~ chicken-core (master) /tests/r7rs-tests-2.scm
Trap1(import (scheme base)
2 (chicken base)
3 (chicken io)
4 (chicken port)
5 (chicken string)
6 (scheme char)
7 (scheme eval)
8 (scheme file)
9 (scheme read)
10 (scheme write))
12(define (read-from-string s)
13 (with-input-from-string s read))
15(include "test.scm")
17(define-syntax test
18 (syntax-rules ()
19 ((_ val expr) (test-equal expr val))
20 ((_ name val expr) (test-equal name expr val))))
22(test-begin "r7rs tests")
24(test-group "2.1: Identifiers"
25 (test "#!(no-)fold-case"
26 '(FOO mooh qux blah foo BAR)
27 (append
28 (with-input-from-string
29 "FOO #!fold-case mooh QUX blah #!no-fold-case foo BAR" read-list)))
30 (test "#!(no-)fold-case only affects subsequent reads from the same port"
31 '(FOO bar baz downcased UPCASED)
32 (append
33 (with-input-from-string "FOO #!fold-case bar BAZ" read-list)
34 (with-input-from-string "downcased UPCASED" read-list))))
36(test-group "4.1.7: Inclusion"
37 (test-group "include"
38 (test "multiple filenames"
39 "abcabc"
40 (with-output-to-string
41 (lambda () (include "include.scm" "include.scm"))))
42 (test-error "case sensitivity"
43 (with-output-to-string
44 (lambda () (include "include-ci.scm")))))
45 (test-group "include-ci"
46 (test "multiple filenames"
47 "abcabc"
48 (with-output-to-string
49 (lambda () (include-ci "include.scm" "include.scm"))))
50 (test "case sensitivity"
51 "abc"
52 (with-output-to-string
53 (lambda () (include-ci "include-ci.scm"))))))
55(test-group "4.2.1: Conditionals"
56 (test-group "cond-expand"
57 (test "(scheme base)"
58 'scheme-base
59 (cond-expand
60 ((library (scheme base)) 'scheme-base)
61 (else #f)))
62 (test "(chicken base)"
63 'chicken-base
64 (cond-expand
65 ((library (chicken base)) 'chicken-base)
66 (else #f)))
67 (test "chicken.base"
68 'chicken.base
69 (cond-expand
70 ((library chicken.base) 'chicken.base)
71 (else #f)))
72 (test "(bogus identifier)"
73 #f
74 (cond-expand
75 ((library (bogus identifier)) 'bogus-identifier)
76 (else #f)))))
78(test-group "6.2.6: numerical operations"
79 (test-group "floor/...truncate-remainder"
80 (test '(2 1) (receive (floor/ 5 2)))
81 (test 2 (floor-quotient 5 2))
82 (test 1 (floor-remainder 5 2))
83 (test '(-3 1) (receive (floor/ -5 2)))
84 (test -3 (floor-quotient -5 2))
85 (test 1 (floor-remainder -5 2))
86 (test '(-3 -1) (receive (floor/ 5 -2)))
87 (test -3 (floor-quotient 5 -2))
88 (test -1 (floor-remainder 5 -2))
89 (test '(2 -1) (receive (floor/ -5 -2)))
90 (test 2 (floor-quotient -5 -2))
91 (test -1 (floor-remainder -5 -2))
92 (test '(2.0 -1.0) (receive (floor/ -5 -2.0)))
93 ;; From the Guile manual
94 (test 12 (floor-quotient 123 10))
95 (test 3 (floor-remainder 123 10))
96 (test '(12 3) (receive (floor/ 123 10)))
97 (test '(-13 -7) (receive (floor/ 123 -10)))
98 (test '(-13 7) (receive (floor/ -123 10)))
99 (test '(12 -3) (receive (floor/ -123 -10)))
101 (test '(2 1) (receive (truncate/ 5 2)))
102 (test 2 (truncate-quotient 5 2))
103 (test 1 (truncate-remainder 5 2))
104 (test '(-2 -1) (receive (truncate/ -5 2)))
105 (test -2 (truncate-quotient -5 2))
106 (test -1 (truncate-remainder -5 2))
107 (test '(-2 1) (receive (truncate/ 5 -2)))
108 (test -2 (truncate-quotient 5 -2))
109 (test 1 (truncate-remainder 5 -2))
110 (test '(2 -1) (receive (truncate/ -5 -2)))
111 (test 2 (truncate-quotient -5 -2))
112 (test -1 (truncate-remainder -5 -2))
113 (test '(2.0 -1.0) (receive (truncate/ -5.0 -2)))
114 (test 2.0 (truncate-quotient -5.0 -2))
115 (test -1.0 (truncate-remainder -5.0 -2))
116 ;; From the Guile manual
117 (test 12 (truncate-quotient 123 10))
118 (test 3 (truncate-remainder 123 10))
119 (test '(12 3) (receive (truncate/ 123 10)))
120 (test '(-12 3) (receive (truncate/ 123 -10)))
121 (test '(-12 -3) (receive (truncate/ -123 10)))
122 (test '(12 -3) (receive (truncate/ -123 -10))))
124 (test-group "quotient, remainder and modulo"
125 (test 1 (modulo 13 4))
126 (test 1 (remainder 13 4))
127 (test 3 (modulo -13 4))
128 (test -1 (remainder -13 4))
129 (test -3 (modulo 13 -4))
130 (test 1 (remainder 13 -4))
131 (test -1 (modulo -13 -4))
132 (test -1 (remainder -13 -4))
133 (test -1.0 (remainder -13 -4.0)))
135 (test-group "square"
136 (test 1 (square 1))
137 (test 16 (square 4))
138 (test 16.0 (square 4.0))))
140(test-group "6.3: booleans"
141 ;; How silly...
