) ) )
7053) ; chicken.process-context
7056(module chicken.gc
7057    (current-gc-milliseconds gc memory-statistics
7058     set-finalizer! make-finalizer add-to-finalizer
7059     set-gc-report! force-finalizers)
7061(import scheme)
7062(import chicken.base chicken.fixnum chicken.foreign)
7063(import chicken.internal.syntax)
7064(import (only (scheme base) make-parameter))
7066;;; GC info:
7068(define (current-gc-milliseconds)
7069  (##core#inline "C_i_accumulated_gc_time"))
7071(define (set-gc-report! flag)
7072  (##core#inline "C_set_gc_report" flag))
7074;;; Memory info:
7076(define (memory-statistics)
7077  (let* ((free (##sys#gc #t))
7078	 (info (##sys#memory-info))
7079	 (half-size (fx/ (##sys#slot info 0) 2)))
7080    (vector half-size (fx- half-size free) (##sys#slot info 1))))
7082;;; Finalization:
7084(define-foreign-variable _max_pending_finalizers int "C_max_pending_finalizers")
7086(define ##sys#pending-finalizers
7087  (##sys#make-vector (fx+ (fx* 2 _max_pending_finalizers) 1) (##core#undefined)) )
7089(##sys#setislot ##sys#pending-finalizers 0 0)
7091(define ##sys#set-finalizer! (##core#primitive "C_register_finalizer"))
7093(define ##sys#init-finalizer
7094  (let ((string-append string-append))
7095    (lambda (x y)
7096      (when (fx>= (##core#inline "C_i_live_finalizer_count") _max_pending_finalizers)
7097	(cond ((##core#inline "C_resize_pending_finalizers" (fx* 2 _max_pending_finalizers))
7098	       (set! ##sys#pending-finalizers
7099		 (##sys#vector-resize ##sys#pending-finalizers
7100				      (fx+ (fx* 2 _max_pending_finalizers) 1)
7101				      (##core#undefined)))
7102	       (when (##sys#debug-mode?)
7103		 (##sys#print
7104		  (string-append
7105		   "[debug] too many finalizers ("
7106		   (##sys#number->string
7107		    (##core#inline "C_i_live_finalizer_count"))
7108		   "), resized max finalizers to "
7109		   (##sys#number->string _max_pending_finalizers)
7110		   "\n")
7111		  #f ##sys#standard-error)))
7112	      (else
7113	       (when (##sys#debug-mode?)
7114		 (##sys#print
7115		  (string-append
7116		   "[debug] too many finalizers ("
7117		   (##core#inline "C_i_live_finalizer_count")
7118		   "), forcing ...\n")
7119		  #f ##sys#standard-error))
7120	       (##sys#force-finalizers) ) ) )
7121      (##sys#set-finalizer! x y) ) ) )
7123(define set-finalizer! ##sys#init-finalizer)
7125(define finalizer-tag (vector 'finalizer))
7127(define (finalizer? x)
7128  (and (pair? x) (eq? finalizer-tag (##sys#slot x 0))) )
7130(define (make-finalizer . objects)
7131  (let ((q (##sys#make-event-queue)))
7132    (define (handler o) (##sys#add-event-to-queue! q o))
7133    (define (handle o) (##sys#init-finalizer o handler))
7134    (for-each handle objects)
7135    (##sys#decorate-lambda
7136       (lambda (#!optional mode)
7137         (if mode
7138             (##sys#wait-for-next-event q)
7139             (##sys#get-next-event q)))
7140       finalizer?
7141       (lambda (proc i)
7142         (##sys#setslot proc i (cons finalizer-tag handle))
7143         proc))))
7145(define (add-to-finalizer f . objects)
7146  (let ((af (and (procedure? f)
7147                 (##sys#lambda-decoration f finalizer?))))
7148    (unless af
7149      (error 'add-to-finalizer "bad argument type - not a finalizer procedure"
7150             f))
7151    (for-each (cdr af) objects)))
7153(define ##sys#run-pending-finalizers
7154  (let ((vector-fill! vector-fill!)
7155	(string-append string-append)
7156	(working-thread #f) )
7157    (lambda (state)
7158      (cond
7159       ((not working-thread)
7160	(set! working-thread ##sys#current-thread)
7161	(let* ((c (##sys#slot ##sys#pending-finalizers 0)) )
7162	  (when (##sys#debug-mode?)
7163	    (##sys#print
7164	     (string-append "[debug] running " (##sys#number->string c)
7165			    " finalizer(s) ("
7166			    (##sys#number->string
7167			     (##core#inline "C_i_live_finalizer_count"))
7168			    " live, "
7169			    (##sys#number->string
7170			     (##core#inline "C_i_allocated_finalizer_count"))
7171			    " allocated) ...\n")
7172	     #f ##sys#standard-error))
7173	  (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
7174	      ((fx>= i c))
7175	    (let ([i2 (fx+ 1 (fx* i 2))])
7176	      (handle-exceptions ex
7177		  (##sys#show-exception-warning ex "in finalizer" #f)
7178		((##sys#slot ##sys#pending-finalizers (fx+ i2 1))
7179		 (##sys#slot ##sys#pending-finalizers i2)) ) ))
7180	  (vector-fill! ##sys#pending-finalizers (##core#undefined))
7181	  (##sys#setislot ##sys#pending-finalizers 0 0)
7182	  (set! working-thread #f)))
7183       (state)         ; Got here due to interrupt; continue w/o error
7184       ((eq? working-thread ##sys#current-thread)
7185	 (##sys#signal-hook
7186	  #:error '##sys#run-pending-finalizers
7187	  "re-entry from finalizer thread (maybe (gc #t) was called from a finalizer)"))
7188       (else
7189	;; Give finalizer thread a change to run
7190	(##sys#thread-yield!)))