142 (test-group "not"
143 (test #f (not #t))
144 (test #f (not 3))
145 (test #f (not (list 3)))
146 (test #t (not #f))
147 (test #f (not '()))
148 (test #f (not (list)))
149 (test #f (not 'nil))
150 (test-error (not))
151 (test-error (not 1 2)))
153 (test-group "long boolean literals"
154 (test #t (read-from-string "#t"))
155 (test #f (read-from-string "#f"))
156 (test #t (read-from-string "#true"))
157 (test #f (read-from-string "#false"))
158 (test-error (read-from-string "#faux")))
160 (test-group "boolean=?"
161 (test #t (boolean=? #t #t))
162 (test #t (boolean=? #t #t #t #t))
163 (test #t (boolean=? #f #f))
164 (test #t (boolean=? #f #f #f #f))
165 (test #f (boolean=? #f #t))
166 (test #f (boolean=? #f #t #t #t))
167 (test #f (boolean=? #f #f #t #t))
168 (test #f (boolean=? #f #f #f #t))
169 (test #f (boolean=? #t #f #f #f))
170 (test #f (boolean=? #t #f #f #t))
171 (test #f (boolean=? #t #t #f #t))
172 (test #f (boolean=? #f #f #f #t))
173 (test #f (boolean=? #f #t #f #f))
174 (test-error (boolean=? #f))
175 (test-error (boolean=? #f 1))
176 (test-error "no shortcutting" (boolean=? #f #t 2))))
178(test-group "6.4: pairs and lists"
179 (test-group "pair?"
180 (test #t (pair? '(a . b)))
181 (test #t (pair? '(a b c)))
182 (test #f (pair? '()))
183 (test #f (pair? '#(a b)))
184 (test #f (pair? #f))
185 (test #f (pair? #t))
186 (test #f (pair? "some string"))
187 (test #f (pair? 123)))
189 (test-group "cons"
190 (test '(a) (cons 'a '()))
191 (test '((a) b c d) (cons '(a) '(b c d)))
192 (test '("a" b c) (cons "a" '(b c)))
193 (test '(a . 3) (cons 'a 3))
194 (test '((a b) . c) (cons '(a b) 'c)))
196 (test-group "car"
197 (test 'a (car '(a b c)))
198 (test '(a) (car '((a) b c d)))
199 (test 1 (car '(1 . 2)))
200 (test-error (car '()))
201 (test-error (car '#(1 2 3)))
202 (test-error (car "not a pair")))
204 (test-group "cdr"
205 (test '(b c d) (cdr '((a) b c d)))
206 (test 2 (cdr '(1 . 2)))
207 (test-error (cdr '()))
208 (test-error (cdr '#(1 2 3)))
209 (test-error (cdr "not a pair")))
211 (test-group "set-car!"
212 (define (f) (list 'not-a-constant-list))
213 (define (g) '(constant-list))
214 ;; Examples from the text are very incomplete and strange
215 (let ((res (f)))
216 (set-car! res 2)
217 (test 2 (car res))
218 (set-car! (f) 3)
219 (test 'not-a-constant-list (car (f))))
220 ;; XXX Should this *raise* an error? R5RS also says this it "is an error"
221 #;(test-error (set-car! (g) 3))
222 (test-error (set-car! 'x 'y)))
224 (test-group "set-cdr!"
225 (define (f) (list 'not-a-constant-list))
226 (define (g) '(constant-list))
227 ;; Examples from the text are very incomplete and strange
228 (let ((res (f)))
229 (set-cdr! res 2)
230 (test 2 (cdr res))
231 (set-cdr! (f) 3)
232 (test '() (cdr (f))))
233 ;; XXX Should this *raise* an error? R5RS also says this it "is an error"
234 #;(test-error (set-cdr! (g) 3))
235 (test-error (set-cdr! 'x 'y)))
237 (test-group "c..r (base)"
238 (test 'x (caar '((x) y)))
239 (test-error (caar '(x y)))
240 (test 'y (cadr '((x) y)))
241 (test-error (cadr '(x)))
242 (test '() (cdar '((x) y)))
243 (test-error (cdar '(x)))
244 (test '() (cddr '((x) y)))
245 (test-error (cddr '(x))))
247 ;; TODO: c..r (cxr)
249 (test-group "null?"
250 (test #t (null? '()))
251 (test #t (null? (list)))
252 (test #f (null? '(a)))
253 (test #f (null? 'a))
254 (test #f (null? '#()))
255 (test #f (null? "foo")))
257 (test-group "list?"
258 (test #t (list? '(a b c)))
259 (test #t (list? (list 'a 'b 'c)))
260 (test #t (list? '()))
261 (test #f (list? '(a . b)))
262 (let ((x (list 'a)))
263 (set-cdr! x x)
264 (test #f (list? x)))
265 (test #f (list? 'a))
266 (test #f (list? '#()))
267 (test #f (list? "foo")))
269 (test-group "make-list"
270 (test-error (make-list))
271 (test '() (make-list 0))
272 (test '(#f) (make-list 1)) ; Unspecified
274 (test '(#f) (make-list 1 #f))
275 ;(test-error (make-list 1 2 3))
276 (test '(3 3) (make-list 2 3))
277 (test '() (make-list 0 3))
278 (test-error (make-list -1 3))
279 (test-error (make-list #f 3)))
281 (test-group "list"
282 (test '(a 7 c) (list 'a (+ 3 4) 'c))
283 (test '() (list))
284 (test '(#f) (list #f))
285 (test '(a b c) (list 'a 'b 'c)))
287 (test-group "length"
288 (test 3 (length '(a b c)))
289 (test 3 (length '(a (b) (c d e))))
290 (test 0 (length '()))
292 (test-error (length '(x . y)))
293 (test-error (length '#(x y)))
294 (test-error (length "foo")))
296 (test-group "append"
297 (test '(x y) (append '(x) '(y)))
298 (test '(a b c d) (append '(a) '(b c d)))
299 (test '(a (b) (c)) (append '(a (b)) '((c))))
300 (test '(a b c . d) (append '(a b) '(c . d)))
301 (test 'a (append '() 'a))
302 (test '(a b . c) (append '(a b) 'c))
303 (test-error (append 'x '()))
304 (test-error (append '(x) 'y '())))
306 (test-group "reverse"
307 (test '(c b a) (reverse '(a b c)))
308 (test '((e (f)) d (b c) a) (reverse '(a (b c) d (e (f)))))
309 (test '() (reverse '()))
310 (test-error (reverse '(a . b)))
311 (test-error (reverse '(a b) '(c d)))
312 (test-error (reverse 'a))
313 (test-error (reverse '#(a b c)))
314 (test-error (reverse "foo")))
316 (test-group "list-tail"
317 (test '(a b c d e f) (list-tail '(a b c d e f) 0))
318 (test '(d e f) (list-tail '(a b c d e f) 3))
319 (test '() (list-tail '(a b c d e f) 6))
320 (test '() (list-tail '() 0))
321 (test-error (list-tail '(a b c d e f) -1))
322 (test-error (list-tail '(a b c d e f) 7))
323 (test-error (list-tail '(a b c d e . f) 6)))
325 (test-group "list-ref"
326 (test 'a (list-ref '(a b c d) 0))
327 (test 'b (list-ref '(a b c d) 1))
328 (test 'c (list-ref '(a b c d) 2))
329 (test 'd (list-ref '(a b c d) 3))
330 (test-error (list-ref '(a b c d) 4))
331 (test-error (list-ref '(a b c d) -1)))
333 (test-group "list-set!"
334 (let ((ls (list 'one 'two 'five!)))
335 (list-set! ls 2 'three)
336 (test '(two three) (cdr ls)))
337 ;; Should be an error?
338 #;(list-set! '(0 1 2) 1 "oops")
339 (test-error (list-set! (list 1 2 3) 3 'foo)))
341 (test-group "mem*"
342 (test '(a b c) (memq 'a '(a b c)))
343 (test '(b c) (memq 'b '(a b c)))
344 (test #f (memq 'a '(b c d)))
345 (test #f (memq (list 'a) '(b (a) c)))
346 (test '((a) c) (member (list 'a) '(b (a) c)))
347 (test '("b" "c") (member "B" '("a" "b" "c") string-ci=?))
348 (test '(101 102) (memq 101 '(100 101 102))) ; unspecified in R7RS
349 (test '(101 102) (memv 101 '(100 101 102))))
351 (test-group "ass*"
352 (define e '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
353 (test '(a 1) (assq 'a e))
354 (test '(b 2) (assq 'b e))
355 (test #f (assq 'd e))
356 (test #f (assq (list 'a) '(((a)) ((b)) ((c)))))
357 (test '((a)) (assoc (list 'a) '(((a)) ((b)) ((c)))))
358 (test '(2 4) (assoc 2.0 '((1 1) (2 4) (3 9)) =))
359 (test '(5 7) (assq 5 '((2 3) (5 7) (11 13)))) ; unspecified in R7RS
360 (test '(5 7) (assv 5 '((2 3) (5 7) (11 13))))
361 (test-error (assq 5 '(5 6 7)))
362 (test-error (assv 5 '(5 6 7)))
363 (test-error (assoc 5 '(5 6 7))))
365 (test-group "list-copy"
366 (define a '(1 8 2 8)) ; a may be immutable
367 (define b (list-copy a))
368 (set-car! b 3) ; b is mutable
369 (test '((3 8 2 8)) (list b))
370 (test '((1 8 2 8)) (list a))))
372(test-group "6.5: Symbols"
373 (test-group "symbol=?"
374 (test-error (symbol=?))
375 (test-error (symbol=? 'a))
376 (test-error (symbol=? 'a 1))
377 (test-error (symbol=? 'a 'b 1))
378 (test #t (symbol=? '|| '||))
379 (test #t (symbol=? '|a b| '|a b|))
380 (test #t (symbol=? 'a 'a))
381 (test #f (symbol=? 'a 'b))
382 (test #t (symbol=? 'a 'a 'a))
383 (test #f (symbol=? 'a 'a 'b))
384 (test #f (symbol=? 'a 'b 'b))
385 (test #t (symbol=? 'a 'a 'a 'a))
386 (test #f (symbol=? 'a 'a 'a 'b))
387 (test #f (symbol=? 'a 'a 'b 'b))
388 (test #f (symbol=? 'a 'b 'b 'b))))
390(test-group "6.6: characters"
391 (test-group "char*?"
392 (test-error "arity" (char=? #\a))
393 (test-error "type check" (char=? #\a #\a 1))
394 (test-error "no shortcutting" (char=? #\a #\b 1))
395 (test #f (char? 1))
396 (test #t (char? #\a))
397 (test #t (char=? #\a #\a))
398 (test #f (char=? #\a #\b))
399 (test #t (char=? #\a #\a #\a))
400 (test #f (char=? #\a #\b #\a))
401 (test #f (char=? #\a #\a #\b))
402 (test #t (char=? #\a #\a #\a #\a))
403 (test #f (char=? #\a #\b #\a #\a))
404 (test #f (char=? #\a #\a #\a #\b))
405 (test #t (char<? #\a #\b #\c))
406 (test #f (char<? #\a #\b #\b))
407 (test #t (char<=? #\a #\b #\b))
408 (test #f (char<=? #\a #\b #\a))
409 (test #t (char>? #\c #\b #\a))
410 (test #f (char>? #\a #\a #\a))
411 (test #t (char>=? #\b #\b #\a))
412 (test #f (char>=? #\b #\a #\b))))
414(test-group "6.7: strings"
416 (test-group "string*?"