7191      (cond ((not state))
7192	    ((procedure? state) (state))
7193	    (state (##sys#context-switch state) ) ) ) ))
7195(define force-finalizers (make-parameter #t))
7197(define (##sys#force-finalizers)
7198  (let loop ()
7199    (let ([n (##sys#gc)])
7200      (cond ((fx> (##sys#slot ##sys#pending-finalizers 0) 0)
7201	     (##sys#run-pending-finalizers #f)
7202	     (loop) )
7203	    (else n) ) ) ))
7205(define (gc . arg)
7206  (let ((a (and (pair? arg) (car arg))))
7207    (if a
7208	(##sys#force-finalizers)
7209	(##sys#gc a)))))
7211;;; Auxilliary definitions for safe use in quasiquoted forms and evaluated code:
7213(define ##sys#list->vector list->vector)
7214(define ##sys#list list)
7215(define ##sys#length length)
7216(define ##sys#cons cons)
7217(define ##sys#append append)
7218(define ##sys#vector vector)
7219(define ##sys#apply apply)
7220(define ##sys#values values)
7221(define ##sys#equal? equal?)
7222(define ##sys#car car)
7223(define ##sys#cdr cdr)
7224(define ##sys#pair? pair?)
7225(define ##sys#vector? vector?)
7226(define ##sys#vector->list vector->list)
7227(define ##sys#vector-length vector-length)
7228(define ##sys#vector-ref vector-ref)
7229(define ##sys#>= >=)
7230(define ##sys#= =)
7231(define ##sys#+ +)
7232(define ##sys#eq? eq?)
7233(define ##sys#eqv? eqv?)
7234(define ##sys#list? list?)
7235(define ##sys#null? null?)
7236(define ##sys#map-n map)
7238;;; We need this here so `location' works:
7240(define (##sys#make-locative obj index weak? loc)
7241  (cond [(##sys#immediate? obj)
7242	 (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "locative cannot refer to immediate object" obj) ]
7243	[(or (vector? obj) (pair? obj))
7244	 (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size obj) loc)
7245	 (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 0 obj index weak?) ]
7246	[(and (##core#inline "C_blockp" obj)
7247	      (##core#inline "C_bytevectorp" obj) )
7248	 (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size obj) loc)
7249	 (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 2 obj index weak?) ]
7250	[(##sys#generic-structure? obj)
7251	 (case (##sys#slot obj 0)
7252	   ((u8vector)
7253	    (let ([v (##sys#slot obj 1)])
7254	      (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size v) loc)
7255	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 2 v index weak?))  )
7256	   ((s8vector)
7257	    (let ([v (##sys#slot obj 1)])
7258	      (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size v) loc)
7259	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 3 v index weak?) ) )
7260	   ((u16vector)
7261	    (let ([v (##sys#slot obj 1)])
7262	      (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size v) loc)
7263	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 4 v index weak?) ) )
7264	   ((s16vector)
7265	    (let ([v (##sys#slot obj 1)])
7266	      (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size v) loc)
7267	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 5 v index weak?) ) )
7268	   ((u32vector)
7269	    (let ([v (##sys#slot obj 1)])
7270	      (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size v) loc)
7271	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 6 v index weak?) ) )
7272	   ((s32vector)
7273	    (let ([v (##sys#slot obj 1)])
7274	      (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size v) loc)
7275	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 7 v index weak?) ) )
7276	   ((u64vector)
7277	    (let ([v (##sys#slot obj 1)])
7278	      (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size v) loc)
7279	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 8 v index weak?) ) )
7280	   ((s64vector)
7281	    (let ([v (##sys#slot obj 1)])
7282	      (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size v) loc)
7283	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 9 v index weak?) ) )
7284	   ((f32vector)
7285	    (let ([v (##sys#slot obj 1)])
7286	      (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size v) loc)
7287	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 10 v index weak?) ) )
7288	   ((f64vector)
7289	    (let ([v (##sys#slot obj 1)])
7290	      (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#size v) loc)
7291	      (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 11 v index weak?) ) )
7292	   ;;XXX pointer-vector currently not supported
7293	   (else
7294	    (##sys#check-range index 0 (fx- (##sys#size obj) 1) loc)
7295	    (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 0 obj (fx+ index 1) weak?) ) ) ]
7296	((string? obj)
7297	 (let ((bv (##sys#slot obj 0))
7298               (p (##core#inline "C_utf_position" obj index)))
7299           (##sys#check-range index 0 (##sys#slot obj 1) loc)
7300  	   (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) 1 bv p weak?) ) )
7301	[else
7302	 (##sys#signal-hook
7303	  #:type-error loc
7304	  "bad argument type - locative cannot refer to objects of this type"
7305	  obj) ] ) )
7308;;; Property lists
7310(module chicken.plist
7311  (get get-properties put! remprop! symbol-plist)
7313(import scheme)
7314(import (only chicken.base getter-with-setter))
7315(import chicken.internal.syntax)
7317(define (put! sym prop val)
7318  (##sys#check-symbol sym 'put!)
7319  (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_putprop" 8) sym prop val) )
7321(define (get sym prop #!optional default)
7322  (##sys#check-symbol sym 'get)
7323  (##core#inline "C_i_getprop" sym prop default))
7325(define ##sys#put! put!)
7326(define ##sys#get get)
7328(set! get (getter-with-setter get put!))
7330(define (remprop! sym prop)
7331  (##sys#check-symbol sym 'remprop!)