417 (test-error "arity" (string=? "a"))
418 (test-error "type check" (string=? "a" "a" 1))
419 (test-error "no shortcutting" (string=? "a" "b" 1))
420 (test #f (string? 1))
421 (test #t (string? "a"))
422 (test #t (string=? "a" "a"))
423 (test #f (string=? "a" "b"))
424 (test #t (string=? "a" "a" "a"))
425 (test #f (string=? "a" "b" "a"))
426 (test #f (string=? "a" "a" "b"))
427 (test #t (string=? "a" "a" "a" "a"))
428 (test #f (string=? "a" "b" "a" "a"))
429 (test #f (string=? "a" "a" "a" "b"))
430 (test #t (string<? "a" "b" "c"))
431 (test #f (string<? "a" "b" "b"))
432 (test #t (string<=? "a" "b" "b"))
433 (test #f (string<=? "a" "b" "a"))
434 (test #t (string>? "c" "b" "a"))
435 (test #f (string>? "c" "b" "b"))
436 (test #t (string>=? "b" "b" "a"))
437 (test #f (string>=? "b" "a" "b")))
439 (test-group "string->list"
440 (test-error (string->list "" 1))
441 (test-error (string->list "a" 1 2))
442 (test '(#\a) (string->list "a"))
443 (test '() (string->list "a" 1))
444 (test '(#\b) (string->list "abc" 1 2))
445 (test '() (string->list "abc" 2 2)))
447 (test-group "string->vector"
448 (test-error (string->vector "" 1))
449 (test-error (string->vector "a" 0 2))
450 (test #(#\a) (string->vector "a"))
451 (test #() (string->vector "a" 1 1))
452 (test #(#\b) (string->vector "abc" 1 2))
453 (test #() (string->vector "abc" 2 2)))
455 (test-group "string-copy!"
456 (let ((r "abcdef"))
457 (string-copy! r 2 r 0 3)
458 (test "string-copy! r 2 r 0 3)" "ababcf" r)))
460 (test-group "vector->string"
461 (test-error (vector->string #() 1))
462 (test-error (vector->string #(1)))
463 (test-error (vector->string #(#\a) 0 2))
464 (test "a" (vector->string #(#\a)))
465 (test "" (vector->string #(#\a) 1 1))
466 (test "b" (vector->string #(#\a #\b #\c) 1 2))
467 (test "" (vector->string #(#\a #\b #\c) 2 2))))
469(test-group "6.8: vectors"
471 (test-group "vector-copy"
472 (test-error (vector-copy ""))
473 (test-error (vector-copy #() #()))
474 (test-error (vector-copy #() 1))
475 (test-error (vector-copy #(0) -1))
476 (test-error (vector-copy #(0) 0 2))
477 (test #() (vector-copy #()))
478 (test #(0 1 2) (vector-copy #(0 1 2)))
479 (test #(1 2) (vector-copy #(0 1 2) 1))
480 (test #(1) (vector-copy #(0 1 2) 1 2))
481 (test #() (vector-copy #(0 1 2) 1 1)))
483 (test-group "vector-copy!"
484 (test-error (vector-copy! ""))
485 (test-error (vector-copy! #(0) 0 ""))
486 (test-error (vector-copy! #() #() 0))
487 (test-error (vector-copy! #() 0 #(0)))
488 (test-error (vector-copy! #(0) 1 #(0)))
489 (test-error (vector-copy! #(0) 1 #(0) 0))
490 (test-error (vector-copy! #(0) 0 #(0) 0 2))
491 (test-error (vector-copy! #(0) 0 #(0 1) 1 0))
492 (test-assert (vector-copy! #() 0 #()))
493 (let ((t #(0 1 2))
494 (f #(3 4 5 6))
495 (r #(1 2 3 4 5)))
496 (vector-copy! t 0 f 1 1)
497 (test "(vector-copy! t 1 f 1 1)" #(0 1 2) t)
498 (vector-copy! t 0 f 0 1)
499 (test "(vector-copy! t 0 f 0 1)" #(3 1 2) t)
500 (vector-copy! t 0 f 1 3)
501 (test "(vector-copy! t 0 f 1 3)" #(4 5 2) t)
502 (vector-copy! t 1 f 2)
503 (test "(vector-copy! t 1 f 1)" #(4 5 6) t)
504 (vector-copy! t 0 f 1)
505 (test "(vector-copy! t 0 f)" #(4 5 6) t)
506 (vector-copy! r 2 r 0 3)
507 (test "(vector-copy! r 2 r 0 3)" #(1 2 1 2 3) r)))
509 (test-group "vector-append"
510 (test-error (vector-append ""))
511 (test-error (vector-append #() 1))
512 (test #() (vector-append))
513 (test #(0) (vector-append #(0)))
514 (test #() (vector-append #() #()))
515 (test #(0 1) (vector-append #(0) #(1)))
516 (test #(0 1 2 3 4 5) (vector-append #(0 1) #(2 3) #(4 5))))
518 (test-group "vector->list"
519 (test-error (vector->list ""))
520 (test-error (vector->list #() 1))
521 (test '() (vector->list #()))
522 (test '(0 1 2) (vector->list #(0 1 2)))
523 (test '(1 2) (vector->list #(0 1 2) 1))
524 (test '(1) (vector->list #(0 1 2) 1 2))
525 (test '() (vector->list #(0 1 2) 2 2))))
527(test-group "6.9: bytevectors"
529 (test-group "bytevector-copy"
530 (test-error (bytevector-copy ""))
531 (test-error (bytevector-copy #u8() #u8()))
532 (test-error (bytevector-copy #u8() 1))
533 (test-error (bytevector-copy #u8(0) -1))
534 (test-error (bytevector-copy #u8(0) 0 2))
535 (test #u8() (bytevector-copy #u8()))
536 (test #u8(0 1 2) (bytevector-copy #u8(0 1 2)))
537 (test #u8(1 2) (bytevector-copy #u8(0 1 2) 1))
538 (test #u8(1) (bytevector-copy #u8(0 1 2) 1 2))
539 (test #u8() (bytevector-copy #u8(0 1 2) 1 1)))
541 (test-group "bytevector-copy!"