7332  (let loop ((plist (##sys#slot sym 2)) (ptl #f))
7333    (and (not (null? plist))
7334	 (let* ((tl (##sys#slot plist 1))
7335		(nxt (##sys#slot tl 1)))
7336	   (or (and (eq? (##sys#slot plist 0) prop)
7337		    (begin
7338		      (if ptl
7339			  (##sys#setslot ptl 1 nxt)
7340			  (##sys#setslot sym 2 nxt) )
7341		      #t ) )
7342	       (loop nxt tl) ) ) ) )
7343  (when (null? (##sys#slot sym 2))
7344    ;; This will only unpersist if symbol is also unbound
7345    (##core#inline "C_i_unpersist_symbol" sym) ) )
7347(define symbol-plist
7348  (getter-with-setter
7349   (lambda (sym)
7350     (##sys#check-symbol sym 'symbol-plist)
7351     (##sys#slot sym 2) )
7352   (lambda (sym lst)
7353     (##sys#check-symbol sym 'symbol-plist)
7354     (##sys#check-list lst 'symbol-plist/setter)
7355     (if (##core#inline "C_i_fixnumevenp" (##core#inline "C_i_length" lst))
7356	 (##sys#setslot sym 2 lst)
7357	 (##sys#signal-hook
7358	  #:type-error "property-list must be of even length"
7359	  lst sym))
7360     (if (null? lst)
7361	 (##core#inline "C_i_unpersist_symbol" sym)
7362	 (##core#inline "C_i_persist_symbol" sym)))
7363   "(chicken.plist#symbol-plist sym)"))
7365(define (get-properties sym props)
7366  (##sys#check-symbol sym 'get-properties)
7367  (when (symbol? props)
7368    (set! props (list props)) )
7369  (##sys#check-list props 'get-properties)
7370  (let loop ((plist (##sys#slot sym 2)))
7371    (if (null? plist)
7372	(values #f #f #f)
7373	(let* ((prop (##sys#slot plist 0))
7374	       (tl (##sys#slot plist 1))
7375	       (nxt (##sys#slot tl 1)))
7376	  (if (memq prop props)
7377	      (values prop (##sys#slot tl 0) nxt)
7378	      (loop nxt) ) ) ) ) )
7380) ; chicken.plist
7383;;; Print timing information (support for "time" macro):
7385(define (##sys#display-times info)
7386  (define (pstr str) (##sys#print str #f ##sys#standard-error))
7387  (define (pchr chr) (##sys#write-char-0 chr ##sys#standard-error))
7388  (define (pnum num)
7389    (##sys#print (if (zero? num) "0" (##sys#number->string num)) #f ##sys#standard-error))
7390  (define (round-to x y) ; Convert to fp with y digits after the point
7391    (/ (round (* x (expt 10 y))) (expt 10.0 y)))
7392  (define (pmem bytes)
7393    (cond ((> bytes (expt 1024 3))
7394	   (pnum (round-to (/ bytes (expt 1024 3)) 2)) (pstr " GiB"))
7395	  ((> bytes (expt 1024 2))
7396	   (pnum (round-to (/ bytes (expt 1024 2)) 2)) (pstr " MiB"))
7397	  ((> bytes 1024)
7398	   (pnum (round-to (/ bytes 1024) 2)) (pstr " KiB"))
7399	  (else (pnum bytes) (pstr " bytes"))))
7400  (##sys#flush-output ##sys#standard-output)
7401  (pnum (##sys#slot info 0))
7402  (pstr "s CPU time")
7403  (let ((gctime (##sys#slot info 1)))
7404    (when (> gctime 0)
7405      (pstr ", ")
7406      (pnum gctime)
7407      (pstr "s GC time (major)")))
7408  (let ((mut (##sys#slot info 2))
7409	(umut (##sys#slot info 3)))
7410    (when (fx> mut 0)
7411      (pstr ", ")
7412      (pnum mut)
7413      (pchr #\/)
7414      (pnum umut)
7415      (pstr " mutations (total/tracked)")))
7416  (let ((minor (##sys#slot info 4))
7417	(major (##sys#slot info 5)))
7418    (when (or (fx> minor 0) (fx> major 0))
7419      (pstr ", ")
7420      (pnum major)
7421      (pchr #\/)
7422      (pnum minor)
7423      (pstr " GCs (major/minor)")))
7424  (let ((maximum-heap-usage (##sys#slot info 6)))
7425    (pstr ", maximum live heap: ")
7426    (pmem maximum-heap-usage))
7427  (##sys#write-char-0 #\newline ##sys#standard-error)
7428  (##sys#flush-output ##sys#standard-error))
7431;;; Dump heap state to stderr:
7433(define ##sys#dump-heap-state (##core#primitive "C_dump_heap_state"))
7434(define ##sys#filter-heap-objects (##core#primitive "C_filter_heap_objects"))
7437;;; Platform configuration inquiry:
7439(module chicken.platform
7440    (build-platform chicken-version chicken-home
7441     feature? machine-byte-order machine-type
7442     repository-path installation-repository
7443     register-feature! unregister-feature! include-path
7444     software-type software-version return-to-host
7445     system-config-directory system-cache-directory
7446     )
7448(import scheme)
7449(import chicken.fixnum chicken.foreign chicken.keyword chicken.process-context)
7450(import chicken.internal.syntax)
7451(import (only (scheme base) make-parameter))
7453(define software-type
7454  (let ((sym (string->symbol ((##core#primitive "C_software_type")))))
7455    (lambda () sym)))
7457(define machine-type
7458  (let ((sym (string->symbol ((##core#primitive "C_machine_type")))))
7459    (lambda () sym)))
7461(define machine-byte-order