542 (test-error (bytevector-copy! ""))
543 (test-error (bytevector-copy! #u8(0) 0 ""))
544 (test-error (bytevector-copy! #u8() #u8() 0))
545 (test-error (bytevector-copy! #u8() 0 #u8(0)))
546 (test-error (bytevector-copy! #u8(0) 1 #u8(0)))
547 (test-error (bytevector-copy! #u8(0) 1 #u8(0) 0))
548 (test-error (bytevector-copy! #u8(0) 0 #u8(0) 0 2))
549 (test-error (bytevector-copy! #u8(0) 0 #u8(0 1) 1 0))
550 (test-assert (bytevector-copy! #u8() 0 #u8()))
551 (let ((t #u8(0 1 2))
552 (f #u8(3 4 5 6))
553 (r #u8(1 2 3 4 5)))
554 (bytevector-copy! t 0 f 1 1)
555 (test "(bytevector-copy! t 1 f 1 1)" #u8(0 1 2) t)
556 (bytevector-copy! t 0 f 0 1)
557 (test "(bytevector-copy! t 0 f 0 1)" #u8(3 1 2) t)
558 (bytevector-copy! t 0 f 1 3)
559 (test "(bytevector-copy! t 0 f 1 3)" #u8(4 5 2) t)
560 (bytevector-copy! t 1 f 2)
561 (test "(bytevector-copy! t 1 f 1)" #u8(4 5 6) t)
562 (bytevector-copy! t 0 f 1)
563 (test "(bytevector-copy! t 0 f)" #u8(4 5 6) t)
564 (bytevector-copy! r 2 r 0 3)
565 (test "(bytevector-copy! r 2 r 0 3)" #u8(1 2 1 2 3) r)))
567 (test-group "bytevector-append"
568 (test-error (bytevector-append #u8() 1))
569 (test #u8() (bytevector-append))
570 (test #u8(0) (bytevector-append #u8(0)))
571 (test #u8() (bytevector-append #u8() #u8()))
572 (test #u8(0 1) (bytevector-append #u8(0) #u8(1)))
573 (test #u8(0 1 2 3 4 5) (bytevector-append #u8(0 1) #u8(2 3) #u8(4 5))))
575 (test-group "bytevector read syntax"
576 (test (bytevector 1 2 3) (read-from-string "#u8(1 2 3)")))
578 )
580(test-group "6.10: Control features"
582 (define (1st . a) (car a))
583 (define (2nd . a) (cadr a))
584 (define (acc proc f . rest) ; accumulate results of `f`
585 (let ((a '()))
586 (apply proc (lambda args (set! a (cons (apply f args) a))) rest)
587 (reverse a)))
589 (define char-add1
590 (compose integer->char add1 char->integer))
592 (test-group "string-map"
593 (test-error (string-map "abc"))
594 (test-error (string-map values))
595 (test-error (string-map values '(1 2 3)))
596 (test-error (string-map (constantly 1) "abc"))
597 (test "" (string-map values ""))
598 (test "abc" (string-map values "abc"))
599 (test "aaa" (string-map (constantly #\a) "abc"))
600 (test "bcd" (string-map char-add1 "abc"))
601 (test "abc" (string-map 1st "abc" "123"))
602 (test "123" (string-map 2nd "abc" "123"))
603 (test "abc" (string-map 1st "abc" "123456"))
604 (test "123" (string-map 2nd "abc" "123456")))
606 (test-group "string-for-each"
607 (test-error (string-for-each "abc"))
608 (test-error (string-for-each values))
609 (test-error (string-for-each values '(1 2 3)))
610 (test '() (acc string-for-each values ""))
611 (test '(#\a #\b #\c) (acc string-for-each values "abc"))
612 (test '(#\b #\c #\d) (acc string-for-each char-add1 "abc"))
613 (test '((#\a #\1) (#\b #\2) (#\c #\3)) (acc string-for-each list "abc" "123"))
614 (test '(#\1 #\2 #\3) (acc string-for-each 2nd "abc" "123"))
615 (test '(#\a #\b #\c) (acc string-for-each 1st "abc" "123456"))
616 (test '(#\1 #\2 #\3) (acc string-for-each 2nd "abc" "123456")))
618 (test-group "vector-map"
619 (test-error (vector-map #(1 2 3)))
620 (test-error (vector-map values))
621 (test-error (vector-map values '(1 2 3)))
622 (test #() (vector-map values #()))
623 (test #(1 2 3) (vector-map values #(1 2 3)))
624 (test #(1 1 1) (vector-map (constantly 1) #(1 2 3)))
625 (test #(2 3 4) (vector-map add1 #(1 2 3)))
626 (test #(1 2 3) (vector-map 1st #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)))
627 (test #(4 5 6) (vector-map 2nd #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)))
628 (test #(1 2 3) (vector-map 1st #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6 7 8 9)))
629 (test #(4 5 6) (vector-map 2nd #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6 7 8 9))))
631 (test-group "vector-for-each"
632 (test-error (vector-for-each #(1 2 3)))
633 (test-error (vector-for-each values))
634 (test-error (vector-for-each values '(1 2 3)))
635 (test '() (acc vector-for-each values #()))
636 (test '(1 2 3) (acc vector-for-each values #(1 2 3)))
637 (test '(2 3 4) (acc vector-for-each add1 #(1 2 3)))
638 (test '((1 4) (2 5) (3 6)) (acc vector-for-each list #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)))
639 (test '(4 5 6) (acc vector-for-each 2nd #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)))
640 (test '(1 2 3) (acc vector-for-each 1st #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6 7 8 9)))
641 (test '(4 5 6) (acc vector-for-each 2nd #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6 7 8 9)))))
643(test-group "6.13: Input"
644 (test-assert "read-string returns eof-object for empty string"
645 (eof-object? (with-input-from-string "" (lambda () (read-string 1)))))
646 (test-assert "read-bytevector returns eof-object for empty string"
647 (eof-object? (with-input-from-string "" (lambda () (read-bytevector 1))))))
649(define-syntax catch
650 (syntax-rules ()
651 ((_ . body) (handle-exceptions e e . body))))
653(test-group "exceptions"
654 (test "with-exception-handler (escape)"
655 'exception