7462  (let ((sym (string->symbol ((##core#primitive "C_machine_byte_order")))))
7463    (lambda () sym)))
7465(define software-version
7466  (let ((sym (string->symbol ((##core#primitive "C_software_version")))))
7467    (lambda () sym)))
7469(define build-platform
7470  (let ((sym (string->symbol ((##core#primitive "C_build_platform")))))
7471    (lambda () sym)))
7473(define ##sys#windows-platform
7474  (and (eq? 'windows (software-type))
7475       ;; Still windows even if 'Linux-like'
7476       (not (eq? 'cygwin (software-version)))))
7478(define (chicken-version #!optional full)
7479  (define (get-config)
7480    (let ((bp (build-platform))
7481	  (st (software-type))
7482	  (sv (software-version))
7483	  (mt (machine-type)))
7484      (define (str x)
7485	(if (eq? 'unknown x)
7486	    ""
7487	    (string-append (symbol->string x) "-")))
7488      (string-append (str sv) (str st) (str bp) (##sys#symbol->string/shared mt))))
7489  (if full
7490      (let ((spec (string-append
7491		   " " (number->string (foreign-value "C_WORD_SIZE" int)) "bit"
7492		   (if (feature? #:dload) " dload" "")
7493		   (if (feature? #:ptables) " ptables" "")
7494		   (if (feature? #:gchooks) " gchooks" "")
7495		   (if (feature? #:cross-chicken) " cross" ""))))
7496	(string-append
7497	 "Version " ##sys#build-version
7498	 (if ##sys#build-branch (string-append " (" ##sys#build-branch ")") "")
7499	 (if ##sys#build-id (string-append " (rev " ##sys#build-id ")") "")
7500	 "\n"
7501	 (get-config)
7502	 (if (zero? (string-length spec))
7503	     ""
7504	     (string-append " [" spec " ]"))))
7505      ##sys#build-version))
7507;;; Installation locations
7509(define-foreign-variable binary-version int "C_BINARY_VERSION")
7510(define-foreign-variable installation-home c-string "C_INSTALL_SHARE_HOME")
7511(define-foreign-variable install-egg-home c-string "C_INSTALL_EGG_HOME")
7514(define (chicken-home) installation-home)
7516(define (include-path #!optional new)
7517  (when new
7518    (##sys#check-list new 'include-path)
7519    (set! ##sys#include-pathnames new))
7520  ##include-pathnames)
7522(define path-list-separator
7523  (if ##sys#windows-platform #\; #\:))
7525(define ##sys#split-path
7526  (let ((cache '(#f)))
7527    (lambda (path)
7528      (cond ((not path) '())
7529            ((equal? path (car cache))
7530             (cdr cache))
7531            (else
7532              (let* ((len (string-length path))
7533                     (lst (let loop ((start 0) (pos 0))
7534                            (cond ((fx>= pos len)
7535                                   (if (fx= pos start)
7536                                       '()
7537                                       (list (substring path start pos))))
7538                                  ((char=? (string-ref path pos)
7539                                           path-list-separator)
7540                                   (cons (substring path start pos)
7541                                         (loop (fx+ pos 1)
7542                                               (fx+ pos 1))))
7543                                  (else
7544                                    (loop start (fx+ pos 1)))))))
7545                (set! cache (cons path lst))
7546                lst))))))
7548(define repository-path
7549  (make-parameter
7550   (cond ((foreign-value "C_private_repository_path()" c-string)
7551           => list)
7552         ((get-environment-variable "CHICKEN_REPOSITORY_PATH")
7553           => ##sys#split-path)
7554         (install-egg-home
7555           => list)
7556         (else #f))
7557   (lambda (new)
7558     (and new
7559          (begin
7560            (##sys#check-list new 'repository-path)
7561            (for-each (lambda (p) (##sys#check-string p 'repository-path)) new)
7562            new)))))
7564(define installation-repository
7565  (make-parameter
7566   (or (foreign-value "C_private_repository_path()" c-string)
7567       (get-environment-variable "CHICKEN_INSTALL_REPOSITORY")
7568       install-egg-home)))
7570(define (chop-separator str)
7571  (let ((len (fx- (string-length str) 1)))
7572    (if (and (> len 0)
7573             (memq (string-ref str len) '(#\\ #\/)))
7574        (substring str 0 len)
7575        str) ) )
7577(define ##sys#include-pathnames
7578  (cond ((get-environment-variable "CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH")
7579         => (lambda (p)
7580              (map chop-separator (##sys#split-path p))))
7581        (else (list installation-home))))
7583(define (include-path) ##sys#include-pathnames)
7586;;; Feature identifiers:
7588(define ->feature-id ; TODO: export this?  It might be useful..