656 (call-with-current-continuation
657 (lambda (k)
658 (with-exception-handler
659 (lambda (e) (k 'exception))
660 (lambda () (+ 1 (raise 'an-error)))))))
661 (test-error "with-exception-handler (return)"
662 (with-exception-handler
663 (lambda (e) 'ignore)
664 (lambda () (+ 1 (raise 'an-error)))))
665 (test-error "with-exception-handler (raise)"
666 (with-exception-handler
667 (lambda (e) (raise 'another-error))
668 (lambda () (+ 1 (raise 'an-error)))))
669 (test "with-exception-handler (raise-continuable)"
670 '("should be a number" 65)
671 (let* ((exception-object #f)
672 (return-value
673 (with-exception-handler
674 (lambda (e) (set! exception-object e) 42)
675 (lambda () (+ (raise-continuable "should be a number") 23)))))
676 (list exception-object return-value)))
677 (test "error-object? (#f)" #f (error-object? 'no))
678 (test "error-object? (#t)" #t (error-object? (catch (car '()))))
679 (test "error-object-message" "fubar" (error-object-message (catch (error "fubar"))))
680 (test "error-object-irritants" '(42) (error-object-irritants (catch (error "fubar" 42))))
681 (test "read-error? (#f)" #f (read-error? (catch (car '()))))
682 (test "read-error? (#t)" #t (read-error? (catch (read-from-string ")"))))
683 (test "file-error? (#f)" #f (file-error? (catch (car '()))))
684 (test "file-error? (#t)" #t (file-error? (catch (open-input-file "foo"))))
685 (test-error "guard (no match)"
686 (guard (condition ((assq 'c condition))) (raise '((a . 42)))))
687 (test "guard (match)"
688 '(b . 23)
689 (guard (condition ((assq 'b condition))) (raise '((b . 23)))))
690 (test "guard (=>)"
691 42
692 (guard (condition ((assq 'a condition) => cdr)) (raise '((a . 42)))))
693 (test "guard (multiple)"
694 '(b . 23)
695 (guard (condition
696 ((assq 'a condition) => cdr)
697 ((assq 'b condition)))
698 (raise '((b . 23))))))
700;; call-with-port is not supposed to close its port when leaving the
701;; dynamic extent, only on normal return.
703;; XXX TODO: Rewrite in terms of SRFI-6 string port interface, so
704;; no call-with-*-string, but use get-output-string and such!
705;; Do this when it's clear how to re-export Chicken stuff.
706(test-group "string ports"
707 (receive (jump-back? jump!)
708 (call/cc (lambda (k) (values #f k)))
709 (when jump-back? (jump! (void)))
710 (let ((string (call-with-output-string
711 (lambda (the-string-port)
712 (receive (one two three)
713 (call-with-port the-string-port
714 (lambda (p)
715 (display "foo" p)
716 ;; Leave the dynamic extent momentarily;
717 ;; jump! will immediately return with #t.
718 (call/cc (lambda (k) (jump! #t k)))
719 (test-assert "Port is still open after excursion"
720 (output-port-open? the-string-port))
721 (display "bar" p)
722 (values 1 2 3)))
723 (test "call-with-port returns all values yielded by proc"
724 '(1 2 3)
725 (list one two three)))
726 (test-assert "call-with-port closes the port on normal return"
727 (not (output-port-open? the-string-port)))
728 (test-assert "It's ok to close output ports that are closed"
729 (close-port the-string-port))
730 (test-error "input-port-open? fails on output ports"
731 (input-port-open? the-string-port))))))
732 (test "call-with-port passes the port correctly and allows temporary escapes"
733 "foobar" string)))
735 (call-with-input-string "foo"
736 (lambda (the-string-port)
737 (test-error "output-port-open? fails on input ports"
738 (output-port-open? the-string-port))
739 (test-assert "Initially, string port is open"
740 (input-port-open? the-string-port))
741 (test "Reading from string delivers the data"
742 'foo (read the-string-port))
743 (test "After reading all, we get the eof-object"
744 (eof-object) (read the-string-port))
745 (test-assert "Port is still open after all reads"
746 (input-port-open? the-string-port))
747 (close-port the-string-port)
748 (test-assert "Port is no longer open after closing it"
749 (not (input-port-open? the-string-port)))
750 (test-assert "It's ok to close input ports that are already closed"
751 (close-port the-string-port)))))
753;; This is for later. We can't define it inside a group because that
754;; would make it locally scoped (as a letrec rewrite), which breaks
755;; the syntax-rules underscore tests. Very subtle (and annoying), this!
756(define (_) 'underscore-procedure)
757(define ___ 'triple-underscore-literal)
759(test-group "syntax-rules"
760 (test "let-syntax w/ basic syntax-rules"
761 100
762 (let-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules ()
763 ((_ x form)
764 (let ((tmp x))
765 (if (number? tmp)
766 form
767 (error "not a number" tmp)))))))
768 (foo 2 100)))
769 (let-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules ()
770 ((_ #(a ...)) (list a ...)))))
771 (test "Basic matching of vectors"
772 '(1 2 3) (foo #(1 2 3))))
773 ;; ellipsis pattern element wasn't matched - reported by Jim Ursetto (fixed rev. 13582)
774 (let-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules ()
775 ((_ (a b) ...)
776 (list 'first '(a b) ...))
777 ((_ a ...)
778 (list 'second '(a) ...)))))
779 (test "Basic ellipsis match"
780 '(first (1 2) (3 4) (5 6)) (foo (1 2) (3 4) (5 6)))
781 (test "Ellipsis match of length 1 does not match length 2"
782 '(second (1)) (foo 1))
783 (test "Ellipsis match of lists with mismatched lengths (used to fail)"
784 '(second ((1 2)) ((3)) ((5 6))) (foo (1 2) (3) (5 6))))
786 (test "letrec-syntax"
787 34
788 (letrec-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules () ((_ x) (bar x))))
789 (bar (syntax-rules () ((_ x) (+ x 1)))))
790 (foo 33)))
791 (test "Basic hygienic rename of syntactic keywords"
792 'now
793 (let-syntax ((when (syntax-rules ()
794 ((when test stmt1 stmt2 ...)
795 (if test
796 (begin stmt1
797 stmt2 ...))))))
798 (let ((if #t))
799 (when if (set! if 'now))
800 if)))
801 (test "Basic hygienic rename of shadowed outer let"
802 'outer
803 (let ((x 'outer))
804 (let-syntax ((m (syntax-rules () ((m) x))))
805 (let ((x 'inner))
806 (m)))))
807 (test "Simple recursive letrec expansion"
808 7
809 (letrec-syntax
810 ((my-or (syntax-rules ()
811 ((my-or) #f)
812 ((my-or e) e)
813 ((my-or e1 e2 ...)
814 (let ((temp e1))
815 (if temp
816 temp
817 (my-or e2 ...)))))))
818 (let ((x #f)
819 (y 7)
820 (temp 8)
821 (let odd?)
822 (if even?))
823 (my-or x
824 (let temp)
825 (if y)
826 y))))
827 ;; From Al* Petrofsky's "An Advanced Syntax-Rules Primer for the Mildly Insane"
828 (let ((a 1))
829 (letrec-syntax
830 ((foo (syntax-rules ()
831 ((_ b)
832 (bar a b))))
833 (bar (syntax-rules ()
834 ((_ c d)
835 (cons c (let ((c 3))
836 (list d c 'c)))))))
837 (let ((a 2))
838 (test "Al* Petrofsky torture test" '(1 2 3 a) (foo a)))))
839 (let-syntax
840 ((foo (syntax-rules ()
841 ((_)
842 '#(b)))))
843 (test "Quoted symbols inside vectors are stripped of syntactic info"
844 '#(b) (foo)))
845 (let-syntax ((kw (syntax-rules (baz)
846 ((_ baz) "baz")
847 ((_ any) "no baz"))))
848 (test "syntax-rules keywords match" "baz" (kw baz))
849 (test "syntax-rules keywords no match" "no baz" (kw xxx))
850 (let ((baz 100))
851 (test "keyword loses meaning if shadowed" "no baz" (kw baz))))
852 (test "keyword also loses meaning for builtins (from R7RS section 4.3.2)"
853 'ok
854 (let ((=> #f))
855 (cond (#t => 'ok))))
856 (test "Nested identifier shadowing works correctly"
857 '(3 4)
858 (let ((foo 3))
859 (let-syntax ((bar (syntax-rules () ((_ x) (list foo x)))))
860 (let ((foo 4))
861 (bar foo)))))
862 (let-syntax ((c (syntax-rules ()
863 ((_)
864 (let ((x 10))
865 (let-syntax ((z (syntax-rules ()
866 ((_) (quote x)))))
867 (z))))))
868 (c2 (syntax-rules ()
869 ((_)
870 (let ((x 10))
871 (let-syntax
872 ((z (syntax-rules ()
873 ((_) (let-syntax
874 ((w (syntax-rules ()
875 ((_) (quote x)))))
876 (w))))))
877 (z)))))))
878 ;; Reported by Matthew Flatt
879 (test "strip-syntax cuts across three levels of syntax"
880 "x" (symbol->string (c)))
881 (test "strip-syntax cuts across four levels of syntax"
882 "x" (symbol->string (c2))))
883 (let-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules
884 ___ ()
885 ((_ vals ___) (list '... vals ___)))))
886 (test "Alternative ellipsis (from SRFI-46)"
887 '(... 1 2 3) (foo 1 2 3)))
888 (let-syntax ((let-alias (syntax-rules
889 ___ ()
890 ((_ new old code ___)
891 (let-syntax
892 ((new
893 (syntax-rules ()
894 ((_ args ...) (old args ...)))))
895 code ___)))))
896 (let-alias inc (lambda (x) (+ 1 x))
897 (test "Ellipsis rules are reset in new macro expansion phase"
898 3 (inc 2))))
899 (let-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules ()
900 ((_ (a ... b) ... (c d))
901 (list (list (list a ...) ... b ...) c d))
902 ((_ #(a ... b) ... #(c d) #(e f))
903 (list (list (vector a ...) ... b ...) c d e f))
904 ((_ #(a ... b) ... #(c d))
905 (list (list (vector a ...) ... b ...) c d)))))
906 (test-group "rest patterns after ellipsis (SRFI-46 smoke test)"
907 (test '(() 1 2) (foo (1 2)))
908 (test '(((1) 2) 3 4) (foo (1 2) (3 4)))
909 (test '(((1 2) (4) 3 5) 6 7)
910 (foo (1 2 3) (4 5) (6 7)))
911 (test '(() 1 2)
912 (foo #(1 2)))
913 (test '((#() 1) 2 3)
914 (foo #(1) #(2 3)))
915 (test '((#(1 2) 3) 4 5)
916 (foo #(1 2 3) #(4 5)))
917 (test '((#(1 2) 3) 4 5 6 7)
918 (foo #(1 2 3) #(4 5) #(6 7)))
919 (test '(() 1 2 3 4)
920 (foo #(1 2) #(3 4)))
921 (test '((#(1) 2) 3 4 5 6)
922 (foo #(1 2) #(3 4) #(5 6)))
923 (test '((#(1 2) #(4) 3 5) 6 7 8 9)
924 (foo #(1 2 3) #(4 5) #(6 7) #(8 9)))))
925 (let-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules ()
926 ((_ #((a) ...)) (list a ...)))))