7589  (let ()
7590    (define (err . args)
7591      (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error "bad argument type - not a valid feature identifer" args))
7592    (define (prefix s)
7593      (if s (##sys#string-append s "-") ""))
7594    (lambda (x)
7595      (cond ((keyword? x) x)
7596	    ((string? x) (string->keyword x))
7597	    ((symbol? x) (string->keyword (##sys#symbol->string/shared x)))
7598	    (else (err x))))))
7600(define ##sys#features
7601  '(#:chicken
7602    #:srfi-6 #:srfi-12 #:srfi-17 #:srfi-23 #:srfi-30
7603    #:exact-complex #:srfi-39 #:srfi-62 #:srfi-88 #:full-numeric-tower #:full-unicode))
7605;; Add system features:
7607;; all platforms we support have this
7608(set! ##sys#features `(#:posix #:r7rs #:ieee-float #:ratios ,@##sys#features))
7610(let ((check (lambda (f)
7611	       (unless (eq? 'unknown f)
7612		 (set! ##sys#features (cons (->feature-id f) ##sys#features))))))
7613  (check (software-type))
7614  (check (software-version))
7615  (check (build-platform))
7616  (check (machine-type))
7617  (check (machine-byte-order)))
7619(when (foreign-value "HAVE_DLOAD" bool)
7620  (set! ##sys#features (cons #:dload ##sys#features)))
7621(when (foreign-value "HAVE_PTABLES" bool)
7622  (set! ##sys#features (cons #:ptables ##sys#features)))
7623(when (foreign-value "HAVE_GCHOOKS" bool)
7624  (set! ##sys#features (cons #:gchooks ##sys#features)))
7625(when (foreign-value "IS_CROSS_CHICKEN" bool)
7626  (set! ##sys#features (cons #:cross-chicken ##sys#features)))
7628;; Register a feature to represent the word size (e.g., 32bit, 64bit)
7629(set! ##sys#features
7630      (cons (string->keyword
7631             (string-append
7632              (number->string (foreign-value "C_WORD_SIZE" int))
7633              "bit"))
7634            ##sys#features))
7636(set! ##sys#features
7637  (let ((major (##sys#number->string (foreign-value "C_MAJOR_VERSION" int)))
7638	(minor (##sys#number->string (foreign-value "C_MINOR_VERSION" int))))
7639    (cons (->feature-id (string-append "chicken-" major))
7640	  (cons (->feature-id (string-append "chicken-" major "." minor))
7641		##sys#features))))
7643(define (register-feature! . fs)
7644  (for-each
7645   (lambda (f)
7646     (let ((id (->feature-id f)))
7647       (unless (memq id ##sys#features) (set! ##sys#features (cons id ##sys#features)))))
7648   fs)
7649  (##core#undefined))
7651(define (unregister-feature! . fs)
7652  (let ((fs (map ->feature-id fs)))
7653    (set! ##sys#features
7654      (let loop ((ffs ##sys#features))
7655	(if (null? ffs)
7656	    '()
7657	    (let ((f (##sys#slot ffs 0))
7658		  (r (##sys#slot ffs 1)))
7659	      (if (memq f fs)
7660		  (loop r)
7661		  (cons f (loop r)))))))
7662    (##core#undefined)))
7664(define (feature? . ids)
7665  (let loop ((ids ids))
7666    (or (null? ids)
7667	(and (memq (->feature-id (##sys#slot ids 0)) ##sys#features)
7668	     (loop (##sys#slot ids 1))))))
7670(define return-to-host
7671  (##core#primitive "C_return_to_host"))
7673(define (system-config-directory)
7674  (or (get-environment-variable "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
7675      (if ##sys#windows-platform
7676          (get-environment-variable "APPDATA")
7677          (let ((home (get-environment-variable "HOME")))
7678            (and home (string-append home "/.config"))))))
7680(define (system-cache-directory)
7681  (or (get-environment-variable "XDG_CACHE_HOME")
7682      (if ##sys#windows-platform
7683          (or (get-environment-variable "LOCALAPPDATA")
7684              (get-environment-variable "APPDATA"))
7685          (let ((home (get-environment-variable "HOME")))
7686            (and home (string-append home "/.cache"))))))
7688) ; chicken.platform
7690(set! scheme#features
7691  (lambda ()
7692    (map (lambda (s)
7693         (##sys#string->symbol (##sys#symbol->string s)))
7694       ##sys#features)))
7696(set! scheme#make-list
7697 (lambda (n #!optional fill)
7698  (##sys#check-integer n 'make-list)
7699  (unless (fx>= n 0)
7700    (error 'make-list "not a positive integer" n))
7701  (do ((i n (fx- i 1))
7702       (result '() (cons fill result)))
7703      ((eq? i 0) result))))
7705(set! scheme#list-set!
7706 (lambda (l n obj)
7707  (##sys#check-integer n 'list-set!)
7708  (unless (fx>= n 0)
7709    (error 'list-set! "not a positive integer" n))
7710  (do ((i n (fx- i 1))
7711       (l l (cdr l)))
7712      ((fx= i 0) (set-car! l obj))
7713    (when (null? l)
7714      (error 'list-set! "out of range")))))
7716;; TODO: Test if this is the quickest way to do this, or whether we
7717;; should just cons recursively like our SRFI-1 implementation does.
7718(set! scheme#list-copy
7719 (lambda (lst)
7720  (cond ((pair? lst)
7721         (let lp ((res '())
7722                  (lst lst))
7723           (if (pair? lst)
7724               (lp (cons (car lst) res) (cdr lst))
7725               (append (##sys#fast-reverse res) lst))))
7726        (else lst))))
7728(set! scheme#string->vector
7729 (lambda (s #!optional start end)
7730  (let ((s->v (lambda (s start end)
7731                (##sys#check-string s 'string->vector)
7732                (let* ((len (##sys#slot s 1)))
7733                  (##sys#check-range/including start 0 end 'string->vector)
7734                  (##sys#check-range/including end start len 'string->vector)
7735                  (let ((v (##sys#make-vector (fx- end start))))
7736                    (do ((ti 0 (fx+ ti 1))
7737                         (fi start (fx+ fi 1)))
7738                        ((fx= fi end) v)
7739                      (##sys#setslot v ti (##core#inline "C_utf_subchar" s fi))))))))
7740    (if end
7741        (s->v s start end)
7742        (s->v s (or start 0) (string-length s))))))
7744(set! scheme#vector->string
7745 (lambda (v #!optional start end)
7746  (let ((v->s (lambda (v start end)
7747                (##sys#check-vector v 'vector->string)
7748                (let* ((len (##sys#size v)))
7749                  (##sys#check-range/including start 0 end 'vector->string)
7750                  (##sys#check-range/including end start len 'vector->string)
7751                  (let ((s (##sys#make-bytevector (fx* 4 (fx- end start)))))
7752                    (let loop ((ti 0)