927 (test "Bug discovered during implementation of rest patterns"
928 '(1)
929 (foo #((1)))))
930 ;; R7RS: (<ellipsis> <template>) is like <template>, ignoring
931 ;; occurrances of <ellipsis> inside the template.
932 (let-syntax ((be-like-begin
933 (syntax-rules ()
934 ((be-like-begin name)
935 (define-syntax name
936 (syntax-rules ()
937 ((name expr (... ...))
938 (begin expr (... ...)))))))))
939 (be-like-begin sequence)
940 (test "be-like-begin from R7RS 4.3.2 (nested ellipsis are not expanded)"
941 4 (sequence 1 2 3 4)))
942 (let-syntax ((ignore-underscores
943 (syntax-rules ()
944 ((_ _ _ _) (_)))))
945 (test "underscores are ignored in patterns"
946 'underscore-procedure (ignore-underscores _ b c)))
948 (test-group "undefined behaviours: mixing keywords, ellipsis and underscores"
949 (test-group "underscore as keyword literal"
950 (define-syntax match-literal-underscores ; for eval
951 (syntax-rules (_)
952 ((x a _ c) (_))
953 ((x _ b c) 1)))
954 (test-error "Missing literal underscore keyword causes syntax-error"
955 (eval '(match-literal-underscores d e f)))
956 (test "Literal underscore matches"
957 1 (match-literal-underscores _ h i))
958 (test "Literal underscore matches even if it refers to toplevel binding"
959 'underscore-procedure (match-literal-underscores g _ i)))
961 (test-group "underscore as ellipsis"
962 ;; It's undefined what this should do. Logically, it should be
963 ;; possible to bind _ as an ellipsis identifier.
964 (define-syntax match-ellipsis-underscores ; for eval
965 (syntax-rules _ () ((x a _ c) (list a _ c))))
966 (test-error "No rule matching if prefix is omitted"
967 (eval '(match-ellipsis-underscores)))
968 (test "Only prefix is supplied"
969 '(1) (match-ellipsis-underscores 1))
970 (test "Ellipsis does its work if multiple arguments given"
971 '(1 2 3 4 5 6) (match-ellipsis-underscores 1 2 3 4 5 6)))
973 (test-group "underscore as ellipsis mixed with underscore literal"
974 ;; Even more undefined behaviour: mixing literals and ellipsis identifiers
975 ;; Currently, ellipsis identifiers have precedence over the other two.
976 (define-syntax match-ellipsis-and-literals-underscores ; for eval
977 (syntax-rules _ (_) ((x a _ c) (list a _ c))))
978 (test-error "No rule matching if prefix is omitted"
979 (eval '(match-ellipsis-and-literals-underscores)))
980 (test '(1) (match-ellipsis-and-literals-underscores 1))
981 (test '(1 2 3) (match-ellipsis-and-literals-underscores 1 2 3))
982 (test '(1 2 3 4 5 6) (match-ellipsis-and-literals-underscores 1 2 3 4 5 6)))
984 (test-group "\"custom\" ellipsis and literal of the same identifier"
985 ;; This is similar to the above, but maybe a little simpler because
986 ;; it does not use reserved names:
987 (define-syntax match-ellipsis-literals
988 (syntax-rules ___ (___)
989 ((_ x ___) (list x ___))))
990 (test "Ellipsis as literals"
991 '(1) (match-ellipsis-literals 1))
992 (test "Ellipsis as literals multiple args"
993 '(1 2) (match-ellipsis-literals 1 2))
994 (test "Toplevel binding of the same name as ellipsis"
995 '(1 triple-underscore-literal) (match-ellipsis-literals 1 ___))))
997 (letrec-syntax ((usetmp
998 (syntax-rules ()
999 ((_ var)
1000 (list var))))
1001 (withtmp
1002 (syntax-rules ()
1003 ((_ val exp)
1004 (let ((tmp val))
1005 (exp tmp))))))
1006 (test "Passing a macro as argument to macro"
1007 '(99)
1008 (withtmp 99 usetmp)))
1010 ;; renaming of keyword argument (#277)
1011 (let-syntax ((let-hello-proc
1012 (syntax-rules ()
1013 ((_ procname code ...)
1014 (let ((procname (lambda (#!key (who "world"))
1015 (string-append "hello, " who))))
1016 code ...)))))
1017 (let-hello-proc bar
1018 ;; This is not R7RS, but R7RS should not interfere with other
1019 ;; CHICKEN features!
1020 (test "DSSSL keyword arguments aren't renamed (not R7RS)"
1021 "hello, XXX" (bar who: "XXX")))))
1023(test-group "define-record-type"
1024 (define-record-type foo (make-foo) foo?)
1025 (define foo1 (make-foo))
1026 (test-assert "Record instances satisfy their predicates" (foo? foo1))
1027 (define-record-type foo (make-foo) foo?)
1028 (test-assert "Record type definitions are generative" (not (foo? foo1))))
1030(test-group "open-input-bytevector"
1031 (test (bytevector 0 1 2 10 13 40 41 42 128 140 240 255)
1032 (let ((bv (bytevector 0 1 2 10 13 40 41 42 128 140 240 255)))
1033 (read-bytevector 12 (open-input-bytevector bv)))))
1035(test-group "open-output-bytevector"
1036 (test (bytevector 0 1 2 10 13 40 41 42 128 140 240 255)
1037 (let ((p (open-output-bytevector)))
1038 (write-bytevector (bytevector 0 1 2 10 13) p)
1039 (write-bytevector (bytevector 40 41 42 128) p)
1040 (write-bytevector (bytevector 140 240 255) p)
1041 (close-output-port p)
1042 (get-output-bytevector p))))
1044;; this was submitted as broken by Lukas Bröger:
1045(test-group "eval environments"
1046 (test 42 (eval '42 (scheme-report-environment 5))))
1048(test-end "r7rs tests")