7753                               (fi start))
7754                      (if (fx= fi end)
7755                          (##sys#buffer->string s 0 ti)
7756                          (let ((c (##sys#slot v fi)))
7757                            (##sys#check-char c 'vector->string)
7758                            (loop (fx+ ti (##core#inline "C_utf_insert" s ti c))
7759                                  (fx+ fi 1))))))))))
7760    (if end
7761        (v->s v start end)
7762        (v->s v (or start 0) (##sys#size v))))))
7764(set! scheme#string-map
7765  (lambda (proc str . more)
7766    (define (%string-map proc s)
7767      (let* ((len (string-length s))
7768             (ans (##sys#make-bytevector (fx* 4 len))))
7769        (let loop ((i 0)
7770                   (j 0))
7771          (if (fx>= j len)
7772              (##sys#buffer->string ans 0 i)
7773              (let ((r (proc (string-ref s j))))
7774                (##sys#check-char r 'string-map)
7775                (loop (##core#inline "C_utf_insert" ans i r)
7776                      (fx+ j 1)))))))
7777    (if (null? more)
7778        (%string-map proc str)
7779        (let ((strs (cons str more)))
7780          (##sys#check-closure proc 'string-map)
7781          (##sys#for-each (cut ##sys#check-string <> 'string-map) strs)
7782          (let* ((len (foldl fxmin most-positive-fixnum (map string-length strs)))
7783                 (str (##sys#make-string len)))
7784            (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
7785                ((fx= i len) str)
7786                (string-set! str i (apply proc (map (cut string-ref <> i) strs)))))))))
7788(set! scheme#string-for-each
7789  (lambda (proc str . more)
7790    (define (%string-for-each proc s)
7791      (let ((len (string-length s)))
7792        (let lp ((i 0))
7793          (if (fx< i len)
7794              (begin (proc (string-ref s i))
7795                (lp (fx+ i 1)))))))
7796    (if (null? more)
7797        (%string-for-each proc str)
7798        (let ((strs (cons str more)))
7799          (##sys#check-closure proc 'string-for-each)
7800          (##sys#for-each (cut ##sys#check-string <> 'string-for-each) strs)
7801          (let* ((len (foldl fxmin most-positive-fixnum (map string-length strs)))
7802                 (str (##sys#make-string len)))
7803            (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
7804                ((fx= i len))
7805                (apply proc (map (cut string-ref <> i) strs))))))))
7807(set! scheme#vector-map
7808 (lambda (proc v . more)
7809  (cond ((null? more)
7810         (##sys#check-closure proc 'vector-map)
7811         (##sys#check-vector v 'vector-map)
7812         (let* ((len (##sys#size v))
7813                (vec (##sys#make-vector len)))
7814           (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
7815               ((fx= i len) vec)
7816               (##sys#setslot vec i (proc (##sys#slot v i))))))
7817        (else
7818          (let ((vs (cons v more)))
7819            (##sys#check-closure proc 'vector-map)
7820            (##sys#for-each (cut ##sys#check-vector <> 'vector-map) vs)
7821            (let* ((len (foldl fxmin most-positive-fixnum (map ##sys#size vs)))
7822                   (vec (##sys#make-vector len)))
7823              (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
7824                  ((fx= i len) vec)
7825                  (##sys#setslot vec i (apply proc (map (cut vector-ref <> i) vs))))))))))
7827(set! scheme#vector-for-each
7828 (lambda (proc v . more)
7829  (cond ((null? more)
7830         (##sys#check-closure proc 'vector-for-each)
7831         (##sys#check-vector v 'vector-for-each)
7832         (let ((len (##sys#size v)))
7833           (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
7834               ((fx= i len))
7835               (proc (##sys#slot v i)))))
7836        (else
7837          (let ((vs (cons v more)))
7838            (##sys#check-closure proc 'vector-for-each)
7839            (##sys#for-each (cut ##sys#check-vector <> 'vector-for-each) vs)
7840            (let* ((len (foldl fxmin most-positive-fixnum (map ##sys#size vs)))
7841                   (vec (##sys#make-vector len)))
7842              (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
7843                  ((fx= i len) vec)
7844                  (apply proc (map (cut vector-ref <> i) vs)))))))))
7846(set! scheme#close-port
7847 (lambda (port)
7848  (##sys#check-port port 'close-port)
7849  (when (##core#inline "C_port_openp" port 1)
7850    ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 4) port 1))
7851  (when (##core#inline "C_port_openp" port 2)
7852    ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 4) port 2))
7853  (##sys#setislot port 8 0)))
7855(set! scheme#call-with-port
7856 (lambda (port proc)
7857  (receive ret
7858      (proc port)
7859    (scheme#close-port port)
7860    (apply values ret))))
7862(set! scheme#eof-object (lambda () #!eof))
7864(set! scheme#peek-u8
7865  (case-lambda
7866    (()
7867     (let ((c (peek-char ##sys#standard-input)))
7868       (if (eof-object? c) c
7869           (char->integer c))))
7870    ((port)
7871     (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'peek-u8)
7872     (let ((c (peek-char port)))
7873       (if (eof-object? c) c
7874           (char->integer c))))))
7876(set! scheme#write-string
7877  (lambda (s #!optional (port ##sys#standard-output) start end)
7878    (##sys#check-string s 'write-string)
7879    (##sys#check-output-port port #t 'write-string)
7880    (if start
7881        (##sys#check-fixnum start 'write-string)
7882        (set! start 0))
7883    (if end
7884        (##sys#check-fixnum end 'write-string)
7885        (set! end (string-length s)))
7886    (let* ((part (if start (substring s start end) s))
7887           (bv (##sys#slot part 0))
7888           (len (fx- (##sys#size bv) 1)))
7889      ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 3) ; write-bytevector
7890       port bv 0 len))))
7893;; I/O
7895(module chicken.io
7896  (read-list read-buffered read-byte read-line
7897   read-lines read-string read-string! read-token
7898   write-byte write-line write-bytevector read-bytevector
7899   read-bytevector!)
7901(import scheme chicken.base chicken.fixnum)
7902(import chicken.internal.syntax)
7903(import (only (scheme base) open-output-string get-output-string))
7906;;; Read expressions from file:
7908(define read-list
7909  (let ((read read))
7910    (lambda (#!optional (port ##sys#standard-input) (reader read) max)
7911      (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read-list)
7912      (do ((x (reader port) (reader port))
7913	   (i 0 (fx+ i 1))
7914	   (xs '() (cons x xs)))
7915	  ((or (eof-object? x) (and max (fx>= i max)))
7916	   (##sys#fast-reverse xs))))))
7919;;; Line I/O:
7921(define read-line
7922  (let ()
7923    (lambda args
7924      (let* ([parg (pair? args)]
7925	     [p (if parg (car args) ##sys#standard-input)]
7926	     [limit (and parg (pair? (cdr args)) (cadr args))])
7927	(##sys#check-input-port p #t 'read-line)
7928	(cond ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot p 2) 8) => (lambda (rl) (rl p limit)))
7929	      (else
7930	       (let* ((buffer-len (if limit limit 256))
7931		      (buffer (##sys#make-string buffer-len)))
7932		 (let loop ([i 0])
7933		   (if (and limit (fx>= i limit))
7934		       (##sys#substring buffer 0 i)
7935		       (let ([c (##sys#read-char-0 p)])
7936			 (if (eof-object? c)
7937			     (if (fx= i 0)
7938				 c
7939				 (##sys#substring buffer 0 i) )
7940			     (case c
7941			       [(#\newline) (##sys#substring buffer 0 i)]
7942			       [(#\return)
7943				(let ([c (peek-char p)])
7944				  (if (char=? c #\newline)
7945				      (begin (##sys#read-char-0 p)
7946					     (##sys#substring buffer 0 i))
7947				      (##sys#substring buffer 0 i) ) ) ]
7948			       [else
7949				(when (fx>= i buffer-len)
7950				  (set! buffer
7951				    (##sys#string-append buffer (make-string buffer-len)))
7952				  (set! buffer-len (fx+ buffer-len buffer-len)) )
7953				(string-set! buffer i c)
7954				(loop (fx+ i 1)) ] ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
7956(define read-lines
7957  (lambda (#!optional (port ##sys#standard-input) max)
7958    (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read-lines)
7959    (when max (##sys#check-fixnum max 'read-lines))
7960    (let loop ((lns '())
7961	       (n (or max most-positive-fixnum)))
7962      (if (eq? n 0)
7963	  (##sys#fast-reverse lns)
7964	  (let ((ln (read-line port)))
7965	    (if (eof-object? ln)
7966		(##sys#fast-reverse lns)
7967		(loop (cons ln lns) (fx- n 1))))))))
7969(define write-line
7970  (lambda (str . port)
7971    (let* ((p (if (##core#inline "C_eqp" port '())
7972                  ##sys#standard-output
7973                  (##sys#slot port 0) ) ))
7974      (##sys#check-output-port p #t 'write-line)
7975      (##sys#check-string str 'write-line)
7976      (let ((bv (##sys#slot str 0)))
7977        ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot p 2) 3)  ; write-bytevector
7978         p
7979         bv
7980         0
7981         (fx- (##sys#size bv) 1)))
7982      (##sys#write-char-0 #\newline p))))
7985;;; Extended I/O
7987(define (read-bytevector!/port n dest port start)
7988  (if (eq? n 0)
7989      0
7990      (let ((rdbvec (##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 7))) ; read-bytevector!
7991        (let loop ((start start) (n n) (m 0))
7992          (let ((n2 (rdbvec port n dest start)))
7993            (##sys#setislot port 5 ; update port-position
7994                            (fx+ (##sys#slot port 5) n2))
7995            (cond ((eq? n2 0) m)
7996                  ((or (not n) (fx< n2 n))
7997                   (loop (fx+ start n2) (and n (fx- n n2)) (fx+ m n2)))
7998                  (else (fx+ n2 m))))))))
8000(define (read-string!/port n dest port start)
8001  (let ((buf (##sys#make-bytevector (fx* n 4)))
8002        (enc (##sys#slot port 15)))
8003    (##sys#encoding-hook
8004     enc
8005     (lambda (decoder _ _)
8006       (define (readb n buf port p)
8007         (let ((bytes (read-bytevector!/port n buf port p)))
8008           (if (eq? enc 'utf-8) ; fast path, avoid copying
8009               bytes
8010               (decoder buf p bytes
8011                        (lambda (dbuf start len)
8012                          (##core#inline "C_copy_memory_with_offset" buf dbuf p start len)
8013                          len)))))
8014       (define (finish un bytes)
8015         (##core#inline "C_utf_overwrite" dest start un buf bytes)
8016         un)
8017       (let loop ((p 0) (n n) (un 0) (bn 0))
8018         (let ((bytes (readb n buf port p)))
8019           (cond ((eq? bytes 0) (finish un bn))
8020                 ((eq? enc 'utf-8)
8021                  ;; read incomplete fragments
8022                  ;; FIXME: hardcoded, should be encoding-specific!
8023                  (let recount ((bytes bytes))
8024                    (let* ((fc (##core#inline "C_utf_fragment_counts" buf p bytes))
8025                           (full (fxshr fc 4))
8026                           (left (fxand fc 15))
8027                           (total (fx+ un full))
8028                           (tbytes (fx+ bn bytes))
8029                           (remain (fx- n full)))
8030                      (cond ((fx> left 0)
8031                             (let ((b2 (readb left buf port (fx+ p bytes))))
8032                               (if (fx< b2 left)
8033                                   (finish total tbytes)
8034                                   (recount (fx+ bytes b2)))))
8035                            ((eq? remain 0) (finish total tbytes))
8036                            (else (loop (fx+ p bytes) remain total
8037                                        tbytes))))))
8038                 ((fx> bytes n)
8039                  (loop (fx+ p bytes) (fx- n bytes)
8040                        (fx+ un bytes) (fx+ bn bytes)))
8041                 (else (finish un bn)))))))))
8043(define (read-string! n dest #!optional (port ##sys#standard-input) (start 0))
8044  (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read-string!)
8045  (##sys#check-string dest 'read-string!)
8046  (when n (##sys#check-fixnum n 'read-string!))
8047  (let ((dest-size (string-length dest)))
8048    (unless (and n (fx<= (fx+ start n) dest-size))
8049      (set! n (fx- dest-size start))))
8050  (##sys#check-fixnum start 'read-string!)
8051  (read-string!/port n dest port start))
8053(define (read-bytevector! dest #!optional (port ##sys#standard-input) (start 0) end)
8054  (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read-bytevector!)
8055  (##sys#check-bytevector dest 'read-bytevector!)
8056  (##sys#check-fixnum start 'read-bytevector!)
8057  (when end (##sys#check-fixnum end 'read-bytevector!))
8058  (let* ((size (##sys#size dest))
8059         (n (fx- (or end size) start)))
8060    (read-bytevector!/port n dest port start)))
8062(define read-string/port
8063  (lambda (n p)
8064    (cond ((eq? n 0) "") ; Don't attempt to peek (fd might not be ready)
8065          ((eof-object? (##sys#peek-char-0 p)) #!eof)
8066          (n (let* ((str (##sys#make-string n))
8067                    (n2 (read-string!/port n str p 0)))
8068               (if (eq? n n2)
8069                   str
8070                   (##sys#substring str 0 n2))))
8071          (else
8072            (##sys#read-remaining
8073              p
8074              (lambda (buf len)
8075                (##sys#buffer->string/encoding buf 0 len
8076                                               (##sys#slot p 15))))))))
8078(define (##sys#read-remaining p k)
8079  (let ((len 1024))
8080    (let loop ((buf (##sys#make-bytevector len))
8081               (bsize len)
8082               (pos 0))
8083      (let* ((nr (fx- (##sys#size buf) pos))
8084             (n (read-bytevector!/port nr buf p pos)))
8085        (cond ((eq? n nr)
8086               (let* ((bsize2 (fx* bsize 2))
8087                      (buf2 (##sys#make-bytevector bsize2)))
8088                 (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" buf2 buf bsize)
8089                 (loop buf2 bsize2 (fx+ pos n))))
8090              (else (k buf (fx+ n pos))))))))
8092(define read-bytevector/port
8093  (lambda (n p)
8094    (let* ((bv (##sys#make-bytevector n))
8095           (n2 (read-bytevector!/port n bv p 0)))
8096      (if (eq? n n2)
8097          bv
8098          (let ((bv2 (##sys#make-bytevector n2)))
8099            (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" bv2 bv n2)
8100            bv2)))))
8102(define (read-string #!optional n (port ##sys#standard-input))
8103  (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read-string)
8104  (when n (##sys#check-fixnum n 'read-string))
8105  (read-string/port n port))
8107(define (read-bytevector #!optional n (port ##sys#standard-input))
8108  (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read-bytevector)
8109  (cond (n (##sys#check-fixnum n 'read-bytevector)
8110           (let ((r (read-bytevector/port n port)))
8111             (if (eq? (##sys#size r) 0)
8112                 #!eof
8113                 r)))
8114        (else
8115          (##sys#read-remaining
8116            port
8117            (lambda (buf len)
8118              (if (eq? len 0)
8119                  #!eof
8120                  (let ((r (##sys#make-bytevector len)))
8121                    (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" r buf len)
8122                    r)))))))
8125;; Make internal reader procedures available for use in srfi-4.scm:
8127(define chicken.io#read-string/port read-string/port)
8128(define chicken.io#read-string!/port read-string!/port)
8129(define chicken.io#read-bytevector/port read-bytevector/port)
8130(define chicken.io#read-bytevector!/port read-bytevector!/port)
8132(define (read-buffered #!optional (port ##sys#standard-input))
8133  (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read-buffered)
8134  (let ((rb (##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 9))) ; read-buffered method
8135    (if rb
8136	(rb port)
8137	"")))
8140;;; read token of characters that satisfy a predicate
8142(define read-token
8143  (lambda (pred . port)
8144    (let ([port (optional port ##sys#standard-input)])
8145      (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read-token)
8146      (let ([out (open-output-string)])
8147	(let loop ()
8148	  (let ([c (##sys#peek-char-0 port)])
8149	    (if (and (not (eof-object? c)) (pred c))
8150		(begin
8151		  (##sys#write-char-0 (##sys#read-char-0 port) out)
8152		  (loop) )
8153		(get-output-string out) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
8156;;; Binary I/O
8158(define (read-byte #!optional (port ##sys#standard-input))
8159  (##sys#check-input-port port #t 'read-byte)
8160  (let* ((bv (##sys#make-bytevector 1))
8161         (n (read-bytevector!/port 1 bv port 0)))
8162    (if (fx< n 1)
8163        #!eof
8164        (##core#inline "C_subbyte" bv 0))))
8166(define (write-byte byte #!optional (port ##sys#standard-output))
8167  (##sys#check-fixnum byte 'write-byte)
8168  (##sys#check-output-port port #t 'write-byte)
8169  (let ((bv (##sys#make-bytevector 1 byte)))
8170    ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 3) ; write-bytevector
8171     port bv 0 1)))
8173(define (write-bytevector bv #!optional (port ##sys#standard-output) (start 0)
8174                          end)
8175  (##sys#check-bytevector bv 'write-bytevector)
8176  (##sys#check-output-port port #t 'write-bytevector)
8177  (##sys#check-fixnum start 'write-bytevector)
8178  (let ((len (##sys#size bv)))
8179    (##sys#check-range/including start 0 len 'write-bytevector)
8180    (when end (##sys#check-range/including end 0 len 'write-bytevector))
8181    (let ((end (if end (fxmin end len) len)))
8182      ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot port 2) 3) ; write-bytevector
8183       port bv start end))))
8185) ; module chicken.io